Massive Blood Transfusion in The Elective Surgical Setting: Wendy N. Erber

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Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92

Massive blood transfusion in the elective surgical setting

Wendy N. Erber *

Department of Haematology, Western Australian Centre for Pathology and Medical Research (Path Centre), Locked bag 2009,
Nedlands, WA 6909, Australia

Massive haemorrhage in elective surgery can be either anticipated (e.g. organ transplantation) or unexpected.
Management requires early recognition, securing haemostasis and maintenance of normovolaemia. Transfusion
management involves the transfusion of packed red cells, platelet concentrates and plasma (fresh frozen plasma and
cryoprecipitate). Blood product support should be based on clinical judgment and be guided by repeated laboratory
tests of coagulation. Although coagulation tests may not provide a true representation of in vivo haemostasis, they do
assist in management of haemostatic factors. Below critical levels (prothrombin time or activated partial thrombo-
plastin time >1.8; fibrinogen <1.0 g/l; platelet count <80  109 l 1 ) it is difficult to achieve haemostasis. Despite
seemingly adequate blood component therapy there remain situations where haemorrhage is uncontrollable. In this
setting, alternative approaches must be considered. These include the use of other blood products (e.g. prothrombin
complex concentrates; fresh whole blood; fibrin glue) and pharmacological agents (e.g. aprotinin). Complications of
massive transfusion result in significant morbidity and mortality. These may be secondary to the storage lesion of the
transfused blood products, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypothermia or hypovolaemic shock. The use of
fresh blood products and leucocyte-reduced packed red cells and platelets, may minimise some of the adverse clinical
sequelae.  2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Keywords: Haemorrhage; Massive transfusion; Blood products; Surgery

1. Introduction used are the transfusion of >3000 ml, or more

than 10 units of packed red cells, over 24 h. Other
Massive transfusions can occur in the settings definitions are:
of trauma, surgery and obstetrics and pose a major
therapeutic challenge to clinicians and transfusion (a) the replacement of 50% of blood volume in 3 h,
personnel. There is no universally accepted defi- (b) blood loss of 150 ml/min [1],
nition of ‘‘massive transfusion’’, but those used (c) loss of 1.5 ml blood per kg body weight per
are based on both the volume of transfusion and minute over 20 min, and,
the rate at which this occurs. The most commonly (d) when blood loss is so rapid and severe that
blood product support with red cells and vol-
ume replacement with fluids exceeds the com-
pensatory mechanisms of the body [2].
Tel.: +61-8-9346-2893; fax: +61-8-9346-3848.
E-mail address: (W.N. Massive transfusion can occur in a number of
Erber). elective surgical settings including cardiac surgery
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84 W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92

