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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

Prepared by; Soraya P. Macatana

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. Distinguish the Dipthong oy words.
2. Give example of Dipthong oy words.
3. Read properly the Dipthong oy words; and rewrite it properly.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Dipthong oy
Materials: Cartolina, Marker, Construction paper, scatch tape
Reference: Learning and intensifying English today, by Norma J. Serrano the
Phoenix Publishing house inc., Page 207, Copyright 2016.
Strategy: Socratic method
III. Learning Process

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
Everybody stand up and Amer lead the
Amer: yes ma’am .
Bismillahi Rahmanirrahim
Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalamin
Malikiyaw middin, iyakaa
Buduwa iya kanastaen
Ihdina sirratal mustaqin
Shiratal lahdina an anta
Alayhim, gairil magdubi alayhim
Waladaalin ameen...
b. Greetings
Assalamu alaykom and good morning
Take your seat, so how are you today Wa alaikumissalam and good morning ma’am .
We are fine and how about you ma’am ?
Im good thank you.
c. Checking attendance
Say present if your name is called.
(Checking attendance)
( Checking attendance)
d. Reminder
Class do we have an assignment?

Yes ma’am
Okay pass it forward
e. Ice breaker
Time for singing!
Everybody stand up and lets sing “ The
dipthong song”

Let’s make a Dipthong into a song

So you can remember what it is

A Dipthong takes two vowel sounds

And makes them sound like this
A and W sound like aw
Jaw, paw, claw, raw

Repeat after me!

A and W sound like aw
Jaw, paw, claw, raw..

O and A sound like oh

Oak, oat, soak, goat.

Lets make a Dipthong into a song so you

can remember what it is.
A Dipthong takes two vowel sounds.
B. Motivation
Class what song we sang earlier? Ma’am a Dipthong song?

Do you know what is Dipthong? No ma’am

Okay i will discuss and explain to you what

Dipthong means but before we start

C. Review
Who can tell me what our topic yesterday?
Salman: about the ing form of the verb.
Yes salman?

Okay very good.

Aina: verb is an action word ma’am .
Now tell me what is a verb mean? Yes Aina?

Yes very good Aina. A verb is an action word,

who can give me an example of a verb in a form Ma’am sitting
of -ing ? You abdul stand up.

Very good. Class always remember that a verb is

an action word and you can simply put a -ing in
the last of the word to become an a -ing form.

D. Presentation
Class we will proceed to our topic for today the
The Dipthong is a sound formed by the
combination of two vowels in a single syllable.
Now first we tacle about the Diphtong oy.
Here is some example of Dipthong oy.

Ma’am the words are ending oy

Now class who can tell me what is the

similarities of the words that you read?

Very good!
How about this words

Azis: i don’t know ma’am . I think spelling?

Who can differentiate this group of words to the

other group of words that you read?

Okay class Azis is right the first group of words

that you read and the second group are different
in spelling but you can notice the first group is
ending oy and the second one have similar in Oy ma’am
every words is oi. But this group of words have
what we called Dipthong oy. The second group of
words which is coin, join, point etc. Is part of
Dipthong oy because when we pronounce the oi
No ma’am
Yes very good. In other words The Dipthong oy
and oi is similar because the sound of this two or I thought ma’am that the Dipthong is you can fi
when we pronounce it are the same. end of the words?
Do you understand class?

Where is you don’t understand?

No, the Dipthong is you can find it in the

beginning, middle or last of the words as long as Yes ma’am

the two vowels is chronological.

For example is oil. We have oi in the beginning
of the words.
Do you understand?

Activity 1
Underline the Dipthong oy/oi in the given words.

1. Join
2. Soil
3. Royal
4. Troy
5. Soy It is easy ma’am because we already know the
meaning of dipthong.
E. Analysis
Class do you really understand our activity?
Is it easy or hard?

F. Application
Posted on the board, pupils voluntarily raised
their hands to post the picture with words, where
it belong is it oy or oi.
G. Generalization
The teacher discuss the topic from the start to the Yes ma’am
“class always remember that the Dipthong oy is
you can spell it in a form of oi. And the dipthong
is two vowel sounds joined in one syllables to
form one speech sound.
Do you understand?

IV. Assessment
A. Encirle the dipthong oy/oi in the
following words.
1. Join
2. Enjoy
3. Coin
4. Deploy
5. Destroy
6. Boy
7. Toy
8. Oil
9. Soil
10. Foil

B. Complete the following words,

choose the answer below
V. Assignment
Group the following Dipthong oy/oi, aw, ew

Straw Dew Coin Royal

Boy Saw Jaw New
Draw few Joy Paw

Aw Oy/oi Ew

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