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Sign Dictionary

APPLE - close (R) hand in a fist then stick out index finger knuckle, bring knuckle to (R) cheek & twist

APRICOT- like apple, but instead of knuckle sticking out stick (R) thumb out & twist on (R) cheek
APRON- meet hands behind back (like tying an apron)
BACON (2)- 1. both hands out palms down, fingers separate, with fingers almost touching wiggle them (elbows
BADGE- start with both hands in a fist with elbows bent behind you, then raise the fists over head and tuck head
under as if you were putting something around neck
BAG- like picking up a bag, grab & pick up using (R) hand on side of body
BAGEL- make "B" with (R) hand slice down with (L) index finger; like cutting a bagel in half
BAKE- 2 "B's" on top of each other with tips of fingers furthest from body & wrists closest to body
BALL- making finger tips touch make a ball with hands
BANANA- point (R) index finger up, use other hand to "peel" the banana aka finger

BANDANA- using the back of your dominant hand, wipe across forehead as if wiping sweat away from face

BANK- bank + book ; (BANK: 2 "B's" railroad crossed)

BATH- 2 "B's" crossed on shoulders (similar to relax except with "B's")
BBQ SAUCE- BBQ + Sauce (BBQ: make a "B", then put "B" next to head and wave) (SAUCE: sign "S" with
(L) hand then pour "S" into ( R) hand palm in a circular motion)
BED- same as nap/sleep; clap hands together and put by side of head/ear
BEEF- make a "B" and grab the "B" with the other hand
BEER- rosy cheeks for alcohol; make "B" with (R) hand and make circles on (R) cheek
BELT: place hands where belt buckle would be and then separate by moving hands to each hip
BEN- "B" on head (boys: head for hats; girls: chin for bonnets)
BEN CALCULATES- Ben + calculator ; (BEN: "B" on head) (CALCULATES: (L) hand palm up, using other
hand point out index finger and point repeatedly on (L) hand; like typing numbers in on a calculator index finger
of (R) hand

BEN SIGNS- Ben + sign ; (BEN: "B" on head) (SIGNS: make fist with (L) hand and point to wrist with

BEN WAITS- Ben + wait ; (BEN: "B" on head) (WAITS: palms up on both hands & wiggle fingers)
BEN WORKS- Ben + work ; (BEN: "B" to head) (WORKS: make fists with both hands, then put one fist on top
of where you would wear a watch)
BEN WRITES- Ben + writes ; (BEN: "B" on head) (WRITES: (L) palm up and using other hand pretend to
write on palm)
BERRIES- make "B" & point to it with index finger of other hand
BIG- keeping fingers separate bring arms out to the side of body and then over head like field goal sign
BIKE- make fists with each hand and roate them in circles like pedaling a bike
BIN- 2 "B's" up and bring them down
BLACK- use index finer to swipe across your forehead
BLANKET- 2 "B's" right below neck, where the blanket would end
BLINDS- fingers apart put in front of face & have middle fingers touch
BLOOD PRESSURE- squeeze arm where you would get blood pressure checked
BOARD- thumbs touch & index fingers touch making a small rectangle (cutting board)
BOOK- clap hands together and open keeping pinky's touching
BOOT SOCKS: boot + socks ; (BOOT: make 2 fists; thumbs up; touch knuckles together so that thumbs end up
next to each other) (SOCKS: index fingers out on both hands then rub together)
BOOTS- make 2 fists; thumbs up; touch knuckles together so that thumbs end up next to each other
BOWL- cup both hands slightly and bring them together so it looks like a bowl shape
BREAD- (R) hand make "B" face it so that tips of fingers are pointing to the left then take opposite hand and cup
it then slice the cupped hand down the "B" (knuckle side)
BREAD CRUMBS- bread + crumbs ; (BREAD: (R) hand make "B" face it so that tips of fingers are pointing to
the left then take opposite hand and cup it then slice the cupped hand down the "B" (knuckle side)) (CRUMBS:
like money but upside down, raise and bend (R) hand with wrist closest to ceiling and then move thumb across
the other 4 fingers a few times)
BREAK- make 2 fists, put them next to each other with index and thumbs touching; then "break" it by changing
hands so that they are still in fists but index and thumbs are now facing the ceiling
BREAKFAST- "B" on mouth
BROCCOLI- Take your left hand horizantally and grab right side elbow, then with your right hand vertically
sign a "B"
BROOM- same as "sweep" act out; make fists with both hands and stack them, bring them over to the side of
your body and push backwards as if you are sweeping. (Some residents may act out dust pan and small hand held
broom by bringing hands together.)
BROWN- make a "B" slide down the side of face/cheek
BROWNIE: (L) hand flat palm up, (R) hand make a “B” and put “B” on (L) palm with only the fingertips
touching palm.
BRUSH TEETH- (R) index finger out put up to mouth show teeth and act out brushing the front teeth by going
back and forth with index finger
BUCKET- make a "B" and act like your pickin up a bucket
BUTTER- (L) hand out palm up using index and middle fingers of other hand brush palm starting near the
fingers ending by wrist
BUY- make a "B" bring it out as if you would shake someone’s hand so tips of fingers start at ceiling then end
pointing out in front of you