Table 1 (a) the early recognition of massive blood loss,

Elective surgical settings associated with massive haemorrhage (b) resuscitation to prevent shock and tissue hyp-
and transfusion
oxia, and,
Type of elective surgery Mechanism of massive (c) blood transfusion.
Complex and re-do surgery Surgical damage
These issues will be discussed in more detail
Neurosurgery Thromboplastin release with emphasis on the approach to transfusion
Cancer surgery Procoagulopathic cytokines management.
Cardiopulmonary bypass Anticoagulant therapy (e.g.
surgery heparin) 2. Physiology and management of massive haemor-
Platelet dysfunction: rhage
• Antiplatelet therapy prior
to surgery A discussion of massive transfusion is not
• Platelet activation from
complete without some mention of the physiology
Platelet consumption and management of haemorrhage. Haemorrhagic
Hypothermia shock is characterised by a number of physiolo-
Haemodilution gical changes including:
Liver transplantation Hepatic ischaemia; anhepatic
Pre-existing coagulopathy (a) reduced cardiac output,
Haemodilution (b) hypoxic cell damage with metabolic effects,
Activation of coagulation (c) activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic
Activation of fibrinogenoly-
sis and fibrinolysis
Reperfusion syndrome (hypo- (d) activation of inflammatory mediators which
tension) cause cellular damage,
Hypothermia (e) endothelial cell damage which activates intra-
Aortic aneurysm repair Aortic cross-clamp vascular coagulation leading to a consumptive
Hepatic ischaemia/anoxia coagulopathy.
Reperfusion syndrome
Sepsis DIC The extent, severity and consequences of these
changes are proportional to the volume of blood
loss. The immediate resuscitation priorities in
massive haemorrhage are:
with cardiopulmonary bypass, transplantation (1) Blood volume replacement: Fluid resusci-
surgery, orthopaedics and neurosurgery [3] (Table tation with crystalloid or colloid is essential to
1). The massive transfusion situation can be: maintain intravascular volume. Seventy percent
(1) Anticipated: Elective surgery with a high loss of red cells together with a low haemoglobin
probability of large volume blood loss, e.g. re-do (Hb) can be tolerated only if intravascular volume
cardiac surgery and liver transplantation. Planning is maintained. The body’s ability to compensate is
by the surgeon, anaesthetist, haematologist and limited to 30% loss of blood volume, after which
blood service should ensure that appropriate hypovolaemic shock occurs. Large volumes of
blood products are available; or, crystalloid or colloid fluids can impact on hae-
(2) Unexpected: Massive haemorrhage occur- mostasis (e.g. haemodilution).
ring unexpectedly in an elective surgical setting (2) Maintain tissue oxygenation: Tissue oxy-
requiring massive transfusion, and, where required genation requires adequate circulating haemoglo-
blood products may not be immediately available. bin, the ability to increase cardiac output and
In both situations the principles underlying the adequate oxygen delivery. In general, anaemia can
management are: be tolerated as long as there is normovolaemia (see
W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92 85

Fig. 1. Transfusion therapy in massive haemorrhage.

above) and there is a compensatory increase in cells (red cells and platelets) and plasma proteins.
cardiac output. Thirty percent loss of blood vol- The timing and monitoring of blood product ad-
ume is the critical level at which red cells must ministration is complex. There are no simple for-
be replaced (Fig. 1). mulae. Each case is a complex mixture of factors
(3) Achieve haemostasis: The highest priority and successful management requires input from
should be given to controlling haemorrhage. Sur- all participants because:
gical bleeding must be curtailed and any coagul-
opathy corrected. Normovolaemia is required to (a) The cause of the blood loss needs to be deter-
achieve haemostasis. These steps will minimise the mined (e.g. surgical; haemostatic failure).
need for massive transfusion. (b) There are no precise laboratory indices to as-
sist in blood product management.
(c) There is a need to anticipate changes in clinical
3. Transfusion management: general principles status and blood product requirements.
(d) The logistic issues in obtaining appropriate
Massive transfusion is a difficult clinical man- blood products from the blood service.
agement problem requiring communication and
collaboration between the surgeon, anaesthetist, These are usually best managed when the sur-
transfusion laboratory, haematologist and blood gical team is in open communication with a hae-
service [4]. In addition to the acute event, it re- matologist.
quires the long-term management tools provided Blood product replacement therapy should be
by review, guidance and audit functions of the guided by the general principles of securing hae-
institutional transfusion committee. The aim of mostasis, maintaining intravascular volume and
transfusion management is to replace the deficit of oxygen delivery together with sound clinical
86 W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92

