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A Research Paper

Submitted to

the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Department

in Fulfillment to the Requirement of

Research in Daily Life 2

Submitted by

Babilonia, Mary Jeha L.

Eboña, Jefferson M.

Espedido, Joshua Ross V.

Gaddi, Ma. Pheomela A.

Itona, Mary Vonne E.

Luna, Jann Dave DC.

Ramores, Gabriel B.

Roman, Juana Marie R.

August 2019

This study will look at the relationship between skipping breakfast and academic activities of

senior high school students at the Ateneo de Naga University. In 2013, Sun et al. argued that skipping

breakfast can affect cognitive function, academic activities such as school attendance, sleep quality, and

psychosocial function. Gajre, et al., (2008), discovered that students who skip breakfast are inactive

during discussions and are more prone to distractions. The study will use a qualitative research method

called causal-comparative research. This research method mainly depends on the factor of comparison. To

effectively establish the relationship, the results between students who eat breakfast and those who do not

will be compared. Using this method, researchers draw conclusions about cause-effect equation between

skipping breakfast, which is the independent variable and academic performance, which is the dependent

variable. The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to obtain the data needed for the study. A total of

244 respondents will be chosen by the use of stratified and random sampling. Frequency distribution table

and percentage distribution will be used to tally the responses of the respondents. It will be analyzed

through the use of a t-test.



Background of the Study

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for it stimulates the brain. As human beings, it is

obviously a must to eat; especially breakfast, for it helps in cognitive functions and productivity in doing

activities throughout the day. However, some students tend to disregard due to some factors such as lack

of time and early classes; especially those staying far from their parents with financial constraints and

have no availability of food.

Breakfast plays an important role in our body, they furnish our brain with different kinds of

nutrients for us to improve our critical thinking. Eating breakfast gives us glucose that transforms into

energy. Without breakfast, cerebral functions or cognitive performance will be affected throughout the

day. This can lead to stress, low metabolism and gap in thinking, where the body starts to faint according

to Garje, Fernandez, Balakrishna and Vazir (2008). Breakfast consumption helps to maintain a healthy

weight. It also supplies a steady foundation of energy throughout the day which maintains low blood

pressure, heart and etc. according to Muir (n.d.).

In this study, the researchers would like to determine how skipping of breakfast greatly affect the

students’ academic activities. Moreover, it seeks to open the eyes of many regarding the consequences of

skipping breakfast in the body.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the relationship between skipping breakfast and students’ academic

activities. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How frequently do senior high school students skip breakfast?

2. What common factors make students skip breakfast?

3. Is there a relationship between skipping breakfast and the academic activities of senior high

school students on the first two morning subjects?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will contribute to the benefit of the said campus, as well as the society,

considering that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. Thus, the results of the study will be beneficial

to the following:

Students. This study will provide information about the effects of skipping breakfast on students in

relation to their academic activities.

Faculty Members. This study will bring awareness among faculty members which may aid them unto

understanding the reason behind the students’ behavior on the first two morning subjects.

Parents. This study may educate parents regarding the importance of breakfast consumption; thus urge

their children model healthy eating habits, for they play an important role in their children’s lives.

School Administrators. This study may inject knowledge among school administrators regarding the

effects of skipping breakfast and its factors. Thus, may give them ideas to provide the means of effective

programs/solutions to prevent students from skipping breakfast.

Future Researchers. The content of the study may be utilized by future researchers as their reference

material for research purposes.

Scope and Delimitations

The study will be conducted inside the Ateneo de Naga University and is limited only to the

currently enrolled students of senior high school. Moreover, with the total population of 1700 students,

the needed sample size would be 244 using margin error of 0.05. The sample size (244) will be divided to

strands with respect to their grade level using Slovin’s formula. Lastly, the data will be gathered through

survey questionnaires.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to know the concept that the researchers would use.

Also, for clarity and comprehension purposes.

Academic Activities. Refers to students’ attendance, participation and activeness in class activities.