CALCULATOR- (L) hand palm up, using other hand point out index finger and point repeatedly on (L) hand;
like typing numbers in on a calculator using (L) hand palm down and (R) hand to punch numbers in

CANDY- take index finger bring it to cheek then twist

CANNED FRUIT- (L) hand out palm up; make an "F" with other hand (pinch fingers together) bring pincher to
flat (L) hand and bring it to mouth and eat the “F”
CAR- like you’re driving at 10 and 2; (van is the same except with "V's"
CARD- : make a “C” with (R) hand and (L) hand is flat palm down, put “C” on (L) hand
CARE BIN- care + bin; (care: sign a "C"), (bin: Sign "B" with left and and right hand continue to point both

CARROT- bugs bunny, make fist with (R) hand and put by side of mouth and start chomping
CART- make a "C" with left and right hand and contine to push forward (like a shopping cart)
CASINO- cha-ching! pull the lever
CAT- whiskers, touch imaginary whiskers with one hand
CD- same as music; (L) hand is flat palm up and with (R) hand make an “M” and put the “M” on top of the (L)
palm and then move the (R) hand away from the body in front of you like a record
CELERY- like tomato, make a “C” out to the side and using opposite hands index finger slice the “C”)
CEREAL- like soup but bring top hand to mouth; cup both hands with (R) being on top scoop from hand to
mouth (similar to oatmeal)

CHAIRS DOWN- chair + down ; (CHAIR: make a “C” with (L) hand, make an “H” with (R) hand, wrap index
finger and middle finger of “H” onto the thumb of the “C”) (DOWN: using your index finger, point to the floor)

CHAIRS UP- chair + up ; (CHAIR: make a “C” with (L) hand, make an “H” with (R) hand, wrap index finger
and middle finger of “H” onto the thumb of the “C”) (UP: using your index finger, point to the ceiling)

CHAP STICK- pretend to put on Chap Stick using finger

CHEESE- palms together so that fingers are facing away from each other spread apart, twist hands back and
forth without separating palms
CHICKEN- bird + meat ; (BIRD: pinch by face using index and thumb) (MEAT: clap hands together between
thumb and index fingers keeping fingers straight)

CINNAMON- make a “C” with (R) hand and place index finger of “C” on chin with thumb touching neck

CLEAR- make both hands pinch making thumb touch each finger on each hand; bring tips of fingers together to
touch then separate/let go/throw away

CLIPBOARD- (L) hand flat palm up, with (R) hand make a “C” and then close “C” over (L) tips of fingers

CLOTHES- using both hands, move (R) finger tips up and down on (R) shoulder/chest and (L) finger tips up and
down on (L) shoulder/chest
COAT- like “clothes” but instead of using finger tips, use just thumbs on chest
COCOA- make a “C” with (L) hand and a “B” with (R) hand, place the “B” inside the “C” like a brownie in a
cup and move “B” in a circular motion
COFFEE- make a fist with hands, and put one on top of the other, then using top hand twist like grounding
COLANDER- make a “C” with both hands, then flip like you are dumping pasta away from body
COLD: sign “C” out to side of body)
COLESLAW- make a “C” with both hands, then like salad move them in circles out in front of body
COLOGNE- using index finger, point to both sides of neck, where you would put on cologne.
COMB- spread fingers apart with one hand and then slightly bend fingers, place fingertips on top of head and
then move down hair

COME HERE- disregard “here” using both index fingers wave them towards body signaling person to come
COMFORTER- Sign "C" with left hand and right hand near the waist area, then pull up to neck area like you
are going to sleep

COMPUTER BOOK- computer + book ; (COMPUTER: interlock fingers so palms are facing body, then scroll
up and down using hands) (BOOK: clap hands together and open keeping pinky's touching)

COOK- one hand flat, wiggle opposite fingers under flat hand
COOKIE- take (L) hand palm up then make a "C" with other hand and touch tips of fingers onto palm like
pressing a cookie cutter
COPY (2)- 1. take (L) hand palm up bringing hand close to body making elbow stick out to side, and (R) hand
palm down parallel to (L) hand with right elbow sticking out to side, move hands towards opposite elbows never
making contact.
CORN- make a "C" with each hand and act like your eating corn on the cob
COUCH- Take (L) hand and face palm toward ( R) hand, with your right hand make a "C" and place 'C" on to
palm of left hand
COUNT- count from 6-9 in sign language making thumb first touch pinky, ring, middle and index finger of same
CRUET- make a “C” and move back and forth in front of body
CUP- take (L) face palm up, then make a "C" with ( R) and place on top of (L) palm thats facing up)
CUT- make a “V” close index and middle finger together to look like scissors)
DAD- spread fingers flat and make thumb touch side of head by temple.

