Optimizing Airport Slot Scheduling Problem Using Optimization Algorithms - 2023 - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GMBH

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Soft Computing (2023) 27:7939–7955

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-07987-3 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)


Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization

Mohd Khaled Shambour1 • Muhannad A Abu-Hashem2

Accepted: 16 February 2023 / Published online: 22 March 2023

 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

The primary objective of airport management worldwide is always to make it easier to provide transportation services and
minimize latency. This could be accomplished by controlling the movement of travelers through the airport’s different
checkpoints for passports, baggage handling, customs, and both departure and arrival lobbies. As one of the
biggest passenger terminals around the world and among the most attractive destinations for visitors during the Hajj
pilgrimage, this paper concentrates on enhancing the movement of travelers in the King Abdulaziz International Airport’s
pilgrimage station in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Several optimization methods are used to better schedule the phases
within the airport terminals as well as the assignment of arriving flights to vacant airport portals. These include the
differential evolution algorithm (DEA), harmony search algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), flower pollination algorithm
(FPA), and black widow optimization algorithm. The findings demonstrated the potential sites for the development of
airport stages, which may assist decision-makers in improving operational efficiency in the future. The simulation results
showed that GA was more efficient in most of the experiments than the alternative algorithms for small population sizes in
terms of the quality of the solutions obtained and the convergence rates. In contrast, DEA performed better in the larger
population sizes. The outcomes also showed that FPA performed better than its rivals in identifying the optimal solution in
terms of the overall duration of passenger waiting time.

Keywords Flight scheduling  King Abdulaziz International Airport  Optimization methods

1 Introduction Before the outbreak of Covid-19, specifically between

the years 2017 and 2019, more than 1.5 million people
The creation of management systems for passenger ser- entered Saudi Arabia through airports to perform Hajj, one
vices at airport terminals is one of the key challenges of the main Islamic pillars. King Abdulaziz International
facing airport organizations (Gronfula 2014; Correia et al. Airport (KAIA) in Jeddah and Prince Muhammad Bin
2008). This enhances passenger activity, motion, and Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah are the main
mobility between one phase and the next, as well as their airports that receive pilgrims from outside the KSA.
pleasure with the process and their overall experience. It The Hajj terminal at KAIA is one of the fourth-largest
also improves security and protection (Gronfula 2014). passenger terminals in the world (GACA 2023). It serves as
the main entry point for pilgrims coming to perform Hajj
& Mohd Khaled Shambour
and Umrah rituals. The Hajj terminal has four additional
myshambour@uqu.edu.sa entrances on the ground floor for travelers approaching by
Muhannad A Abu-Hashem
bus since their airplanes are parked in a distant region, in
mabohasm@kau.edu.sa addition to ten gates on the first floor for passengers uti-
lizing airline bridges (Gronfula 2014).
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj Idris (2019) and Ghamdi (2023) claim that the Hajj ter-
and Umrah Research, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah,
Saudi Arabia
minal can hold 80 thousand of outgoing passengers in
about 36 h and 50 thousand entering passengers in
Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Architecture and
planning, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
about 18 h. Additionally, the general authority of statistics