judgement. Transfusion guidelines, including for- is important that red cells with maximal function
mula-based approaches (e.g. fresh frozen plasma to are transfused to optimise oxygen delivery whilst
be given after a fixed number of packed red cells), minimising any potential adverse effects. Red cell
are not advocated as they do not improve the storage results in depletion of 2,3-diphosphogly-
outcome of massive transfusion [4–6]. Early and cerate (DPG) which increases red cell oxygen
aggressive blood component replacement is rec- affinity and reduces oxygen delivery, as well as
ommended as this can circumvent clinical problems increasing red cell membrane rigidity with resul-
associated with massive blood loss and transfusion tant reduced red cell survival. These changes,
(e.g. hypothermia; acidosis from hypoperfusion). which can have adverse clinical sequelae in recip-
ients of massive transfusions, can be minimised if
red cells stored for less than two weeks are used.
4. Red blood cells Leucocyte-reduced packed red cells are also rec-
ommended; these units may cause less cytokine-
Packed red blood cell concentrates (together mediated organ damage, one of the major causes
with crystalloid or colloid volume replacement) are of morbidity following massive transfusions.
used virtually universally for red cell transfusion; Maintaining a high haematocrit (>0.34) has been
in most countries whole blood is no longer rou- reported to reduce the bleeding time and non-
tinely available. The red cells must be ABO and surgical blood loss. This approach may reduce the
Rh compatible. In the elective surgical setting the need for transfusions of platelets and plasma [7].
blood group will commonly be known from pre- When large volumes of cold blood are to be
operative pre-transfusion testing. For some pro- infused, consideration should be given to the using
cedures blood may already be crossmatched or a a blood warmer. This assists in preventing the
group and antibody screen performed; in these complications of hypothermia, namely vasocon-
situations ABO compatible or crossmatched blood striction, cardiac arrhythmias and coagulopathy.
should be immediately available in the event The trade-off is that blood warmers slow the in-
of either anticipated or unexpected haemorrhage. fusion rate. Intraoperative cell salvage and rein-
Difficulty may arise for patients known to have fusion of washed autologous blood can be used as
clinically significant red cell antibodies when un- an alternative to or to supplement homologous
expected massive haemorrhage occurs. banked blood in surgical settings where the shed
If no pre-operative transfusion testing has been blood is not contaminated by bacteria or malig-
performed and the patient’s blood group is not nant cells. The salvaged blood is immediately
known, uncrossmatched group O packed cells may available, compatible and ‘‘fresh’’, thus having
be required in the event of unexpected haemor- functional advantages over stored blood.
rhage. By providing group O red cells there is no
delay and compatible blood is immediately avail-
able. If there is sufficient time to perform an ABO 5. Platelets
and Rh blood group, uncrossmatched group-
specific red cells can be provided in an emergency. Dilutional thrombocytopenia is common with
Fully crossmatched compatible blood may take up the massive transfusion of packed red cells and
to 45 min, and even longer if circulating red cell manifests as microvascular bleeding, i.e. oozing,
antibodies are detected. In the massive transfusion mucosal bleeding, bleeding from cannula sites
situation, after 10 units packed cells have been or unexpected wound bleeding [8]. The rate of
issued within a 24 h period, group specific blood development of thrombocytopenia is variable. In
can be issued without the need for crossmatching. general, the platelet count is rarely below
What are the qualities of the red cells that 100  109 l 1 after 1.5 blood volume replacement
should be considered in the massive transfusion but falls to 50  109 l 1 after two blood volumes
setting? Red cells are transfused to optimise oxy- [9]. The dilutional thrombocytopenia is less severe
gen delivery to tissues. In a massive transfusion it than would be predicted by dilution alone since
W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92 87