DAY CLIPBOARD- day + clipboard ; (DAY: (L) hand palm down straight across chest, put (R) elbow on back
of (L) hand and with (R) hand make a “D” and drop from 90* angle down to (L) elbow) (CLIPBOARD: (L)
hand flat palm up, with (R) hand make a “C” and then close “C” over (L) fingers)

DENTIST- point to teeth (same as teeth)

DEODORANT- lift arm so armpit is exposed, then using opposite hand make a fist and rub armpit up and down
as if you were putting on deodorant
DINNER- “D” up to mouth
DOCTOR- using (R) hand feel pulse on opposite hand
DOG- slap thigh twice
DONUT- make a “D” and put it on opposite flat hand palm up
DOWN- point to the floor
DRINK- tilt “C” up by mouth
DRY- (L) hand palm up, using a circular motion (R) hand moves above (L) hand never touching.
DUSTER- make a “D” and move wrist so it looks like you are dusting.
EAR- point to ear
EAT put fingers up to mouth using one hand
EGG- make an “H” with both hands, then make the index and middle fingers touch, once they touch move both
hands down and out like breaking an egg.
ELEVATOR- make hands clap together and then bring top hand up and then back down to meet the bottom
EXCUSE ME- swipe (R) hand over (L) palm away from body, then using thumb point to chest

EXERCYCLE- make fists with both hands then move them in circles like feet going around on the Exercycle.
FISH- (L) hand flat palm up, and put (R) hand perpendicularly on top of the (L) hand and keeping fingers
together sway fingers like a wiggling fish

FLASHLIGHT- make a fist with (R) hand, and grab under wrist with (L) hand. Open and close fingers on (R)
hand so fingers are acting like the light that comes out of a flashlight. Do this a couple of times.
FLOSS- make a "F" and put it on your cheek
FLOUR- (L) hand flat palm down, make an “F” with (R) hand and place on top of (L) palm
FOIL- make an “F” with both hands then reach up on a diagonal line with both “F’s” about a foot apart, and then
bring hands back down on the same diagonal line, like grabbing a piece of tin-foil.
FOLD- both hands palms up flat, bring (R) palm up and over landing on top of (L) palm
FORK- (L) hand flat with fingers facing the ceiling, then make a # 2 with (R) hand and bring tips of fingers onto
the palm of the (L) hand
FRENCH FRIES- same as potato , make a fist with (L) hand and then a # 2 with the (R) hand then bending the
fingers slightly on (R) hand tap the top of the (L) fist like poking a potato before cooking
FRIDAY like day but with an “F”, (L) hand palm down straight across chest, put (R) elbow on back of (L) hand
and with (R) hand make a “F” and drop from 90* angle down to (L) elbow

FUNNEL- make an “F” with (L) hand and a thumbs up with (R) hand. Pour the thumb of (R) hand into the “F”

GARLIC- like tomato but with a “G”. Make a “G” with (R) hand and put it out to side of body, then with (L)
hand make a #1 and slice “G”
GELLO- make a “G” with (R) hand and (L) hand is flat palm up, make the fingertips of the “G” touch the (L)
palm then move “G” back and forth never letting the finger tips leave the (L) palm
GET- similar to make and coffee, make 2 “C’s” with both hands and stack them on top of each other but not
touching, then close “C’s” into fists and make both hands touch
GLASS (recycle)- make a fist with pinky side facing down, then with oppisite hand make a "G" and place it on
top of fist
GLASS- like cup but instead of bringing the “C” down onto hand, bring the “C” up towards mouth.
GLASSES- make 2 “O’s” and put each “O” on eyes
GLOVES- make (L) hand flat with finger tips facing the ceiling and then with (R) hand make a “C” and slide the
“C” down (L) hand like putting gloves on

GOOD NIGHT- good + night ; (GOOD: bring hand from mouth down to opposite hand) (NIGHT: (L) hand
palm down, (R) hand starts facing body then twist and drop over (L) wrist like a sun is setting)
GRABBER- make a "G" and pinch fingers together like your picking something up

GRANOLA BAR- make a “G” with (R) hand and place it by mouth as if you were going to eat the “G”