7940 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

(GAS 2023) officially announced that the halls in Hajj ter- travelers have to walk for connecting flights. The authors
minals could accommodate 3.5 and 3.8 thousand passen- employed a two-stage technique to resolve the issue. Greedy
gers hourly for departures and arrivals, respectively. In method was employed in the early phase to keep the number
addition, Saudi Vision 2030 plans to double the number of of unforeseen flights at the lowest. Ding et al. (2004) and Al-
Umrah pilgrims from 8 to 30 million by the same year (SAV Sultan et al. (2009) studied the reduction in the number of
2016). unannounced flights at the gateways as well as the reduction
This paper introduces an intelligent airline scheduling of the total travel lengths inside the airport. The authors used
scheme that can increase passenger flow at the Hajj terminal a similar approach to Xu and Bailey’s (2001) study, which
by making effective use of the current resources. Five opti- used the Greedy algorithm to come up with a workable
mization algorithms have been developed and adapted to solution. A further improvement in the current approach was
improve the flow process of passengers through different explored using the ‘‘Interval Exchange Move’’ function from
airport phases, namely the differential evolution algorithm the TS optimizer, which offers space in looking for suit-
(DEA), the harmony search algorithm (HSA), genetic algo- able solutions, particularly if the flight schedules are crow-
rithm (GA), flower pollination algorithm (FPA), and black ded. Additionally, Alanli (2019) proposed a branch-and-
widow optimization algorithm (BWOA). Ten hard and soft bound method and employed it to GAP to address its chal-
constraints were introduced in the study, and the assumptions lenges. The authors take into account an airport GAP that
were that all airport gates could handle any size aircraft and allocates a number of airplanes to several gateways to reduce
that waiting periods always included roaming time. the overall route that all travelers must walk. Planes are
The metrics utilized to evaluate the developed algo- diverted to an apron if they are unable to be allocated to a
rithms are fitness value, convergence rate, and passenger gateway because of overlaps. In addition, in a more realistic
waiting time. The study also revealed potential delays for setting where airport gate processing time is controllable,
travelers at KAIA stages that management would need to Khatibi et al. (2019) suggested a bi-objective framework to
address in the future to improve airport operations’ effi- lower the overall impact of task processing time expansion,
ciency and, ultimately, increase travelers’ satisfaction. The unavailability, earliness, latency, and compression. The
structure of this paper is as follows. An overview of related project also seeks to reduce the number of passengers
literature is presented in Sect. 2. The formulation and crowded onto gates. A mixed-integer programming
description of the problem are introduced and discussed in approach is suggested. Two multi-objective meta-heuristic
Sect. 3. Research methodology and experimental results methods, hybrid NSGA-II (non-dominated sorting genetic
are provided in Sects. 4 and 5, respectively. Finally, Sect. 6 algorithm II) and VNS (variable neighborhood search) and
provides the article’s conclusion and future work. NSGA-II, are used to solve the challenge.
Furthermore, Al-Sultan (2012) developed a simulation
approach to determine the appropriate number of gateways
2 Related work needed for airplanes that are not assigned to a particular gate-
way. The suggested approach also makes predictions about
Several research endeavors have been conducted in recent flight arrival rates before running simulations to plan flights for
decades on different aspects of applications and challenges a week. Hu and Paolo (2009) employed GA in their study to find
in large-scale Islamic religious gatherings. Some recent a solution to the issue of placing airplanes at airport gateways.
research can be found in the literature including those by The relative locations were employed to represent the chro-
Ahmad et al. (2018); Alshammari et al. (2021); Felemban mosomes rather than the exact position of aircraft on gateways.
et al. (2020, 2022); Sindia et al. (2022); Shambour (2021). Furthermore, Zhang et al. (2022) put out a strong multi-ob-
Airports designed to accommodate large numbers of jective gateway allocation modeling approach to address GAP
Muslims are among the most critical stations through with the goals of reducing real-time flight complications,
which Muslims pass to perform their religious activities. increasing the boarding bridge rate, and reducing airplane
One of the most important stages in managing airport waiting to board fuel usage. The airport GAP is addressed using
operations is allocating aircraft to airport gates since mistakes an enhanced tunicate swarm algorithm (CG-TSA) relying on
in this process could cause delays or aircraft accidents. The cosine mutation and adaptive clustering.
allocation strategy is among the most serious challenges that Hidayatno et al. (2015) used the Simulated Annealing
airport management teams confront on a regular basis. The (SA) method to reduce the number of aircraft not assigned
problem of locating parking spaces for incoming aircraft at to gateways at Indonesia’s Soekarno-Hatta International
airport gates has been researched by numerous academics Airport and to determine the appropriate assignment of
(Ding et al. 2004; Al-Sultan et al. 2009). aircraft to gates. To solve the challenge of connecting
Xu and Bailey (2001) employed a Tabu Search (TS) airplanes to gates, Cheng and Ho (2012) combined the TS
algorithm in an attempt to minimize the distances that technique with path relinking. To evaluate the suggested