Skipping Breakfast. Disregarding the first meal in the morning ranging from waking point up to school



This chapter presents the review of related literature, synthesis and conceptual framework.

Advantages of Eating Breakfast

In the study conducted by Wesner et al. (2012), it showed that the consumption of breakfast has a

positive impact on the child's mental abilities such as: their ability to learn, perform and pay attention.

Breakfast is the most vital meal for all ages since it provides the essential nutrients that the body needs for

daily activities (ALBashtawy, 2015). Also, ALBashtawy stated that eating breakfast can improve general

nutritional health that can anticipate an individual's long-term health status, including lower plasma

cholesterol level, low risk of cardiovascular disease, enhanced absorption of vitamins, minerals and fibre,

and low chance of being obese and having gastrointestinal disturbance (2015). According to

Deshmukh-Taskar et al. (2010), children who regularly eat breakfast have good nutrient balance and a

high level of nutrient intakes. In addition, about 20-60% of various vitamins such as iron, B vitamins, and

vitamin D are found higher to children who consume breakfast daily than children who skip breakfast

(Gibson, 2003).

According to Fujiwara and Nakata (2010), eating breakfast improves cognitive function in

relation to memory, grades, and school attendance. Kawafheh et al. (2014) stated that, breakfast

consumption among students have a positive effect on their academic performance or behavior, and they

are more active or willing to participate in learning activities when in good health.

Disadvantages of Skipping Breakfast

The gap of 10 to 12 hours between dinner and breakfast causes, low blood glucose levels. In

addition, not consuming breakfast results glucose deprivation. Its effect is noticeable by a fall in blood

glucose level of sufficient degree, which is rapidly followed by disturbance in cerebral function.

Habitually missing breakfast can adversely affect cognitive performance. The gradual decline of insulin
and glucose level could determine a stress response, which interferes with different aspects of cognitive

function, such as attention and working memory (Gajre N.S. Fernandez S., Balakrishna N., & Vazir S., et

al. 2008)

In 2013, Sun et al. argued that skipping breakfast can affect cognitive function, academic

performance, school attendance, sleep quality, psychosocial function, and difficult to compensate in a day.

Gajre, et al., (2008), discovered that students who skip breakfast are inactive during discussions and prone

to distractions. Similar to the study of Abidoye (2000) that skipping breakfast resulted for the students to

not perform and concentrate well in class which can have a negative effect on their academic

performance. People who skipped breakfast are likely to have gastrointestinal disease later in life since

they are high eater of fat, cholesterol, and have low intakes of fiber, vitamins, and minerals (Sun et al.,

2013). Parallel to the study of Fujiwara and Nakata (2010), they claimed that not eating breakfast results

to low consumption of protein, carbohydrate, and important fatty acids. Unhealthy eating, skipping

breakfast, and excessive consumption of food with high carbohydrate and fat content results to nutritional

problems and anemia (Neslisah & Emine, 2011). Supported by the study of ALBashtawy (2015), claiming

that skipping breakfast results to many health problems and changes in some aspects of children’s and

adolescent’s lives such as, cognitive function, psychosocial function, academic related things including

school attendance. It is found that young women who do not consume breakfast have a higher prevalence

of symptoms of dysmenorrhea than those young women who takes breakfast (Fujiwara & Nakata, 2010).

Also, they stated that there is a relation between avoiding breakfast and menstrual disorders. In addition,

individual who skip their breakfast are most likely to be obese than individuals who takes breakfast (Sun

et al., 2013).

Energy Intake

Energy intake is the amount of energy that the body takes coming from the food we consume.

According to Schusdziarra et al. (2011), eating energy-rich breakfast can lead to greater energy intake.

One factor that affect student’s academic performance and sleep quality is insufficient consumption of

tryptophan (Sun et al., 2013). The use of energy drinks are common to college students without knowing
the ingredients and potential harm to the body. The consumption of fiber, fat, cholesterol, and sodium

were high among Turkish students. On the other hand, vitamin B and E and folate consumption were low.

