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The results of vile experimentation by living necromancers and death priests seeking to become more like
what they revere while remaining on this side of death, undead grafts are formed of non-living flesh
attached to a still-living body.
Acquiring an Undead Graft: Any spellcaster with the Graft Flesh feat and the proper prerequisites can
create and apply an undead graft. Members of the pale master prestige class receive certain grafts for
free as they advance in levels, and become more adept in the use of their grafts as well.
Editor: Every graft from Fiend Folio was reprinted in Libris Mortis. Here’s the weird thing, these have no
side effects. Other then people might freak out at how you look, there is no game mechanic for
“punishing” a player for taking these grafts.
Editor (Can you put undead grafts on undead?): As good a place to bring this up as any, can you put
undead grafts on the undead? I see no reason why not, although my RAW it states it has to be to a
“still-living” body. So you could give a zombie fiendish grafts, but not undead grafts? That’s a bit
insane. So by RAI, I believe you can, as long as the undead in question does not already have the
power you are trying to graft on him. (You can’t give a Morgh two tongues, for instance) You could
add any graft to an undead that doesn’t specifically state that the host needs some particular quality.
(i.e. He must be a skum. He must be alive.) For that matter, the grafts could go on a construct. It is
important to not that any graft attached to a lich becomes a part of them. So when they die, it follows
them to their new body. Destruction of a lich’s body will not get rid of a graft, you have to have
someone with the correct grafting feat spend time removing it.

Price: 25,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Eye, One).
This white, empty eye fits into a humanoid creature’s empty eye socket and allows the grafted creature to
make a death gaze attack once per day. The creature must use a standard action to target a creature with the
gaze, and the range of the effect is 30 feet. A DC 15 Fortitude save negates the effect. Unlike an actual
bodak’s death gaze, a target that dies from this attack does not transform into a bodak 24 hours later.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), finger of death.
Editor: Once a day DC 15 save or die. Boy does this suck. I am less then impressed.

Price: 16,000 gp
Graft Location: Attachment (Skin).
Bonemail resembles armor crafted from interlocking bones and shards of bone, but is actually part of the
grafted creature’s body. Bonemail grants a +2 natural armor bonus to the grafted creature’s AC.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), animate dead.
Editor: This will stack with chitin plate and Plated Skin. Still very expensive, but no reason you can’t get a
total +11 if you got the gold.

Price:40,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One).
An enervating arm is a gaunt limb of desiccated, leathery flesh. It grants a +4 inherent bonus to the grafted
creature’s Strength. Twice per day, the grafted creature can use an enervating touch to bestow one negative
level on a living creature. Removing the negative level requires a DC 14 Fortitude save. A touch that
misses does not count against the daily limit.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), enervation.
Editor: +4 inherant bonus for only 40,000 gp? Sign me up! That is cheap at twice the price. The negative
level power sucks, but the stat bonus is well worth it. I wish it counted as a natural weapon, but I am
uncertain if it does. I believe I could make a case that it is, but only for the purpose of the enervating
touch. Ask your DM, but I do believe that would be the RAW of the situation, so at least you don’t
have to waste a standard action to attack with it.
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 10,800 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Eye, One).
This crimson eye-shaped gem fits into a humanoid creature’s empty eye socket and can produce a fireball
once per day upon command. The fireball deals 10d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 14 half). Half of the
damage is fire damage, and the other half is divine damage that affects even targets resistant to fire.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), fireball.
Editor: So not worth it. I don’t care if half the damage is divine, the save DC is so low as to render it
effectively useless at any level over 7th. Ask your DM, but technically all grafts are natural weapons.
However, I am unclear as to if this graft is CASTING a spell, or if the fireball is an extraordinary
ability. I believe it should be treated as supernatural, so you can’t use it as a natural attack.