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7941

technique, the authors analyzed information from actual The phases of the Hajj terminal at KAIA are described in
flights departing from Incheon International Airport (ICN). depth in the subsequent sections, along with the problem’s
In addition, GAP tries to distribute gates to planes while features and mathematical formulation.
taking airport operational effectiveness and traveler plea-
sure into account. Cai et al. (2019) proposed CBR-GAM to 3.1 Stages of the KAIA Hajj terminal
solve the difficulties of traveler walking distance and high
gateway allocation costs. The two objectives that need to Five main stages that arriving travelers must go through at
be maximized, while meeting the restrictions on the con- the Hajj terminal. The four indoor stages of the arrival
strained number of planes allocated to the apron, are the terminal include gate lounges, passport checkpoints, han-
overall walking path of travelers and the overall robust cost dling luggage, and customs checkpoints. The fifth stage is
of the gateway allocation. located in an open area called the Plaza. The stages are
Moreover, Ng et al. (2022) examine the issue of deci- explained in more detail below.
sion-making in the terminal moving region during the
Stage 1. Gate lounges
irregular arrival timings at airplane arrival points and looks
at the model’s specified settings for air traffic controllers. Passengers arriving by plane enter the terminal through
The suggested framework establishes a deterministic gate lounges. According to KAIA (2023) and GACA
timetable and adjusts the cruise speed while taking into (2023), there is a sum of 18 lounge gates spread across two
account increased longitudinal separation, performance floors. For travelers coming through the jetways, there are
degradation from a deterministic timetable, and approach- 12 lounge gates on the first floor, and for those reaching by
ing and arriving times on landings. bus, there are 6 more lounges on the ground floor. At this
In another study, Drexl and Nikulin (2008) used the SA point, pilgrims undergo a medical examination, and if
technique to maximize the use of all airport gateways while necessary, immunizations are given (Alrabghi 2019).
reducing overall walking distances or inter-flight connec- Table 1 displays the estimated characteristics of the arrival
tivity times. To restrict the number of airplanes that are not lounges (Shambour and Khan 2022).
allocated to gateways and to announce the gate timetable as
early as feasible, Lim and Wang (2005) switched stochastic
programming to binary programming. The scheduling
Table 1 Estimated characteristics of the arrival lounges
procedure was carried out by Ghazouani et al. (2015) using
the GA, whereas the gene coding procedure was carried out Lounge ID Space (m2) Capacity (passenger seats) Area zone
using integers. Every gene’s index contains the flight First floor
number, and its value corresponds to the gate number that L1 800 533 AZ1
the flight will then be assigned to. Aktel et al. (2017) used L2 500 333 AZ1
TS and SA to resolve the airport gate mapping challenge in L3 500 333 AZ1
order to compare the effectiveness of both methods. Their
L4 500 333 AZ1
efforts aimed to cut down on the number of unassigned
L5 500 333 AZ1
flights and overall passenger travel distances. The out-
L6 600 400 AZ1
comes reported that, for small-size issues, the suggested TS
L7 600 400 AZ2
technique performed better than the SA method on average.
L8 500 333 AZ2
This study was motivated by the need to increase KAIA
L9 500 333 AZ2
airport capacity in light of the growing number of pilgrims,
L10 500 333 AZ2
which is one of Saudi Vision 2030’s main objectives. To
L11 500 333 AZ2
ensure the highest level of passenger satisfaction, it is
L12 800 533 AZ2
crucial to assign arriving planes to available gates and
Ground floor
manage subsequent airport stages utilizing optimization
techniques in the most efficient and practical way possible. L13 800 533 AZ1
L14 500 333 AZ1
L15 500 333 AZ1
3 Formulation and description L16 500 333 AZ2
of the problem L17 500 333 AZ2
L18 800 533 AZ2
The main step in creating operational procedures for airport Total 10,400 6928
passenger terminals is to optimize airport resource
scheduling while taking several constraints into account.

7942 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Table 2 Characteristics of the passport checkpoints Table 4 Characteristics of the customs areas
Counter section ID Number of counters Area zone Custom section ID X-ray devices Area

C1 18 AZ1 Cu1 4 AZ1

C2-a 32 AZ1 Cu2 4 AZ1
C2-b 16 AZ1 Cu3 4 AZ2
C3-a 32 AZ2 Cu4 4 AZ2
C3-b 16 AZ2 Total 16
C4 18 AZ2
Total 132

