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The Relationship Between Muscular Strength

and Dance Injuries
A Systematic Review
João Paulo Moita, MSc,1,2 Alexandre Nunes, MSc,3 José Esteves, MSc, PT,4
Raul Oliveira, PhD, PT,3 and Luis Xarez, PhD3

BACKGROUND: The physical demands placed on dancers does not provide a solid basis for designing interventions
put them at significant risk for injury, with rates similar to for prevention. Med Probl Perform Art 2017; 32(1):40–50.
ones sustained by athletes in sports at the same level of
performance. Muscle strength has been suggested to
play a preventative role against injury in dancers. OBJEC-
TIVE: To systematically search and examine the available
D ue to its motor complexity and technical require-
ments, dance can be seen as a highly physically
demanding activity for the musculoskeletal system, match-
evidence on the protective role of muscle strength in
dance injuries. METHODS: Five electronic databases and ing high-intensity sports1–3 and requiring high fitness levels
two dance-specific science publications were screened and sophisticated physical capacities for performance
up to September 2015. Study selection was based on a excellence.1,3,4 The physical demands placed on dancers
priori inclusion criteria on the relation between muscle from choreography and performance schedules, plus the
strength components and injuries. Methodologic quality
and level of evidence were assessed using the Downs and repetitive nature of dance movement patterns in classes
Black (DB) checklist and the Oxford Centre of Evidence- and rehearsals, place dancers at a significant risk for injury,
Based Medicine (OCEBM) 2011 model. RESULTS: From with rates similar to the ones sustained by athletes in tradi-
186 titles found, only 8 studies met the inclusion criteria tional sports at the same level of performance.2,5 However,
and were considered for review. Because of the signifi- even at the height of their professional careers, dancers
cant heterogeneity of the included studies, meta-analysis
was deemed inappropriate. The DB quality assessment may present low levels of fitness as compared to athletes,
results ranged from 18.7% to 75% (mean 42.3±16.9) and often exhibiting values similar to those of healthy seden-
the OCEBM between 2b and 4. Some level 2b evidence tary individuals of comparable age, given that a dance-only
from 2 studies suggested that pre-professional ballet training system elicits limited stimuli for significant physi-
dancers who get injured exhibit lower overall muscle cal fitness adaptations,6 particularly muscle strength.
strength scores on the lower extremity, and that lower
extremity power gains may be associated with decreased Within some sections of the dance world, muscle
bodily pain but not injury rate. CONCLUSIONS: Although strength is not considered a necessary ingredient for suc-
there might be an association trend toward low muscle cess and has been hidden from the spotlight of knowledge
strength and dance injuries, the nature of that relation due to unfounded assumptions that it would diminish
remains unclear, and presently the state of knowledge dancers’ aesthetic appearances and flexibility, thus com-
promising performance.4,7,8 Conversely, research has
From the 1Faculdade de Educação Física e Desporto, Uni-
versidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, proven the opposite through growing evidence, that
Lisboa; 2Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional, proper strength conditioning can increase strength levels
Lisboa; 3Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade in dancers and improve performance without interfering
de Lisboa, Lisboa; 4Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, with their technical and aesthetic elements.9–12 In addition
Estoril, Portugal.
to performance, some authors suggest that muscle strength
The authors declare no funding or conflicts of interest may play a preventative role against injuries and may act
related to this study. as a predictive factor of dancers’ proneness to
injury.1,3,6,7,12–22 In sports, muscle strength has proven to be
Supplemental material appears in the online version of this
paper, at a key determinant in injury prevention programs for
reducing injury rates.23,24 While the underlying mecha-
Address for correspondence: Dr. João Paulo Moita, Escola nisms remain to be accurately identified, a recent system-
de Dança do Conservatório Nacional, Rua João Pereira da
atic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of exer-
Rosa nº 22, 1200-236 Lisboa, Portugal. Tel +351 21 340 80
30, fax +351 21 340 80 39. cise intervention to prevent sports injuries found that
strength training reduced sports injuries to less than one- third.23 Muscle strength has also been found to be associ-
© 2017 Science & Medicine.
ated with self-rated health,25 meaning that it can be consid-

40 Medical Problems of Performing Artists

ered as a marker of health just like body mass index (BMI) Studies were excluded if they did not meet the inclusion
or blood pressure.26 criteria or if one of the following exclusion criteria were
In general, physical conditioning is a key principle for present: studies on special or disabled populations; studies
lowering injury risk, and muscle strength and strength- on occasional dance practice; studies on retired dancers;
related components such as muscle power and muscular editorials; conference proceedings and abstracts; book
endurance are major physical conditioning elements chapters; opinion and resource papers; review papers;
required for both health and performance.4,6,7,27 The pur- methodological papers; descriptive survey studies; case
pose of this review was to systematically search and exam- studies; studies where injury data count as an independent
ine the available evidence on the relationship between variable.
muscle strength and dance injuries concerning a potential After identification of potential relevant references,
protective role of muscle strength. citations were imported to Reference Manager Software
(Thompson Reuters, and
METHODS duplicates removed. When titles and abstracts indicated
potential for inclusion, full text articles were obtained and
The PRISMA statement for Reporting Systematic Reviews reviewed. A consensus meeting with a third party (RO)
and Meta-Analysis of Studies That Evaluate Health Care was held if the two reviewers (JPM and JE) were not able to
Interventions: Explanation and Elaboration28 was con- reach agreement on inclusion of an article. Additionally,
sulted and provided the structure for this review. review studies found in the literature search and the stud-
Approval from institutional review board (IRB) or ethics ies included in review had their reference list hand-
committee was deemed not required due to study design. searched for additional relevant sources.