Their intakes of fruits and vegetables were found to be low especially to student who are smoking. Also,

non-smokers have higher intakes of fiber and vitamin C in contrast with female smokers. In addition,

breakfast and snacks are the smallest contributor of energy while dinner were the largest contributor of

energy to both sex. Similar to adolescents, breakfast has the smallest amount contributed of energy

(Neslisah & Emine, 2011).

Also, sleeping quality has a direct relationship to breakfast consumption that affects energy

intake. Poor sleep results to difficulty in preparing for breakfast and less time in eating breakfast, poor

quality of sleep is associated with poor appetite, these findings can be a factor for lacking nutrients and

energy in an individual (Sun et al., 2013). Our whole energy for the day depends on higher energy

breakfast consumption, while low energy intake at breakfast can indicate low energy for the day but it can

be helpful in treating obesity (Schusdziarra et., 2011).

Factors associated with skipping breakfast

According to Huang C., (2010), The most prevalent reason for skipping breakfast of skippers and

non-skippers is not having enough time to prepare. With the attempt not to be late for school or the school

bus, students miss their first meal of the day because they are not aware of the importance of eating

breakfast and do not consider it as an essential meal of the day. Brugman (1998), stated as an example that

older girls skip out their breakfast in order to lose weight while single parents skip breakfast for they

might be very busy to fix their breakfast. In addition, Chauhan (2014), stated that adolescents see

themselves to be overweight in comparison with their actual weight and results showed that partly of the

girls took up weight loss course such as fasting, exercising, binge eating and diet pills. Similar to the

study of ALBashtawy (2015) that most girls are conscious to their appearance affecting their behaviors

and leading to having diet to maintain what they consider as ideal weight. Most women are unhappy with

their body size and weight. Desire of women to have a thin body size is a factor that affects nutritional

intakes of women. Adolescents tend to skip breakfast or develop unhealthy habits such as eating snack
foods on lunch and high intake of soft drinks that can lead to insufficient nutrient consumption because

they do not have sufficient knowledge and experience to make decisions. Food culture based on foods to

take rather than foods to avoid and understanding of proper weight-control measure is what adolescents

need. Weight-conscious adolescents particularly women have bad restrictive eating practices (Neslisah &

Emine, 2011). These findings are in line with the findings of Sun et al. (2013) that gender differences

have a relation with breakfast consumption. They also found out one factor that associated with skipping

breakfast is that students who frequently eat snacks does not feel hungry in the morning that results to

skipping breakfast.

Moreover, it is found that students of high family incomes tend to skip breakfast, which increases

the possibility to buy snacks and fast food, instead of having nutritious intake. Breakfast consumption

have a relation between parents and children, it is said that breakfast consumption rate is high when

mothers are educated (ALBashtawy, 2015). Class load in the morning can be a factor on breakfast

consumption, having a high class load in the morning results to lesser time preparing and eating breakfast,

Sun et al. argued.


The researchers will look at the immediate effects of skipping breakfast on students’ academic

activities. Thus, several related literatures have claims to support and strengthen the study. It also added

more knowledge to the research which can be beneficial for the whole process. In the study conducted by

Wesner et al. (2012) together with Kawafheh et al. (2014), it showed that the consumption of breakfast

has a positive impact to the mental and academic performance of a child. This is also echoed by Fujiwara

and Nakata’s (2010) statement that eating breakfast improves cognitive function towards academics that

can lead to higher grades. ALBashtawy (2015) and Deshmukh-Taskar et al. (2010) had stated the positive

effects of eating breakfast to the body and the effects to the nutritional health. On the other hand, the

negative effects of skipping breakfast is also discussed. Gajre, et al. (2008) and Sun, et al. (2013) claim

that cognitive functions and academic performance are negatively affected as students miss having

breakfast. This will result to low or failing grades as this bad habit continues.
Conceptual Framework


