Ict Workshop Report 1

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• Introduction
Workshop overview
Purpose and significance
Date and location

• Topics covered
Evolution of technology in education pre and post covid
Insights into tech figures and their contributions
Google tools and services
AR and VR
AI apps

• Conclusion


In an age where technology is seamlessly woven into the fabric of our

daily lives, the realm of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) assumes a central role in shaping the way we learn, work, and
interact. The ICT Workshop held on 23rd Aug 2023 at Talrop by Shameer
Khan offered a dynamic platform for participants to delve into a
spectrum of technological frontiers, exploring the evolution of
education, the marvels of augmented and virtual reality, the capabilities
of ChatGPT, and the innovative minds behind global tech giants. This
report encapsulates the rich tapestry of discussions and insights shared
during the workshop, offering a panoramic view of how technology,
both before and after the COVID-19 era, has transformed education and
communication landscapes, and how it continues to shape our future
interactions. As we traverse through the diverse topics explored in the
workshop, we unveil the potential of technology to reshape our
perceptions and foster boundless possibilities in an increasingly
interconnected world.

Topics covered
Evolution of technology in education pre and post covid:
The landscape of education has undergone a remarkable
transformation Post covid, ushering in a new era of digital
learning. This evolution has reshaped traditional classrooms
and teaching methodologies. Blended learning techniques
started getting attention.
Insights into tech figures and their contributions:
Both Jack Ma and Elon Musk have reimagined industries and
challenged norms. Ma’s Alibaba provided opportunities for
small businesses globally to access markets they previously
couldn’t reach. Musk’s ventures are on a mission to
revolutionize energy, transportation, and space exploration,
with the aim of addressing humanity’s future challenges.
Google tools and services
Tools like Google Docs and Maps provide a vast digital
landscape, These tools have redefined collaboration and
exploration in the digital age, revolutionizing the way we
work and interact with the world around us.
AR and VR
Unveiled augmented reality and virtual reality and also
provided first hand experience in virtual reality.

AI apps
AI apps like ChatGPT, Midjourneyart etc were introduced and
taught how to be used.
The trainers also introduced their app called YIAAI for
further learning.


In conclusion, the ICT workshop provided participants with a

comprehensive overview of various aspects of Information and
Communication Technology. Throughout the workshop, attendees
engaged in hands-on activities, discussions, and presentations that
deepened their understanding of key concepts such as software
applications, digital communication tools, and cybersecurity best
practices. The interactive nature of the workshop facilitated active
learning and encouraged participants to explore the practical
applications of ICT in their personal and professional lives. As evident
from the enthusiastic participation and positive feedback, the workshop
successfully met its objectives of enhancing participants' digital literacy
and fostering a greater appreciation for the role of ICT in today's
interconnected world. Also, this workshop paved a way for hand
experience on virtual reality headset, which was a treat to the eye. The
students were excited and thrilled to explore the virtual world.

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