Table 5 Problem attributes

3.2 Passport checkpoints
Attributes Acronyms
At this point, staff at passport checkpoints verify the Flight F
information on the traveler’s documents and collect nec- Airport stage S
essary identifications (fingerprints and iris scans). There are Terminal gate G
six sections of 132 inspecting counters (Gronfula 2014;
Capacity of gate y
Alrabghi 2019). The features of the passport check-
Passport checkpoints P
points are shown in Table 2.
Luggage L
Stage 3. Handling luggage
Customs checkpoints C
During this stage, bags are gathered from two area zones, Plaza area Z
AZ1 and AZ2, each of which includes five conveyor belts Number of passengers n
(Ghamdi 2023; Alrabghi 2019). The primary characteris- Time T
tics of luggage halls are shown in Table 3. Minimum processing time minPT
Stage 4. Customs checkpoints Minimum number of workers minWR
Minimum number of counters at passport checkpoints minPC
Passengers are required to declare any jewels or currency
they are holding at this point, and luggage is x-rayed. Four Minimum devices required at customs checkpoints minCD
parts, each with four x-ray checking spots, a total of 16
checking points (Gronfula 2014; Alrabghi 2019). The key
characteristics of custom divisions are listed in Table 4.
Stage 5. The Plaza constraints is necessary to ensure the feasibility of the
solution, while the soft constraints are preferred to be
The Plaza is the exterior portion of the Hajj station and has satisfied to the greatest extent possible (Shambour et al.
a landmass of 140.000 square meters. It is wrapped in tent- 2013). Table 5 defines the problem qualities and their
shaped roofing (GACA 2023). It features a range of acronyms.
amenities, including bus stops, banks, stores, and restau- The constraints of the problem can be formally
rants. At this time, travelers get ready to board buses and expressed as follows (Shambour and Khan 2022).
start their ritual travel to Makkah. Assignment (A) is a function of resources (S, F):
C H 1 : There must be a gate assigned to each flight.
3.2.1 Formulation of the Problem
ASFG ¼ AF i j 8j 2 G; 8i 2 F
The problem constraints are mathematically described in
this section, with five for the hard constraints (C H 15 ) and C H 2 : There is only one terminal gate designated for each
five for the soft constraints (C S15 ). Satisfying the hard flight at a time.
AF i j 6¼ AFi k 8j; k 2 G; 8i 2 F
Table 3 Characteristics of the luggage halls
C H 3 : Each airport gate can only handle one flight at a
Luggage section ID Conveyor belts Area zone
Lu1 5 AZ1 SGt1 SGt1
Lu2 5 AZ2 AF i1j 6¼ AFi2j 8t1 2 T; 8j 2 G; i1 6¼ i2; 8i1; i2 2 F
Total 10

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7943

C H 4 : All flights must be allocated to the gates that are S5 (Shambour and Khan 2022). The following formulation
appropriate to the number of passengers on that flight. represents the objective function of the optimization
SG !
F in  Gjy 8AF i j ; 8i 2 F; 8j 2 G X5  X

Min nvhn  1000 þ nvs1 þ nvs2  10 þ nvsm  100
C H 5 : Avoid any stage conflicts that might occur while n¼1 m¼3
transporting passengers.
St1 St1 where nvh and nvs denote the number of breaches of the
AFXi1m 6¼ AFXi2m
      created solution’s hard and soft constraints, respectively.
 X m 2 G1;2;:;18 or P1;2;::;6 or L1;2;::;10 or
C1;2;::;4 ; t1 2 T; i1 6¼ i2; 8i1; i2 2 F
C S1 . Reducing waiting times for passengers while 4 Proposed methodology
moving between stages.
4.1 Scheduling algorithm design
WT ðF i ; SX Þ ffi 0 8ASFXi ; 8i 2 F; where X 2 G or P or L or C
Building a successful method that optimizes the task
WTðSX ; F i Þis the waiting time of Flight i at stage X
scheduling for all airport stages requires a full under-
C S2 : Reduce processing time for medical examinations standing of all the components of the procedures that
and passport controls as much as possible. travelers go through, starting from the moment the plane
  lands until they depart the airport. As a result, the primary
PT SY Fi ffi minPT Y 8ASFYi ; 8i 2 F; where Y 2 G or P; scheduling process that must be assured is that flight pas-
PTðSY Fi Þ is the processing time of Flight i at stage Y sengers at a particular airport phase can only move to the
following phase after confirming that it has the ability to
C S3 : Reduce the number of employees conducting the receive them.
medical examinations as much as possible. The primary airport phases for the scheduling process
  are as follows:
WR SGj ffi minWR; 8j 2 G;
where WR SGj is the number of workers at Gate j
Phase 1 The process of transporting passengers from the aircraft to
C S4 : Reduce the number of passport counters as much as the waiting area at the gate and initiating medical
Phase 2 Transporting passengers from the gate hall to the passport
PC ðSPk Þ ffi minPC; 8k 2 P; where checkpoints area
PC ðSPk Þ Phase 3 Transporting passengers from the passport checkpoints to
the luggage handling area
is the number of passport counters at passport section k
Phase 4 Transporting passengers from the area that handles bags to
the customs checkpoints area
C S5 : Reduce the number of devices used at customs Phase 5 Transporting passengers from the customs checkpoints
checkpoints as much as possible. area to the Plaza area
CDðSCv Þ ffi minCD; 8v 2 C; where
CDðSCv Þ is the number ofcustoms
inspection devices at custom section v Algorithm 1 shows the essential steps employed in the
scheduling process, whereas Algorithms 2 to 6 provide
Each hard constraint has a violation cost value set to
further information for each of the above-mentioned pha-
1000, whereas soft constraints have three violation cost
values set to: 1 for S1, 10 for S2, and 100 for S3, S4, and

