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Journal of Physical Education and Sports

8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

Stick Gymnastic Development for Learning Material Rhythmic Activities

at Physical Education in Elementary Schools

Fauzul Mubin1 , Soegiyanto2 & Sulaiman3

Public Elementary School 3 Krajankulon, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
History Articles This research aims to produce stick model gymnastics products, find out the
effectiveness, and acceptability of students and physical education teachers. Borg
September 2018
Accepted: & Gall's model development research procedures include: preliminary product
October 2018 analysis, expert validation, field trials, product revisions, and final product
Published: development results. The results of this research are stick exercise models in the
April 2019
form of DVDs and guidebooks. The research data contained a significant
increase from field trials on psychomotor aspects from 10% to 34.6%. Affective
development, from 23.3% to 45.2%. Cognitive from 53.3% to 67.3%. Conclusion Researchers
physical education, have developed appropriate stick gymnastics as a learning media for elementary
sticky gymnastics school students, effectively making students move actively, and can be accepted
by students and physical education teachers.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2252-648X
Kp. Anyar RT.02/RW.08 Krajan Kulon, Kaliwungu,
e-ISSN 2502-4477
Kendal, Jawa Tengah, 51372

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

INTRODUCTION all communities so that students have difficulty in

exercising gymnastic movements so that children
Learning rhythmic activities must not do not move actively and efficiently. (4) The
distinguish between male and female students rhythmic activity material presented by the
(gender learning), so all students are required to teacher is not interesting and does not make the
move and play an active role in it. Learning child happy because the presentation is not
rhythmic activities includes structured rhythmic appropriate, and monotonous. (5) Schools have
activities using rhythmic tools and activities that not implemented rhythmic activity learning that
do not use tools. One of the material in rhythmic uses tools and do not have the infrastructure
activities in the National Examination in its facilities for rhythmic activities that use tools as
implementation must refer to the content of supporting learning materials. To overcome this
educational goals including developing self- problem, researchers feel the need to do
management skills in the effort to develop and development research so that existing problems
maintain physical fitness and healthy lifestyle can be overcome and the results of the research
through selected physical and sports activities. In can be carried out in schools.
addition, the goal of physical education is to The presentation of rhythmic activity
understand the concept of physical activity and learning material based on the survey above has
exercise in a clean environment as information to not been effective as a media for learning motion.
achieve perfect physical growth, a healthy The biggest portion of learning time is spent
lifestyle, and fitness, skilled, and have a positive studying and practicing skills through examples
attitude (Depdiknas,2006). from teachers that are not easily done by students.
The survey was conducted from 22 Learning leads to psychomotor movement skills,
February to 23 March 2016 in three elementary while students are organized to imitate their
schools in Kendal district, Public Elementary movements. As a result, almost all activities in
School 2 Kutoharjo Kaliwungu, Public rhythmic activity are still very lacking, in addition
Elementary School 1 Penyangkringan Weleri and to the implementation of rhythmic activity
Public Elementary School 1 Taman Rejo learning, schools surveyed have not implemented
Sukorejo about the implementation of rhythmic structured rhythmic activity learning using tools.
activity learning material in elementary school Structured using a tool that is the implementation
researchers got results that, in the third of learning rhythmic activities using tools such as
curriculum of elementary school using the 2006 sticks, ropes, balls, ribbons or anything else
KTSP and the method used by the teacher in starting from the level of mastery of skills from
delivering rhythmic activity learning material the easy to the difficult, from movements per
that is without tools and the implementation of section, combination movements to complex
rhythmic activities with tools has not been given. ones. If so, hope that the learning process can run
Survey data on the implementation of well and can improve student learning outcomes
rhythmic activities in the field of researchers cannot be fulfilled. On the other hand, limited
showed results among others: (1) Physical facilities and infrastructure or facilities that are
education teachers master the material of not a barrier to the teaching of rhythmic
rhythmic activity without tools and have not structured activity materials that use tools at
mastered rhythmic activities with tools. (2) The school. The limitations of facilities and
method used in implementing rhythmic activity infrastructure are expected to be a driving force
learning is a demonstration method, in which for physical education teachers to create and
some children learn rhythmic activities according implement physical education learning to make
to the teacher's instructions and follow their students more attractive and attractive.
movements. (3) All the teachers who have been Children in elementary school's early
surveyed use the media for Physical Freshness grades (ages 6-8 years old) are children who are
Gymnastics whose movements are common to in the early age range (ages 5-12 years). This early