Search Strategy and Identification Data Extraction and Analysis

Two reviewers (JPM, JE) created and ran a systematic The extraction of relevant data was conducted by two
search of literature on five electronic databases (Cochrane other researchers (AN and LX) who were blinded to
Library, PubMed, Scopus, SportDiscus, and Web of Sci- author and publication details. For that purpose, a data
ence) from their year of inception up to October 2015, using extraction form was created (Appendix 1). When disagree-
the following search expression: dance* AND injury* ment occurred, a third researcher (RO) was consulted to
AND (muscle strength OR muscle endurance OR muscle provide clarification. When studies provided sufficient sta-
power). To ensure that all the available relevant data were tistical data, effect size was calculated using the Open Meta
considered, the search strategy was also extended to two Analyst software version 10.10 for Macintosh29 (Center
dance-specific science publications (Journal of Dance Medi- for Clinical Evidence Synthesis, Tufts Medical Center,
cine and Science and Medical Problems of Performing Artists). Boston, MA, USA) and interpreted according with
The latter did not allow the use of the aforementioned Cohen30 recommendations. In studies that used statistical
search expressions, and instead separate text words combi- correlation analyses (i.e., Pearson or Spearman), when not
nations with the indexed terms were utilized. provided, the coefficient of determination (r2) was calcu-
lated for explaining the proportion of variance.31 Because
Selection of significant heterogeneity in study design, methodologi-
cal procedures and quality, and outcomes of the selected
Because of the scarce number of scientifically acceptable studies, meta-analysis was not done and data were ana-
studies found in the literature, the following inclusion cri- lyzed descriptively. After analysis, standardized summary
teria were considered: any observational or experimental of findings tables were created, concerning study descrip-
study, within the scope of dance injury research involving tive characteristics (study first author/year, study design,
dance populations irrespective of dance style and level of population, dance style, study purpose, and main out-
practice (vocational, elite pre-professional, and profes- come) and relevant statistical components (p-values, r-
sional), of which the subject of research was the relation- values, r2-values, Cohen d).
ship between muscle strength and/or muscle power
and/or muscle endurance and dance injury. Dancers of Quality Assessment
both genders were considered, with the age range set in
accordance with the level and/or category of practice; The assessment of the methodological quality of the
studies with mixed sample populations were considered if included papers was done separately by two reviewers
data concerning dancers were presented separately; studies (JPM and AN), using the Downs and Black (DB) check-
where the object of research was the relation between list, which is a methodological quality assessment tool
other physical fitness components and injury were also with high internal consistency (KR-20=0.89), good test-
considered if one or more of the selected parameters was retest reliability (r=0.88), and good interrater reliability
included and objectively assessed; peer-reviewed studies (r=0.75).32 It consists of 27 items across five sections, as
published in English language. follows:

March 2017    41
provide an independent control group. Accordingly, and
taking into account the variation of the total item num-
bers of the checklist, the quality assessment results are pre-
sented as percentage scores, as previously suggested.33 The
strength of agreement between reviewers was determined
through Cohen’s kappa.34 Interpretation of κ values was
established using standards proposed by Landis and
Koch35: 0=poor, 0.01–0.20=slight, 0.21–0.40=fair, 0.41–
0.60=moderate, 0.61–0.80=substantial, and 0.81–1=almost
perfect. The Level of Evidence (LE) and the Grade of Rec-
ommendation (GR) of the included studies were deter-
mined after methodological quality assessment, as based
on the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
(OCEBM) recommendations.36 The details of OCEBM
recommendations are available in Appendix 3.


Figure 1 shows a flow chart with the different phases of the

search and selection of studies included in the review. The
initial search identified 186 titles, of which 176 were iden-
tified through searching electronic databases and 10
through specialized dance science publications. After
removal of duplicates, 118 titles and abstracts were
screened for relevance, out of which 99 were excluded
based on eligibility criteria and 19 were retrieved for in-
depth full text review. After full text review, 7 articles met
the inclusion criteria and 1 additional article was identified
by hand search of the reference list, giving 8 articles con-
sidered eligible for review (Appendix 4),5,12,14,15,17,20,37,38 and
12 studies were rejected (Appendix 5). The exclusion crite-
ria are shown in Appendix 5.

Description of Included Studies

Table 1 provides the characteristics and a summary of find-

ings of all studies included in this review. The 8 studies
FIGURE 1. Flow chart of the identified and selected studies. included consisted of 3 cross-sectional studies,14,15,37 1 longitu-
dinal study,17 1 cohort study,5 1 randomized controlled trial
(RCT),20 1 uncontrolled trial,12 and 1 case-control study.38
i) Study quality (10 items)—the overall quality of the study Studies ranged from 13 participants in a longitudinal
based on data reporting; study17 to 359 in a cohort study.5 In total, data from 551
ii) External validity (3 items)—the ability to generalize find- participants were included in this review, where 78.4% of
ings of the study through their representativeness; the participants (n=432) were female and 21.6% (n=119)
iii) Internal validity concerning study bias (7 items)—to assess male dancers. Three of the included studies featured only
bias in the intervention and outcome measure(s);
female dancers in their study population,17,37,38 and 1 study
iv) Internal validity concerning confounding and selection
used only male dancers.14 The overall age range was
bias (6 items)—to determine bias from sampling or group
assignment; and 14.7±1.9 to 27.1±5.4 years and the level of practice was
v) Power of the study (1 items)—to determine if findings are mostly pre-professional, with only 2 studies addressing
due to chance (for more information, see Appendix 2). exclusively professional dancers.14,15
The most frequently used strength-related fitness com-
Due to the design heterogeneity of the studies included ponent was lower extremity muscle power, assessed in 4
in our review, the checklist was modified. From the origi- studies by means of field tests such as standing vertical
nal 27 items, 12 items were not applied to the included jump (SVJ)17,37 and standing broad jump (SBJ).12,20 Three
observational studies (items 4, 8, 9, 13–15, 17, 19, 23–24, 26- studies assessed muscle strength5,14,15 using manual muscle
27) as they relate specifically to intervention studies, and testing and isokinetic dynamometry. Muscle endurance
items 5, 21, and 22 were omitted for studies that did not was assessed in 3 studies17,37,38 using the press-up test for