Table 2 increased risk of adverse reactions. Leucocyte-re-

Critical haemostatic values in massive transfusion duced platelets are recommended to ensure that
Laboratory Therapeutic Haemostatic only low levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines are
measure goals failure
infused. Although a significant volume of plasma
Fibrinogen >1.4 g/l <1.0 g/l (50 ml per random donor platelet unit and 300
PT/APTT <1:5  normal >1:8  normal
ml per apheresis unit) accompanies platelet trans-
Platelet count >100  109 l 1 <80  109 l 1
fusions, the majority of the coagulation factors in
this plasma have been inactivated by room tem-
there is compensatory release of stored platelets perature storage.
(e.g. from the spleen, where one-third of platelets
are sequestered, and premature release from the
bone marrow and lungs) [8,10]. Disseminated 6. Coagulation factors
intravascular coagulation (DIC), hypersplenism,
platelet consumption and pre-existing platelet dys- The haemostatic defects in massive haemor-
function may worsen the thrombocytopenia. rhage and transfusion are primarily due to dilu-
Platelet replacement therapy should be guided tional coagulopathy, together with the dilutional
by repeated platelet counts. Platelet counts above thrombocytopenia, and DIC. Prolonged shock
100  109 l 1 usually provide adequate haemosta- and large volumes of crystalloid and colloid also
sis. Haemostasis becomes difficult with platelet play a significant role in the coagulopathy [12].
counts below 80  109 l 1 , levels usually occurring DIC, a major complication of massive transfusion,
after 1.5–2 blood volumes have been replaced with may be secondary to shock, hypothermia, tissue
red cells (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Prophylactic platelet thromboplastins or cellular damage.
transfusions are generally not indicated, as they do The loss of one blood volume and replacement
not prevent diffuse microvascular bleeding or re- with packed red cells, removes 70% of coagula-
duce overall blood product requirements [10,11]. tion factors and is not generally associated with
Empirical platelet therapy may be indicated if a bleeding diathesis. At this level, with only 30%
there is known platelet dysfunction (such as occurs residual coagulation factors, the PT and APTT are
with cardiopulmonary bypass, or for patients with 1.5 times the midpoint of the normal reference
known platelet dysfunction secondary to aspirin range (Fig. 1) [13]; these levels provide sufficient
therapy or renal dysfunction). Platelet transfusion functional clotting factor activity. Haemostasis is
therapy will assist in correcting the platelet dys- only compromised when clotting factors fall to
function due to prior drug therapy if the drug has <30% (Table 3) [14–16]. With <20% factors, the
been eliminated from the circulation. PT and APTT increase to 1.8 times normal, at
The dose of platelets should be determined by which level it is difficult to achieve haemostasis
the required increase in platelet count in the cir- [17,18]. Plasma replacement with fresh frozen
culation. One dose of random donor platelets from plasma and/or cryoprecipitate is therefore recom-
a whole blood donation containing 5  1010 plate- mended to maintain the PT and APTT at or below
lets should increase the platelet count by 10  109 1.5 times the control (Fig. 1).
l 1 ; with one dose of apheresis platelets, contain-
ing 3  1011 platelets, the increase should be 60  Table 3
109 l 1 . In a massive haemorrhage there is rapid Blood volume lost, percent patient blood volume exchanged
platelet consumption and repeated platelet trans- and residual coagulation factors in massive transfusion
fusions may be required. Platelets should be as Blood volumes % Recipient % Coagulation
fresh as possible (e.g. less than three days storage) replaced by blood volume factors
to maximise platelet quality and hence haemostatic transfusion exchanged
potential in vivo. The platelet storage lesion, which 1 65–75 30
affects the platelet membrane, granularity and cy- 2 85–95 15
3 95–99 5
tokine production, results in reduced function and
88 W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92

