DG4Kids Activity: Road Trip (September '11)

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Night Activities September 30, 2011 Calendar:



This is a fun activity that will reinforce the importance of following the right directions to get you where you want to go. Because God is always right, we can be sure that His instructions are always right. If we follow His instructions, we will always get where we want to go!

As a special treat, choose a fun place to go: Ice Cream Shop, Miniature Golf, Movie Theater, etc. Choose a place that your kids are familiar with but would provide a bit of a challenge in giving directions to you on how to navigate there.

Lets get started!

Pile in the car and announce the destination youve chosen. The kids are going to give the driver directions to the place youve chosen. If you have more than one child, they can take turns giving directions. Every child must give at least one direction, whether they know how to get there or not. If the kids are unsure of which direction to go, encourage them to at least make a guess. Be prepared to pull off the road now and then in order for the kids to decide which way to go. After 20 minutes or so, begin helping the kids with the directions until you end up at your destination.

Talk about it:

Over ice cream or before you go in to participate in the activity youve selected, take a few minutes to talk about the drive. Did we make any wrong turns? Why? What happened when we went the wrong direction? Who knew the right directions? How did they know the right directions? The more we read Gods word and learn from those who know Him well, the more we know His directions and can follow them. If we dont know His directions we cant follow them. Why would we want to follow Gods directions?

Because God is always right, His directions for us are right and best. When we follow His directions, we always get to the destination He has for us. Because He loves us perfectly and only plans whats best for us, we can be sure that His destination is the very best even better than ice cream (or golf or a movie, etc.)!

Bringing it to a close:

Thank God that His directions for us are always right and ask Him to help you follow them. O Lord, You are righteous, and Your regulations are fair. Your laws are perfect and completely trustworthy. - Psalm 119:137-138

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