42 Medical Problems of Performing Artists

TABLE 1. Summary of Findings of the Included Studies
Study Study Design Population Dance Style Study Purpose Main Findings p-Value Effect Size†
Koutedakis Cross-sectional n=20 M, Ballet To investigate the possible relationship The lower the knee flexion to extension peak p<0.05 Large
et al. (1997) mean age 26.6±6.0; between knee flexion to extension torque ratios (F1/Extrat), the greater the degree d= –1.38
professional peak torque ratios (F1/Extrat) and low of low-back injury; Pearson product-moment r2=0.32
back injuries in active individuals. negative correlation (r= –0.57).
Koutedakis Cross-sectional n=20 M, Ballet (M) To identify possible relationships between General trend appears to be that the lower the sum Female Large
et al. (1997) mean age 26.6±6.0; and the sum of knee flexion and extension of knee flexion and extension peak torques, the dancers: d= –1.96
professional; contemp. peak torques and the severity of lower- greater the severity of lower extremity injuries but p<0.005 r2=0.49
n=22 F, (F) body injuries in professional dancers. not low-back injuries; Pearson product-moment Male dancers: d= –1.53
mean age 27.1±5.4; negative correlation found in both female (r= –0.70) p<0.01 r2=0.37
professional and male (r= –0.61) dancers.
Gamboa et al. 5 yrs cohort n=288 F, 71 M, Ballet To examine the distribution and rate of Lower extremity isometric strength was Lower extremity: Small
(2008) 5 14.7±1.9 yrs, injuries in elite adolescent ballet dancers statistically different between injured and non- p=0.045 d=0.33
elite pre-professional and the utility of musculoskeletal screening injured dancers; no significant differences were Upper extremity: No effect
to distinguish between injured and non- found for other muscle groups. p=0.864*
injured dancers. Core stability: Small
p=0.128* d=0.30
Scapular stability: Small
p=0.160* d=0.32
Angioi et al. Cross-sectional n=16 F, Contemp. To investigate the association between Significant negative correlation between days off and p=0.014 Large
(2009) 37 mean age 26±4.7; physical fitness parameters and injury standing vertical jump (r= –0.66); trend appears to be d= –1.75
5 professional and 11 severity in female professional contempo- that the lower the muscular power, the greater the r2=0.43
pre-professional rary dancers and dance students. severity of injury; moreover, backward regression analy-
female dancers sis revealed that from all studied parameters, the strong-
est predictor of total days off was standing vertical jump.
Twitchett et al. Longitudinal n=13 F, Ballet To investigate correlations between ballet No correlations found between lower limb No data UD
(2010) 17 (15 wks) mean age 19±0.7, injury and body fat percentage, active and power, upper body, and core endurance and displayed
elite pre-professional passive flexibility, lower limb power, upper ballet injury.
female dancers body and core endurance, and aerobic capacity.
Mistiaen et al. Uncontrolled n=40, 38 F/2 M, Mix: ballet, To evaluate musculoskeletal injury rate and Submaximal exercise tests significantly increase as Lower limb Small
(2012) 12 trial mean age 20.3±2.4, contemp., physical fitness before and 6 mos after an well as ESLL; injuries to lower extremities and lumbar explosive d=0.23
pre-professional and others endurance, strength, and motor control exer- spine predominated in the study; of 35 dancers, 12 strength: p=0.04
dancers cise program in pre-professional dancers. (34%) developed 1 or more injuries during a 6-mon Physical pain Large
period; SF-36 score remained unchanged, except for item: p=0.009 d=0.84
physical pain item; no differences reported between
injured and non-injured dancers.
Roussel et al. RCT n=44, both genders, Mix: ballet, To compare the effect of a 4-mos conditioning No significant differences found between groups for Explosive strength: Medium
(2014) 20 pre-professional dancers: contemp., program with a health promotion intervention aerobic capacity and muscle strength; musculoskeletal p=0.630 d=0.72
Intervention group A and others on aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and muscu- injury incidence rate did not differ between groups, Injury incidence: UD
n=23, 20 F/3 M, loskeletal injuries in pre- professional dancers. except for lower back; no significant differences were p=0.635
mean age 19.9±2.0; observed for the results of SF-36, except for the Lower back: UD
Intervention group B, bodily pain item. p=0.019
n=21, 18 F/3 M, Bodily pain item: Large
mean age 19.6±2.4 p=0.031 d=3.17
Swain & Case-control n=17 female dance Not To examine differences in trunk muscle endur- Study offers some evidence for the correlation of Difference Large
Redding students: LBP group, specified ance among a sample of full-time female dance inadequate trunk muscle endurance with LBP in between L and R d=5.18
(2014) 38 n=11, mean age students with and without LBP. dancers; female dance students with LBP exhibited side plank tests: d=5.36
22.73±0.65; lower levels of endurance than students without LBP. p=0.004
No LBP, n=6, mean DSLR test: Large
age 22.33±0.49 p=0.005 d=4.86
RCT, randomized control trial; F, female; M, male; contemp., contemporary; ESLL, explosive strength of lower limb; DSLR, double straight leg raise; LBP, low back pain.
*Not significant at p<0.05.
†Cohen d22 : 0.0 to 0.1 = no effect, 0.2 to 0.4 = small effect, 0.5 to 0.7 = medium effect, >0.8 = large effect; r,2 coefficient of determination; UD, unable to determine.

March 2017    43
TABLE 2. Included Studies Quality Assessment Scores
Exp. No Exp.
Control Studies
Observational Studies (n=6)
_________________________________________________________________________ (n=1)
_________ (n=1)
Koutedakis Koutedakis Gamboa Angioi Twitchett Swain & Mistiaen Roussel
et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Redding et al. et al.
Items (1997)14 (1997)15 (2008)5 (2009)37 (2010)17 (2014)38 (2012)12 (2014)20
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
4 * * * * * * 1 1
5 0 0 1 0 0 0 * 1
6 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
7 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
8 * * * * * * 0 1
9 * * * * * * 1 0
10 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
External Validity
11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
13 * * * * * * 1 1
Internal Validity (Bias)
14 * * * * * * 0 0
15 * * * * * * 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 * * * * * * 1 1
18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 * * * * * * 0 0
20 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Internal Validity (Confounding)
21 0 0 1 0 1 0 * 1
22 0 0 1 0 1 0 * 1
23 * * * * * * 0 1
24 * * * * * * 0 0
25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 * * * * * * 1 1
27 * * * * * * 0 0
Score 7 5 12 4 6 6 11 18
Percent 43.7 31.2 75.0 18.7 37.5 37.5 39.2 56.2
Mean % score 43.3%
Based on modified Downs and Black checklist (see Appendix 2 for questions and scoring).
All questions were scored on the following scale: yes = 1, no = 0, unable to determine = 0; except for Question 5 (scores allocated: yes = 2, partially = 1; no
= 0) and Question 27 (scores ranging from 0–5). Maximum achievable scores: observational studies, 16; experimental studies with no independent control group,
28; experimental studies, 32. * indicates not applicable.

