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Advisory on Competency-based Student Assessment and Reporting

[January 2023]
EDR 126 (1) Each school shall develop its own internal policies and practices for assessing and evaluating
student achievement in individual courses at the various grade levels, provided that such policies and practices
are in keeping with guidelines set out by the Ministry. EDR 126 (2) Evaluation of student achievement shall be
based on sound principles of measurement and evaluation of student achievement, good test development
practices, multiple assessments, and multiple bases for assessment. Education Rules, 2000

Overview of Competency-based Assessment1

Competency-based assessment involves a holistic process that focuses on the formative purpose of quality and
equitable student learning and development. It is outcome-based to ensure that teachers teach to the learning
outcomes and students aim to achieve or exceed the learning outcomes.

Students’ achievement of the learning outcomes (competencies: knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values) serves
as crucial evidence of learning and development. Therefore, competencybased assessments should be aligned
with the specified learning outcomes (competencies: knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values) to ensure content
validity. This will ensure that the assessments are at the appropriate level of the relevant domain of learning (rigor)
and are focused on measuring students’ mastery of the (competencies: knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values) in
specified learning outcomes.

Competency-based assessments should embrace the following principles.2 The assessment: ✓ is a learning
experience that is meaningful, positive, and empowering for students
✓ is observable and measurable by the teacher
✓ yields diverse forms of evidence that encourage students’ voices
✓ yields performance evidence that is timely, relevant, growth-oriented, and actionable
✓ authentic and performance-based – will allow students to demonstrate mastery by demonstrating or
applying what they know, can do, or value in a real life/world scenario
✓ allows students to demonstrate mastery of competencies through multiple demonstrations of learning
✓ promotes students’ collaboration and cooperation
✓ allows students to self-assess their own competence
✓ allows students to receive remedial instruction and reassessment, if necessary, without any penalties to
demonstrate an acceptable level of proficiency

Competency-Based Proficiency Scale

Schools are expected to transition from traditional grading systems to a competency-based system using the
proficiency scale outlined overleaf. This proficiency scale is composed of four levels of proficiency on a 4-point
scale; the traditional grading equivalencies (% grades and letter grades) are included and should serve as a point of
reference during the transition period.

Levine, E. & Patrick, S. (2019). What is competency-based education? An updated definition. Vienna, VA: Aurora Institute.
Adapted from:
• Evans, C.M., Landl, E., & Thompson, J. (2021). Making sense of K-12 competency-based education: A systematic literature review of
implementation and outcomes research from 2000 to 2019. Journal of Competency-Based Education. (5): e01228.
• O’Connor, K. & Stiggins, R. (2009). How to Grade for Learning, K-12, Third Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
• Reeves, D. B. (2000). Standards are not enough: Essential transformations for school success. NASSP Bulletin, 84(10), 5-19.
• Wormeli, R. (2011) Redos and Retakes Done Right. Educational Leadership, pp. 22-26. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

The main purpose of the proficiency scale is to estimate students’ level of proficiency or mastery of the
competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values) relevant to the specified learning outcomes. The
definition for each level of proficiency remains constant across subjects and grade levels.

Note that proficiency scales support accuracy, consistency, and equity in measuring students’ learning. This form of
assessment is efficient and effective in supporting students to become proficient since the learning targets are more
clearly defined thus, providing clarity and transparency of levels of mastery. The focus is shifted from points and
percent grades to students achieving the learning outcomes and demonstrating their level of competency via
authentic performance tasks.

Proficiency scales also allow students to self-assess their own competence and achievement of the learning
outcomes. When self-assessing, students reflect, gather evidence, and assess their own progress. This process leads
to increased self-awareness, ownership, and engagement – the development of self-regulation and self-regulated
learning. Additionally, proficiency scales allow for communicating and describing each student’s growth and
progress toward achieving the specified learning outcomes. As such, proficiency scales provide students, teachers,
administrators, and parents with a more effective and evidence-based way to discuss the student’s current level of
proficiency and what the student needs to improve on to become more proficient, relevant to the learning outcomes.

The four-point proficiency scale is illustrated in the tables below. The assessment and reporting of students' progress
for each learning cycle should be done at four levels of proficiency:
1) Emerging 3) Achieving
2) Developing 4) Mastering

Competency-Based Proficiency Scale1

Proficiency Levels
Emerging Developing Achieving Mastering

Traditional Below 70% 70% – 79% 80% – 89% 90% – 100%

Equivalencies F to D C- to C+ B- to B+ A- to A+

The student is The student is The student is The student is

Grade Level achieving a few of achieving some of achieving the grade exceeding the grade
Competencies the grade level the grade level level competencies. level competencies.
competencies. competencies.

