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Interviewer: Rafidahtul Abdul Rahim (PhD student at Universiti Utara


Interviewee: Informant Thirteen, Farah

Time: 8.30 PM

Date: 27 June 2020

Place: Persiaran Gurney

Acronyms: RAR, Rafidahtul Abdul Rahim

I-123 Informant Thirteen

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

RAR: I want to thank you for taking the time to provide ma an

opportunity to conduct this interview. My name is Rafidahtul Abdul
Rahim and I am taking yours interview for purely research purpose. Our
discussion should take about 15-30 minutes. The purpose of our study is
to understand the concept and consequences of green campaign through
social media platform. In this discussion, we will be talking about how do
you determine the concept of green campaign, what do you think is the
outcome of the social media platform used by the government for green
campaign implementation, what do you think the antecedent and
consequences of green campaign implementation and why do you think
the government should expand the green campaign in future.

If it is okay with you, I would like to record our discussion to help ensure
accuracy. The recording will only be used to help me to write my report
on the finding from this study and it will be securely stored. Besides me,
the only other individual who will read to the and/or read the transcript is
the supervisor of this study: senior lecturer Utara University Malaysia. Dr
Nik Adzrieman. As soon as the report is completed, the recording will be
destroyed. Would it be okay if I record down this conversation?

I want to remind you that the participation in this study is voluntary. our
discussion today is confidential in nature and your name will not be used
in our report or any other papers that come from this study. I also have a
form for you to complete which gives me consent to interview you.
Please take a few minutes to read it. Do you have any questions before
we begin?

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

Do you please help me by providing details about your
demographics consisting your personal details i.e. age, gender,
education and other relevant information?
Age 35 years and above
Gender Female
Educational background Degree
Social Media that you currently Facebook & Instagram
Years of living in Penang More than 10 years
Do you consider yourself as Yes
green-user consumer?
Have you ever bought the Yes
charged-plastic bag before?

How do you determine the concept of the green campaign?
“Well, for me my personal opinion would be mmm… for example, I’m
going to give example. When I went for a grocery shopping, I will
always bring my own shopping bag and also try my best to avoid
purchasing any plastic bag from the cashier. And then another thing is
recycling, whereby I have like a bucket in my house so that I can
segregate my recycling items such as plastics, aluminum, papers or
boxes like that.”
“I would say both thing that I mentioned is more towards on recycle
because I am more particular on that portion. I am not really umm…

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

educated or knowledgeable more other than the recycling portion.”

“The conclusion for concept for green campaign, in order for a
campaign can be considered as green, it must have the recycle element.
At least we can start from there.”

What is the outcome of the social media platform used by the
government for green campaign implementation?

“I have twitter, Fb and also Instagram. Sadly I never seen any green
campaign content in my timeline (FB) so far. I am not sure maybe
because I don’t follow the page, or… ya I would say I didn’t follow the
page but I do follow hmm… the world wide recycling campaign but I
don’t remember the campaign name. But not from our government and
not from Penang state as well.”
“I tend to get the information about green campaign in Penang such as
recycling campaign, No Plastic Bag campaign and so on usually from
the mall itself. Like now there’s no plastic bag at all. So it’s a good
campaign but it’s just that for me it’s not like really been executed
correctly or strongly executed I would say.”
“Most of the information that I get in Penang, I tend to get it straight
from supermarket or hypermarket. I do think social media is considered
the best platform for you to convey any messages or any campaign,
umm… not only to the young generation but also the older generation
because even my mom, she is very active in FB and tend to get a lot
information from FB and sometimes from WhatsApp. So it’s the best
medium for… probably for government to use to really educate

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

Malaysian in this green campaign.”

“personally from the social media (content from the government), like I
said just now I didn’t get the information from social media probably
because I didnt follow the page or something like that but looking at the
bigger picture, I would say Penang are doing better in the recycling
because our mall are not giving out plastic bags anymore compared to
other state in Malaysia. But I really hope that our government can do a
stronger campaign for more effective campaign so that every Malaysian
can really execute doing recycling.”