the upper extremity and the Soresen and side plank test Quality Assessment
for core and trunk endurance.
Injury data collection was mainly conducted with recall Table 2 presents the results of the methodological quality
questionnaires.14,15,37,38 The 2 experimental studies assessment for the included studies. The Cohen’s kappa34
included had an additional injury registration form used for the strength of agreement between reviewers concern-
prospectively through the scope of the intervention,12,20 ing study quality was κ=0.83, indicating a high agreement
and 2 studies5,17 had their injury registration exclusively level. The DB quality scores ranged from 18.7% to 75%
conducted by health care professionals. Injury data out- (mean 42.3±16.9). Although the DB checklist does not pro-
comes were expressed in terms of “days off activity” as an vide specific instructions to classify studies according to
indicator of injury and/or injury severity, and injury rates the score obtained, a consensus meeting was held between
incidence concerning the anatomical distribution by tissue researchers to determine interpretation criteria for the
type and body location. Only 2 studies5,20 provided a clear included studies’ quality assessment results. Thus, a cut-off
definition of injury within their study purpose. point of 50% was established, and based on the overall

44 Medical Problems of Performing Artists

TABLE 3. Level of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation OCEBM
Grade of
Study Level of Evidence Recommendation
Koutedakis et al. (1997)14 Differential diagnosis/symptom prevalence 3b C
Koutedakis et al. (1997)15 Differential diagnosis/symptom prevalence 3b D
Gamboa et al. (2008)5 Prognosis 2b B
Angioi et al. (2009)37 Differential diagnosis/symptom prevalence 4 D
Twitchett et al. (2010)17 Differential diagnosis/symptom prevalence 3b D
Mistiaen et al. (2012)12 Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm 2c D
Roussel et al. (2014)20 Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm 2b B
Swain & Redding (2014)38 Diagnosis 4 C

quality percentage scores’ mean and standard deviation was, the greater the degree of low-back injury. On the
(SD 42.3±16.9), we determined the intervals by calculating other hand, despite the large-size effect observed (d= –1.38),
the mean minus 1 SD (25.4) and the mean plus 1 SD (59.2) the coefficient of determination was small (r2=0.32) and the
for the average quality interval, where studies >59.2 were sample size concerning dancers was also small (n=20).
considered of high quality and studies <25.4 were consid- The second study by Koutedakis et al.15 revealed a
ered to be of low quality. Based on these criteria, the qual- trend where the sum of knee flexion and extension peak
ity assessment of the 8 included studies revealed: 1 high- torques was likely to be significantly associated with the
quality study,5 1 average-quality study >50% cut-off point,20 severity of lower extremity injuries, but not with low-back
5 average-quality studies <50% cut-off point,12,14,15,17,38 and injuries, in both professional female contemporary dancers
1 poor-quality study.37 (r= –0.70, p 0.005) and male ballet dancers (r= –0.61,
Table 3 displays the included studies Level of Evidence p 0.01), with a large-size effect for Pearson correlation
(LE) and the Grade of Recommendation (GR) according coefficients (d= –1.96, d= –1.53) (Table 1). Conversely, the
with study design, based on the OCEBM guidelines.36 The variance of the association of the coefficient of determi-
majority of studies (5 of 8) were classified as 3b (i.e., cross- nation was average to low (r2=0.49, r2=0.37), meaning that
sectional and longitudinal) and 4 (i.e., cross-sectional and for female and male dancers, 51% and 63% of the associa-
case-control). The highest LE classification was 2b, tion variation remained unexplained. Despite the results,
obtained by 2 studies (i.e., cohort and low-quality both studies were classified as 3b LE and presented poor
RCT).5,12,14,15,17,20,37,38 external validity and internal validity for confounding
according to the DB checklist (Table 2).
Muscle Strength and Injuries
Muscle Power and Injuries
One level 2 evidence cohort study5 proposed to distinguish
between injured and non-injured pre-professional dancers, In the 4 studies that assessed lower extremity muscle power,
using data from pre-season musculoskeletal screenings and only 1 cross-sectional study37 found a significant negative
prospective injury collection. From the strength parameters correlation (r= –0.66, p=0.014) between days off and SVJ
assessed (upper and lower extremity strength, trunk and (Table 1) in professional and pre-professional contempo-
scapular control), the lower extremity scores were the only rary dancers. Although a large-size effect was observed (d=
ones statistically different between groups (p=0.045) (Table –1.75), the study sample was small n=16, and the coefficient
1). Although the size-effect was small (d=0.33), injured of determination (r2=0.43) explained only 43% of the pro-
dancers exhibited lower strength values when compared to portion of variance on the relation between lower extrem-
non-injured dancers. Still, the results may be questionable, ity power assessed through SVJ and days off due to injury.
since manual muscle testing was used for strength assess- Plus, the available data on injury only reported injury inci-
ment, and besides the general non-functional nature of the dence according to typology where the highest percentage
method, the scores were averaged to facilitate the process- of injuries sustained by dancers was of muscular nature
ing of the large amount of data. (46.6%), and no information on injury rate, type, and/or
Two other studies, both by Koutedakis et al.,14,15 anatomical location was provided. Also, the study
addressed specifically to the relation between knee flexion obtained a score of 3 (18.7%) on the DB checklist and LE 4
and extension isokinetic strength assessment and injuries according to the OCEBM guidelines; therefore, the results
(respectively F1/Extrat and low-back injury)14 and the sum should be interpreted accordingly.
of knee flexion and extension peak torques and the sever- A longitudinal study with a similar purpose but on
ity of lower-body injuries.15 In the first study, Koutedakis et female ballet dancers17 did not find any association
al.14 found a significant negative correlation (r= –0.57, between lower extremity muscle power or other physical
p 0.05) between knee F1/Extrat and the degree of low-back fitness parameter, except for aerobic capacity and injury.
injury quantified through days off activity in professional The 2 experimental studies in pre-professional dancers
male ballet dancers, meaning that the lower the F1/Extrat also did not found any association between lower extrem-

