Golden Sun - The Lost Age-Quick Walkthrough Golden Sun Universe Fandom

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Golden Sun: The Lost Age/Quick

The following is a miniature, spoiler-free walkthrough for Golden
Sun: The Lost Age that is for players who do not want to be led by
the hand throughout the entire game, but want to make sure that
they're not missing anything important or valuable from the previous
dungeon before moving on to the next town or dungeon.

Also see the quick spoiler-free walkthrough for Golden Sun.


Preliminary information

When a new game is started up, you have the opportunity to

enhance your game file with transfer data from a Clear Data
save file from the previous Golden Sun. The game's packaging
and manual, together with the appearance of the various
screens comprising the password data transferring feature,
make it no secret that late in The Lost Age, the four playable
characters of the first game - Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia. All will
join as additional party members to the game's new four-person
party comprised of Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers. Also part of
the function of data transfer is to make Isaac's party just the
way they were at the end of the first game when the Clear Data
file was saved. If either the gold password or a direct connection
via Game Link Cable is used, the characters' inventories, coin
wealth, levels, Djinn collection, boosts from items like Power
Bread, and possession of utility Psynergy items such as the Orb
of Force are preserved, and the status of certain events from
the first game influence/create events in The Lost Age.

Whether or not you make use of Clear Data transfer when you
start the new game, the option to apply a Clear Data file's
effects on a The Lost Age game in progress remains available on
the main menu screen with the Update feature. It can be done
with different Clear Data files. When using the Update feature,
any game file that has saved beyond a certain event, the one
where Isaac's party has since joined Felix's, will no longer be
compatible with the Update feature, instead of appearing as
"Post-Reunion Data".

This game's save files can be saved as Clear Data files as well,
though for ostensibly nowhere near as much purpose as in the
first game; there is no similar password data transfer function
that lets the game feature connectivity with Golden Sun: Dark
Dawn on Nintendo DS. Rather, the purpose of saving a Clear
Data file includes unlocking every song in the hidden Sound
Test feature in the game's Battle Mode for that file. Also, having
a Clear Data file allows you to start a new game of The Lost Age
with one of two all-new replay modes in effect: Easy Mode,
where you replay the whole game with all characters starting off
at the levels they were at in the end of the selected Clear Data
file; or Hard Mode, where you replay the whole game as normal,
but with all enemies having 1.5x as much HP and 1.25x as much
Attack and Defense. These modes are purely voluntary and
have no additional rewards to completing them.


Initial land-bound segment

This comprises roughly the first quarter of the game.


Once the new game has been started and all the introductory
cutscenes have transpired, you are placed in control of a single-
person party comprised entirely of a level 5 Jenna, located in
the very same "exit portion" of Venus Lighthouse that was
explored by Isaac in the first game. You are to guide Jenna out
of the exit a short way away (though Jenna can get to the chest
that contained the Lucky Cap in the previous game, she will only
get an Herb). You will be led in cutscenes to Suhalla Gate, which
will linearly lead you towards the area with the half-sunken ship
seen in the previous game, and along the way you fight off
Ruffian enemies with Jenna's powerful Fume Psynergy. When
you get there, the next series of lengthy cutscenes eventually
has you gaining control of Felix, and whether you talk to
everyone else or attempt to leave them all behind, they will be in
your party by the time you leave your new starting point: the top
part of the small continent of Indra. Your journey begins with
your party comprised of Felix, Jenna, and Sheba.

In the first town you enter, Daila, the only thing of lasting note is
that you can spend your limited money on armor for much-
needed defense points in the town's vendors (as a general rule
in this game compared to the last one, refrain from buying
weapons of any sort from town shops, because weapons you
find in dungeons and have forged from materials, later on, are
much more powerful and valuable than them). Immediately after
exiting Daila down south, you will automatically acquire your first
Djinni of this game, the Venus Djinni Echo. Travel southwest and
follow the route to the location called Kandorean Temple.

Kandorean Temple appears to be closed, but simply go left and

up and use the Whirlwind Psynergy on the bush to access the
interior. After a short cutscene with Master Poi, enter the
cavernous dungeon area of the temple to go through the
game's first dungeon. Players of the first game will notice that
the dungeons of this game have far more of a focus on puzzles
than before. Along the way through, there is a chest containing
the Mysterious Card, the first of three equipable items that
change the character's class to something all-new, which in this
case is the Pierrot class series. After the game's first boss battle
against three enemies named Chestbeaters, another cutscene
with Poi rewards you with the Lash Pebble that bestows the
Lash Psynergy needed to interact with coiled ropes. Backtrack
to the point where a Mercury Djinni is visible on a ledge to the
upper right, use Lash on the rope, and you may battle and earn
your first Mercury Djinni, Fog. Retreat out of the dungeon and
leave Kandorean Temple.

Travel back north and east and enter the cave to the right of
Daila, which is a dungeon named the Shrine of the Sea God.
This is a dungeon that you will be returning to later in the game
to complete, but for now, in the small area of it that can be
explored are cutscenes with the boys Riki and Tavi, and you use
Lash on the coiled rope to help them out. After they leave, chase
down, trap, and engage your first Jupiter Djinni, Breath. Leave
the Shrine of the Sea God, and you may want to return to Daila
and enter the mayor's manor to trigger a sometimes-missed
cutscene. Then go southeast.

When you reach Dehkan Plateau, a long dungeon-style pathway

through the mountains, the way you will solve your way through
the area revolves around chasing a Mars Djinni throughout the
entire location. You will end up landing down on the Mars Djinni
and relieving it of the Pound Cube that bestows the Pound
Psynergy at one point, and at a later point you will use Pound on
a pillar to prevent the Djinni from escaping so that you can fight
it and earn your first Mars Djinni, Cannon. Going through
Dehkan Plateau should also indicate to players of the first game
that artifacts found in dungeons in this game are far more
powerful and valuable than much of what you can buy from
stores; you can find the Full Metal Vest and the Themis' Axe in
chests, as well as a Mint. When you eventually complete Dehkan
Plateau, you will reemerge in the overworld map in Indra's
center east portion.

Immediately a short way down from Dehkan Plateau's exit is a

ship located on a beach, which triggers a cutscene; for now, you
can't do anything here. Proceed west, and when you come
across a cave location, solve a simple puzzle inside it to gain the
first of thirteen Summon Tablets hidden throughout the game -
thus you are rewarded with the ability to summon Zagan, one of
thirteen all-new Summon sequences that take different
amounts of two types of Djinn and have additional side effects
along with their attacks. Head to the lowest quadrant of Indra,
and while you may go west into what little space of Gondowan
Cliffs you can explore and find some tribal warriors hiding out in
a cave, your destination is the town of Madra to the east. Before
entering the town, however, fight random battles in the forest to
the immediate left of the town until you encounter and defeat
your second Venus Djinni, Iron.