GRAPE(S)- (L) hand flat and palm up, using right hand pick up imaginary grapes from (L) palm and bring them
to mouth (must pick up more then 2)
GREEN- make a “G” out to the side and wiggle a little bit
HAIR touch hair
HAMBURGER- cup hands together so at first (R) hand is on top then cup together the opposite way with (L)
hand becoming on top
HANDS- make fists with both hands and criss cross them with (R) hand starting on top, and then switching so (L)
hand is on top.
HANGER- make a hook with index finger by bending it so it is curved like a hook to a hanger.
HAPPY- wave one hand up by face with a big smile
HAT- using (R) index and thumb pinch together by forehead and move outwards like grabbing the rim of a
baseball hat
HEADPHONES- cover ears
HELP- (L) hand is flat palm up, and make a thumbs up with (R) hand and put (R) thumbs up on (L) palm then
bringing both hands staying together up towards ceiling
HI- wave hello
HI-FI- sign “H” with (R) hand, then sign “F” with (R) hand
HIKE- both hands palm down then start with hands by chest and elbows back and then move arms up on a
diagonal line towards the ceiling
HONEY- make an “H” with (R) hand and drag index and middle finger down chin
HOODIE- make fist with both hands and put them next to head, then contuine to act like you are putting on your
HORSE- make an “H” with (R) hand put beside head and wiggle fingers, like a horses ear.
HOSE- interlace fingers of both hands leaving index fingers and thumbs pointing out, move hands from left to
HOT- sign “H” with (R) hand out to the side of body
ICE CREAM- make a “thumbs up” with (R) hand then wipe thumb down lips and chin
ICED TEA- make a C with (L) hand, and an “H” with (R) hand, and then put the “H” inside the “C” and move in
JELLY- like butter, but with pinky, (L) hand flat palm up, and (R) hand make a fist but keep pinky out, then wipe
the (R) pinky on (L) palm starting by finger tips and ending by wrist
JUICE- pinky and thumb out on (R) hand put thumb by lips and tilt pinky up
KEYS- (L) hand flat with finger tips facing the ceiling, then make a fist with (R) hand but keep index finger
knuckle sticking out a bit like “apple” and make knuckle touch palm of (L) hand and twist
KNIFE- make an “H” with both hands, then put (R) “H” on top of index finger of (L) “H” and move top hand
back and forth.
LATER- (L) hand flat with finger tips facing the ceiling, make an “L” with (R) hand and make the thumb of the
“L” touch the palm of the (L) hand. Then swing the “L” around keeping the thumb touching but so the index
finger is now facing the floor rather than the ceiling
LEATHER COAT- leather + coat ; (LEATHER: brush “L” in an upwards motion on opposite shoulder)
(COAT: like “clothes” but instead of using finger tips, use just thumbs on chest)
LEMON- make an “L” and put index finger under chin with thumb pointing at neck
LETTER- (L) hand flat with finger tips facing the ceiling, make an “L” with (R) hand and with thumb of (R)
hand pretend to write on palm of (L) hand
LETTUCE- make an “L” and put thumb by temple on head. (Think of head of lettuce)
LIBRARY- make an “L” off to the side of body, and move in a circular motion
LIFT- make fists with both hands and make arms a 90 degree angle with hands closest to the ceiling and then
straighten arms like a shoulder press
LIGHT- make a "L" and point to the ceiling
LINT- (L) hand flat with fingers together pointing at the ceiling, with (R) hand wipe fingers in a downwards
motion against (L) hand (lint trap)
LOCK DOOR- lock + door ; (LOCK: make a “L” with (R) hand, move “L” forward as if you were going to
push a lock on a door in with the index finger) (DOOR: make a “C” with (R) hand and twist wrist back in forth as
if opening a door knob)
LOCK- make an “L” with (R) hand, move “L” forward as if you were going to push a lock on a door in with the
index finger
LOOK- using middle finger and index finger, point both into eyes
LOTION- (L) hand his palm down flat in front of body, make an “L” with (R) hand and put the thumb of the “L”
on top of the (L) hand
LUNCH- make an “L” and put thumb by mouth
MAGAZINE- (R) hand is in front of body with palm facing body flat and thumb is facing the ceiling. Using (L)
hand grab (R) hand starting at wrist and move to finger tips
MAKE- similar to get and coffee, but do not make fists touch and move elbows along with twisting fists on top
of each other.
MEATBALL- meat + ball ; (MEAT: clap hands together between thumb and index fingers keeping fingers
straight) (BALL: making finger tips touch make a ball with hands)
MICROWAVE- (L) hand flat palm up, make a “M” with (R) hand and put “M” on palm of (L) hand and move in
circles, like the plate circling in the microwave
MILK- pinch index fingers and thumbs together moving up and down like milking a cow
MIRROR- take flat hand and put in front of face with palm facing you, then move back and forth
MOM- 5 fingers up and apart, make thumb touch chin. (Chin= girl, bonnet)
MONEY- move thumb across the tips of the 4 other fingers of same hand a couple times
MORE- pinch fingers of both hands together in front of you making finger tips touch each other
MOVIE- make an “S” with (R) hand and move entire arm mostly elbow in a cranking circular motion
MP3- same as music ; (L) hand is flat palm up and with (R) hand make an “M” and put the “M” on top of the (L)
palm and then move the (R) hand away from the body in front of you like a record