March 2017    45
ity muscle power assessed through SBJ and injury inci- 3). Furthermore, the variability found in study design,
dence.12,20 Nevertheless, 1 study12 showed that there were research purpose, and methodology made it impossible to
improvements on muscle power (p=0.04; small-size effect establish overall comparisons between results.
d=0.26) after the 6-month training program and that the In the current review, injury data proved to be the main
physical pain item of the health questionnaire assessment limiting factor for outline reliable conclusions based on the
SF-36 significantly decreased (p=0.09; large-size effect studies’ outcomes. Several issues were found concerning
d=0.84), despite the frequent injuries observed during the injury definition, collection, and reporting. Specifically,
intervention with particular incidence on the ankle, foot, only 2 studies provided a clear injury definition, prospec-
and hip (29%) followed by lumbar spine (21%) (Table 1). tive injury data collection, and reporting concerning expo-
However, as stated by the authors, this study presented sure,5,20 which are the recommended methods by previous
several methodological limitations such as lack of a con- consensus statement.19 Injury definition differs widely
trol group, lack of standardization for test moments and across the literature, both in dance and sports, influencing
procedures, and subject drop-outs in a relatively small the injury rates due to the different approaches,19,22,42–47
sample size (n=40), which do not allow consistent conclu- particularly the ones that include “days-off” activity since
sions based on their results (Table 3). dancers often dance through their injuries with underre-
porting estimated as high.5,19 Although there is still no con-
Muscle Endurance and Injuries sensus on a standard definition, one must be described
within the study purpose to minimize interpretation bias.
Three of the included studies assessed muscle endurance. Recent and previous literature also showed that injury
All 3 studies used field tests in their measurements, with 2 collection and reporting methods varied widely, with some
studies using the press-up test for upper limb endurance17,37 instruments and procedures being more prone to flaws
and 1 study using isometric strength tests for trunk muscle than others.19,22,42–47 Injury data collection by means of
endurance.38 No association between upper limb muscle recall questionnaires, conducted by interview or by self-
endurance and injuries was found. reported forms, are the ones more prone to recall bias and
In contrast, the study by Swain and Redding38 found inaccuracy, as less severe injuries may not be reported as
some evidence that dancers with low-back pain history well as the ones that occurred longer ago.19,22,47 This
showed reduced trunk muscle endurance (Table 1). However, method also proves to lack detailed information concern-
the sample size was small and non-representative (n=17) and ing the nature and type of injury, underestimating the
the study presented a low level of evidence with some overall injury rates.22 Conversely, longitudinal data collec-
methodological constraints to consider (Tables 2 and 3). tion by a healthcare professional has proven to be the
most reliable method.19,22,42,47 In this review, 4 stud-
DISCUSSION ies14,15,37,38 collected injury data exclusively by means of
recall questionnaires. The 2 experimental studies,12,20
The purpose of this review was to systematically search besides questionnaires, also used during the time of their
and examine the available evidence on the relation interventions a prospective injury data collection form.
between muscle strength and muscle strength components One longitudinal and 1 cohort study5,17 had their injury
and dance injuries in order to clarify their potential protec- collection done prospectively by healthcare professionals.
tive role concerning injury proneness. To our knowledge, As for reporting injury rates, the literature recommends
this is the first systematic review addressing this theme. that these must account for the exposure element and be
Despite the observed trend in dance science literature reported accordingly.19,22 Only 2 studies accomplished
suggesting that muscle strength may play a preventive role this,5,20 with injuries reported by 1,000 hours of dance and
against injuries and act as a predictive factor of dancers’ 1,000 dance exposures, respectively.
proneness to injury,1,3,4,6–8,12–16,18–22,39–41 the findings of this In sum, from a methodological perspective, only 2 stud-
review reveal that although there might be an association ies adequately addressed injury data collection and report-
trend towards low muscle strength and dance injuries, the ing.5,20 From a study design perspective, none of the studies
nature of that relation remains unclear, since most of the discriminated the injury type, overuse or acute/traumatic.
information found is either limited or questionable. The Since these two injury types present different mechanisms
reasons relate to the small number of studies found, partic- and relate to different intrinsic risk factors, such as muscle
ularly of high quality, and overall methodological weak- strength,44,48 we suggest that future research take this issue
ness of the published papers. Specifically, only 8 studies into consideration.
were considered eligible for review, from which only 1 was The dance injury topic has received considerable atten-
a high-quality study.5 Three studies did not find any signif- tion in scientific research, and while the questions related
icant association between the assessed physical fitness to injury surveillance are of utmost importance, they are
parameters and injuries,12,17,20 and 4 studies, the ones that out of the scope of this review and further information is
yielded the most significant results14,15,37,38 (Table 1), were well described in literature.2,19,22,42–47,49–55
classified as average to poor-quality studies with poor Within the included studies, and similar to sports, the
internal validity (Table 2) and low level of evidence (Table lower extremity was the most used for strength-related