After a cutscene that occurs when you enter the town of Madra,
you can shop, as well as explore and reach the chest to the
upper left that contains the Nurse's Cap for Jenna or Sheba to
wear. Trigger an important cutscene in the jail to the lower left of
town, which directs you east to the continent of Osenia. This
town has two different entrances to a dungeon-esque area
underneath named the Madra Catacombs, but due to your
insufficient Psynergy abilities at this point, the only treasure you
can loot from here is a chest containing the Tremor Bit that
bestows the Tremor Psynergy. If you still want to get the Tremor
Bit now, go to the far right of the town before entering the gate
and you will be able to bypass having to use Psynergy you don't
yet have. Leave the catacombs and the town, head to the upper
right past Madra Drawbridge, and go through the location
connecting the continents of Indra and Osenia, Osenia Cliffs. A
chest in Osenia Cliffs contains the Pirate's Sword.

Western and Central Osenia

The continent of Osenia - specifically, the two-thirds of it that

can be explored at this point - is a non-linear segment of the
quest, but there is a particular logic to what order it should be
completed in. You may want to first go to the green area above a
"U"-shaped river that the world map shows is shortly south of
the two desert-like areas, and fight random battles until you
encounter and defeat your second Mercury Djinni. Sour. Then
go back whence you came and enter the left desert from its
western end to begin an exploration of Yampi Desert.

The Yampi Desert is an extended dungeon-style location

featuring two entrances/exits on its west and northeast ends
and a one-way exit out of its southeast end. Pound your way to
the chest with the Guardian Ring - the only ring that enhances
statistics when equipped, and is an excellent fit on Sheba - and
as you go through the series of screens right beyond where a
mass of townspeople from Madra are located, you can get to
and fight and earn the second Jupiter Djinni, Blitz, and
eventually you can reach the boss battle with the King Scorpion.
Defeating it earns you the Scoop Gem that bestows the Scoop
Psynergy, and using Scoop gets you out of its lair. Back at the
screen with the townspeople, use Scoop on a circle of sand
within four stones and you have access to another series of
screens, throughout which you can collect a Hard Nut, the Blow
Mace, and the Trainer's Whip, which is the Class-changing item
that provides the Tamer class series. At the right side of the last
main screen, the upper exit leads you to the town of Alhafra
while the lower exit deposits you at the center of the continent,
and you'd have to go all the way through Yampi Desert from its
east end to reach Alhafra again.

A boss battle in Alhafra would be very hard if you do it as soon

as you can, but is designed to be more balanced to a party that
has done everything else there is to do in Osenia first. With the
Scoop Psynergy in hand, you can go to the southwest region of
the continent and enter Mikasalla, a small town with a shop that
has a few very powerful and expensive items, such as Psynergy
Armor. A Lucky Pepper is present in a barrel in the inn. Most
notably, cast Scoop in the center of the tiny farm and you are
given access to your second Mars Djinni, Spark. After Mikasalla,
go northeast to where the Mercury Djinni Sour was fought and
battled (earn it here if you haven't already), and enter the cave
immediately northeast of that; the Scoop Psynergy lets you
collect your second Summon Tablet, Megaera. Now travel all the
way into the right of the two deserts from the east, and enter
the mountain dungeon of Air's Rock in its center.

The dungeon of Air's Rock is notorious in Golden Sun

community circles for being the single most massive and time-
consuming dungeon in the entire Golden Sun series, requiring at
least two hours of investment. It is comprised of an immense
climb up its exterior portion and two intertwinings "dungeon
paths" in its interior portion. Throughout the exterior portion you
can collect the Storm Brand, the Fujin Shield, and a Cookie, and
in the interior portion you can collect the Clarity Circlet, and a
Mimic you can combat drops a Lucky Medal. There is also a
tricky optional puzzle you would have to backtrack to after
turning the interior "on" that lets you collect the third Summon
Tablet, Flora. The ultimate reward at the end of the epic
dungeon is Sheba learning the Reveal Psynergy, which is just as
vital in this game as it was in the previous.
Upon completing Air's Rock, head down to the town of Garoh,
and your visit to there is depicted as though it is the nighttime.
Use Reveal to follow the werewolf, Maha, into his cavernous
home, and after a cutscene leads to daytime returning, go to
Maha and interact with him again; this eventually earns you the
third Jupiter Djinni, Ether. The Reveal Psynergy also lets you get
to a visible, elevated chest containing the Hypnos' Sword.

Now thoroughly empowered in both experience and inventory

terms from the various things to do in Osenia, go through Yampi
Desert again (you can use Reveal to get another Lucky Medal)
to make it to the town of Alhafra, see a cutscene that occurs as
you enter town, and check the second floor of the inn for
another surprise (as well as collect an Apple from the water pot
in that room). Go to the town's pier and ship, enter belowdecks,
and trigger a cutscene that leads to the boss fight with Briggs
and his Sea Fighters. After winning the battle, a very lengthy
cutscene ensues. Afterward, go to the bottom room of the ship
and use Tremor to get the Large Bread. Then try to fix up the
ship until Jenna says you can't do anymore. Return to the main
town area, grab a Lucky Medal from a jar sandwiched between
two destroyed houses, give the Large Bread to the crying boy,
then go to the upper left corner of the town and the man will let
you into a small dungeon-esque area underneath town named
Alhafran Cave. The limited portion of it you can explore leads
you to three chests that include the Ixion Mail and a Lucky
Medal. Before leaving Alhafra, check the jail again for another
cutscene. With your time on Osenia complete, now return all the
way back to Madra.

Lower Gondowan

Back at Madra, after another cutscene at the gate, check the jail
again to determine that your next destination is west. Your
Reveal Psynergy lets you explore more of the Madra
Catacombs, and the fact its entrance outside of the town walls
to the right is being permanently sealed up is entirely
inconsequential. You have the capacity to find an Apple and a
Lucky Medal, but there are still treasures you cannot reach until
later. Leave Madra and travel west to the location that bridges
Indra and the lower portion of the continent of Gondowan,
Gondowan Cliffs.

The immense screen that comprises the entirety of Gondowan

Cliffs can be explored and gotten through starting with using
the Scoop Psynergy on the spot in the ground in front of the
dog. Along the way, you can grab the red mushroom called the
Laughing Fungus, which is ultimately a thing to sell for coins,
and fight and earn the third Mars Djinni, Kindle. The green
mushroom that you might see on-screen is not accessible until
when you return back through Gondowan Cliffs later, so exit out
of the left end to emerge into the lower tip of Gondowan.

First, go all the way down the central forested stretch of land at
the continent's southern tip, and fight random battles until you
encounter and defeat the third Mercury Djinni, Chill. Then go
north to the small town of Naribwe. Shop if necessary, but be
sure to get the Thorn Crown from the lower right chest and the
Unicorn Ring from the upper left invisible chest. You may want
to note this town's Fortune Teller, which comprises a subtle hint
system that can tell you the location of your next points of
interest depending on whether you place in front of him a
weapon, a piece of defensive equipment, a Utility Psynergy
item, or any other item (in particular, using an armor indicates to
you where your next yet-to-be-claimed Djinni is located). Leave
Naribwe and head north.
You will be crossing through a complex series of screens that
comprise the location Kibombo Mountains in a style similar to a
stealth game, staying out of the sight of the patrolling guards
lest you be dropped back at the entrance. Along the way, you
can grab from chests the Disk Axe, the Power Bread, and a
piece of forgeable material that you will be able to make use of
later, a Tear Stone. The best solution to a tricky part involving a
patrolling dog, later on, is to use the Tremor Psynergy at the
side of a crate with a bone on it. Near the end of the location is a
Jupiter Djinni that can't be accessed until when you return back
through Kibombo Mountains later, so exit out of the left end to
emerge on the other side of the mountain range.

