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In my immediate future, I would like to achieve the goal of obtaining my university
degree in game design and programming to pursue what I love the most, which is
programming and playing video games.

By setting clear goals and developing an action plan, I can visualize a future
based on objectives and aspirations. This involves identifying what I want to
achieve and outlining the necessary steps to reach it.

Game programming requires a solid understanding of programming, mathematics,

logic, and problem-solving. It is a constantly evolving field where programmers
need to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends.

With dedication and practice, I can develop the necessary skills to become a
successful game programmer and contribute to the creation of unique and exciting
gaming experiences.

I envision my future as something thrilling, where I see technology gradually

advancing as I embark on my career.

There will be many changes in programming, whether it's in 3D or 4D, and the
programming language itself will be something exciting.

I hope that my future can fulfill all that I long for and that the decision I made to
study this career is the right one, leading me to achieve my goals.

I understand that visualizing the future does not guarantee precise results, as the
future is subject to multiple unpredictable factors and circumstances.
However, visualizing the future can help me set goals, create an inspiring vision,
and make decisions that bring me closer to the life I desire to achieve.

I want to be and achieve what I desire in order to reach a good personal future
upon completing my professional career.

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