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Post-Term Planning for Pioneer Scholars

Your final research may be done, but your Pioneer journey continues! So what happens next? Your PCA has fulfilled
their responsibilities for the term, but we remain here for you. We want to share information with you about the
post-term process and how to stay connected with Pioneer. You can expect to receive your evaluation in the
Professor-scholar group on Schoology within 30 days. While you are awaiting the evaluation, we would appreciate it if
you would complete a few tasks. After you receive the evaluation, a few more items will require your attention.

In the Next 30 Days… In the Next few months (or Years!)…

First, if you have not done so already, please complete a post- If you are applying for college in the fall, you will be using Pioneer Credentials (If your college
program survey. Pioneer is constantly working to improve application process is further out, keep in mind that what follows will apply to you whenever you begin
the scholar experience and your feedback is helpful. your applications). This service will allow you to highlight your Pioneer experience in your college
applications. Familiarize yourself with the process by reading the Credentials Handbook. There you
Make sure to provide us with your most up-to-date and reliable
will find a thorough description of the process, so read it carefully. Also, make sure you add
contact info. You will need to check your email (and SPAM to your contact list so you receive emails about the process!
folder) at least once a week moving forward, as we frequently
send emails with important updates. Our ability to contact you
will be especially important for the credentials process. The You will receive three Credentials request forms that will need to be completed in order to ensure
credentials process is how we support you in highlighting your that your materials make it to the colleges to which you are applying. In September, you will receive
Pioneer experience in your college applications. It is never too the credentials form for early applications. In December, you will receive the credentials form for all
early to learn about the process and read through the other applications. In the Spring, you will receive the Admissions Results form which you will use to
Credentials handbook! inform us of the results of your college applications. NOTE: In the student agreement, you have agreed to
share your college admission results in a timely manner.
Take a few minutes to thank your professor and PCA by creating
1-3 minute thank you videos for them. These will be shared in the
In addition to the Credentials process, you may need to request your Oberlin College
fall. You can upload the videos into this Google drive or send
Transcript for your applications. The Oberlin transcript is separate from your Pioneer
them to us through WeChat. WeChat ID: wxid_v7294ihrpj5t22
evaluation. Transcripts are passed from school to school through a service called Parchment.
and WeChat nickname: Pioneer Operations
For more detailed instructions see the Credentials handbook.
Stay connected with other Pioneer scholars through the Pioneer
Alumni network and special event offerings. These are easy ways
to continue your college preparations and build relationships with
other Pioneer scholars. You will be invited to a series of Attached to this message, you will find a checklist you can use to keep track of
Admissions Officer Dialogues run by current admissions officers each of these tasks. If you have any questions, you can continue to message a
at various universities and colleges – check your email for these!
PCA on Schoology in the PCA-scholar group. We hope you are proud of what
Connect through, LinkedIn, or
Instagram. you have accomplished and look forward to continuing our work with you!

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