The PT, APTT, fibrinogen and platelet count, may not be practical in the setting of massive
the most useful tests of haemostasis, can be per- haemorrhage: the anaesthetist may have other
formed at all times in most laboratories and within pressing problems!
45 min of receipt of the sample in the laboratory. The laboratory measures of haemostasis pro-
Point-of-care tests are also available for PT, APTT vide a guide only to clotting factor replacement
and fibrinogen. D-dimer tests can be used to con- therapy. Clinical judgement is essential and plasma
firm or exclude DIC but lacks specificity in surgi- replacement therapy should not be delayed or with-
cal patients. Results of haemostasis tests should be held whilst awaiting results of laboratory tests. It is
used as a guide to assist with plasma transfusion. important to maintain haemostasis rather than
The correlation of coagulation test results with the treat a coagulopathy when it has fully developed.
clinical situation is imperfect, in part because
the tests are performed at 37 C whilst the mas-
sively transfused patient is commonly hypother- 7. Plasma transfusion
mic: normal laboratory coagulation results may be
seen in a hypothermic patient with a clinically Plasma transfusions should be used to correct
significant in vivo clotting defect [19]. specific coagulation abnormalities. Fresh frozen
Fibrinogen is the first of the coagulation factors plasma (FFP), which contains all coagulation
to fall in massive transfusion, the decrease in fi- factors including fibrinogen (2–5 mg/ml), is most
brinogen being directly proportional to the degree commonly used as first-line haemostatic therapy
of haemodilution [20]. After 1.5 blood volumes with massive transfusion of packed red cells. The
have been replaced, the fibrinogen falls to the timing of FFP should be guided by results of PT,
critical level of 1.0 g/l; lower levels are usually APTT (threshold of 1:5 normal) and the fibri-
associated with bleeding. Prolongation of the nogen level. The fibrinogen should be maintained
thrombin time (TT) only occurs with extremely at >1.4 g/l to prevent haemostatic failure due to
low fibrinogen levels, at non-haemostatic levels, hypofibrinogenaemia (Table 2). Because of the
and hence is less valuable than a fibrinogen esti- need to thaw FFP there is a minimum delay of 30
mation in massive haemorrhage and transfusion. min from request to availability, during which time
The TT can also be prolonged in cardiac surgical the clinical situation can change dramatically. On
patients receiving heparin; a reptilase time may the other hand, cryoprecipitate, which is of smaller
be required to determine the effect of heparin on volume (10–20 ml), can be made available rapidly
coagulation tests. and is an alternative source of fibrinogen as first-
Thromboelastography (TEG) provides a global line plasma replacement therapy.
assessment of haemostatic function and is used by The dose of FFP is usually based on patient
some centres to guide blood product replacement weight (i.e. one unit FFP per 10–20 kg body
[21]. The tracings, which can be generated within weight) and should be sufficient to increase the
30 min, assess the interaction of coagulation fac- coagulation factor levels to above the critical value
tors and platelet function, fibrinolytic activity and (i.e. 30%) and to control blood loss. An aggressive
clot stability and supplement routine coagulation approach to FFP replacement is recommended
testing. TEG is particularly helpful in the presence as this minimises the coagulopathy, assists in
of heparin, with fibrinolysis and platelet dysfunc- controlling bleeding and should reduce the de-
tion. TEG has been used in hepatic and cardiac mand for other blood products. Formula-based
surgery and, to a lesser extent, in massive haem- dosing of FFP (e.g. one unit FFP per four units
orrhage. As TEG does not quantify the relative packed cells transfused) and prophylactic plasma
contributors to the bleeding process, it should not therapy are not advocated; these approaches do
be used alone in determining the aetiology of not reduce the overall bleeding or blood product
bleeding. The other limitations of TEG are that it requirements [6,11,13,17].
is usually performed in the operating theatre by a Cryoprecipitate is a source of fibrinogen (150–
skilled operator, usually the anaesthetist, and this 300 mg/unit), Factor VIII and von Willebrand
W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92 89