Enter the town of Kibombo (the game will depict your visit as
transpiring during the nighttime), and climb up and hop across
the various rooftops and pillars of the town so that you enter the
upper screen from the upper left end. After a series of
cutscenes during which you use Move to push a pillar into a pit,
you permanently gain your fourth party member for the game,
the Mercury Adept warrior Piers - he brings along with him your
fourth and fifth Mercury Djinn, Spring and Shade. Climb to the
back area behind the giant statue, engage another cutscene,
then use Scoop on the spot to the lower right to enter the
Gabomba Statue.

As you make your way through the whirring, giant gears of the
Gabomba Statue, a mouse demonstrates that you can climb,
ride, and hop across the various gears to reach places, and you
eventually want to Pound two pillars on either side of a flashing
gear so that all the gears in the statue reverse direction. Along
the way you can get the Bone Armlet from a chest, get a Hard
Nut from felling a Mimic, and can reach, battle, and earn the
third Venus Djinni, Steel. At the top of the statue is a room with a
Pound-based circuit-alignment puzzle that is demonstrated via
cutscene; solve it, and you have effectively completed the
dungeon. Follow along with Akafubu, gain the Black Crystal
Important Item, recall that there is a further dungeon below
Gabomba Statue to be completed later, and reappear in the
town in the daytime.
Rare item drop: If you fell a Red Demon with the attack
effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it
will drop a Staff of Anubis, a Venus-based staff that is a
good upgrade to at least one of your two staff-wielding
Adepts for the time being.

Now you're traveling all the way back to Indra. Shop at Kibombo
if you like, and grab a Lucky Pepper and a Lucky Medal from the
town's jars. Travel down back through Kibombo Mountains,
using Piers' Frost Psynergy along the way to get to, battle, and
earn your fourth Jupiter Djinni, Waft. Passback through Naribwe,
then back through Gondowan Cliffs, along the way using Frost
to get to the green mushroom that is the Healing Fungus. Back
at Indra, travel back to the ship to trigger an often-missed
cutscene, as well as use Frost to reach a Cookie in a crate to the
left (this Cookie can be permanently missed later). Return to
Madra, engage in important story-based cutscenes inside and
outside the mayor's manor (during which you gain the Cyclone
Chip that bestows the Cyclone Psynergy). Also give the Healing
Fungus to an old couple in one two-story house to get the
fourth Mars Djinni, Char. Afterward, with Piers' Frost Psynergy in
tow, the Madra Catacombs can be visited once more and fully
looted this time - get the Ruin Key from a chest that needs to be
shaken off with the Tremor Psynergy and use it on the big red
door at the basement to gain the fourth Summon Tablet,
Moloch. Upon leaving the town, if this game file has been
enhanced with Clear Data from a Golden Sun file in which the
mayor of Vault had been spoken to, later on, a cutscene leading
to an easy fight with the Bandit and Thieves triggers, and you
will gain the extremely useful Golden Boots. Now return to the

Explore and solve your way through the ship's interior - you are
required to pretty much slay every Aqua Jelly throughout the
ship so you can use the puddle it leaves behind for the purposes
of Frost. While not a large dungeon, in a room with six Aqua
Jellies close together, interacting with the center Aqua Jelly
triggers the long and tough boss fight with the powerful Aqua
Hydra. Afterward, the room fills up with water, and you can now
proceed to the ship basement where the Black Crystal will be
inserted into the ship to power it up and propel the ship into the
ocean. Now in possession of your very own ship to sail the
enormous seas of the world with, a colossal new segment of the
gameplay now begins.

The Great Eastern Sea

The segment of the game that spans the entire Great Eastern Sea is
the most colossal and non-linear portion of the game. Not only are
there a lot of different dungeons. There are also different orders in
which they can be completed, and various other islets and secret
locations that can be opened up. They can also be looted depending
on what Psynergy you have collected from those dungeons. An
important thing to keep in mind at all times, though, is that though
you have seemingly endless freedom in your ship and can even land
on continents featured in the first Golden Sun, none of the original
game's overworld area and locations can ever be explored because
they have been carefully blocked off at all points by the landscape -
you can only explore the areas of the continents that were not
explorable in the previous game.

Of the "main dungeons" on your quest, at least three are

immediately explorable, and two more are able to be done afterward.
Completing the rest of Shrine of the Sea God gets you one of three
related Important Items that you need to collect - three prongs to a
legendary weapon named the Trident. Completing Aqua Rock at the
eastern edge of the world map lets you explore and complete
Tundaria Tower on the southernmost continent and get its Trident
prong, while completing Gaia Rock in the island nation of Izumo lets
you explore and complete Ankohl Ruins on the bottom right of
Angara to get its Trident Prong. After a series of events lets those
three Prongs be reforged into the Trident, you have the ability to
enter and make it through the Sea of Time into Lemuria; while it is
technically possible to make it through the waterpool labyrinth the
Sea of Time initially provides, without the Trident it will be impossible
to damage and defeat the powerful boss guarding the end of that

Preliminary exploration
Enter the foggy Sea of Time through its bottom end and attempt
to cross its whirlpools until you get yourself carried out by the
fast river to see a cutscene. When you check the world map and
see little spots in the oceans of the world, some of those spots
hold valuable secrets; sail to the spot just southeast of the Sea
of Time and press A to get a Rusty Axe, and sail to the spot east
to the northeast-most island near the edge of the world and
press A to get a Rusty Mace. These weapons and others like
them in the future, while worthless as they are initially, maybe
reforged for a price into specific Artifact weapons, just like
Forgeable materials like the Tear stone you collected, may be
reforged into randomly determined Artifacts - all this is achieved
at the town on the easternmost side of the continent of Osenia,

When you first enter the Great Eastern Sea on your ship,
amongst the many locations that open up simultaneously are no
less than four towns: Yallam on the eastern side of Osenia, Apojii
Islands at the easternmost tip of the world map, Izumo on the
island northeast of the Sea of Time, and Champa at the bottom
area of Angara. All four of these towns have vendors that sell
their own equipment, including artifacts. Offensively you should
probably hold off on any weapon artifacts sold in shops
because the weapon artifacts you collect in the upcoming
dungeons easily outperform those. Defensively, however, items
useful for consideration are Plate Mails and the Blessed Robe
sold at Champa and the War Gloves at Izumo.