MUFFIN- (L) hand out palm up pinch opposite whole hand together on palm and bring up separating fingers

MUSHROOM- (L) index finger pointing towards the ceiling, using (R) hand cup it over the (L) index finger
being the cap to the stem of the mushroom.

MUSIC- using index finger bend a little and move up and down like a needle of a record player (for Sang )

MUSTARD- make an “M” with (R) hand and shake

NAILS- point to nail
NAPKIN- wipe mouth with (R) hand
NECK- with (R) hand touch front of neck (FYI: touching back of neck would be pillow )
NO- make a # 3 with (R) hand closing index and middle finger together and then make those finger tips touch
thumb by closing together
NOW- point down in front of body (same as down)
NUTCRACKER- nut + break ; (NUT: using thumb of (R) hand flick back of front teeth) (BREAK: make 2 fists,
put them next to each other with index and thumbs touching; then "break" it by changing hands so that they are
still in fists but index and thumbs are now facing the ceiling)
NUTS- using thumb of (R) hand flick back of front teeth
OATMEAL- like cereal, but instead of top hand scooping up, have (L) hand palm up and (R) hand make a “P”
and using the cereal motion bring the “P” from the palm to mouth. (Think porridge)
OFF- (L) hand palm down flat in front of you OR fist, with (R) hand palm down on top of (L) hand, then take off
(R) hand by lifting away (opposite of on
OFF- (L) hand palm down flat in front of you OR fist, with (R) hand palm down on top of (L) hand, then take off
(R) hand by lifting away (opposite of on)
OIL- make middle finger and thumbs touch on both hands making small circles. Then interlock both small circles
so it looks like an infinity sign. Pull apart after linked.
ON- (L) hand palm down flat in front of you OR fist, with (R) hand flat away from (L) hand, then bring (R) hand
on top of (L) hand (opposite of off
ON- (L) hand palm down flat in front of you OR fist, with (R) hand flat away from (L) hand, then bring (R) hand
on top of (L) hand (opposite of off)
ONION- wiggle index fingers by eyes like crying
OPEN COMPUTER BOOK- open + computer + book ; (OPEN: make a “C” with (R) hand and lengthen arm
over head, then like opening curtains move hand to the right so arm becomes a diagonal line) (COMPUTER:
interlace fingers in front of body and move interlaced hands up and down) (BOOK: clap hands together and open
keeping pinky's touching)
ORANGE- squeeze “O” under chin with one hand
OVEN- (L) hand flat at eye length in front of you with palm down and thumb closest to eye, with (R) hand wave
under (L) hand.
PAN- sign "P" pointing out with (L) hand, then with ( R) hand grab your elbow

PANTS- take (L) palm of hand put on (L) thigh, then with ( R) hand put palm on ( R) thigh and rub upwards
PAPER- (L) hand palm up with elbow out to side, place (R) hand on top of (L) hand so finger tips of (L) hand
are touching the wrist of the (R) hand and vice versa, then drag hands in opposite directions until both wrists are
PASTA- (L) hand palm down flat, and make a “P” with (R) hand and put “P” on top of (L) hand
PEACH- pinch cheek with (R) finger tips
PEANUT BUTTER- nut + butter ; (NUT: make a thumbs up with (R) hand and flick tooth with thumb)
(BUTTER: (L) hand out palm up using index and middle fingers of other hand brush palm starting near the
fingers ending by wrist)
PEAR- make a “P” with (R) hand and slide “P” down cheek
PEPPER- shake an “F” as if it’s a pepper shaker.
PHONE- make a “Y” and bring thumb to ear and pinky towards mouth like talking on the phone
PICK-make a "P" and put it on your cheek
PICNIC- make 2 “P’s” with both hands and place them in front of face by nose and then separate bringing them
out by ears (don’t forget to SMILE)

PICTURE- using index fingers to draw, make an invisible rectangle (in Ben’s case it will be a quick oval)