46 Medical Problems of Performing Artists

assessments, particularly lower extremity power.23 How- often associated with injuries, but instead with ones in the
ever, caution should be taken when assessing lower extrem- lower extremity rather than in the low back.48,62–64
ity power by means of field tests such as SVJ and SBJ in In another study by Koutedakis et al.,15 they found that
dancers. Unlike sports, dance-only practice does not pro- the sum of knee extension and flexion peak torques was
vide enough scope for significant physical fitness enhance- associated with lower-extremity injury severity degree but
ments.6,9 Thus, higher scores in SVJ or SBJ may not neces- not low back (Table 1). In the previous study, the authors
sarily represent higher power-related strength, but rather referred to the sum of knee flexion and extension peak
better intermuscular coordination concerning pattern of torques as the thigh power output, which may lead to some
force application, which is strongly related with skill profi- conceptual bias interpretation, since in the literature the
ciency in jump performance,56–58 particularly in youth.59 sum of knee flexion to extension peak torques is more
When assessing lower limb power in dance, one should widely accepted as representing the knee joint peak torque
consider that jump power adaptations are task- and skill- than the thigh power output.65 Another interesting ques-
specific and have low transfer from one task to another56,60 tion was found when analyzing data from male dancers
(e.g., from single jump tasks to multiple or consecutive jump from the above studies.14,15,37,38 In both studies male
tasks, or the differences observed with professional ballet dancers presented the same descriptive data (Table 1) and
dancers’ role in companies, as soloists jump in general the same isokinetic strength assessment outcomes. How-
higher than artists).6,61 ever, data from isokinetic dynamometers were considered
Young elite ballet dancers perform more than 200 jumps differently within studies. In one study, knee F1/Extrat was
per 1.5 hour of technique class,41 meaning that they associated with low-back injury severity,14 while in the
require high reserves of lower extremity mechanical other, the thigh power output was associated with lower-
power.6 Lower extremity overuse injuries are also the most extremity injury severity degree but not low-back.15 These
common type of injury in these populations, often associ- findings may open up to discussion if different concepts in
ated with increased exposure to repetitive jumping.41 This data treatment approach based on the same outcomes
review found no studies addressing lower limb mechanical relate differently with injury. In that sense, and consider-
power in order to assess repetitive jump capabilities in ing the limitations found, the reliability of the results may
dancers and their relation with injury, and none of the be found questionable.
included studies controlled dancer skill proficiency and Fatigue has been proposed as a risk factor for injuries
task level of performance. In that sense, these findings may both in sports and dance.40,66–72 Irrespective of the under-
partially explain the absence of significant and conclusive lying process that leads to it (i.e., physiological, cognitive,
results regarding this issue. We suggest that future research biomechanical), fatigue can be defined as the inability to
on this topic, besides SVJ and SBJ, also consider the Bosco maintain a required or expected force or power output.73–75
protocol60 for measuring lower limb mechanical power The strength component that most relates to fatigue is
through vertical rebound jump series. muscular endurance, since it represents the muscle capabil-
Still with regard to the lower extremity, two studies14,15 ity to repeat a series of contractions or sustaining a pro-
using isokinetic dynamometry found a significant associa- longed contraction (i.e., isometric muscle endurance).76,77
tion between low strength levels and injury severity (Table The repetitive nature of dance movement patterns
1). Isokinetic dynamometers used to assess strength in requires both types of muscular endurance, either on sus-
terms of torque generated about a specific joint provide tained isometric or repeated series of muscle contrac-
important and accurate information; nevertheless, one tions.1,2,72 Two of the studies included in this review used
should consider that these tests are performed with the the press-up test for upper limb endurance17,37 and found
subject non-weight-bearing and cannot duplicate the no association between upper limb muscle endurance and
speeds and range of motion of physical activity and injury injuries. These studies’ subject sample featured contempo-
mechanism.48 Also, both studies used different isokinetic rary dancers37 and ballet dancers.17 Some of the possible
dynamometers, a LIDO and KIN-COM14 and a Cybex II reasons for the lack of significant results may relate to the
and KIN-COM,15 which may raise some concerns when fact that the press-up test is not a dance-specific test, and
extrapolating data. In one study, Koutedakis et al.14 found also injury patterns in both contemporary and ballet
that muscle imbalances represented through knee dancers, irrespective of gender, are mainly located in the
F1/Extrat were associated with the severity degree of low- lower extremity followed by the trunk (i.e., low back).22,78
back injuries (Table 1). Although lower back seems to be In contrast, the study by Swain and Redding38 found some
the most frequently injured anatomical site in dancers,14 evidence that dancers with low-back pain (LBP) history
the nature of the association between muscle strength exhibit reduced trunk muscle endurance (Table 1). Never-
imbalances represented through knee F1/Extrat and the theless, the authors reported several limitations that may
severity of low-back injuries was not clearly explored in question the reliability of the results. The study only con-
the paper. Furthermore, the authors inferred that other sidered an association between LBP and trunk muscle
factors may play a role in the genesis of low-back injuries endurance. Since LBP is multifactorial in nature, several
and should be examined to avoid confounding readings. other risk factors,14 such as weak abdominal muscles,
Taking sports as an example, thigh muscle imbalances are reduced range of motion, lumbar and hamstrings flexibil-

