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Case Study Mr.

Anthony M. Porter II
August 2, 2023
EAD 530
Dr. Peter Koza

Case Study Mr. Smith


1. I assume that Mr. Smith is well-versed in the material, as he was able to answer several

clarifying questions for his students.

2. I assume that Mr. Smith is highly effective in classroom management, he demands

respect from his classroom and handles poor behavior.

3. I assume that Mr. Smith is a teacher that cares for his students and makes sure that they

have all the necessary tools to be successful.

1. Mr. Smith, I see you know the teaching material well. How do you know it so well? Is

this the same material that you have been working on since entering the profession?

2. How did you get so good at classroom management? Do you go over classroom

expectations at the beginning of the school year? What do you do when a student

shows poor behavior?

3. What have you learned about your students over the years? Do you feel that teaching

has become harder based off the students that you have encountered?

Positive Feedback

Mr. Smith, you are a great teacher, who shows that you have a passion for the profession

and want to see your students be successful, during your classroom visit allowed me the

opportunity to come in and be a part of your world and put your teaching skill son full display.

Case Study Mr. Smith

The overall experience was great. The way you kept your students engaged in the lesson during

the lecture and maintained order in your classroom during the power point presentation. The

students were taking notes and following the classroom rules. The PowerPoint, pictures, and

diagrams gave the different learners in your classroom many ways to look and learn, which

shows me that your students come first, which is the most important thing in our profession.

Constructive Feedback

Mr. Smith, although you had a wonderful observation, I felt you could have done some

things to enhance your lesson further. The one thing I would say is that you could make your

lessons more interactive for the students, group activities, and even games that can work with the

lesson. There are some online interactive games like Kahoot and Quizlet live that can garner the

same respect from your students without being lectured too. Mr. Smith, your presentation was

great and the way you command your classroom is perfect, and I appreciate you letting me

observe you.


My initial assumptions of Mr. Smith classroom were a wonderful experience. The

classroom was well maintained and Mr. Smith confidence in his classroom commands respect

and allows him to make the presentation in class. During the presentation he provides time for

the students to ask questions and take notes, so they can understand and grasp the information

that Mr. Smith is presenting. The one thing that Mr. Smith must be mindful of is that during the

presentation students sometime get bored and lose sight of what they are learning, their needs to

be other interactions in the lesson that keep the students actively engaged like Kahoot or Quizlet

Case Study Mr. Smith

live, which are online interactive games that can do the same thing as the lecture but gives the

students a chance to have fun learning.

When I was teaching at Jeaga middle school my very first observation was something

from a horror story. I know that I did a horrible job, but the principal at the school put my fears

to rest because it was my first-year teaching, and he knew that it was going to take time to get it

right. I was completely uncomfortable and felt like I was being judged on everything that I was

doing and whether I did it right felt like it was wrong. The assistant principal stressed to me that

the observation was not as bad as I made it seem, even though I believe he left my classroom

feeling like the principal made a mistake in giving me the job. The very next day the assistant

principal came back to my classroom to ensure me that I was a good teacher and that I will get

better with time, he said that all the pointers that he gave me were to help me enhance my teacher

experience and provide the students with the best possible education. The last thing that he told

me was the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor

yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth

to them all.

Case Study Mr. Smith

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