7944 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7945

7946 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

4.2 Adapting optimization algorithms for airport 5 Experimental simulations and results
slot scheduling
This section evaluates the effectiveness of five well-known
Several variations in EAs have been adapted to tackle the evolutionary algorithms in solving the scheduling problem:
current scheduling problem, including DEA, HSA GA, DEA (Storn and Price 1997), HSA (Geem et al. 2001), GA
BWOA, and FPA methods. EAs maintain a set of solutions (Holland 1975), FPA (Yang et al. 2012), and BWOA
throughout the evolution process to be able to contribute to (Mirjalili et al. 2019). Fitness values and convergence rates
the development of one or more new solutions during each were employed as two performance metrics to evaluate
iteration of the search process. This biological evolutionary how effectively these algorithms performed.
process is inspired by the natural world. Depending on the
production quality, the previous solutions are subject to 5.1 Experimental design
being replaced by new ones.
The proposed methods are applied to enhance the The study makes the assumption that there were 61,788
scheduling procedures of the problem by discovering travelers overall on the busiest day, traveling in 260 aircraft
parameter values that lead to the optimal solution cost in at an average speed of 10.8 per hour (Shambour and Esam
terms of the objective function value. Table 6 lists the 2022). According to Gronfula (2014), the number of trav-
problem parameters and their domain values. elers per trip is determined arbitrarily and varies from 100
to 500, with an average of 237.6 people per flight.

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7947

Table 6 The problem

Parameter name Number of parameters Domain
parameters and their domain
values 1 Time required to complete the medical examination processes 1 [5,20]
2 Time required to complete passport control processes 1 [90,300]
3 Number of medical examination staff in each gate lounge 18 [1,50]
4 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 1 1 [22, 50]
5 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 2 1 [32, 50]
6 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 3 1 [16, 50]
7 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 4 1 [32, 50]
8 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 5 1 [16, 50]
9 Number of passport checkpoint counters in Sect. 6 1 [18, 50]
10 Number of inspection devices in each customs section 4 [4,10]

Table 7 Experimental settings

for each algorithm
Pc Pm HMCR PAR Pc F P c Pp Pm

S1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.3
S2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 0.5 0.5
S3 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.3
S4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.05 0.7 0.5
S5 0.9 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.3
S6 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.05 0.9 0.5

