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Ormoc Sacred Heart Child

School: Development Center Grade Level: VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: COSTORIO Learning Area: English 5
DATE: MAY 31, 2023 Friday

3:00- 4:00 PM
I OBJECTIVES The learner can
 Define what is noun;
 Identify the kinds of nouns; and
 Appreciate the uses of nouns.
II CONTENT Recognizing nouns
A. Value Integration Valuing proper communication

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English 5, pp. 55- 61, Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials pages English 5, pp. 36- 48, Learners Module
3. Text book pages English Everyday 6-A pp. 30
4. Additional Materials from Learning Power point presentation, Photographs
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Flash the words on the screen.
presenting the new lesson  Slide
 Slip
 Smell
 Snore
 Speak
 Sneak
Are you Familiar with these words?
What is a verb again?
What are the types of verbs?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Flash the excerpt on the screen and read it.

Our great heroes fought for our independence from oppressors. Lapu-lapu, Andres
Bonifacio, Gregorio del Pilar, and many others, known and unknown,
commemorated and forgotten, present-day men and women, fighting for ideals of
truth, equal rights, and justice.

What have you observed from the selection above?
What do you think are these italicized words about?

C. Presenting Examples/instances of Flash the picture.

new lesson

Again, what have you observed from the pictures and words presented?
What do you think is its connection to our lesson for today?

D. Discussing new concepts and Nouns – are name of persons, animals,

practicing new skills #1

places, things or ideas.

Precious Cat Philippines Ball wisdom
Trixie Pig Ormoc Paper friendship
Izyll Dog France Laptop freedom

E. Discussing new concepts and There are three (3) kinds of nouns: common nouns, proper nouns, and collective
practicing new skills #2 nouns
1. Common nouns
- Refer to a kind of person, place, animals or thing. It is used to name
general items rather than specific.
man country book car park

- Common nouns are everywhere and we are unaware that we are using
in in our everyday speeches.
- It can be classified as count nouns and non – count or mass nouns.
Count nouns – are nouns that can be counted by using a numeral. It has
singular and plural form.
boy-boys building-buildings
bird-birds flower-flowers

Noncount noun or mass nouns – refers to items, qualities, or concepts

that cannot be counted. And do not have plural forms.
powder hair
darkness dirt

Common nouns can be concrete or abstract.

Concrete nouns name person, places, or things that can be seen, heard,
smelled, tasted, or touched.
people ball
animals cat

Abstract nouns name ideas, emotions, qualities, and processes that cannot
be physically touched. It is in contrast to the Concrete noun.
indepence peace weight
courage patience freedom

2. Proper nouns
- Name specific persons, places, animals or things.
- A capital letter is used to begin a proper noun when it is written down.
Philippines Lapu-lapu The Daily Tribune
Andres Bonifacio Mount Everest Malacañang

3. Collective Nouns
- Name a group of person, animals, or things that are considered as one
group class herd swarm flock
jury committee litter team bunch

F. Developing mastery Guided Practice:

(Leads to Formative Assessment) Analyze and differentiate the words in the box whether it is common noun,
proper noun or collective noun. Place the word on their respective column
in the table provided.

jury flock USA

Ann dog flower

Common Nouns Proper Nouns Collective Nouns

Independent Practice:
Look around the classroom and search for anything that are nouns, (at least
5) and classify whether it is a common noun, proper noun or collective
noun. In writing your answers, differentiate them through the use of colors,
blue for common nouns, red for proper noun and green for mass nouns.

Group Activity:
Disseminate instruction for each group.
Give rubrics for the activity.
4 3 2 1
Content of Content of Content Content of
the the of the the
presentation presentation presentati presentation
is clear and is clear and on is not clear
correct and correct but contains and correct
follows the didn’t errors but at all and
instruction follow the follows didn’t
on how to instruction the follow the
be on how to instructio instruction
presented. be n on how on how to
presented. to be be
presented. presented.

First group: Differentiate common, proper and collective nouns and give 2
examples of each through a sentence.
Second group: Differentiate count nouns from noncount or mass nouns and
give examples of each through a drawing.
Third Group: Give 10 examples of concrete and abstract nouns and
differentiate them through a graphic organizer.

G. Finding Practical applications of Ask:

concepts and skills Have you experienced being misunderstood?
How does it feel?

Say: That is why it is important for us to know the nouns and its different
classification. In order for us to use the correct words in communicating and
avoid communication conflict or miscommunication.

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson Ask: What is a noun?
Say: Nouns are name of person, places, animals, tins or ideas.
Ask: What are the classification of nouns?
Say: Common, Proper and Collective nouns.
Ask: What is common noun?
Say: Refers to a kind of person, place or thing. It can be classified into
count nouns and noncount or mass nouns. Where count nouns are that can be
counted by using a numeral. It has singular and plural form. W hile noncount or
mass nouns refers to items, qualities, or concepts that cannot be counted. And do
not have plural forms.
Say: Common nouns can be concrete and abstract. Concrete nouns name person,
places, or things that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. While
abstract nouns name ideas, emotions, qualities, and processes that cannot be
detected by any of the five senses.
Say: From common noun, the next classification is the proper noun which names
specific persons, places, or things. A capital letter is used to being a proper noun
wen it is written down. And then we have the collective noun which names a group
of person, animals, or things that are considered as one unit.

I. Evaluating Learning A. Directions: On the blank before each number, write C if the noun is a
common noun, P if it is proper noun, and CV if it is collective noun.
______1. sculpture
______2. Guilermo Tolentino
______3. restoration team
______4. agricultural tools
______5. Curator

B. Directions: On the blank before each number, write C if the noun is count
noun and M if it is a mass noun.

______1. one unripe papaya, grated

______2. one egg
______3. a hand full of bean sprout
______4. one pork sausage, chopped
______5. fried pork

C. Directions: On the blank before each number, write C if the noun is concrete
noun and A if it is an abstract noun.

______1. dignity
______2. nation
______3. character
______4. progress
______5. job

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation A. Directions: Read the poem below. Identify the nouns and its kinds found.
Write your answers in the table provided.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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