March 2017    47
ity, spine hypermobility, among others that were neglected, 8. Malkogeorgos A, Mavrovouniotis F, Zaggelidis G, Ciucurel C.
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9. Koutedakis Y, Hukam H, Metsios G, et al. The effects of three
enced by prior LBP history and be a consequence not a months of aerobic and strength training on selected perform-
cause. Although the results may be questionable, they shed ance- and fitness-related parameters in modern dance students.
some light into the specificity and need of field muscle test- J Strength Cond Res 2007;21:808–12. doi: 10.1519/R-20856.1
ing in dance, which may prove reliable in ecological 10. Twitchett EA, Angioi M, Koutedakis Y, Wyon M. Do increases
in selected fitness parameters affect the aesthetic aspects of clas-
approaches through appropriate study designs.
sical ballet performance? Med Probl Perform Art 2011;26:35–8.
11. Angioi M, Metsios G, Twitchett EA, et al. Effects of supplemen-
Limitations tal training on fitness and aesthetic competence parameters in
contemporary dance: a randomised controlled trial. Med Probl
The number of studies found and included in this review Perform Art 2012;27:3–8.
were low both in number and methodological quality, 12. Mistiaen W, Roussel NA, Vissers D, et al. Effects of aerobic
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physical fitness and musculoskeletal injury rate in preprofes-
heterogeneity of study design and methodologies used sional dancers: an uncontrolled trial. J Manip Phys Ther
make it difficult to compare results, establish cause-effect 2012;35:381–9. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.04.014
relation between muscle strength and injury, and draw con- 13. Reid DC. Prevention of hip and knee injuries in ballet dancers.
sistent conclusions. The use of only English language pub- Sports Med 1988;6:295–307.
14. Koutedakis Y, Frischknecht R, Murthy M. Knee flexion to
lications in the study selection may also represent a limiting
extension peak torque ratios and low-back injuries in highly
factor by excluding potential relevant studies. active individuals. Int J Sports Med 1997;18:290–5.
15. Koutedakis Y, Khaloula M, Pacy PJ, et al. Thigh peak torques
CONCLUSION and lower-back injuries in dancers. J Dance Med Sci. 1997;1:12–
The findings of this review reveal that the evidence for the 16. Angioi M, Metsios GS, Metsios G, et al. Fitness in contempo-
rary dance: a systematic review. Int J Sports Med 2009;30:475–84.
potential preventative role of muscular strength and
doi 10.1055/s-0029-1202821
strength-related components in dance injuries is scarce 17. Twitchett E, Brodrick A, Nevill AM, et al. Does physical fitness
and heterogeneous, and presently the state of knowledge affect injury occurrence and time loss due to injury in elite voca-
does not provide solid basis for designing interventions tional ballet students? J Dance Med Sci 2010;14:26–31.
concerning prevention. Nevertheless, some level 2b evi- 18. Allen N, Nevill A, Brooks J, Koutedakis Y, Wyon M. Ballet
injuries: injury incidence and severity over 1 year. J Orthop Sports
dence was found suggesting that pre-professional dancers
Phys Ther 2012;42:781–90. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2012.3893
who get injured exhibit lower strength values on the lower 19. Liederbach M, Hagins M, Gamboa JM, Welsh TM. Assessing
extremity when compared to non-injured dancers and that and reporting dancer capacities, risk factors, and injuries: rec-
lower extremity power gains may be associated with ommendations from the IADMS Standard Measures Consen-
decreased bodily pain but not injury rates. Future research sus Initiative. J Dance Med Sci 2012;16:139–53.
20. Roussel NA, Vissers D, Kuppens K, et al. Effect of a physical
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conditioning versus health promotion intervention in dancers:
components within a dance context. a randomized controlled trial. Man Ther 2014;19:562–8. doi:
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50 Medical Problems of Performing Artists

APPENDIX 1. Data Extraction Form

Article title:

Main reason for inclusion in the review:

Study design:

Study purpose:

Subject details (age/gender/other)

Inclusion and exclusion criteria:

Dance style:


Sample size:

Study variables:


Main outcomes:

March 2017    50a

APPENDIX 2. Description of the Quality Assessment Tool

Items Score Items Score

Reporting 17. In trials and cohort studies, do the analyses adjust Yes: 1
1. Is the hypothesis/aim/objective of the study clearly Yes: 1 for different lengths of follow-up of patients, or in No: 0
described? No: 2 case-control studies, is the time period between the UD: 0
2. Are the main outcomes to be measured clearly Yes: 1 intervention and outcome the same for cases and
described in the Introduction or Methods section? No: 2 controls?

3. Are the characteristics of the patients included in Yes: 1 18. Were the statistical tests used to assess the main Yes: 1
the study clearly described? No: 2 outcomes appropriate? No: 0
UD: 0
4. Are the interventions of interest clearly described? Yes: 1
No: 2 19. Was compliance with the intervention/s reliable? Yes: 1
No: 0
5. Are the distributions of principal confounders in Yes: 2 UD: 0
each group of subjects to be compared clearly Partially: 1
described? No: 0 20. Were the main outcome measures used accurate Yes: 1
(valid and reliable)? No: 0
6. Are the main findings of the study clearly described? Yes: 1 UD: 0
No: 2
7. Does the study provide estimates of the random Yes: 1 Internal Validity (Confounding)
variability in the data for the main outcomes? No: 2 21. Were the patients in different intervention groups Yes: 1
8. Have all important adverse events that may be a Yes: 1 (trials and cohort studies) or were the cases and No: 0
consequence of the intervention been reported? No: 2 controls (case-control studies) recruited from the UD: 0
same population?
9. Have the characteristics of patients lost to follow-up Yes: 1
been described? No: 2 22. Were study subjects in different intervention groups Yes: 1
(trials and cohort studies) or were the cases and No: 0
10. Have actual probability values been reported (e.g., Yes: 1 controls (case-control studies) recruited over the UD: 0
0.035 rather than <0.05) for the main outcomes No: 2 same period of time?
except where the probability value is <0.001?
23. Were study subjects randomized to intervention Yes: 1
External Validity groups? No: 0
UD: 0
11. Were the subjects asked to participate in the study Yes: 1
representative of the entire population from which No: 0 24. Was the randomized intervention assignment Yes: 1
they were recruited? UD: 0 concealed from both patients and health care staff No: 0
until recruitment was complete and irrevocable? UD: 0
12. Were those subjects who were prepared to Yes: 1
participate representative of the entire population No: 0 25. Was there adequate adjustment for confounding Yes: 1
from which they were recruited? UD: 0 in the analyses from which the main findings were No: 0
drawn? UD: 0
13. Were the staff, places, and facilities where the Yes: 1
patients were treated, representative of the No: 0 26. Were losses of patients to follow-up taken into Yes: 1
treatment the majority of patients receive? UD: 0 account? No: 0
UD: 0
Internal Validity (Bias)
14. Was an attempt made to blind study subjects to Yes: 1 Power
the intervention they have received? No: 0 27. Did the study have sufficient power to detect a <n1 =0
UD: 0 clinically important effect where the probability n1−n2 =1
15. Was an attempt made to blind those measuring Yes: 1 value for a difference being due to chance is <5%? n3−n4 =2
the main outcomes of the intervention? No: 0 n5−n6 =3
UD: 0 n7−n8 =4
n8+ =5
16. If any of the results of the study were based on Yes: 1
“data dredging,” was this made clear? No: 0 Max achievable score 32
UD: 0
UD, Unable to determine. Based on Downs and Black (1998).32