This Chapter presents the research design, ethical considerations, data collection, and data


Research Design

The main objective of this study is to determine the relationship between skipping breakfast and

academic activities. To effectively establish the relationship, the results between students who eat

breakfast and those who do not will be compared. Thus, quantitative research called causal-comparative

research will be employed in this study. This research method mainly depends on the factor of

comparison. Using this method, researchers will draw conclusions about cause-effect equation between

two or more variables, where one variable is dependent on the other independent variable. The

independent variable is established but not manipulated and its impact on the dependent variable is

observed. These variables or groups must be formed, as they exist in the natural set up. In the study,

skipping breakfast will be the independent variable and the effect on academic performance will be the

dependent variable.

Ethical Consideration

In this research, the answers of the respondents will be treated with utmost confidentiality with

respect to their identity. Moreover, the researchers will ensure that the answers will be used exclusively

for research purposes only.

Data Collection

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire wherein a multiple-choice model will be used.

Using the Slovin’s formula, the needed sample size of the study is 244 which used a 0.05 margin of error.

In addition, the Slovin’s formula will be used to stratify the 244(sample size) respondents. After using the

stratified sampling, the researchers will use random sampling in choosing the respondents. Lastly, the

researchers are going to conduct or administer the survey questionnaires to 244 respondents in their

homeroom if allowed by the teacher in charged.

Data Analysis

The raw data gathered will be arranged and recorded manually by the researchers wherein the

researchers will use a frequency distribution table to tally the responses of the respondents. It will be

analyzed through the use of percentage distribution table for the comparison of the variables. Once the

data are organized and analyzed, the results will be interpreted by the researchers in order to determine the

relationship between skipping breakfast and academic activities.



This chapter presents the data gathered from the survey questionnaire about the frequency of skipping

breakfast of the students, the common factors that make them skip breakfast and the relationship between

skipping breakfast and academic activities.


Number of times students skip breakfast

Statement of the Problem #1: How frequently do senior high school students skip breakfast.

Table 1. Frequency and distribution table of the number if times students skip breakfast.

Parameters Don’t skip 1-2 times per 3-4 times per 4-5 times per

breakfast week week week

Strand STEM 14 (24.1%) 8 (9.8%) 10 (14.9%) 4 (10.8%)

ABM 6 (10.3%) 19 (23.2%) 13 (19.4%) 12 (32.4%)

HUMSS 12 (20.7%) 10 (12.2%) 16 (23.9%) 7 (18.9%)

GAS 15 (25.9%) 20 (24.4%) 10 (14.9%) 8 (21.6%)

AVFX 11 (19%) 25 (30.5%) 18 (26.9%) 6 (16.2%)

Total 58 (23.78) 82 (33.61) 67(27.45) 37(15.16)

Table 1. reveals the number of times students skip breakfast. 14 students from STEM (24.1%), 6 students

from ABM (10.3%), 12 students from HUMSS (20.7%), 15 students from GAS (25.9%) and 11 students

from AVFX (19%) said they do not skip breakfast with a total of 58 students (24%). On the other hand, 8

students from STEM (9.8%), 19 students from ABM (23.2%) 10 students from HUMSS (12.2%), 20

students from GAS (24.4%) and 25 from AVFX (30.5%) said they skip breakfast 1-2 times per week with

a total of 82 students (34%). Moreover, 10 from STEM (14.9%), 13 from ABM (19.4%), 16 from

HUMSS (23.9%) 10 from GAS (14.9%), and 18 from AVFX (26.9%) said they skip breakfast 3-4 times

per week with a total of 67 students (27%). Lastly, 4 students from STEM (10.8%), 12 from ABM

(32.4%), 7 from HUMSS (18.9%), 8 from GAS (21.6%) and 6 from AVFX (16.2%) said they skip

breakfast 4-5 times per week with a total of 37 students (15%). Therefore, according to the data, most of

the students skip breakfast 1-2 times per week.