What is the antecedent and consequences of green campaign
Antecedent: “in order to make the campaign more effective, one is that
a stronger campaign from the government in terms of social media and
the television because I think everybody have it nowadays so that
during whatever commercial they (government) can show and educate
more and parents or teachers, and companies they should provide or
educate the youngsters and also the employees so that you know, the
recycling bins can be provided in schools. But I can see in housing area
nowadays they have that baskets or like a cage of recycling things that
you can go and put it there. So it’s a good gestures from the
government but I think it need to increase in term of the campaign.”
“so I think the government should cooperate with the private sector (to
Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign
through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

create awareness on green campaign) because you know theres a lot of

people that I can see, for personal housing I would say. You know in my
house I have my own bin but I’m not sure about others. So if its started
from the house, and then probably from the school and companies itself
so that it can be umm… a lifestyle. Instead of you know a temporarily
thing to do. It has to be a lifestyle thing.”
“ the facilities is also not enough. I don’t see recycling bins around. In
the mall, yes. For example you don’t really see it on the street and then,
I’m not sure about school. Probably they have it already now. But in my
company, ya they do have. So it’s a good thing to make you practice it
as a lifestyle.”
“about the recycling center, previously I do sell it to one recycling
centre but nowadays they already have that cage that you can dump
everything for the recycling thing. But one thing about it theres also
rubbish included. So that’s a sad scenario I would say. It’s that the
Malaysian are not well educated, the morale that need to be improve.
So probably, I don’t know the government can do a stricter law
enforcement on this recycling issue.”

Consequences: “well the changes or impact that I can see from this
campaign is that in the mall we can see a lot or more people are more
aware of this and they bring their own shopping bag for grocery
shopping usually and sometimes if they don’t bring it, probably they
can purchase boxes to put the item. And it’s a good scenario I would
say. I think that’s the best thing that I can give example as for now.”

Why should the government expand the green campaign in future?
Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign
through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

“The government need to extend the green campaign in future
definitely for a better world say I would say. Because we can see that
theres a lot of pollution around the world and as a Malaysian I would
say we would want to be one of the best country in the world that can
prevent this from happening to our future generation… The climate
exchange, so we want better world. So I think that is the main point
why we would like this green campaign to be execute and to be a
successful campaign.”

Transcription symbols

… Small interruptions, pause

“Quote” Quotes

[Laugh] Nonverbal Ques

(Explanation) Additional details


 Her own concept of the green campaign is in order for a
campaign can be considered as green, it must have the recycle
 She believe that 3R can be apply to many situations and having
3R in daily life is consider as part of green lifestyle.
 She believe that the Social Media is the best medium for the
government to use to educate Malaysian in this green campaign.
However she never seen any content about green campaign in her
Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign
through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

social media.
 She believe that the antecedent of this campaign shows that it is
not very successful and to make it more effective, the
government should have a stronger campaign and must also
focus to use television as that medium is available to all range of
age at home.
 According to her the campaign is lacking of facilities and the
government need to ensure any green campaign need to have
proper facilities to ensure people are motivated to apply green
lifestyle at home (i.e. recycle).
 She believe the consequences from this campaign, we can see
that in the mall more people are more aware of this and they
bring their own shopping bag for grocery shopping usually and
sometimes if they don’t bring it, probably they can purchase
boxes to put the item.
 She believe that the green campaign should be expand in the
future because it is important to make the world a better place.
 She believe the extension of green campaign will help to reduce
pollution and climate change issue.

The conclusion from this respondent shows that the respondent
understanding on green campaign is that it is important to have recycle
element in a green campaign. The respondent believe that the Social
Media is the best medium for the government to use to educate
Malaysian in this green campaign. However she never seen any content
about green campaign in her social media. She believe that the
antecedent of this campaign shows that it is not very successful and

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

lacking of facilities. In order to make it effective, the government

should have a stronger campaign which include television as a
communication medium. The respondent believe that the consequences
from this campaign shows that more people are aware about no plastic
bag campaign and start bringing own shopping bag for grocery
shopping. The respondent believe the extension of green campaign will
help to reduce pollution and climate change issue.
Thank you so much for your kind cooperation and valuable time.

Constructing an Interview regarding the Concept and Consequences of Green Campaign

through Social Media Platform, Interview Thirteen

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