There are various valuable things to collect in the

aforementioned towns, as well as certain cutscenes to trigger.
There is nothing too noteworthy to collect from Yallam's
environment (a chest to the left of town can only be collected at
the end of a Password-enhanced game), though a "song and
dance cutscene" at the right screen of the screen is meant to
indicate to the player that successfully crossing into the Sea of
Time in the future revolves around the small volcanos (quite
literally). In Apojii Islands, use the Cyclone Psynergy on the
plants to the lower right of the main town area to uncover a Mint,
and more importantly, cast the Douse Psynergy on the giant
blue teardrop-shaped structure to remotely open up the
entrance to Aqua Rock. In Izumo, check the large box in the
lower-right building to get the valuable Festival Coat armor, and
use Cyclone on the plants south of the town leader's house to
find a Lucky Medal. And at Champa, if this game file has been
enhanced with Clear Data from a Golden Sun file in which Hsu
was rescued at Alpine Crossing, shortly after entering Champa a
cutscene triggers with Feizhi, who gives you the Golden Ring
that essentially lets any Adept use a PP-free equivalent to the
Resist Psynergy. Explore the town, getting the Lucky Medal from
a jar outside the third floor of the cliffs, and using Reveal to find
the strong and valuable Viking Helm in the ring of gravestones
near the entrance. When you attempt to leave Champa for the
first time, a lengthy and very story-relevant cutscene triggers.

Yallam should prove the town you will revisit the most times in
the game because it is the home of Sunshine the Blacksmith,
living in the westernmost house with the chimney. He's the one
who turns your collected Forgeable items and Rusty items into
powerful but expensive artifacts; talk to him, show him one of
these items, and he will tell you to come back later. All you need
to do each time you give Sunshine an item to work with is to
enter and exit the town's Sanctum before returning to the
blacksmith, and you will be given the opportunity to pay for the
item (though you won't be told the item's cost). The Rusty Axe
and Rusty Mace will be reforged into the Captain's Axe and
Hagbone Mace respectively, while the Tear Stone will be
randomly forged into one of several available artifacts; perhaps
the longest-lasting item the Tear Stone can provide is the Spirit
Ring, which effectively provides any Adept with a PP-free
equivalent to the Wish Well Psynergy. The number of items you
can be bringing in to Sunshine over the course of your journey,
together with the aforementioned useful equipment sold at the
vendors of various towns, will put a serious strain on your
finances, though.

The island on the northwest corner of the world map, Treasure

Isle, cannot be properly looted or explored at all until after
you've completed the entire Great Eastern Sea segment, and
the strength of the random monsters within reflect that that is
when it should be initially explored. However:
Rare item drops: If you fell an Earth Golem with the attack
effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/32 chance
it will drop a Giant Axe. And if you fell a Turtle Dragon with
the attack effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a 1/32
chance it will drop a Blessed Mace.

Dungeons of the Great Eastern Sea

Sail back to Kibombo, and enter the Gabomba Statue through

its tongue. Go down to where you got the Black Orb, and now
you can explore the cavernous Gabomba Catacombs down the
ladder. In the first screen with all the plants, use Cyclone at the
northeast area and you should find yourself traveling through a
hidden "cyclone hole" to the floor below, and you will drop right
next to your fourth Venus Djinni to battle and earn, Mud.
Cyclone is used throughout the dungeon. During your
exploration of Gabomba Catacombs, one set of plants you can
use Cyclone on will trigger a battle with a Mimic-style enemy
called a Mad Plant, of which several others exist in the game. In
another area, cast Cyclone on a large, contained a mass of
plants to uncover a Mint. At the end of the dungeon is a
cutscene that will let you get the third and final class-changing
item, Tomegathericon, the item that provides the Dark Mage
class series. Retreat back to the entrance and leave Kibombo.

Return to Daila, and use Piers' Frost Psynergy to reach the Sea
God's Tear rare item in the sanctum. Return to the Shrine of the
Sea God, and both the Frost Psynergy and the Tear will let you
explore the rest of the dungeon. In a room with several rushing
rivers is a chest containing a Rusty Staff which, when reforged
at Yallam, becomes the Glower Staff. Use the Tear on the
massive statue at the end to be elevated up to the top of the
dungeon, where you collect the first Trident prong, the Right
Prong. The dungeon is now complete, so you may leave.

Return to Yallam, take its north exit out into the overworld map,
and travel counterclockwise southwest of it until you get to
Taopo Swamp, an optional and rather complex dungeon-style
location. The swamp area can be crossed via running onto the
various bubbling spots to resurface yourself, and from there you
can get to a chest containing a Cookie. The screen with the
main swamp area contains three separate cave entrances
concealed by Whirlwind-able bushes, one you must get to with
Growth, and each of these cave entrances leads to a set of cave
areas that don't overlap with each other. The cave entrance to
the left quickly leads to a Tear Stone you need to Scoop up. The
cave entrance to the lower right leads to a complex where you
can reach and battle via an air spout puzzle the fifth Venus
Djinni, Flower. This area also has another half-buried Tear Stone,
and a Mad Plant that can be found here drops a Lucky Medal.
And the cave entrance beyond that reachable by Growth leads
down to a volcanic area with a series of puzzles, and the final,
most valuable reward here is one of the next stages of
Forgeable item, Star Dust. About the only thing Star Dust can be
forged into that is not worth much is the Stardust Ring.

Provided you cast Douse on the giant Aqua Stone in Apojii

Islands, now commence your exploration and playthrough of
Aqua Rock, which is almost as enormous as Air's Rock. The
Douse Psynergy is easily the most used Psynergy throughout
both the exterior and interior portion of the dungeon. On the
exterior portion is a chest containing the powerful Mist Sabre. In
the interior portion, you can collect a Tear Stone and a Lucky
Pepper, and an Important item you both collect and use up in
Aqua Rock is the Aquarius Stone. The ultimate reward at the end
is Piers learning the Parch Psynergy. Parch is useful for
collecting two more treasures in Aqua Rock: Removing the water
out of the statue that prevents you from getting up to and
fighting the sixth Mercury Djinni, Steam, and removing a small
standing body of water below to collect the chest containing a
Rusty Sword which, when reforged at Yallam, becomes the
Robber's Blade.

Head down to the world's southeast corner and stop at E

Tundaria Islet. Grab a Lucky Medal from a blue jar in the house,
then roll down a log so that you can push Pengulina from the left
to the right where Pengus is. Pengus will give you the Pretty
Stone Rare item. Now land on and travel west across the entire
length of the frozen Antarctic continent of Tundaria. Before
entering the Tundaria Tower dungeon, travel southwest and
battle until you encounter and defeat your fifth Jupiter Djinni,
Wheeze. Then enter Tundaria Tower.

Use Parch, Reveal, and Pound to solve your way through

Tundaria Tower, which is comparatively short to the other more
massive dungeons of the game. Chests you can loot along the
way to the top include a Hard Nut and a Mint, and a sliding-ice
puzzle lets you bump into, battle, and earn your fifth Mars Djinni,
Reflux. At the top of the tower is the Burst Brooch item that
bestows the Burst Psynergy. Retreat down to the base of the
tower and use Burst to retrieve your second Trident Prong from
the ice, the Center Prong. Afterward, use Burst on a cracked ice
wall to the left to access four chests; among them are the
Lightning Sword, a Lucky Medal, and one of the next rank of
Forgeable item, a Sylph Feather. Basically, any of the things the
Sylph Feather can be forged into other than the Faery Vest are
Rare item drops: If you fell a Magicore with the attack
effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni, there is a 1/32 chance
it will drop Aura Gloves. And if you fell a Minotaurus with
the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a
1/16 chance it will drop a Tartarus Axe.