Figure 1. Percentage distribution of number of times student skip breakfast.

Figure 1 shows the number of times senior high school student skip breakfast in a week. The

graph shows that 34% of the student skip breakfast 1-2 times a week. In addition, 27% of the students

skip their breakfast 3-4 times a week and 15% of the students skip breakfast 4-5 times a week. While the

remaining 24% of the student make sure to eat their breakfast regularly.

Factors that make students skip breakfast

Statement of the Problem #2: What common factors make students skip breakfast?

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage distribution table of factors that make students skip breakfast.

Parameters Lack of Laziness Loss of Weight Absence None/

Time Appetite Consciou of Food Others

Strand STEM 18(14.2%) 11 (15.5%) 7 (13.5%) 0 (0%) 4 (6.3%) 0 (0%)

ABM 39 (30.7%) 19 (26.8%) 11 (21.2%) 3 12(19%) 1(25%)


HUMSS 17 (13.4%) 10 (14.1%) 11 (21.2%) 8 14(22.2%) 0 (0%)


GAS 18 (14.2%) 17 (23.9%) 8 (15.4%) 4 13(20.6%) 0 (0%)


AVFX 35 (27.6%) 14 (19.7%) 15 (28.8%) 7 20(31.7%) 3 (75%)


Total 127 71 52 22 63 4

Table 2 reveals the factors that make students skip breakfast. From the data reported, 127 students

indicated that lack of time is the main factor which make them skip breakfast (18 from STEM, 39 from

ABM, 17 from HUMSS). On the other hand, 71 students (11 from STEM, 19 from ABM, 10 from

HUMSS, 17 from GAS and 14 from AVFX) said that laziness is the main factor that make them skip

breakfast. 52 said that loss of appetite is what make them skip breakfast (7 from STEM, 11 from ABM, 11

from HUMSS, 8 from GAS and 15 from AVFX). 22 students said that weight consciousness is what

makes them skip breakfast (0 from STEM, 3 from ABM, 8 from HUMSS, 4 from GAS, and 7 from

AVFX). Moreover, 63 students said that absence of food is what makes them skip breakfast (4 from

STEM, 12 from ABM, 14 from HUMSS, 13 from GAS and 20 from AVFX). Lastly, 1 student from

AVFX chose none.

With the students’ response, it seems obvious that lack of time is the main factor that make them

skip breakfast considering the fact that the earliest class starts at 7:30 in the morning. Second is laziness,
third is absence of food especially for those staying away from their parents, third is loss of appetite,

fourth is weight consciousness and last on the ranking is none.

Figure 2. Percentage Distribution of the factors that make students skip breakfast.

Figure 2 shows that the most common factor or reason why the senior high school student skip

their breakfast is lack of time having 37% of the population. In addition, 21% of the students skip their

breakfast because of laziness, 19% of the students skip because of absence of food and 7% of the students

skip because of weight consciousness. While the remaining 7% of the population have other reason or

doesn’t have a reason why they skip breakfast.

Feeling of students on the first two morning subjects after skipping breakfast

Statement of the Problem ##3: Is there a relationship between skipping breakfast and the academic

activities of senior high school students on the first two morning subjects?
Table 3. Frequency and distribution table of the feeling of students on the first-two morning

subjects after skipping breakfast.

Parameters Fine Hungry Weak Grumpy None/


Strand STEM 13 (19.7%) 11 (11.5%) 4 (5.4%) 7 (19.4%) 0 (0%)

ABM 15 (22.7%) 20 (20.8%) 19 (25.7%) 7 (19.4%) 0 (0%)

HUMSS 9 (13.6%) 21 (21.9%) 17 (23%) 3 (8.3%) 0 (0%)

GAS 16 (24.2%) 23 (24%) 19 (25.7) 4 (11.1%) 0 (0%)

AVFX 13 (19.7%) 21 (21.9%) 15 (20.3%) 15 (41.7%) 1 (100%)

Total 66 96 74 36 1

Table 3 reveals the feeling of students on the first two morning subjects after skipping breakfast.