PIE- make one hand flat palm side up, with opposite hand cut palm in a diagonal line.
PILL- make index finger touch tongue
PILLOW- grab the back of neck with (R) hand
PIZZA- make a “P” with one hand and keep the other hand flat palm side up, then put the “P” over the palm and
move in circular motion
PJS- bed + clothes ; (BED same as nap/sleep; clap hands together and put by side of head/ear) (CLOTHES:
using both hands, move (R) finger tips up and down on (R) shoulder/chest and (L) finger tips up and down on left
PLACEMAT- make 2 “P’s” and bring both middle fingers together and then separate
PLANT- with (L) hand grab (R) elbow, then wiggle (R) fingers
PLASTIC- make a fist with left hand, then with right hand make a "P" and put on top of fist
PLATE- same as table, but palms face down making pinky’s touch
PLAY- make “P’s” with both hands and shake.
PLEASE- rub heart in circular motion
POPCORN- both hands out to side, then moving hands up and down flick thumb and index fingers
POPSICLE- “P” guiding down from mouth to chin
POSTURE- place hand in the middle of your back, as if indicating to sit up straight
POT- sign "P" with left and right hand and place in front of you like you are holding a cooking pot
POTATO- make a fist with (L) hand and then a # 2 with the (R) hand then bending the fingers slightly on (R)
hand tap the top of the (L) fist like poking a potato before cooking
POUR- using (R) hand thumbs up, move thumb up towards the ceiling and then turn thumb around and bring it
down so thumb is facing the floor
PRETZEL- link both index fingers together
PRUNE JUICE- prune + juice ; (PRUNE: sign “P”) (JUICE: pinky and thumb out on (R) hand put thumb by
lips and tilt pinky up)
PULL BED- pull + bed ; (PULL: using both hands pretend to grab something in front of you and then by
bending elbows pretend to bring it closer to body) (BED: same as nap/sleep; clap hands together and put by side
of head/ear)
PUMPKIN- make a “P” then using the “P” point to opposite palm with fingers facing the ceiling

PUNCH HOLES- punch + holes ; (PUNCH: punch straight ahead in front of you) (HOLES: sign “OK”)

PUNCHER- punch straight ahead in front of you

PUSH BED- push + bed ; (PUSH: with elbows starting bent with hands close to body, move hands away from
body directly in front of you) (BED: same as nap/sleep; clap hands together and put by side of head/ear)

PUSH CHAIR- push + chair ; (PUSH: with elbows starting bent with hands close to body, move hands away
from body directly in front of you) (CHAIR: make a “C” with (L) hand, make an “H” with (R) hand, wrap index
finger and middle finger of “H” onto the thumb of the “C”)
PUZZLE- Sign "P" with both hands, then interlock the two "P"s
QUARTER- make a “G” and put it in palm of opposite hand
QUIET- put index finger up to mouth

RAISIN- make an “R” with (R) hand and then tap (L) wrist where you would wear a watch with the “R”

RAZOR- make an “R” with (R) hand, and move “R” in an up and down motion on cheek.
READ- guide finger across opposite palm as if you were reading
RECYCLE- make an “R” with (R) hand and then move in recycle symbol motion
RED- make an “R” and starting at lips drag down chin
REFRIGERATOR- 2 “R’s” out to side and shake like you are cold

RELAX- make 2 “R’S” and make an X with forearms crossing your chest with the “R’S” on your shoulder

RICE- (2) 1. Make 2 "R's" make them touch and then bring (R) "R" to mouth
RICE CAKE- (RICE: make a “R” with (R) hand and place it on flat (L) palm up and then bring the “R” to
mouth) (COOKIE-Cake): make a “C” and put on opposite palm facing up like a cookie cutter making finger tips
touch palm and nothing else)
ROBE- like you are tying a robe in front of your body making an X with your forearms on hips
ROLLER- make an "R" with both hands, face the middle fingers towrd eachother and roll back and forth like
rolling pizza
RUN- both hands flat palm down and move hands up and down

SALAD- toss your veggies, make a “V” with both hands and then move them in circles out in front of body.

SALSA- make an “R” with one hand and an “S” with the other hand, then pour the “S” over the “R”
SALT- make an “S” with (R) hand and shake in a downward motion with thumb facing the ground
SANDALS- (L) hand flat fingers spread palm down; (R) hand palm down interlace fingers on top of (L) hand
closing fingers so they are now touching the palm of (L) hand
SANDWICH- bring hands together like you are praying and make tips of fingers touch mouth

SCALE- make an “H” with (R) hand and a #1 with (L) hand, (L) hand so that index finger is facing away from
body, and with (R) hand place index and middle finger on (L) index finger and wobble back and forth lifting each
finger so that either the index finger is resting on the (L) finger or the middle finger is resting on (L) finger.