With the Burst Psynergy in tow, the rock that prevents the
broken ship in Alhafra from being repaired can now be removed.
When you do so, you are led along by a series of cutscenes that
results in the ship's departure from the town. Afterward, you
may now explore the part of the Alhafran cave that you couldn't
before, and collect three more minor treasures. Incidentally, if
this game file has been enhanced with Clear Data from a Golden
Sun file in which Deadbeard was defeated, then a relevant
cutscene will now trigger in the second floor of Alhafra's inn.

The story directs you to sail north to Champa, which has since
updated. Return to Champa and climb all the way up to where
the giant forge is in the mountain, and a cutscene will allow you
to leave and come back later. You may decide to stay and
engage in the boss battle with the Avimander; if for whatever
reason the boss is too challenging for you, you may complete
the remaining dungeons and amass their remaining collectibles
before returning. Following another cutscene, you have opened
up the right to forge the Trident prongs into one coherent
weapon, but you might not have them all by this point. Talking to
Obaba will allow you to give your current prong(s) to her to free
up space.

Go to Gaia Rock southeast of Izumo. The final room at its

interior, if reached to and visited before doing anything else,
shows you a cutscene involving a huge dragon named the
Serpent that you will have to fight - but it is impossible to defeat
at this point without solving the rest of this dungeon. So, climb
up its exterior in the same dungeon style as the exteriors of the
other Rocks you've explored. Along the way you can grab an
Apple from a chest, and at the top of the mountain, use Reveal
at an empty pedestal to find a Rare item called the Dancing Idol.
Enter Gaia Rock's interior at its base entrance, and use the Idol
on the similar pedestal near the entrance to explore the rest of
the dungeon's interior, using Cyclone on various plants to
expose the Serpent in the room below to up to four beams of
focused sunlight. Once the four beams are up, proceed to the
final room - along the way, you'll have to pass through a series
of "Lost Woods"-style rooms in which the proper way forward is
indicated by casting Growth on the green structure in the center
of the room, and in one of these rooms is a chest containing a
Rusty Mace which, when reforged at Yallam, becomes the
Demon Mace. Fight and defeat the weakened but still powerful
Serpent. After a cutscene, Felix learns to use the Sand
Psynergy, and use Sand to get to the rightmost tip of the fluid
and investigate to find the powerful Cloud Brand. Leave Gaia
Rare item drop: If you fell a Dread Hound with the attack
effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance
it will drop a Prophet's Hat.

Return to Izumo and engage in a lengthy cutscene with Lady

Uzume. Afterward, present her the Dancing Idol and she will
reward you with your sixth Mars Djinni, Coal. Now go to the
upper right area of town, move the leftmost pillar one space left,
use Reveal and enter an optional dungeon underneath Izumo,
Izumo Ruins, now explorable with the Sand and Parch
Psynergies. This short dungeon rewards you with the
Phantasmal Mail along the way and your fifth Summon Tablet,
Ulysses, at the end.
Rare item drop: If you fell a Gressil with the attack effect of
an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it will drop
an Otafuku Mask.

Your Sand Psynergy lets you collect some further important

treasures. Return to Apojii Islands and use Sand on the lower
right area of the main town area's beach to pass into an area
where you can drop down a waterfall and reach your sixth
Jupiter Djinni, Haze. Now to make use of the Pretty Stone: Go to
the island northwest of the Sea of Time, SE Angara Islet, grab a
Lucky Medal, and Mind Read a bird to trade the Pretty Stone for
the Red Cloth. Now go to the island southwest of the Sea of
Time, N Osenia Islet, grab a Lucky Medal, use Sand to get to a
cow, and Mind Read it to trade the Red Cloth for Milk. Now go to
the island in between Indra and Gondowan, West Indra Islet,
grab a Lucky Medal, and Mind Read a dog to trade the Milk for
the Li'l Turtle. Finally go to the island southeast of the Sea of
Time, Sea of Time Islet, grab a Lucky Medal, Mind Read the
turtle Lonesome George, and give it the Li'l Turtle. From here on
out, when you Mind Read the turtle, you can ride it to and from
the secret dungeon Islet Cave. Explore the small part of Islet
Cave you can, grabbing the Turtle Boots and a Rusty Staff that
becomes the Dracomace when reforged, and fight and earn
your sixth Venus Djinni, Meld. Then ride back.

Your Sand Psynergy also allows you to play through the next big
dungeon, Ankohl Ruins east of Champa. This large, complex
dungeon features a lot of Whirlwind-able bushes that should all
be blown away, and when you get to a sort of "hub hallway"
lined with large stone statue heads, the idea is to go down the
left doorway, then when you're returned to the hallway via the
center head's doorway much later, go down the right doorway.
Noteworthy collectibles in the "left-wing" include a Power Bread
and a Thanatos Mace, and noteworthy collectibles in the "right-
wing" include the Muni Robe, a Sylph Feather, and the final prize
at the tower's top, the Left Prong. Once you have all three
prongs and have given them to Obaba in Champa, a cutscene
will reward you with the Trident, finally letting you gain access to
the interior of the Sea of Time.

The Sea of Time (Lemuria)

Enter the Sea of Time from the bottom end. To proceed past the
powerfully rushing rivers in between the whirlpools, sail your
ship around the small volcanoes that glow and sparkle until the
river disappears for exactly two seconds, making it to the
waters/whirlpools on the other side in time. Do it like this and
you should be successful in going up the upper left corner of
the screen. In the next screen, you will encounter the powerful
boss Poseidon, who is invulnerable to all of your attacks until the
first time you use the Trident on him. Destroy him, and then
proceed onward to an overworld map area representing the
ocean inside the Sea of Time's fog. Enter the location of

Sail through the caverns to a dock, disembark, and cast Move

on a statue blocking your way - this triggers a lengthy cutscene.
Afterward, you will enter the city of Lemuria. While there are no
vendors here, this is the game's town that features the Lucky
Medal Spring seen in Golden Sun, and like before, unloading all
of your Lucky Medals into this fountain nets you all sorts of
equipment stronger than what you're currently wearing (and the
first time your Lucky Medal lands in the center, you are
automatically rewarded with your sixth Summon Tablet, Eclipse.
You'll have to go through a cutscene before you can properly
explore the rest of the town. Using Reveal and Scoop
everywhere, as well as using Growth and Cyclone, should net
you a Hard Nut, a Lucky Medal, a Star Dust, and a Rusty Sword
that becomes the Corsair's Edge when reforged. To progress
through the story, go into the house northwest of the spring,
then go into the tower to the right. Then you'll be able to enter
the palace and engage in a lengthy cutscene that is very story-
relevant. Following that, a chest appears containing the
Grindstone that bestows the Grind Psynergy. Get back on your
ship, and you will automatically leave Lemuria in a cutscene.