Price: 6,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One).
This gray, incorporeal arm can’t be used to manipulate solid objects. However, the grafted creature can use
the ghostly arm to deliver an incorporeal touch attack that deals 1d6 points of damage, the equivalent of a
ghost’s corrupting touch attack. Treat the arm as a secondary weapon, but because it is incorporeal the arm
has no Strength score and therefore gains no bonus or penalty on damage rolls from the user’s Strength.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), ethereal jaunt.
Editor: There has got to be a way to use this creatively. I just can’t think of anything at the moment. I’m
thinking of an incorporeal lever inside of solid rock that can only be pulled while a solid level is pulled
at the same time. Something like that. Remember that ghost touch weapons can be affected normally
by incorporeal creatures, so if you have a ghost touch weapon, you can use it in your ghost arm.
However, that would defeat it’s purpose as a natural weapon, and therefore allowing an extra attack.
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 24,000 gp
Graft Location: Implant (Head)
This long, cartilaginous tongue bears sharp claws at its tip. The grafted creature can make touch attacks
with the tongue (treat it as a secondary weapon). A successful touch paralyzes the target for 1d4 minutes
(Fortitude DC 17 negates).
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), ghoul touch.
Editor: It’s a secondary weapon, but nothing says you can’t make it your primary. This might be
impressive on a monk, then it could do damage and paralyze. Still, a bit expensive, but with some work
could work. However, having a five foot tongue is weird. As a natural weapon, you will want to full
action attack as much as possible with this. As a side note, if you also get maug spike stones, this
technically would also do an additional 1d4 points of piercing damage. The mental image disturbs me.
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 50,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Eye, One).
Activation: 1 standard action.
Range: 55 ft.
Target: One living creature.
Duration: 4 rounds.
Saving Throw: Fortitude (DC 19)
Spell Resistance: Yes (1d20+12)
This hard, round orb fits into a humanoid creature’s empty eye socket and looks much like a normal eye at
first glance, but it has a distinctly dry appearance and does not move in the socket. The grafted creature can
use the eyebite spell as a 12th-level caster once per day.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), Eyebite.
Editor (Eyebite): Each round, you may target a single living creature, striking it with waves of evil
power. Depending on the target’s HD, this attack has as many as three effects. The effects are
cumulative and concurrent.
Sickened: Sudden pain and fever sweeps over the subject’s body. A sickened creature takes a –2
penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
A creature affected by this spell remains sickened for 120 minutes. The effects cannot be
negated by a remove disease or heal spell, but a remove curse is effective.
Panicked: The subject becomes panicked for 1d4 rounds. Even after the panic ends, the creature
remains shaken for 120 minutes, and it automatically becomes panicked again if it comes
within sight of you during that time. This is a fear effect.
Comatose: The subject falls into a catatonic coma for 120 minutes. During this time, it cannot be
awakened by any means short of dispelling the effect. This is not a sleep effect, and thus elves
are not immune to it. The spell lasts for 1 round per three caster levels. You must spend a
move action each round after the first to target a foe.
Effect by HD: 10+ Sickened, 5-9 Panicked, Sickened, 0-4 Comatose, Panicked, Sickened
Editor: This is awful. Never take it. Kill it with fire. By the time you can afford it, your enemies will
ignore it by virtue of giving too many HD. And it only works once a day? Well, you at least get to use
it four times, but still. Way to expensive to cost you your standard action to use it. And since you are
casting Eyebite, it fails in an antimagic field. Horrible graft. Just horrible.