SCARF- with (R) hand throw an imaginary scarf over opposite shoulder
SCHEDULE- hands parallel with thumbs facing the ceiling move hands from left to right in one motion never
making hands meet
SET- (L) hand palm down flat, and make a thumbs up on (R) hand and starting with (R) hand out to side then
bring it on top of (L) hand
SHAVE- make a fist with (R) hand and bring fist to cheek and then drag fist down face
SHEET(S)- make an “S” with both hands, starting in front of you, move “S’s” up and then down as if you were
making bed
SHIRT- using tips of fingers of one hand pinch your shirt out and then let go
SHOES- make 2 fists then put them next to each other so thumbs and index fingers touch
SHOPPING- make fists with both hands, starting by chest with elbows bent then push out like you are pushing a
shopping cart (punch with both hands at same time)

SHORTS- cup both hands keeping fingers together; then touch the midpoint between hips and knees on legs

SHOWER- put hand over head (like rain falling on head, spread fingers apart)
SHRIMP- make an “I” with (R) hand and wiggle
SICK- touch forehead with index finger
SID- make a “W” and bring to head
SIGN- make fist with (L) hand and point to wrist with index finger of (R) hand
SIT- make a #2 with both hands keeping the middle and index fingers touching, then tap (R) fingers on (L)
SKI- using both arms (hands in fists) act as if you’re skiing by bending and straightening elbows at opposite
times. (R) Arm straight while (L) arm bent and vice versa
SLIPPERS- (L) hand flat palm down, with (R) hand slide over (L) hand starting at wrist
SLOW- move hand from wrist to elbow on opposite arm
SMALL- sign “G” with (R) hand and shrink it/ draw thumb and index finger together
SNACK- make an “S”, and put it up to mouth

SOAP- (L) hand flat palm up, then make an “S” with (R) hand and move “S” on (L) palm in a circular motion

SOCKS- index fingers out on both hands then rub together

SODA- make a fist with (L) hand so thumb is facing the ceiling then take opposite hand flat on top of (L) fist and
bring (R) flat hand up and back down onto the fist
SOUP- (L) hand flat palm up, (R) hand make “C” and move in circles on top of (L) hand
SPAGHETTI- make “I’s” with both hands and flip pinkies out and over shoulders

SPATULA- (R) hand flat palm up facing the ceiling, flick wrist backwards so fingertips end up facing the ceiling

SPICES- make an “S” with (R) hand and then move back and forth by face
SPINACH- flex and point to bicep.
SPONGE- squeeze “S” (same as squeeze)

SPOON- (L) hand flat and palm up; (R) hand make an “H” and put on (L) hand palm, then bring to mouth

SPRAY- sign a "S" and turn hand so that thumb is facing up, contuine to move side to side like you are spraying
air freshener
SQUEEZE- squeeze “S” (same as sponge)
STAMP- (L) hand flat palm up, then make an “S” with (R) hand and hit (L) palm with it.

STAND- (L) hand flat palm up, make a “H” with (R) hand and place the fingertips of the “H” on the (L) palm

STAPLER (2)- sign "S" and slap the "S" into palm of other hand
STEAK- make an “S” with (R) hand, then using (L) hand swallow the “S” like Pac-man.
STIR- make 2 fists with both hands and stack them on top of each other, then move in a circular motion as if you
are stirring something.
STOP- (L) hand flat palm up, with (R) hand flat but perpendicular to (L) hand, bang on (L) palm so that pinky is
touching the palm and nothing else.
STRETCHES- clap hands together and put them over head so elbows are bent
SUGAR- make a #1 and wipe index finger down chin
SUN LOTION- sun + lotion ; (SUN: make a “C” with (R) hand, put over (R) eye so that thumb is touching cheek
bone, and index finger is touching eyebrow bone.) (LOTION: (L) hand his palm down flat in front of body, make
an “L” with (R) hand and put the thumb of the “L” on top of the (L) hand)
SUNGLASSES- make “O’s” with both hands and put over eyes.
SUSHI- like fish, but with an “R” for rice. (L) Hand flat palm up, make an “R” with (R) hand and place it on (L)
palm, then move back and forth like fish.
SWEATER- make an “S” with one hand and rub sternum up and down
SWEEP- make fists with both hands and stack them, bring them over to the side of your body and push
backwards as if you are sweeping. (Some residents may act out dust pan and small hand held broom by bringing
hands together.)
SWIM- doggy paddle, cup hands in by heart
SWING- (R) hand index finger out like #1, then make a #2 with (L) hand and link the fingers over the index
finger of the (R) hand, then swing the (R) finger back and forth
TABLE- Make 2 “B’S” with both palms down, and put next to each other making both index fingers touch to
make a flat surface.