With the Grind Psynergy in your collection, immediately reenter

Lemuria's waterways and use Grind on the massive brown rock
formation to the left to access a small, overgrown location
named Ancient Lemuria. Use Cyclone on the lone plant behind
the wall to the lower left, then cast Tremor on the statue to
collect your seventh Mercury Djinni, Rime. When you're done,
leave Lemuria and go back down into the Sea of Time, and use
Grind on the rock formations to the left to create a "shortcut"
between the interior of the Sea of Time and the outside world
via the sea's west path, and reappear in the outside world this

The Grind Psynergy allows you to explore the first portion of

Treasure Isle to the northeast of the world map, for it is able to
lower any raised thick earth pillars. You will be thus able to
explore the upper floor and loot all the chests until you get to
where a boulder blocks the lower floor from parties without the
Lift Psynergy. You can get a Cookie, a Star Dust, a Sylph
Feather, the Jester's Armlet, and a Rusty Axe that becomes the
Viking Axe when reforged, and a Mimic you can fight here drops
a Power Bread.

Sail down in between Gondowan and Indra, and enter the

Gondowan Cliffs via the sea route. The large rock formation
blocking your way south is removed with the Grind Psynergy.
Once you pass through, you will have finally completed the
Great Eastern Sea segment of the game, and will now begin the
Great Western Sea.

The Great Western Sea

The last third of the game is where the GBA series comes to a head
both story and gameplaywise.

Jupiter Lighthouse

While the Great Western Sea has much less space and fewer
locations to contend with than the Eastern Sea, there is a
preliminary exploration worth investing in all the same. First, in
the upper center of the continent of Atteka reached by parking
the ship at the western beach, fight until you encounter and
earn your seventh Mars Djinni, Core. Then park at the small
southwest beach of the continent of Hesperia, and investigate
Hesperia Settlement and solve a quick puzzle to collect your
eighth Mars Djinni, Tinder. Then sail into Hesperia's small
northeasternmost river, disembark into the "V"-shaped area of
forest just southeast of a desert, and fight until you encounter
and earn your seventh Venus Djinni, Petra. Then go up to the
small, white Kalt Island, get to and collect your eighth Mercury
Djinni, Gel, and note the Apple dangling off the tree to the left;
you would want to come back here later once you have the
Catch Psynergy.

At the top of the Great Western Sea is an oceanic location

named the Northern Reaches, which is obstructed by a huge ice
wall at its end. You may find it extremely well worth it at this
point to level grind here, because randomly battled here is the
first of the Phoenix monster line, the Phoenix, which awards well
over 3000 EXP each time it is felled. It, like its better palette-
swapped variants down the road, should be felled by the attack
effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni to maximize its EXP gain.

Various other non-Djinn treasures can be found in the Great

Western Sea area before conducting any serious business. The
small island at the southwest tip of the map, SW Atteka Islet,
contains a chest holding one of the next class of Forgeable
material, Dragon Skin. If after Isaac's party joins they do not
have all seven of the previous game's Jupiter Djinn with them
for whatever reason, one of those djinns will be present in the
Islet the next time you come here. Sail up the thick central river
of Gondowan, depart and go northwest past the future dungeon
Magma Rock, and you should appear at Gondowan Settlement,
which has a Lucky Medal and a Star Dust to collect. Of the
various small shallow spots dotting the Great Western Sea,
pressing A on the spot immediately southwest of Osenia gets
you a Rusty Sword that is reforgeable into the Pirate's Sabre,
and pressing A on the spot north of the center portion of
Hesperia gets you a Rusty Staff that is reforgeable into the
Goblin's Rod.

For the sake of optimizing your party, you can sail into Atteka
Inlet by sailing through the river connected to the lower right
opening to make it into the continent's enclosed southwest
area. Leave the location and go up to the town of Contigo, which
has vendors. This is the town that has the Lucky Wheels
minigame last seen in the previous game's Tolbi, and like that
game, you would want to unload all of your amassed Game
Tickets here to outfit your Adepts with Hyper Boots, Quick
Boots, Mythril Shirts, and Running Shirts. At the large square-
shaped arrangement of plants to the right of where you enter
the town, don't use Cyclone, but rather, Scoop the one bare
spot in the center to acquire your eighth Venus Djinni, Salt.
There's also a Power Bread at the northeast part of town in a
barrel. And at the exterior entrance to the Anemos Sanctum, use
Reveal to walk into the front entrance, and a chest at the
immediate dead-end you come across has a Dragon Skin. The
future dungeon to the northwest of Contigo, Jupiter Lighthouse,
cannot be meaningfully explored at this time.

To progress with the story, sail up into the blue lake in the center
of Hesperia, disembark, and enter the cave just north of the
lake. Shaman Village Cave only serves as a short pathway to the
interior of Hesperia at this point - ignore the Mercury Djinni you
see along the way. Enter the town of Shaman Village, which
currently has most of its residences and vendors closed off
from you. From what you can explore of the town, a Hard Nut
and this game's Spirit Gloves are collectible. When the town
leader of Moapa presents himself to you, give him the Shaman's
Rod, and after some cutscenes, you will be able to attempt on a
Colosso-esque puzzle-dungeon competition named Trial Road.
Unlike Colosso, you can try unlimited times and quit in the midst
of an attempt, and you are required to temporarily give up some
of your equipped weapons/body armor/head armor/shield armor
(the penalty for falling behind your opponent over the course of
the race is that you need to give up more equipment to
progress). The ultimate point of Trial Road is to win the boss
battle against Moapa and his two Knights at the area's peak.
Upon winning, you get the Hover Jade that bestows the Hover
Psynergy, and the town's houses and vendors open up, allowing
you to reach and collect a Lucky Medal, Lucky Pepper, and your
seventh Jupiter Djinni, Aroma.
Rare item drop: In Shaman Village Cave, if you fell a Wild
Gryphon with the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter
Djinni, there is a 1/32 chance it will drop a Feathered Robe,
likely one of the best possible pieces of armor to have on
Jupiter Adepts.

With the Hover Psynergy, you may now play through Jupiter
Lighthouse in the continent of Atteka. This large, complex
dungeon has a "main structure" and two "side structures" to
play through. Cyclone all the plants just outside the lighthouse
base to find a Mint, fight a Mad Plant shortly after that to get
another Mint, and within the main structure you can collect the
Erinyes Tunic and the Meditation Rod. After finding the Red Key,
use it to gain access to the left structure, and after finding the
Blue Key there, use it to gain access to the right structure,
wherein you can find the Phaeton's Blade and fight and earn
your eighth Jupiter Djinni, Whorl (ideally, you should have eight
of each element of Djinni now). Once you've completed both
side structures, along your way back up the main structure to
the tower's aerie, a series of very story-relevant cutscenes
transpire and direct you, eventually directing you to the tower's
top. You will soon be locked in a boss battle against Karst and
Agatio with just Felix and Piers in your party; survive two rounds
for Jenna to join, then survive two more rounds for Sheba to
join. After this, this becomes the only boss fight in the game that
you can lose but still safely progress through the game
afterward (though winning earns you a Dark Matter forgeable
material). Following the action, leave Jupiter Lighthouse and
return to Contigo.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Wyvern with the attack effect
of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it will
drop an Aeolian Cassock, sort of like a poor man's
Feathered Robe. And if you fell a Blue Dragon with the
attack effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a 1/16
chance it will drop a Rising Mace, an excellent fit on Sheba
at this point for its high attack power and Jupiter-based

Back at Contigo, enter the house on the upper left to trigger a

lengthy, story-important cutscene; this is the "Reunion"
discussed earlier, for all four of the previous game's party
members - Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia - will join as additional
party members and help form your final 8-member party.
Whatever is in their statistics, Djinn collections, inventory, and
added wealth is determined by the degree of Clear Data
enhancement present on the file, and once they've joined, the
Update feature no longer becomes available for this file.