66 students said they feel fine. (13 from STEM, 15 from ABM, 9 from HUMSS, 16 from GAS and 13

from AVFX). 96 students said they feel hungry (11 from STEM, 20 from ABM, 21 from HUMSS, 23

from GAS and 21 from AVFX). 74 students said they feel weak (4 from STEM, 19 from ABM, 17 from

HUMSS, 19 from GAS and 15 from AVFX). 36 students said they feel grumpy (7 from STEM, 7 from

ABM, 3 from HUMSS, 4 from GAS and 15 from AVFX). Lastly, 1 student from AVFX chose


Majority of the students feel hungry on the first two morning subjects after skipping breakfast

which is the most expected for everyone feels hungry whenever skipping a meal. Second are students who

said they feel weak. Third on the ranking are the students who feel fine which is surprising for according
to past researches, skipping breakfast has negative effects on the body. Fourth are the ones who said they

feel grumpy and last on the ranking is the one who feels nothing.

Figure 3. Percentage distribution of the feelings of students on the first two morning subjects after

skipping breakfast.

Figure 3 shows that among the 244 respondents of the senior high school students the most

prevalent feeling of the students when they skip breakfast on the first-two morning subject is Hungry with

35%. Moreover, 27 % of the students feels weak, 24% of the students is fine, 13 % of the students became

grumpy and 1% of the students doesn’t feel anything at all when they skip their breakfast.

Effects of skipping breakfast to students on the first two morning subjects

Statement of the Problem ##3: Is there a relationship between skipping breakfast and the academic

activities of senior high school students on the first two morning subjects?
Table 4. Frequency and distribution table of the Effects of skipping breakfast to students on the

first two morning subjects.

Parameters Loss of Having Doesn’t have None/

concentration trouble paying the efficiency Others

attention to work

Strand STEM 15 (16%) 7 (8.8%) 9 (10.1%) 2 (11.1%)

ABM 18 (19.1%) 17 (21.3%) 23 (25.8%) 7 (38.9%)

HUMSS 21 (22.3%) 19 (23.8%) 18 (20.2%) 0 (0%)

GAS 24 (25.5%) 20 (25%) 13 (14.6%) 3 (16.7%)

AVFX 16 (17%) 17 (21.3%) 26 (29.2%) 6 (33.3%)

Total 94 80 89 18

Table 4 reveals the effects of skipping breakfast to students on the first two morning subjects. 94

students said they loss their concentration (15 from STEM, 18 from ABM, 21 from HUMSS,24 from

GAS and16 from AVFX). 80 students indicated they are having trouble paying attention (7 from STEM,

17 from ABM, 19 from HUMSS, 20 from GAS and 17 from AVFX). 89 said they do not have the

efficiency to work (9 from STEM, 23 from ABM, 18 from HUMSS, 13 from GAS and 26 from AVFX)

Lastly, 18 answered none/others (2 from STEM, 7 from ABM,0 from HUMSS, 3 from GAS and 6 from


The main effect on students when they skip breakfast is loss of concentration. Second is doesn’t

have the efficiency to work. Third is having trouble concentrating and the last one on the ranking is
none/others. From the data, we can say that skipping breakfast has negative effects on majority of the


Figure 4. Percentage Distribution of the Effects of skipping breakfast to students on the first two

morning subjects.

Figure 4 shows the percentage of the effects of skipping breakfast that the senior high school

students feel or experience on the first two morning subjects. The graph shows that 33% of the senior high

school students’ loss their concentration on the first two morning subject when they skip breakfast. In

addition, 32% of the students don’t have the efficiency to work in class and 29 % of the students have

trouble paying attention on the lectures. On the other hand, 6% of the students said that skipping breakfast

has no effect on their academic activities on the first-two morning class session/subject.