Furthermore, the amount of time needed to collect bags for 5.2 Experimental results
each flight is determined at random between the hours of 9
and 31. The performance assessments of the investigated algo-
All algorithms used a greedy algorithm to build the rithms are shown in this section based on the number of
initial solutions. The experimental parameters are listed in population size values.
Table 7, where Pc stands for crossover rate, Pm for
mutation rate, HMCR for harmony memory consideration 5.2.1 Simulation results for a population sample size of 5
rate, PAR for pitch adjustment rate, F for scaling factor, Pp
for procreation rate, CR for cannibalism rating, P for Table 8 presents the statistical measures for the comparison
switch probability, and c for scaling factor. methods, including mean, standard deviation, best and
Eighteen experimental tests with population sizes of 5, 20, worst fitness values. The outcomes demonstrate that GA
and 50 were carried out 20 times for each algorithm. In all and FPA outperform other algorithms. Where GA pro-
experiments, 1500 cost evaluations were the maximum duced the best average score across all scenarios, except
allowed. It should be noted that GA and BWOA apply more for scenario S1, where FPA produced the best average
cost assessments in each search iteration than other methods. value of 26,951.4. The outcomes also demonstrated that
This is due to the fact that DEA, HSA, and FPA only provide HSA performs comparably poorly to the others in all sce-
one solution per iteration, whereas GA and BWOA produce a narios. The best convergence results for the comparison
variety of solutions per iteration of the search, depending on algorithms in various parameter settings (i.e., S1, S2,…,
the size of the mating pool for GA and the procreate, can- S6) are displayed in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
nibalism, and mutation operators for BWOA. The cannibal- Additionally, a statistical analysis of variance technique,
ism rating in BWOA is set to 0.2 in all experiments ANOVA, is employed to determine whether or not there is
performed. MATLAB 2020b was used to code the tests, a statistically significant difference in the outcomes pro-
which were run on a Windows 10 64-bit computer with an duced by the compared algorithms. The alternative
Intel 3.4 GHz processor and 32 GB of RAM. hypothesis (h1 ) contradicts the null hypothesis (h0 ),

7948 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Table 8 Statistical fitness value

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
results of 20 experimental trials
with a population size of 5 GA
Mean 27,573.1 29,125.5 27,499.7 29,163.1 27,432.9 28,885.5
Std 617.6 639.1 520.5 499.8 476.4 585.4
Best 26,546 27,572 26,816 28,504 26,457 27,750
Worst 28,577 30,091 28,674 30,401 28,272 30,019
Mean 40,723.5 40,521.1 39,802.0 40,140.7 40,412.9 39,733.4
Std 996.6 1125.7 1314.6 931.5 1950.8 1737.2
Best 38,885 39,453 37,680 38,405 34,673 35,460
Worst 42,864 44,237 43,359 42,143 43,024 42,651
Mean 36,425.2 32,821.2 38,312.9 35,731.0 41,027.4 39,071.6
Std 3600.7 3032.5 3154.3 3963.0 4930.9 3571.8
Best 30,864 27,810 31,073 29,667 31,237 33,885
Worst 46,037 41,582 43,850 45,753 51,736 48,264
Mean 37,847.3 37,984.6 38,290.5 38,921.5 37,333.9 37,739.0
Std 2213.1 2008.3 2011.5 2713.2 1867.3 2521.3
Best 33,044 33,196 34,768 34,474 34,019 33,910
Worst 41,119 41,217 42,477 43,925 41,162 42,693
Mean 26,951.4 29,256.1 28,375.3 29,288.9 29,561.9 29,736.9
Std 1680.0 2374.4 2172.8 2524.1 2310.6 2500.9
Best 24,772 24,988 23,987 25,582 26,524 23,696
Worst 31,440 35,426 32,384 34,226 34,506 33,118
The best mean results are highlighted in bold font

Fig. 1 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S1 Fig. 2 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S2
parameter settings (population size = 5) parameter settings (population size = 5)

whereas the null hypothesis (h0 ) stated that there is no • h1 : At least one of the means is different.
correlation between the mean fitness values of compared The ANOVA results in Table 9 show that the mean
algorithms, such that: fitness values are significantly different from each other
• h0 : l1 = l2 = l3, where l is the mean. since F-values are always greater than the F-critical value

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7949

Fig. 3 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S3 Fig. 6 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S6
parameter settings (population size = 5) parameter settings (population size = 5)

Table 9 ANOVA test results for algorithms with a 5-population size

Settings F-critical F-value P-value

S1 2.47 177.7 3E-43

S2 2.47 129.1 2E-37
S3 2.47 173.2 1E-42
S4 2.47 88.7 3E-31
S5 2.47 106.1 4E-34
S6 2.47 97.08 1E-32

Fig. 4 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S4

parameter settings (population size = 5) 5.2.2 Simulation results for a population sample size of 20