TEA- make a “C” with (L) hand, and an “H” with (R) hand, then put the “H” inside the “C” and move in circles

TEETH- point to teeth

THANK YOU- using (R) hand flat make finger tips touch lips and then move hand away from face out in front
of you, like blowing a kiss.
THURSDAY BIN- Thursday + bin ; (THURSDAY: like day but with an “H”, (L) hand palm down straight
across chest, put (R) elbow on back of (L) hand and with (R) hand make a “H” and drop from 90* angle down to
(L) elbow) (BIN: 2 "B's" up and bring them down)
TICKET- make a "T" with (L) and pull toward your body
TIE- starting with hands together above head, bring them down on diagonal lines making a V shape (opposite of
TIMER- point to imaginary watch on wrist
TIN - make a fist with left hand, then with right hand make a "T" and put on top of fist
TIRED- yawn putting hand over mouth
TISSUE- wipe nose with (R) index finger and thumb
TOAST- make a “C” with (L) hand, and a “B” with (R) hand, then put the “B” inside the “C” like an old
fashioned toaster oven keeping thumb sticking out
TOILET- make a “T” and twist wrist back and forth
TOMATO- make a fist with (R) hand and put it out to side of body, then with (L) hand make a #1 and slice (R)
hand by thumb

TOWEL- with (R) hand wipe down (L) top part of arm from shoulder to elbow going in one downward motion.

TRASH- (L) hand is flat with finger tips pointing in front of body away from body, make a “T” with (R) hand
and put “T” in (L) palm
TRAY- make 2 "T's" like holding a tray, and then lift the "T's" like lifting a tray

TREADMILL- (L) hand flat palm up, using index and middle fingers of (R) hand pretend to walk on (L) palm)

TRIMMER- make a “T” with (R) hand and starting at hairline, drag “T” towards the back of your head.

TURKEY- wiggle fingers under chin gobble gobble

TV- sign a “T” and a “V”
TYPE- place fingertips on a flat surface keeping fingers bent, like typing on a keyboard
UMBRELLA- sign the letter "U" and raise it over your head
UNDERWEAR- using both hands, touch behind
UNTIE SHOES- untie + shoes ; (UNTIE: starting with hands by side bring them both above head in a V shape
(opposite of tie) (SHOES: make 2 fists with both hands and then bring the fists together making thumbs and
index fingers touch)
VACUUM- clap hands together with finger tips facing away from body bring wrists to chest and then move
hands straight in front of you away from body
VEGETABLE- make a “V” with (R) hand, put index finger on (R) cheek and then middle finger on left cheek,
moving back and forth from right to left
VEGGIE CRUMBLES- (Vegetables:make a “V” with (R) hand, put index finger on (R) cheek and then middle
finger on left cheek, moving back and forth from right to left). (Crumbles: take (L) hand and rub your fingers
together and act like your sprinkling spices over food.
VERMONT- make a “V” out to the side of body, as Leila would say “Vermont, or Peace.”
VEST- like coat and clothes but with “V’s”. Using both hands sign “V”, move (R) “V’s” up and down on (R)
shoulder/chest and (L) “V’s” up and down on left shoulder/chest)
VINEGAR- make a “V” with (R) hand and put “V” on head with index finger touching temple
VITAMIN- make a “V” with (R) hand, and put middle finger on tongue.
WAFFLE- (L) hand palm up flat, and with (R) hand make a “W” and put it in (L) hand
WAIT- wiggle fingers on both hands out in front of you
WALK- make 2 “Y’s” with both hands and make pinky and thumb touch
WALNUTS- make a “W” and flick the “W” on teeth away from body
WASH- make 2 fists and rub knuckles together
WATER- make a “W” with one hand and put by mouth, then tilt downwards away from mouth.
WHITE- using (R) hand make a “W” on upper (L) chest area

WINE- rosy cheeks for alcohol; make a “W” and like beer put it up to cheek and move in a circular motion

WOK- make a “W” with (R) hand and wiggle fingers

WORK- make fists with both hands, then put one fist on top of where you would wear a watch
WRAP- (as in sandwich); make a "W" pointing sideways then continue to move in circurlar motions
WRITE-hand flat with finger tips facing the ceiling, then pinch fingers together with opposite hand and using the
flat hand as paper pretend to write.
YEAST- sign "Y" , then make a fist with other hand, contuine to put the "Y" on the back of your fist
YELLOW- make a “Y” and shake it
YES- nod (R) fist up and down
YMCA- (sign “Y”)
YOGURT- sign “Y” and put under chin or at mouth
ZIPLOC (BAG)- take your pretend Ziploc bag, and zip it shut

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