50b Medical Problems of Performing Artists

APPENDIX 3A. Level of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation Based on the
Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM)36

Level of Evidence
Level Application Context Study Design
1A Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm SR (with homogeneity) of RCTs
Prognosis SR (with homogeneity) of inception cohort studies
Diagnosis SR (with homogeneity) of Level 1 diagnostic studies
Differential diag./symptom prevalence SR (with homogeneity) of prospective cohort studies
Economic and decision analyses SR (with homogeneity) of Level 1 economic studies
1b Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm Individual RCT (with narrow confidence interval)
Prognosis Individual inception cohort study with >80% follow-up
Diagnosis Validating cohort study with good reference standards
Differential diag./symptom prevalence Prospective cohort study with good follow-up
Economic and decision analyses Analysis based on clinically sensible costs or alternatives; systematic review(s) of the
evidence; and including multi-way sensitivity analyses
1c Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm All or none
Prognosis All or none case series
Diagnosis Absolute SpPins and SnNouts
Differential diag./symptom prevalence All or none case-series
Economic and decision analyses Absolute better-value or worse-value analyses
2a Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm SR (with homogeneity) of cohort studies
Prognosis SR (with homogeneity) of either retrospective cohort studies or untreated control
groups in RCTs
Diagnosis SR (with homogeneity) of Level >2 diagnostic studies
Differential diag./symptom prevalence SR (with homogeneity) of 2b and better studies
Economic and decision analyses SR (with homogeneity) of Level >2 economic studies
2b Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm Individual cohort study (including low quality RCT; e.g., <80% follow-up)
Prognosis Retrospective cohort study or follow-up of untreated control patients in an RCT
validated on split sample
Diagnosis Exploratory cohort study with good reference standards
Differential diag./symptom prevalence Retrospective cohort study, or poor follow-up
Economic and decision analyses Analysis based on clinically sensible costs or alternatives; limited review(s) of the
evidence, or single studies
2c Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm “Outcomes” research; ecological studies
Prognosis “Outcomes” research
Differential diag./symptom prevalence Ecological studies
Economic and decision analyses Audit or outcomes research
3a Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm SR (with homogeneity) of case-control studies
Diagnosis SR (with homogeneity) of 3b and better studies
Differential diag./symptom prevalence SR (with homogeneity) of 3b and better studies
Economic and decision analyses SR (with homogeneity) of 3b and better studies
3b Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm Individual case-control study
Diagnosis Non-consecutive study or without consistently applied reference standards
Differential diag./symptom prevalence Non-consecutive cohort study, or with very limited population
Economic and decision analyses Analysis based on limited alternatives or costs, poor quality estimates of data, but
including sensitivity analyses incorporating clinically sensible variations.
4 Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm Case-series (and poor quality cohort and case-control studies)
Prognosis Case-series (and poor quality prognostic cohort studies)
Diagnosis Case-control study, poor or non-independent reference standard
Differential diag./symptom prevalence Case-series or superseded reference standards
Economic and decision analyses Analysis with no sensitivity analysis
5 Therapy/prevention, aetiology/harm* Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research
Prognosis* or “first principles”*
Differential diag./symptom prevalence*
Economic and decision analyses# Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on economic theory or “first principles”#

March 2017    50c

APPENDIX 3B. Grades of Recommendation

Grade Description
A Consistent level 1 studies
B Consistent level 2 or 3 studies or extrapolations from level 1 studies
C Level 4 studies or extrapolations from level 2 or 3 studies
D Level 5 evidence or troublingly inconsistent or inconclusive studies of any level
Note: In Appendix 3A, in Level 5, the symbols * and # dictate the correspondence between items in Application Context and Study Design, such that each item
in Study Design corresponds to multiple items in Application Context.

APPENDIX 4. Included Studies

Main author Title Year Journal

Koutedakis et al. Knee flexion to extension peak torque ratios and low-back injuries in
highly active individuals. 1997 Int J Sports Med
Koutedakis et al. Thigh peak torques and lower-body injuries in dancers. 1997 J Dance Med Sci
Gamboa 5 Injury patterns in elite preprofessional ballet dancers and the utility of 2008 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther
screening programs to identify risk characteristics.
Angioi et al. 37 Physical fitness and severity of injuries in contemporary dance. 2009 Med Probl Perform Art
Twitchet et al.17 Does physical fitness affect injury occurrence and time. Loss due to 2010 J Dance Med Sci
injury in elite vocational ballet students?
Mistiaen et al.12 Effects of aerobic endurance, muscle strength, and motor control 2012 J Manip Physiol Ther
exercise on physical fitness and musculoskeletal injury rate in
preprofessional dancers: an uncontrolled trial.
Roussel et al.20 Effect of a physical conditioning versus health promotion intervention 2014 Man Ther
in dancers: a randomized controlled trial.
Swain & Redding38 Trunk muscle endurance and low back pain in female dance students. 2014 J Dance Med Sci

APPENDIX 5. Excluded Studies After Full Text Assessment

Main author Year Journal Reason for exclusion

Agopyan et al. 2013 Med Probl Perform Art No injury data assessed
Ambegaonkar et al. 2012 J Dance Med Sci No injury data assessed
Askling et al. 2006 Br J Sports Med Muscle strength as a dependent variable of functional status during injury recovery
Echegoyen et al. 2013 Med Probl Perform Art Muscle strength as a dependent variable of technique execution
Kline et al. 2013 J Dance Med Sci Ineligible study design
Lee et al. 2012 J Sports Sci Muscle strength not objectively assessed
McCabe et al. 2013 Med Probl Perform Art Muscle strength not objectively assessed
Parnianpour et al. 1994 Med Probl Perform Art No injury data assessed
Schmitt et al. 2005 Clin J Sports Med Injury data used as an independent variable
Shan 2005 Res Sports Med Muscle strength not objectively assessed
Shippen, May 2010 J Dance Med Sci Muscle strength as a dependent variable of technique execution
Twitchett et al. 2011 Med Probl Perform Art Muscle strength as an independent variable related with aesthetics and
performance and not with injury
Full references available from author.

50d Medical Problems of Performing Artists

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