Table 10 displays the statistical findings for trials with a

population size of 20. The DEA surpasses the consensus of
the other algorithm and yields the best mean values and
best convergence rates across all trials. GA and FPA came
in second with quite similar performance. With lower
performance scores, BWOA and HSA are third. The best
convergence results of the comparison algorithms for var-
ious parameter values are shown in Figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
In addition, ANOVA statistical method is employed to
determine whether or not the results obtained by the
comparison algorithm differ significantly from each other,
Fig. 5 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S5 with the null hypothesis (h0 ) and the alternative hypothesis
parameter settings (population size = 5) (h1 ) being as follows:
• h0 : l1 = l2 = l3, where l is the mean.
and P-values are less than a significance level of 0.05. As a • h1 : At least one of the means is different.
result, there is enough evidence to reject the h0 hypothesis The ANOVA findings, shown in Table 11, demonstrate
and accept the h1 hypothesis, which states that not all mean that there are substantial differences between the mean
fitness values are equal to each other and that there is a fitness values because the F-values are always higher than
significant difference in the fitness mean outcomes. the F-critical value and the p-values are below the

7950 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Table 10 Statistical fitness

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
value results of 20 experimental
trials with a population size of GA
Mean 28,065.5 29,465.5 28,125.2 29,479.6 28,304.9 29,347.4
Std 463.3 477.2 519.6 419.1 635.1 522.5
Best 27,248 28,571 27,238 28,606 27,037 28,199
Worst 29,063 30,260 29,179 30,367 29,336 30,188
Mean 40,490.4 40,576.6 39,960.8 40,259.5 40,680.1 40,544.3
Std 1118.3 1267.5 1472.4 1426.8 1443.9 1381.0
Best 38,463 37,865 37,044 36,754 37,566 37,800
Worst 42,077 42,893 42,282 42,169 42,735 43,099
Mean 23,917.6 23,911.6 24,086.0 23,734.8 24,730.3 23,926.6
Std 761.1 376.6 795.3 614.1 1458.9 1266.6
Best 23,051 23,260 22,878 22,982 22,651 22,737
Worst 25,496 24,835 26,220 25,423 27,295 28,050
Mean 36,816.7 36,005.6 36,890.2 35,827.5 37,883.9 37,049.0
Std 2437.7 1710.6 1315.9 1607.4 1669.4 1448.2
Best 31,948 32,855 33,580 33,016 34,586 34,115
Worst 40,931 41,085 38,955 38,402 42,180 38,896
Mean 29,874.4 31,554.3 28,429.7 29,473.3 28,987.5 28,675.9
Std 1726.6 2088.7 1987.1 2443.4 2187.1 2202.5
Best 26,101 28,320 24,607 26,086 23,439 25,256
Worst 32,089 34,997 31,205 35,142 32,074 33,669
The best mean results are highlighted in bold font

Fig. 7 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S1 Fig. 8 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S2
parameter settings (population size = 20) parameter settings (population size = 20)

significance level of 0.05. As a result, there is enough there is a discernible difference in the mean fitness results,
support to accept the h1 hypothesis, which states that not hence rejecting the h0 hypothesis.
all mean fitness values are equal to each other and that

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7951

Fig. 9 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S3 Fig. 12 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S6
parameter settings (population size = 20) parameter settings (population size = 20)

Table 11 ANOVA test results for algorithms with a 20-population

Settings F-critical F-value P-value

S1 2.47 411.4 4.7E-59

S2 2.47 434.9 3.8E-60
S3 2.47 504.0 4.9E-63
S4 2.47 367.1 7.6E-57
S5 2.47 380.5 1.5E-57
S6 2.47 423.3 1.3E-59

Fig. 10 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S4

parameter settings (population size = 20)
others in terms of best mean values and best convergence
rates across all trials, followed by GA, FPA, BWOA, and
then HSA, respectively. The best convergence results for
the comparative algorithms in various parameter settings
are displayed in Figs. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Additionally, ANOVA statistical method is employed to
determine whether or not the outcomes produced by the
compared algorithms differ significantly from one another,
with the null hypothesis (h0 ) and the alternative hypothesis
(h1 ) being as follows:
• h0 : l1 = l2 = l3, where l is the mean.
• h1 : At least one of the means is different.
Fig. 11 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S5 The ANOVA findings, shown in Table 13, demonstrate
parameter settings (population size = 20) the existence of significant differences between the mean
fitness values since the F-values are always higher than the
5.2.3 Simulation results for a population sample size of 50 F-critical value and the p-values are below the significance
level of 0.05. As a result, there is enough support to accept
Table 12 presents the statistical results for trials with a the h1 hypothesis, which states that not all mean fitness
population size of 50. Similarly, the DEA outperforms the values are equal to each other and that there is a discernible

