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Clinical Field Experience B:

Proficient Teacher
Observation and Feedback

Clinical Field
Experience B:
Proficient Teacher
Observation and
Anthony M. Porter II
August 9, 2023
EAD 530
Dr. Peter Koza
Clinical Field Experience B:
Proficient Teacher
Observation and Feedback

The observation that I and Mr. Mays took part in was with one of the best teachers at Palm

Beach Lakes High School, Ms. Quida Littles. Ms. Littles is an Emotional Behavioral Disorder

teacher that works with many students with different learning levels. The observation was

informal, which did not deter the lesson she was teaching. The lesson was an ELA lesson, upon

walking in the classroom the students were working on the Bellringer. On the smartboard, she

had a timer on which was about two minutes. Once it went off, the students turned their

papers in and grabbed their reading books. Ms. Little then asked them questions about the

previous days reading, all the students raised their hands to answer the questions. Ms. Littles

then asked the students about the reading for today and id any of her students had an idea of

what the story could be about the responses from the students were overwhelming even

though some students were completely off topic the fact that they were engaged and actively

seeking answers which showed me the level of involvement she has with them. She broke the

students up into their groups based on the groups I see where Ms. Little will be able to scaffold

the lesson based on the student's learning ability. During the small groups one of the students

began to act out but looking at the other students they were not disturbed by the student

making noises, Ms. Littles simply walked over to the students desk and started having a

conversation with the student after a few more minutes of that student making noise they

return to being quiet and continued working on the lesson.

Clinical Field Experience B:
Proficient Teacher
Observation and Feedback

After the observation I asked Ms. Littles several questions about the lessons and the classroom,

the first lesson that I asked her how she was able to get the classroom to comply with her rules,

she responded that the rules and her classroom expectations are drilled into the students every

day. I also asked her how she decided the groups that the students were in, she explained to

me that the students are grouped based off their learning levels which gives her time to work

with the students that need more help.

When looking at PSEL standard 6 and looking at how I will incorporate what I learned in this

observation in my future, the first thing I will say is that I need to make sure that students and

other staff need to know my expectations in the classroom and out. The other thing I have seen

is that I need to know the students and staff, knowing them will help me when I need to talk to

them or give them instructions.

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