This chapter presents the summary of all the findings gathered by the researchers. This includes

the objectives of the study, statement of the problem, sampling procedures, methods of research employed

and results of the data gathered from the respondents.


In this research, the specific objectives of the study are to first find out how frequent do the

students of Ateneo de Naga University Senior High School skip breakfast in a week. In addition, it seeks

to identify the factors that lead the students to skip their breakfast. Moreover, the goal of the researchers is

to look for and investigate the relationship of skipping breakfast in the academic activities of the students.

The researchers used stratified sampling and random sampling technique in identifying the

respondents of the study. Also, the researchers used the slovin’s formula to compute the number of senior

high school students to be surveyed and the number of students per strand. In result, the sample size

needed by the study is 244 wherein it was divided by strand with respect to their grade level. Lastly, the

researchers used a multiple-choice survey questionnaire to gather the data needed by the study.

The quantitative research design was used by the researchers whereas casual-comparative

research method was employed in order to effectively establish the relationship between skipping

breakfast and academic activities. Moreover, the method explored more on the factors and effects (cause

and effect) of skipping breakfast on the academic activities of the Ateneo de Naga University Senior High

School Students. Wherein the respondents were surveyed during their free time. The data gathered from

the respondents was tallied using frequency distribution. And, the data is analyzed through the use

percentage distribution table and a pie chart to identify the common answers evident from the responses

of the participants that certainly answers the statement of the problem of the study.

As a result, the study found out that most of the senior high school students skip their breakfast

1-2 times a week with 34%(89) of senior high school students who responded while 27% of the students

skip their breakfast 3-4 times a week, 15% of the students skip breakfast 4-5 times a week and the
remaining 24% of the students always eat their breakfast. As supported by the data results, there are six

(6) factors presented in the choices and/or tables which will determine the reason/factor that make the

students skip breakfast. With this, the common factor why the students eat breakfast is lack of time

wherein 127 of the students answered, followed by laziness, absence of food, loss of appetite and weight

consciousness. In addition, the study presented four (4) kinds of feelings to be able to know how the

students cope in the first-two morning subject regardless of eating their breakfast. With this, the most

prevalent feeling of the students on the first-two morning subject is that they feel hungry followed by

feeling weak, feeling fine and being grumpy/annoyed. Moreover, the research presented 3 effects of

skipping breakfast which will determine the relationship of skipping breakfast in the academic activities

of the student along with the feelings of the students in the first-morning subject. With this, the data

indicates that majority of the students’ usual effect of skipping breakfast to the student is loss of

concentration followed by no efficiency to work and have trouble paying attention while some of the

students is not distracted. Subsequently, the research found out that skipping breakfast may lead for the

students to feel hungry during the first-two morning subject and may be the reason for them to loss their

concentration and be distracted during their first-two morning class sessions.


The study seeks to determine the frequency of skipping breakfast of senior high school students

and the factors which lead them into skipping their breakfast. Also, the study aims to identify if there is a

relationship between skipping breakfast and academic activities of the students. After analyzing the

gathered data, the researchers


The researchers have formulated different recommendations for the benefit of all the

stakeholders in this study. For the school administrator, they can consider on having programs or

solutions such as talks in order for the students to be more aware on the effects of skipping

breakfast on their health and academic activities and consider rescheduling the first morning

class which is 7:30am class for the students to have more time to prepare for their morning class.

For the faculty members, that they should teach the students with a lively and productive

activities that will catch their attention along with making them learn the lessons or use

gamification of learning to the students. For the parents, that they either encourage their children

to eat breakfast regularly to avoid any health problems and be active in class sessions or support

them so that they’ll to eat breakfast every day without having them to prepare for it. For the

students, that they be aware or enlightened as to what the consequences of skipping breakfast in

their life and/or how it can improve them. For the future researchers, that they may determine

other effects of skipping breakfast not only to the health of the student but on their activities.

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