factor. A unit is of smaller volume (10–20 ml) than This is an extremely difficult management
FFP and therefore can be thawed and administered problem and there are no simple formulae or rec-
rapidly if there is an urgent need for fibrinogen ommendations for ongoing transfusion support.
replacement. Cryoprecipitate can be transfused in At this stage management must be determined by
the following settings: the underlying clinical status of the patient, the
type of surgery, the presence of DIC and known
(a) early in massive haemorrhage as a source of fi- drug exposure. Hypothermia may be a major
brinogen (i.e. management of dilutional hypo- contributor with reduced hepatic synthesis of co-
fibrinogenaemia); agulation factors and impaired platelet function;
(b) following FFP (if there is persistent hypofibri- it is therefore important for normothermia to be
nogenaemia); or, achieved. A number of approaches using other
(c) when the fibrinogen level is disproportionately blood products and pharmaceutical agents can
low compared with other factors (e.g. as occurs also be considered.
with fibrinogenolysis).
9. Other blood products
The dose of cryoprecipitate is generally 2 ml/kg
body weight and one unit should increase the
9.1. Autologous cell salvage blood
fibrinogen level by 0.1 g/l.
Salvaged autologous blood shed during surgery
may be washed and transfused. This provides a
8. Persistent haemorrhage and microvascular bleed- source of fresh autologous red cells, thereby
ing maximising oxygen delivery, avoiding the conse-
quences of the red cell storage lesion and reducing
Despite appropriate coagulation factor replace- the demands on the blood service in providing
ment and platelet support, haemostatic failure compatible homologous blood. This is particularly
with persistent blood loss can still occur. This may useful in ‘‘clean’’ surgery with massive haemor-
manifest as microvascular bleeding or persistent rhage, such as cardiac and vascular surgery, where
haemorrhage from the surgical site. At this stage the blood is not contaminated with bacteria or
the causes of haemostatic failure are multifactorial malignant cells.
and include:
9.2. Prothrombin complex concentrate
(a) persistent surgical blood loss,
(b) delayed replacement of clotting factors and Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) pro-
platelets, vides a source of Factors II, IX and X in a small
(c) persistent haemodilution causing a dilutional volume and can be administered rapidly. PCC may
coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia, be beneficial in patients with persistent bleeding
(d) consumption of coagulation factors and plate- and known hepatic impairment or vitamin K de-
lets (i.e. DIC), ficiency [22]. PCC should be administered to
(e) reduced synthesis of coagulation factors, achieve 50–100% levels of prothrombin complex
(f) reduced bone marrow thrombopoiesis, factors.
(g) the effects of pharmacological agents (e.g. an-
tiplatelet agents; anticoagulants), 9.3. Recombinant factor VIIa
(h) persistent hypothermia due to shock, loss
of thermal regulation and the administration Recombinant factor VIIa (rVIIa) has been
of cold fluids including packed red cells, shown to be effective in reducing blood loss in
(i) underlying medical problems (e.g. renal or he- patients with haemophilia with factor VIII inhib-
patic dysfunction). itors. There have been preliminary reports of the
90 W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92

successful use of rVIIa in traumatic bleeding refrigerated and is transfused immediately as fresh
[23,24], intraabdominal bleeding with DIC [25] whole blood. Infectious agent testing is performed
and reducing blood loss in liver transplantation retrospectively. This system has limitations and
[26,27]. These reports suggest that rVIIa may also hence fresh whole blood is transfused rarely.
have a role in massive transfusion which is often Despite the limitations of access, there are an-
accompanied by DIC. Recombinant VIIa is ex- ecdotal reports of the success of fresh unrefriger-
pensive and further clinical studies are required to ated whole blood in life-threatening situations of
confirm its value and define its role in massive uncontrollable haemorrhage with seemingly ade-
transfusion. quate replacement with plasma and platelets [28].
Since there have been no randomised trials to
9.4. Fresh whole blood confirm the efficacy, define the dose or demon-
strate safety of this approach, and, since it appears
Fresh (<24 h old) unrefrigerated whole blood unlikely that such trials could be performed, this
contains fresh red cells, functional coagulation approach will remain controversial. Assessment of
factors and platelets and has appropriate colloid risks and benefits in an individual case is required.
oncotic pressure. It should therefore be considered The use of unrefrigerated fresh whole blood may
in the setting of uncontrollable haemorrhage fol- seem justified to the responsible clinicians in an
lowing 1.5–2 blood volumes have been replaced emergency where there is uncontrolled bleeding
with blood products. It has the advantage of following appropriate large volume blood com-
having functional oxygen-carrying red cells, can ponent therapy, or if there is insufficient compo-
provide rapid blood volume expansion simulta- nent therapy available, and death seems inevitable
neously with intact haemostatic agents and does otherwise.
not compound the effects of hypothermia. A major
disadvantage of fresh whole blood is that it is 9.5. Fibrin glue
difficult to obtain from the blood service. This is
because virtually all whole blood donations are Fibrin glue is a human-derived tissue adhesive
centrifuged, separated into components and re- that can be applied topically to bleeding raw sur-
frigerated soon after collection. In addition the faces when there is uncontrolled local bleeding.
need to perform screening tests for potential in- This is prepared from fibrinogen in cryoprecipitate
fectious agents can delay the release of blood or autologous plasma.
products by 24–48 h. In an emergency, alternative
sources of whole blood may be required (e.g.
emergency blood donor panels) and there may be 10. Pharmacological agents
insufficient time for full infectious agent screening
prior to transfusion. This is a controversial issue Procoagulant pharmacological agents should be
and has precluded the use of fresh whole blood considered in massive transfusion to:
in many centres.
Emergency donor panels are available in remote (a) reverse anticoagulant drugs that may be inter-
centres in some countries (e.g. regional Australia). fering with coagulation (e.g. heparin);
These panels are made up of volunteer donors in (b) inhibit fibrinolysis; and,
the local community who are willing to donate (c) increase the production of coagulation factors.
whole blood in a life-threatening emergency. The
donors are ABO-grouped and are screened for Protamine sulphate can be used to reverse the
infectious agents on a regular basis (at least six- effects of heparin used in cardiac surgery utilising
monthly) by the blood service. The panel can be cardiopulmonary bypass. Aprotinin, a protease in-
activated in an emergency (e.g. massive trans- hibitor and potent antiplasmin, has been reported
fusion) and blood collected from donors of the to reduce blood loss in massive haemorrhage [29].
appropriate blood group. This blood remains un- The mechanism of action is multifactorial with
W.N. Erber / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 27 (2002) 83–92 91