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

age is a short period of child development but is a product form in the form of guidebooks and
very important period for his life. Therefore, at DVDs, MP3s and MP4s so that physical
this time all the potential possessed by children education teachers and students can easily learn
needs to be encouraged so that they develop these stick exercises through Mobile Phones,
optimally (David, L. G. & John, C. O., 2002). Notebooks, and DVD Players. This is a form of
Movement skills for elementary school effort so that students can receive structured
students are basic motion skills. Pangrazi (2004) rhythmic activity material that uses tools and
mentions that basic skills are useful skills that participates in learning activities with pleasure,
children need as provisions for life and attitude. with a sense of pleasure that arises so that interest
Thomas, et al. (2003) stated that the in participating in stick gymnastic learning
content of physical education for elementary materials can be carried out in all elementary
school consists of motor programs (developing schools, which include various kinds basic
movement skills) and procedures (decision motion components can be mastered by students
making), declarative knowledge (learning through learning physical education at school.
existing facts), and being active by understanding
why physical activity is important and applying it METHODS
in their lives.
According to Athanasia, C. & In this research, the development model
Nikolaos, D. (2011) that the application of used is a procedural development model, because
appropriate learning strategies can provide good this model is descriptive, which is a procedure
thinking and acting behavior. Therefore, it is that outlines the steps that must be followed in
necessary to apply learning strategies that can producing a product. According to Wasis, D.
later make students easy to move and happy, (2004) in each development can choose and find
which are varied in shape and can make students the most appropriate step for his research based
feel bored with the existing games, because not all on the conditions and constraints faced.
schools have adequate facilities and According to Borg & Gall (2002), Research
infrastructure, so it takes educators' creativity to and development is a process used to develop or
teach material to students in the form of validate products used in education and
modifications. learning.Development procedures carried out in
Anshel, M. H., & Lidor, R (2014) found this research, using the steps adapted from Borg
that the implementation of the right strategy can & Gall (2002). The development research
promote students' behavior in the physical procedures used include preliminary product
education process, that groups that implement analysis, expert validation, field trials which
strategies: preparing, imaging, focusing attention, included small group test and large group test,
implementing, and evaluating and activating the product revision, and final product development
learning process in school. results. The results of this research are a stick
Making gymnastic stick material for gymnastic model that can be used as a learning
learning rhythmic activities at physical education media for Physical Education, Sports and
in elementary school, as an alternative to Health.The subject of this research try, among
structured rhythmic activity material that uses others, the description of the number of product
elementary school students. The previous stick trial participants is described as follows: (Table 1)
gymnastics is not yet available and will be Aspects to be studied include analysis of
developed namely rhythmic gymnastics whose stick gymnastic learning needs: (1) A form of stick
movements are adapted to elementary school gymnastics activity for Elementary School
children using 160 cm long sticks accompanied students (2) Learning media in the form of DVDs
by national songs. The development of this stick for material enrichment.
gymnastics will be structured from core Types of data used in this research are
movements, heating and cooling packaged in qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

