Angel Touch - Dmitry Viter (МАШИННЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД)

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Angel Touch from Dmitry Viter

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You ask the audience, whoevertwo, that

near the right shoulder of a person is present

invisible angel?

Random people agree to accept the participation

an extraordinary experiment, you say that

try to connect with the spiritual world and

the viewer will be able to experience something incredible and


You instruct the participant to

focuses on feelings, it can be:

light breeze, stroking or soft

touching. You ask him to be

attentive sensory sensations, so

You will almost never notice. You stand in two

metrakhotchelovekai three times touch your

Shoulders (or you can touch your arm).

The participant feels the same.

glazaygovorit that felt the treasury


A completely different technique based on

"double reality", which is invisible to

participant and audience. There are no gimmicks. No


Excellent fineness for those who perform

classical methods of invisible touches,

can be shown by the name of the price, the price, in

restaurant and the house! Дапрактическивезде!


I often watched as the performers

perform tricks with the help of technology

"instant puppet", for example, when

and the first guesses the meaning

Of course, this is illusion.

illusion due to the fact that in a certain

the moment the performer invisibly touches

finger to the pinch or spoke, saying before:

-Will be able to guess the mind when you feel

something unusual. Just trust this

feeling ".

Or a vivid example of this secret

touch you can watch at Peter

Terner, when he demonstrates the "Elevator"

(the spectator's hand drops and rises,

mentally managed by the performer). This

Reception is also used when Peter

demonstrates the ACAAN trick (one of his

numerous versions). Luke Jermay

Used in his routine HOY'S TOUCH -

"touch", which on the whole was more delicate.

It was not replaced by the creation of the Institute.

It came about accidentally. I learned that Peter created

updated version of the Toch RK, named Midas

I do not know what kind of method.

to other people who say that it is safe.

This afternoon, Wednesday September 19, 2010, 11: 56,

I accidentally came on the same day.

I spent about an hour developing

script and filing. The thing is that in my

repertoire is number ANGEL's TAPING, but I

using the methodBanachek.

Do not discard the landmark.


This day I thought of a new way and

updated the number by adding new logs


Here, I want to share with each other exclusively

idea of AT. By mentioning the names of the well-known

performers, I think that CREDITS is something

I hope you will

enjoy this.


Dmitriy Viter

Methodical adjustments.

In the process of a discussion or a stage performance,

you ask the audience if they believe in

angels. Give a message, often in all languages

It is necessary to ask,
they know that the belief is that angelna

correcting the side of a person? The Invited-

Tell me what you are doing now.

assistant inspector will

knechtotainstvennomu.Zhelatelno, so that it was

girl, not shy but not too


Promise to the person, that at successful

cooperation, it will be able to receive

positive outcome of the process and personally

to experience something truly incredible! This is 1.

Reduces the resistance of each side of the kvass


will help us.

You can fulfill this experiment by sitting

standing next to the other.

of people. The viewing angles are the same as for

the classical method of Banachek.

Putting your attention on the right side of the participant's

(ornal if you are left-handed). Lighten up

thumb and other fingers on the shoulder

viewer, but do not abuse the disc!

Do not choose a woman with open shoulders,

if your culture is not permissive to touch


You should be a half-

partly covering his shoulder with his back

front. And hold the gun to the shoulder, but so

the audience saw it, but did not take it into


As soon as they put the participant in the hand of the party,

immediately after looking at the picture, please:

-When the lapel snap (snap), please,

close your eyes carefully

Ignore the silence.

Saying, I must repent.

Nod, if you understand me.

We need to get confirmation that

the participant understood us correctly. Having received

confirmation, we are snapping fingers),

continue. (The viewer has already closed his eyes and

attentively listening).

-Make a deep breath out of the air.

his hand out of the shoulder, through paramours

you feel something uncommon.

it can be a light breeze blowing or

a few soft touches, please,

remember any feeling that you

feel, but do not save the silence.

open your eyes until I allow it.

if you do not understand the name.

Ivotsschaytamytozhemolchim. Tishina. It is important,

if you do, PCTouch, toponyms, that

now we will activate the DOUBLE

REALITY to the audience and the participant.

We already launched the process, saying: WHEN I


A couple of moments feel a little more


So, our participant is ready.

display, proceed to the main key phase.

We leisurely, gently remove the tips

finger-level viewer, thus,

begins to BELIEVE that we were removed permanently



simulate / create DOUBLE REALITY in

the participant in the game!

We removed only the fingers from the shoulder.

is still on the top

shoulder, but not at all (!!) - and this

To create audiences for the audience,

They heard the words:


We created a visibility for the participant that they took

and to create a view for the audience:

The hand is still on the shoulder. This is a DOUBLE


CONCEPT. This is what I will be proud of!

Since the Nasharuka is still attached to the shoulder

participant, we are the other way we make passes from above

down, as if reading its aura. Simultaneously with

These passes to check the aura, we secretly

the index finger or the middle finger touch

Shoulders (shoulder) of the participant, carefully, so that

the audience did not notice this.

All the phase must last a little more than a second!


As the people have secretly touched the shoulder

the participant blade, we quickly and noiselessly

we leave on the side or forward to 2-3m. And us

You need to touch your shoulder blade (shoulder)

the other hand! Observing the truth!

Homephase is finished!

Now the final!

The final.

You ask the participant to make a deep dive

exhale open your eyes. Ask that he


Naturally, he will say that he felt



-Here were there any touches?


-Have you felt a touch!

Smile, find out what's possible, this was

Touching the angel.

for helping with the stormy audience


The last thought.

Terrible, that the participants of the audience will be

discuss this, they will not be able to figure this out,

because they are dumbfounded by this method, if

be sure and follow the method as

it is necessary.

If you have acquired a trademarked legal document,

I will share the complementary ideas, o

which you can not write here-because

or I hope that it is too late (better never) this

The manuscript falls to the

Did not happen!

The conclusion.

I was inspired by the communication with Tom Bennet,

Dmitry Chellnokov, thinking.

PeterTurner, FraserParker, RafaelD'Angelo!

This handwriting is dedicated to all of you guys!

inspire me and give me the incentive to grow and

develop in mentalism!

Thank you, friends!

September 19, 2018

DmitryViter (Ukraine)

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