effects on coagulation, fibrinolysis and platelet Massive transfusion has a poor overall survival.
function. Desmopressin causes a dose-dependent Reports from large series range from 45–67%
increase in factor VIII and von Willebrand factor. mortality rates [11,31–33]. Patient age, duration
It has been used in massive surgical haemorrhage and magnitude of shock, the development of DIC
(e.g. cardiac; prostatic) with some reports of suc- and the amount of blood transfused influence the
cess [30]; other studies have shown no benefit outcome. Higher mortality rates occur in patients
of desmopressin in massive transfusion. Oxygen- with pre-existing medical problems.
carrying blood substitutes (e.g. perfluorocarbons;
recombinant haemoglobin solutions) are currently
in clinical trial. These agents may have a role in 12. Conclusion
massive transfusion.
Massive transfusion is a complicated clinical
management problem. Control of haemorrhage by
11. Consequences of massive transfusion securing haemostasis is critical because ongoing
blood loss and transfusion result in a number
A number of clinical and biochemical distur- of adverse clinical sequelae. The successful out-
bances result from the transfusion of large vol- come depends on understanding the physiologi-
umes of blood products. These are, in part, due to cal changes that occur in massive haemorrhage,
the storage lesion of blood, the effects of the citrate particularly in haemostasis, and appropriate
anticoagulant and hypothermia. Metabolic chan- blood product replacement to ensure platelets
ges include: and coagulation factors are maintained at hae-
mostatic levels. Blood component replacement
(a) hyperkalaemia due to the high extracellular therapy should be guided by the results of labo-
potassium concentration in units of stored ratory tests but informed clinical judgement is es-
red cells; sential. The differences between stored blood and
(b) hypocalcaemia secondary to the citrate antico- shed blood result in metabolic problems in massive
agulant in stored blood products binding ion- transfusion. Logistic issues such as the availability
ised calcium; of blood products and the supply of quality
(c) acidosis secondary to the acidic pH of stored products are critical to the management of these
red cells (i.e. lactate accumulation; citric acid) patients.
and a metabolic acidosis associated with hypo-
(d) hypernatraemia; and, Acknowledgements
(e) a shift in the oxygen dissociation curve, due to
reduced 2,3-DPG in stored red cells (especially I would like to thank Dianne Grey, Gary
with less than two weeks storage), resulting in Hoffman and Mark Schneider for their construc-
increased oxygen affinity and impaired oxygen tive review of the manuscript. Sincere thanks to
delivery [14]. Emma Robotham for her secretarial expertise in
the preparation of the manuscript.
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