Mars Lighthouse

Hopefully Isaac's party came with the Orb of Force present in

their inventory, for the Force Psynergy that bestows is required
to immediately find a Djinni; use Force on the empty stump
immediately southwest of the house on the hill to bring out your
ninth Mars Djinni, Shine. Now take your new eight-member
party back down to Atteka Inlet, and use the Lift Psynergy
bestowed by the Lifting Gem in their inventory on the boulder to
the lower left and use Cyclone to uncover and reach your ninth
Venus Djinni, the powerful Geode. Return to your ship to find it
now has Psynergy-powered wings attached to it, which is
explained in a cutscene. Before you can board your ship, if this
game file has been enhanced with Clear Data from a Golden
Sun file in which Master Hammet was rescued from Lunpa
Fortress, a townsperson will arrive and put down a chest
containing an Orihalcon, the final class of forgeable material.
Once in control of your ship, hold down B to fly around, and fly
over the white rocks obstructing your way out; this triggers
another cutscene. Incidentally, you might want to return to
Contigo immediately afterward and reenter the house on the hill,
and trigger a sometimes-missed character-relevant cutscene.

Now in control of your ship, which has been upgraded with the
ability to fly, there are several other important collectibles to
gather. If Isaac's party joined without all of the first game's
Jupiter Djinn, get one from SW Atteka Islet. A shallow spot north
of SW Atteka Islet is enclosed by a ring of low rocks, which your
ship can now fly over, and pressing A will get you a Rusty Sword
that is reforged into the Soul Brand. Use the Catch Psynergy
bestowed by the Catch Beads to grab the Apple at Kalt Island.
At the southeast portion of Atteka, fly your ship inland over the
beach, plains, and river so that you get to a very out-of-the-way
cave location at its southern tip, and use Parch to access your
seventh summon tablet, Coatlicue. At the upper northwestern
area of Angara is a similar cave, in which using the Carry
Psynergy bestowed by the Carry Stone is the solution to
reaching your eighth summon tablet, Haures. And at Yallam, the
Force Psynergy is to be used on the wooden log next to
Sunshine's place to let you access the visible chest containing
one of the best weapons in the game, Masamune.

Additionally, return to Shaman Village Cave. If this game file has

been enhanced with Clear Data from a Golden Sun file in which
Colosso was won, then as soon as you enter Shaman Village
Cave from the bottom end a cutscene will put you in a battle
with the three gladiators from that competition all at once,
though that should be very easy. Defeat them to earn the
Golden Shirt. Using the Lift Psynergy is the solution to getting
the ninth Mercury Djinni, Eddy. Come back to Shaman Village,
go back through Trial Road to the peak area where the boss
battle took place, and use Hover on the purple hover tile to the
left to access a cave that is blocked off by a Lift-able boulder.
Beyond that is a screen where the ninth Jupiter Djinni, Gasp, can
be fought and earned, and among the Cyclone-able plants is a
Mad Plant that drops a Lucky Pepper.

It is now time to play through Magma Rock, the dungeon in

lower Gondowan most easily reached by sailing up Gondowan's
thick central river. As usual, the exterior portion is climbed and
explored before descending into the interior, and along the way
you can collect a Salamander Tail forgeable material. The Burst
Psynergy is integral to this dungeon's puzzles. In the three main
floors to follow, the first floor down contains a Lucky Medal, and
if Isaac's party joined without all of the first game's Mars Djinn,
one can be found in the first floor as well. The second floor
down has your tenth Mars Djinni, Fury, and the third floor down
has another Salamander Tail as well as a Golem Core forgeable
material. A Mimic on the premises drops an Apple. At the
bottom floor down, at the end of the dungeon, Jenna learns the
Blaze Psynergy, and use that to get to the burning rock that
appears during a small volcanic eruption and retrieve the
Magma Ball from it. Both of these are vital to continue.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Little Death with the attack
effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it
will drop a Hiotoko Mask. And if you fell a Lesser Demon
with the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is
a 1/32 chance it will drop a Rune Blade.

Travel to the western area of Angara and come to the town of

Loho, which has a vendor. Use the Magma Ball on the cannon
pointed toward the wall, and a cutscene will automatically have
the cannon installed onto your ship. Afterward, use Scoop to dig
up two Golem Cores, and reach and collect your tenth Jupiter
Djinni, Lull. Use Reveal on the lower-left area of the town to find
a spot to Scoop up, and you will get a forgeable item called
Mythril Silver, which creates particularly powerful and valuable
items. Now with the cannon, head north to the Northern
Reaches, and a cutscene lets you fire the Magma Ball at the ice
wall, opening up the way to the final, blizzard-ridden region of
the game's overworld.

Enter the town of Prox, which has a vendor with some extremely
noteworthy things to sell (it sells Vials and Mist Potions as
common items, and it sells the extremely expensive and
powerful Mysterious Robe as an artifact). A cookie can be found
in a jar beneath the Inn, a Dark Matter is found buried near the
igloo and is reached with both Lift and Scoop, and up the ice
river the tenth Venus Djinni, Mold, is acquired with Scoop.
Additionally, if Isaac's party joined without all of the first game's
Mercury Djinn, one can be found the lone house in the upper
screen of Prox. A cutscene triggers at the upper left area of the
top screen, after which you may proceed forward north to the
final dungeon on your quest, Mars Lighthouse.

Mars Lighthouse, north of Prox, is the final dungeon of the

game. It is multi-segmented in that you first explore its lower
floors while the structure is still frozen over, then explore its
upper floors that lead to four elemental mini-dungeons of their
own. In the outside area of Mars Lighthouse is an Apple, and a
Mimic fought near the entrance drops a Cookie. During your
exploration of the lower floors, you will find an Orihalcon, the
Valkyrie Mail, and the strongest weapon in the series, the Sol
Blade, as well as find and make use of the Teleport Lapis that
bestows the Teleport Psynergy. You use Teleport on the large
circular patterns you find on the ground to transport to different
areas. You can also get to and battle and earn your tenth
Mercury Djinni, Balm. You eventually get to the boss battle with
two Flame Dragons, after which is a story-relevant cutscene.
You gain the Mars Star Important Item, and you use it on the
dragon head statue in the immediate vicinity to heat up Mars
Lighthouse. Afterward, through the rightmost door in the
dungeon's "main lobby" you can get to, battle, and earn your
eleventh and final Mars Djinni, Fugue.

Proceeding to Mars Lighthouse's upper floors, you are

presented with a lobby room with four doors, each of which
leads to an "elemental mini-dungeon" in its own tower. At the
end of each mini-dungeon cast the Blaze Psynergy on the
colored torch at the end to signify that you've completed it, then
return to the lobby to complete another. An easily-missed chest
right outside the Mars sub-dungeon tower contains the
Alastor's Hood. Once all four symbols in the lobby have been lit
up, the dragon-head statue generates a Teleport pad that, when
you use it, transports you to the game's final battle whenever
you wish. You'd probably want to hold off until you've
completed the game's bonus content, though, which is now
available to your Teleport Psynergy. Leave Mars Lighthouse.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Minos Warrior with the attack
effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it
will drop a Clotho's Distaff. And if you fell an Aka Manah
with the attack effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a
1/32 chance it will drop a Gloria Helm, a strong helm with a
passive HP-restoring effect.

