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Engineering Design, 4th edition, by George E. Dieter and production.

These include engineering drawings, bill of materials,

Linda C. Schmidt. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2009, ISBN: final design review, and plans for design and manufacturing ac-
978-0-07-283703-2 tivities beyond the detailed design.
Chapter 10 is on modeling and simulation. It discusses types of
REVIEWED BY: SHAPOUR AZARM1 models, the model building process, dimensional analysis, a short
summary of finite difference/element methods, geometric model-
The first edition of Engineering Design was published in 1983, ing, and simulation modeling. Chapter 11 is on material selection
mainly for materials engineering majors. However, that and sub- for design, including performance characteristics of materials,
sequent editions of the book became popular among mechanical economics and recycling of materials. Chapter 12 is on design
engineering majors. In this fourth edition, the senior author with materials, including design for brittle fracture, fatigue failure,
共George Dieter兲 has been joined by his colleague 共Linda Schmidt兲 corrosion resistance, design against wear, and design with plastics.

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to make additional contributions in prescriptive product design Chapter 13 discusses design for manufacture, including classifica-
processes. This new edition of the book has 898⫹ pages and gives tion and selection of manufacturing processes. This chapter also
a comprehensive overview of engineering design processes for covers design for assembly, design for forgings, design for sheet
consumer products. metal forming, design for machining, design for heat treatment,
The authors have organized their book into 18 chapters. These and design for plastics processing. Chapter 14 is on risk, reliabil-
include the three design phases: conceptual, embodiment, and de- ity and safety. It discusses the probabilistic approach to design,
tailed design phases 共Chaps. 1–9兲, followed by the Design for X design for reliability, failure mode and effects analysis, and design
topics 共Chaps. 10–18兲. A brief summary of these chapters is pro- for safety. Chapter 15 is on quality, robust design and optimiza-
vided in the next two paragraphs to give the reader a sense of the tion. It presents the concept of total quality, quality control and
breath of materials covered in the book. assurance, statistical process control, and Taguchi method for ro-
In Chap. 1, an overview of the engineering design process is bust design. The chapter also gives a brief overview of optimiza-
provided including ways to think about the design process, con- tion concepts and methods. Chapter 16 presents cost evaluation. It
siderations of a good design, design to codes, and design review
discusses categories of costs and methods for estimating them.
for identifying problems with a design. Chapter 2 presents the
Chapter 17 presents legal and ethical issues such as contracts and
product development process including different organizational
structures, the critical function that marketing plays, and ideas their types, liability, intellectual property, and solving ethical con-
about technological innovations. Chapter 3 discusses details of the flicts. Finally, Chap. 18 is on economic decision making, includ-
problem definition, including customer needs. This chapter gives ing time value of money, cost comparisons by way of present
different views of customer requirements, engineering character- worth analysis, annual cost analysis, capitalized costs analysis,
istics, and the House of Quality which relates customer require- depreciation, taxes, profitability of investment, inflation, break-
ments and engineering characteristics. It also gives the details of even analysis, and benefit-cost analysis.
the product design specifications. Chapter 4 is on the infrastruc- Since design terminology can be a barrier to learning design
ture of the design including team related issues. It provides useful practice, these authors made a special effort to be consistent and
ideas such as what it takes to be an effective team leader or how use the most accepted design vocabulary. To reinforce the termi-
to conduct an effective team meeting, time management, planning, nology, each chapter ends with a list of New Terms and Concepts.
and scheduling in support of a design activity. Chapter 5 deals Many references are given to “classic design papers” and to
with gathering information. It discusses the challenges in collect- sources that extend the discussion of a particular topic. Neverthe-
ing information, types of information, and different sources of less, readers need to be aware of choices made by the authors of
information such as library, government, internet, professional so- the book. For example, the book is more oriented toward product
cieties and publications, and others. Chapter 6 presents a variety design than system design, although the design process described
of concept generation techniques with their strengths and weak- is applicable to both. Design optimization has been condensed
nesses. These methods include concept generation by brainstorm- from a separate chapter in the previous edition of the book to a
ing, analogy, association, functional decomposition, morphology, brief introductory section. The chapter on engineering statistics
and axiomatic design. Chapter 7 gives an overview of decision has been dropped from this edition. Chapter 17 on Legal and
making and selection tools, including the behavioral aspects of Ethical Issues in Design, and Chap. 18 on Economic Decision
decision making, decision trees, and evaluation methods such as Making have been placed on the publisher’s website
the Pugh’s method and analytical hierarchy process. Chapter 8 is 共兲. This website also maintains Errata, So-
on embodiment design. The embodiment is the phase where the lutions Manual for instructors, and other related information.
designer “puts meat on the bones.” It involves three main activi- In summary, this book provides a balance between extended
ties: product architecture, configuration design, and parametric de- discussion of the design tools that are finding acceptance from
sign. Additional topics in this chapter include dimensions and tol- problem definition to detail design and the design for X ideas that
erances, industrial design, human factors, design for environment, are important from an industry point of view. This is a good un-
prototyping and testing. Chapter 9 discusses the detailed design dergraduate text that should be applicable to almost any under-
phase where decisions are finalized and the design is released for graduate mechanical engineering curriculum. It should be a useful
companion to any new engineer starting his/her career. Also, it
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, would be a useful book for a practicing engineer who wishes to
MD 20742. become more familiar with modern approaches to product design.

Journal of Mechanical Design Copyright © 2009 by ASME MAY 2009, Vol. 131 / 056501-1

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