Competency-Based Proficiency Scale3

1 Adapted from Greater Victoria School District #61 Victoria, BC, Canada. (n.d.). Proficiency scale pilot. Greater Victoria SD61 District
Learning Team.

Proficiency Levels
Emerging Developing Achieving Mastering

The student: The student: The student:

● Demonstrates initial ● Demonstrates ● Demonstrates
proficiency of partial proficiency The student: advanced
competencies of competencies ● Demonstrates proficiency of
relevant to the relevant to the proficiency of competencies
learning outcomes. learning competencies relevant to the
outcomes. relevant to the learning outcomes.
● Can achieve partial
Proficiency proficiency in the ● Demonstrates ● Exceeds the core
basic requirements partial proficiency requirements of the
Levels ● Demonstrates
of the learning in basic learning outcomes
Descriptions outcomes with help. requirements of proficiency in and can transfer
the learning core them automatically
● Works with
outcomes and requirements of and flexibly via
ongoing support.
with help can the learning authentic
apply them via outcomes and performance tasks.
authentic can apply them
● Works
performance through authentic
independently and
tasks. performance
can support others’
● Works with some learning.
support. ● Works
and can provide
some support in
the learning of

Individualized Some adjustments to The student is The student is

Instructional adjustments to planning and proficient in the exceeding in the
planning and instruction may be competencies competencies and
Implications needed for the student and is ready for
instruction are needed is ready for subsequent
for the student to to develop the subsequent learning learning outcomes.
develop the competencies. outcomes.

I am just getting I understand some of I understand the work I understand the work
Student and started. I can do some the work and can do and can do it on my very well and can do it
of the work with help some of it on my own with confidence on my own with ease. I
Parent Friendly from my teacher or own. I can do more and can teach some of can also apply what I
Language friends. with help from my it to my friends. know and teach it to my
teacher or friends. friends.


School ________________________________________

Address _______________________________________
Tel: ____________ Email: ________________________
Teaching Cycle: __________ to __________, _______

Student Name: ________________________ Class Level ________________________

Competency-based Proficiency Scale

1 2 3 4

Below 70% 70% – 79% 80% – 89% 90% – 100%

F to D C- to C+ B- to B+ A- to A+

Part A
Language Arts Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Mathematics Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary


Belizean Studies Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Health Education Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Physical Education Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary


Spanish Overall:
Competencies Proficiency General Comments
(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned
with Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Expressive Arts Overall:

Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Other Subjects, as applicable


Competencies Proficiency General Comments

(Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes aligned with
Grade level Learning Outcomes)

Add more rows as necessary

Part B

Character Development &

Learning Behaviours chieving
Uses appropriate language and voice
Demonstrates respect for self and others
Demonstrates responsibility and fairness
Thinks creatively and takes initiative

Follows directions on assigned tasks

Cooperates with others in group activities
Works independently; asks for help if needed

Remains focused and uses time wisely

Completes assignments on time
Participates actively in class
Organizes belongings/works neatly
Is always prepared with required materials

Add or remove rows as necessary

Part C
Printed Name Signature Date
Teacher: _____/_____/________
(dd/ mm/ yyyy)
Principal: _____/_____/________
(dd/ mm/ yyyy)
Parent: _____/_____/________
(dd/ mm/ yyyy)

How to use and interpret the Student Competency Report

Competency-based Proficiency Scale 1 2 3 4

Demonstrates difficulty in Demonstrates some Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a high level understanding
or progress in understanding understanding of grade of proficiency and
learning grade level and applying grade level level competencies and mastery of grade level competencies
competencies can apply appropriately competencies

Below 70% 70% – 79% 80% – 89% 90% – 100% F to D C- to C+ B- to B+

A- to A+
Student does not meet Student does not Student consistently meets Student consistently grade level expectations
consistently meet grade grade level expectations exceeds grade level level expectations
The student is achieving The student is achieving The student is achieving The student is exceeding a few of the
grade level some of the grade level the grade level the grade level competencies. There is competencies. There is
competencies. Student is competencies. Student is
cause for concern. room for improvement. doing fairly well. doing excellent work.

Subject Area Competency Report

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