data obtained from interviews in the form of developing the movement. Loo Fung Chiat &
criticism, suggestions from experts on the Loo Fung Ying (2012) stated the importance of
material (gymnastics) and speakers both orally understanding music and the suitability of music
and in writing as the constructive input for for learning rhythmic activities at an early age. In
product revision materials. this case, the improvement of the learning
outcomes of rhythmic activity is relevant to the
Table 1. Product Trial Participants accuracy of choosing music is in accordance with
School Teacher Student Expert the characteristics of their students. So that
Public Elementary 1 48 Physical
School 2 education
knowledge of the rhythmic activity and motoric
Kutoharjo expert development of children can improve gymnastic
Public Elementary 1 38 Rhythmic
School 1 gymnastics
learning outcomes.
Penyangkringan expert İnci, K., Mehmet, M. K., & Manolya, A.
Public Elementary 1 18
School 1 (2017) added that gymnastic movement
Taman Rejo development research is used as a guide for
Total 3 104 2
researchers in making basic motion series,
especially in the movement of the ankle joints and
The instruments used to collect data in this
their influence on the dynamic balance.
research were questionnaires and questionnaires,
Barbora, N., & Michaela, S. (2016)
calculation of pulse before and after learning,
gymnastic development as a guide to the basic
field observations and documentation.
movements of rhythmic activity for motor
A questionnaire is used to capture
development. Karmen Sibanc (2013) his research
information in a systematic and directed manner
on physical education can increase children's
from experts and resource persons. While the
interest by using alternative gymnastic materials.
questionnaire and field observations are used to
Mahammad Mehrtash, Hadi Rohani, Esmail
determine the level of feasibility and acceptability
Farzaneh& Rasoul Nasir (2014) stated that
of the product.
training or learning rhythmic activities can
The data analysis technique used is the
improve students' motor skills. From some of the
percentage to analyze and assess the developer
opinions of researchers, it can be concluded that
subject in the level of feasibility, effectiveness,
the development of learning material in rhythmic
and acceptability of the product to the developer
activities can improve cognitive development,
product. Respondents are interpreted as the
effective and psychomotor students by means of
results obtained, namely giving the results of the
learning adjusted abilities and types of music that
tests that have been carried out.
are appropriate to the character of students, the
right method, and measured through tests.
The initial step that the researchers did was
to compile rhythmic gymnastic movement
Research of relevant research results
products as outlined in the book and will be given
Soegiyanto, Soekardi, & Sukardi (2015) in his
learning for elementary schools in Kendal
research concluded the Dayu gymnastics product
Regency. Before disseminating the gymnastics
(Dayak Gymnastics and Melayu dance) as an
movement researchers first consulted experts in
alternative learning rhythmic activity for physical
their fields, namely physical education
education in schools, especially 5th grade class
elementary school teachers and rhythmic
students and has been adapted to the character of
gymnastics experts. The two experts then
elementary school students, Dayu Gymnastics
provided various useful inputs so that the
also has an effective influence for students in
gymnastic movements taught could be done well
learning physical education. Opinions from
at elementary school in Kendal Regency. The
Kizzy Fernandes Antualpa, & Roberto Rodrigues
researcher then corrects the gymnastic
Paes (2013) the structure of the training program
movements and manuals in accordance with
used as a product as one of the guidelines in

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

input from experts who are competent in the field. significant development, this was evident that
Then the researchers conducted a small-scale trial 34.6% of participants were able to perform
of 30 elementary school students in Kendal movements perfectly, while 6.6% was good
Regency accompanied by sports practitioners. enough and the remaining 58.4% did well.
The results of small-scale trials showed that 10%
of participants were able to perform movements Figure 2. Psychomotor Ability of Field Trial
perfectly, while 6.6% was good enough and the
remaining 83.4% performed well.
34.6 Sempurna
Figure 1. Small Group Psychomotor Ability