Price: 16,200 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One).
This withered hand is swathed in the remnants of funereal wrappings. The grafted creature can use the
mummified hand to deliver a slam attack; the damage dealt is the same as that dealt by a zombie of the
creature’s size. In addition, three times per day the grafted creature can deliver mummy rot with a slam
attack. The choice to use mummy rot must be made before the attack is rolled; if the attack misses, the
daily use is lost. The Fortitude save to resist the mummy rot is DC 16.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), contagion.
Editor: There are more effective choices then this. Where it comes into it’s own is if you have an extra
limb that normally is useless. Then this will be a major upgrade.
Editor (Mummy Rot): Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution
0 (and dies) or is cured. Mummy rot is a powerful curse, not a natural disease. A character attempting
to cast any conjuration (healing) spell on a creature afflicted with mummy rot must succeed on a DC
20 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the afflicted character. To eliminate mummy rot, the
curse must first be broken with break enchantment or remove curse (requiring a DC 20 caster level
check for either spell), after which a caster level check is no longer necessary to cast healing spells on
the victim, and the mummy rot can be magically cured as any normal disease. An afflicted creature
who dies of mummy rot shrivels away into sand and dust that blow away into nothing at the first wind.
Editor (Slam): Fine - 1d1, Diminutive - 1d2, Tiny - 1d3, Small - 1d4, Medium - 1d6, Large - 1d8, Huge -
2d6, Gargantuan - 2d8, Colossal - 4d6
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 40,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One).
A paralyzing arm is a hardy limb of preserved undead flesh. It grants a +4 inherent bonus to the grafted
creature’s Strength. Twice per day, the grafted creature can use a paralyzing touch. A living creature
touched must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes. Elves are immune to this
paralyzing touch. A touch that misses does not count against the daily limit.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), gentle repose, ghoul touch.
Editor: If it only worked stacked with enervating arm. Still, you don’t buy it for the paralyzing, you get it
for the +4 inherent bonus. Nice. Alas, it is only a natural weapon as far as it’s paralyzing touch is
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 3,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One).
The grafted creature can use this bony hand to make claw attacks. The damage dealt is the same as that
dealt by a skeleton of the creature’s size.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), animate dead.
Editor: If I’m giving up a hand, I expect more then a claw attack. It’s on the cheap side, but there are far
better choices. Still, it’s a natural weapon, so if your bony hand isn’t doing anything else in a round
when you make a full attack, you can claw someone with it.
Editor (Skeleton claw): Fine - 1d1, Diminutive - 1d1, Tiny - 1d2, Small - 1d3, Medium - 1d4, Large - 1d6,
Huge - 1d8, Gargantuan - 2d6, Colossal - 2d8
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 16,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Skin)
This mottled gray hide grants the grafted creature 25% resistance to critical hits and sneak attacks, similar
to armor of light fortification. This resistance doesn’t stack with similar abilities.
Graft Flesh,; Price 16,000 gp.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), animate dead.
Editor: I was never impressed with fortification to begin with, and this doesn’t change my mind.

Price: 25,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Bite)
This set of sharp teeth replaces the creature’s existing teeth. The grafted creature gains the ability to drain
blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains
blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage each round. On each such successful drain attack, the
grafted creature gains 5 temporary hit points that last for up to 1 hour.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), vampiric touch.
Editor: On a grapple build, this could be nice. Con damage is the great equalizer. That said, for anyone
else, it’s a waste of money. I wish it gave you a bite attack, because then it would be a natural attack.
Alas, it is not. Still, consider putting this together with poison fangs, but don’t bother adding it to a
natural attack. You still need to grapple to drain blood, regardless of how much to bite someone. That’s
the RAW of the situation and just how it’s written.

Price: 40,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One)
A weakening arm is a skeletal forelimb that grants a +4 inherent bonus to the grafted creature’s Strength.
Twice per day, the grafted creature can use a weakening touch. A living creature touched takes 1d6 points
of Strength damage. A touch that misses does not count against the daily limit.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), ray of enfeeblement.
Editor: See enervating or paralyzing arm. They are all the same, really. Again, only the weakening touch
would be considered a natural attack.
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

Price: 25,000 gp
Graft Location: Replacement (Arm, One)
A zombie arm is a perpetually rotting limb. It grants a +2 inherent bonus to the grafted creature’s Strength,
but also permanently reduces the grafted creature’s Dexterity by 2. The grafted creature can use the zombie
arm to make slam attacks; the damage dealt is the same as that dealt by a zombie of the creature’s size.
Construction: Graft Flesh (undead), animate dead.
Editor: You are grafting undead flesh to your body. This is not the time to be cheap. Spend the extra
15,000 gp and get an enervating or paralyzing arm. Trust me, it’s well worth the extra money for
another +2 strength. This kills your dexterity in the process. Seriously, who would ever take this? If
you want zombie slam attacks, get a mummified hand before this. Your dexterity will thank you.
Editor (Slam): Fine - 1d1, Diminutive - 1d2, Tiny - 1d3, Small - 1d4, Medium - 1d6, Large - 1d8, Huge -
2d6, Gargantuan - 2d8, Colossal - 4d6
Editor (Natural Weapons): The fiend folio states that grafted weapons are natural weapons, which means
you can use it as a natural weapon when it comes to making a full attack. So you get your primary
weapon (usually a manufactured weapon) then all your natural attacks are at -5. (or -2 if you have
Multiattack) If you aren’t doing a full attack, you don’t get secondary natural attacks. This graft would
usually be used as a secondary natural attack.

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