Endgame material

Your Teleport Psynergy allows you to instantly warp to any of

the main towns visited throughout The Lost Age, and your ship
will appear at the nearest beach each time you warp. Teleport to
Alhafra, go down to Yampi Desert, and use Sand to reach a
secluded cave entrance at the upper left corner of the big
screen with the sandfalls. A teleport pad inside the cave
transports you into your first of four optional "super dungeons"
in the game, Yampi Desert Cave. A rather maze-like dungeon
that requires going through certain areas multiple times to solve
puzzles, along the way you can collect a Dark Matter, a Mythril
Silver, and an Orihalcon. Also, you can scoop out your eleventh
and final Venus Djinni, Crystal. At the end is this super
dungeon's "super boss", Valukar, who is physically powerful and
has a huge amount of HP and attempts to use your own
summons against you. Defeat him and you will earn your ninth
Summon Tablet, Daedalus.
Rare item drops: Every one of this area's random
monsters has the chance to drop something interesting. If
you fell a Sand Scorpion with the attack effect of an
offensive Mars Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it will drop a
Star Dust; if you fell a Winged Lizard with the attack effect
of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it will
drop a Dragon Skin; and if you fell a Soul Army with the
attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/32
chance it will drop a Mythril Silver. These monsters
constitute the only infinite sources of these forgeable
materials in the game, and Mythril Silver, in particular, is
very valuable. Furthermore, if you fell a Fire Dragon with the
attack effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni, there is a 1/32
chance it will drop an Atropos' Rod. And if you fell a Minos
Knight with the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni,
there is a 1/32 chance it will drop Riot Gloves, easily one of
the best items in the game.

Return to the Sea of Time Islet and let Lonesome George the
turtle take you back to Islet Cave. Use Teleport on the Teleport
Pad to access a long series of narrow, straight hallways
comprising this area's later part, and along the way cast Tremor
on the elevated statue to get your eleventh and final Mercury
Djinni, Serac. This area is well-known in the community for
being the home of randomly fought Wonder Bird enemies, the
final palette swap of the Phoenix from earlier; each time you fell
one, you earn over 8000 experience (11,000 if felled with an
offensive Mercury Djinni), making Islet Cave the ideal endgame-
level-grinding spot. It is such a good EXP source that it is worth
having transferred the Lure Cap from the previous game over to
this game to increase random encounter rates. At the end of the
hallways is the boss battle with the second "super boss",
Sentinel, which is completely immune to your Psynergy (but not
your attacks or Summons). After defeating it, collect your tenth
Summon Tablet, Catastrophe.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Wonder Bird with the attack
effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni, there is a 1/32 chance
it will drop a Dark Matter, making it the only infinite source
of these forgeable materials in the game. If you fell a Druj
with the attack effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a
1/32 chance it will drop a Berserker Band. Most notably, if
you fell, a Cruel Dragon with the attack effect of an
offensive Mars Djinni, there is a 1/64 chance it will drop a
Tisiphone Edge, one of the best weapons in the game.

Return to Treasure Isle and progress down to the lower level,

and use Lift to get past the boulder and explore the lower level
fully. (While this dungeon could have been explored as soon as
Isaac's party joined, the strength of the monsters here are
equivalent to the other "super dungeons"). You can collect the
powerful items Iris Robe and Fire Brand, and in a Lift-based
puzzle similar to one seen in Shaman Village Cave, you can
reach and battle your eleventh and final Jupiter Djinni, Gale.
Later on, if Isaac's party joined without all of the first game's
Venus Djinn, one can be found here near the top of one
branching hallway. The "super boss" at the end of this dungeon
is the Star Magician, who compared to Valukar and Sentinel is
very challenging and tricky because of the various ball minions
he summons every turn. After defeating him, you can collect
your eleventh Summon tablet, Azul.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Gillman Lord with the attack
effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance it
will drop a Tear Stone; if you fell a Great Seagull with the
attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a 1/16
chance it will drop a Sylph Feather; and if you fell a Pyrodra
with the attack effect of an offensive Mars Djinni, there is a
1/16 chance it will randomly drop a Salamander Tail. These
monsters constitute the only infinite sources of these
forgeable materials in the game. Furthermore, if you fell an
Ocean Dragon with the attack effect of an offensive Mars
Djinni, there is a 1/32 chance it will drop a Triton's Ward, an
item that provides enormous boosts to Mercury resistance
and power.

If you've played perfectly up to this point, you should have

finally amassed all 72 Djinn in the GBA series. So now, Teleport
to Contigo, then use the Teleport pad at the center of town to
enter the lobby of Anemos Sanctum. Step on each of the four
circular patterns to signify that you have collected all 18 of each
of the elemental Djinn types, and the door to the most
challenging bonus dungeon, Anemos Inner Sanctum, opens. As
soon as you enter, you can collect your twelfth Summon tablet,
Charon, then play through the dungeon, along the way
collecting a Dark Matter and an Orihalcon. At the dungeon's end
is the most powerful and deadly boss in the GBA Golden Sun
series, Dullahan, which pretty much requires you to destroy with
Summon spells soon enough before his abilities, including his
own Charon, destroy you. If you manage the feat of winning the
battle against Dullahan, you earn the thirteenth and final
Summon tablet, Iris.
Rare item drops: If you fell a Bombander with the attack
effect of an offensive Mercury Djinni, there is a 1/16 chance
it will drop a Golem Core, and if you fell a Sky Dragon with
the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is a
1/32 chance it will drop an Orihalcon. These monsters
constitute the only infinite sources of these forgeable
materials in the game, and Orihalcon, of course, is
extremely valuable for supplying some of the game's best
equipment in general. Furthermore, if you fell a Mad Demon
with the attack effect of an offensive Jupiter Djinni, there is
a 1/64 chance it will drop a Lachesis' Rule, meant to be the
strongest staff.

Having finally completed everything else there is in the game to

complete, teleport back to Prox and return to Mars Lighthouse,
and come back to the upper-floor lobby with the Teleport pad.
Use it to transport to the aerie of Mars Lighthouse, and as soon
as you approach the well, a long cutscene triggers that
eventually and automatically leads you to the final boss. This
boss is three boss battles in one, one stage right after the other,
and the later stages are much more powerful and dangerous
than the first. Once you defeat the boss, you've won the game,
so let the subsequent cutscenes take you back to Prox the
same way the previous game took you back to Lalivero (unlike
Lalivero, you cannot save here, and your party is comprised only
of Felix and Isaac). Spend as much time as you like before
exiting off the bottom of the town, which triggers all the rest of
the cutscenes that lead to the credits, the epilogue, and the
"The End" screen. You will be asked to save a Clear Data file;
you probably would not want to save it over the game file, but
rather save it in another save slot instead.

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