6.6 Cukup
10 Sempurna
83.4 Cukup
Pretty baik
Good This shows an increase in the more perfect
gymnastic movements. The perfect movement
1. previously only 10% of students became 34.6%.
This shows that the rhythmic gymnastic
Psychomotor domains are domains related movement developed by the researcher is easy to
to skills or ability to act after a person has received do by students and is very well liked so that many
a particular learning experience. Psychomotor students are able to perform the movement
learning outcomes are actually a continuation of perfectly.
cognitive learning outcomes (understanding Affective domains are the realms of
something) and effective learning outcomes (new attitudes and values. Affective domains include
ones appear in the form of behavioral tendencies). behavioral characteristics such as feelings,
Psychomotor domains are related to physical interests, attitudes, emotions, and values. Some
activity, such as running, jumping, painting, experts say that a person's attitude can be
dancing, hitting, and so on. predicted for a change if someone has a high level
Skill learning outcomes (psychomotor) can of cognitive power. The characteristics of
be measured through: (1) direct observation and effective learning outcomes will appear to
assessment of students' behavior during the students in various behaviors. Affective domains
practical learning process, (2) after participating become more detailed into five levels, namely:
in learning, namely by giving tests to students to (1) Receiving or attending, (2) Responding means
measure knowledge, skills, and attitudes, "active participation", (3) Valuing,
(3) sometime after learning is completed and later (4) Organization, (5) characterization with a
in the work environment. value or value complex
The data shows that elementary school The effective ability of 30 Elementary
students in Kendal District like the rhythmic School students in small-scale trials showed that
gymnastic movements that researchers developed 23.3% of students very much liked the stick
and were able to do well. Thus the researchers gymnastic movement developed by researchers,
then did it in a field trial with a total of 104 the remaining 76.7% said they liked.
students coming from Public Elementary School The data shows that there are no students
2 Kutoharjo Kaliwungu, Public Elementary who do not like the rhythmic gymnastic
School 1 Penyangkringan Weleri dan Public development movement that researchers have
Elementary School 1 Taman Rejo Sukorejo. done. Thus this was continued in a field trial with
The results of field trials showed that the 104 students. Researchers hope that in 104 field
psychomotor ability of students experienced trials with students, the results will be even better.

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

researchers, the remaining 46.7% said they

Figure 3. Small Group Student Affective Ability understood.

23.3 Sangat
Like Very Much Figure 5. Cognitive Capability of Small-Scale
menyukai Trial Students
46.7 53.3
Figure 4. Students' Affective Ability Field Trial

45.2 Sangat
Like Very Much The data shows that the majority of
54.8 menyukai students understand the movements that must be
Menyukai carried out in the development of rhythmic
exercises that the researchers have compiled. The
researcher confronts in a field trial with 104
students, the results will be even better.
The data shows that the effective ability of
104 Elementary School students in field trials
Figure 6. Cognitive Ability of Students Test Field
showed that 45.2% of students really liked the
stick gymnastic movement developed by
32.7 Sangat
researchers, the remaining 54.8% said they liked memahami
it. This shows a significant increase from small 67.3
group trials that are very fond of stick gymnastic Understand

movements as much as 23.3% increased in field

trials to 45.2%.
Cognitive domain is a domain that
The data shows that cognitive abilities of
includes mental activity (brain). All efforts related
104 Elementary School students in field trials
to brain activity are included in the cognitive
showed that 67.3% of students were very
domain. The cognitive domain has sixlevels or
understanding of the stick gymnastics movement
aspects, namely: (1) knowledge,
developed by researchers, the remaining 32.7%
(2) comprehension, (3) application, (4) analysis,
said they understood. This shows a significant
(5) synthesis, (6) evaluation.
increase from small group trials that are very
The purpose of the cognitive aspect is
understanding of stick gymnastic movements as
oriented to the ability to think which includes a
much as 53.3% increased in field trials to 67.3%.
simpler intellectual ability, namely remembering,
to the problem-solving ability that requires
students to connect and combine several ideas, CONCLUSION
ideas, methods or procedures learned to solve the
problem. Thus the cognitive aspect is the sub- Based on the results of research that has
taxonomy which reveals mental activities which been done on the development of stick
often start from the level of knowledge to the gymnastics, conclusions and suggestions can be
highest level, namely evaluation. taken as follows: (1) Researchers have developed
The cognitive abilities of 30 elementary appropriate stick gymnastics as a physical
school students in small-scale trials showed that education learning media for Elementary School
53.3% of students were very understanding of the students and can be implemented in all
stick gymnastic movement developed by elementary schools with minimal facilities,
(2) The development model is developing
effective stick gymnastics to make students move

Fauzul Mubin, Soegiyanto & Sulaiman
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (1) (2019) : 69 – 75

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education teachers, this can be seen from the Kizzy, F. A. & Roberto, R. P. (2013). Structure of
students' participation in the research and the Rhythmic Gymnastics Trainings Center in
various suggestions given for the perfect Brazil. Scienceof Gymnastics Journal, 5(1), 71-79.
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