7952 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Table 12 Statistical fitness

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
value results of 20 experimental
trials with a population size of GA
Mean 28,921.8 29,989.9 28,828.3 29,865.5 28,720.8 30,021.7
Std 393.7 555.4 458.3 460.9 529.4 600.7
Best 28,267 29,006 27,992 29,014 27,515 29,227
Worst 29,909 30,730 29,709 30,682 29,412 31,017
Mean 40,864.1 40,648.3 40,689.2 40,125.4 40,400.8 40,096.3
Std 1220.9 1154.0 959.7 1266.2 1228.3 1212.6
Best 37,971 38,769 39,147 38,572 38,144 37,457
Worst 42,722 42,610 42,372 42,787 41,924 41,470
Mean 27,596.4 28,332.0 26,833.9 27,788.0 27,317.3 29,194.2
Std 740.9 908.5 883.4 787.1 979.7 1034.7
Best 26,001 26,542 25,230 26,441 26,102 27,792
Worst 29,170 30,424 29,040 28,972 29,750 31,296
Mean 37,337.2 37,055.3 38,485.5 37,978.0 39,512.2 39,873.5
Std 1181.3 1092.3 1336.6 967.5 870.8 690.0
Best 34,606 34,739 36,347 35,520 38,125 38,512
Worst 39,441 38,963 41,862 39,576 40,802 41,007
Mean 33,486.5 34,632.8 32,963.4 33,029.5 32,343.5 32,107.9
Std 1942.1 2022.0 1500.9 2089.7 1980.5 1567.6
Best 30,006 30,209 30,240 28,367 29,532 28,136
Worst 37,180 37,913 35,406 36,070 35,995 35,628
The best mean results are highlighted in bold font

Fig. 13 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S1 Fig. 14 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S2
parameter settings (population size = 50) parameter settings (population size = 50)

Optimizing airport slot scheduling problem using optimization algorithms 7953

Fig. 15 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S3 Fig. 18 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S6
parameter settings (population size = 50) parameter settings (population size = 50)

Table 13 ANOVA test results for algorithms with a 50-population

Settings F-critical F-value P-value

S1 2.47 423.4 1.3E-59

S2 2.47 329.3 9.5E-55
S3 2.47 601.1 1.6E-66
S4 2.47 354.3 3.7E-56
S5 2.47 491.4 1.6E-62
S6 2.47 487.7 2.2E-62

Fig. 16 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S4

parameter settings (population size = 50)
5.3 Discussion

As shown in the sections preceding, GA performed better

in most trials than the other algorithms when the population
size was equal to 5. In contrast, DEA outperforms the
competition for greater population sizes, followed by GA
and FPA. The GA and BWOA also demonstrated high
convergence rates when compared to other algorithms due
to the nature of their search mechanisms, in which more
than one solution is produced in every evolution cycle. In
comparison to BWOA, GA delivered favorable results
across every experiment. Additionally, FPA generated the
best average value of 26,951.4 when the parameter setting
Fig. 17 Convergence rates of the compared algorithms for S5 of P and c values are 0.5 and 0.1, respectively.
parameter settings (population size = 50)
Figure 19 depicts the lengths of time travelers should
wait for each stage at the KAIA airport, starting with the
difference in the mean fitness results, hence rejecting the
plane and moving through the airport’s interior halls before
h0 hypothesis.
arriving at the plaza hall outside. The comparative results

7954 M. K. Shambour, M. A Abu-Hashem

Fig. 19 Algorithms’
performance in terms of


passengers’ waiting times at FPA 3518
every airport’s stage



BWOA 3657




DEA 3983



HSA 5528




GA 3776

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000


Aircrafts Gate Lounges Passport Counters Luggage Area Customs Total waiting time

show that FPA has the best scheduling for all flights during presented approaches, such as those presented in studies by
the day with the least wait times for travelers, followed by Alotaibi (2022); Al-Wesabi et al. (2022); Malibari et al.
BWOA and GA. The outcomes also showed that the (2022); Felemban et al. (2022); and Ahmad et al. (2018).
majority of travelers’ waiting time was spent in the waiting
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Deanship of
areas at the arrival gates due to the restricted space set up
Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this
for receiving travelers in the passport checkpoints area, work by Grant Code: (22UQU4361183DSR09). The authors would
which was followed by the baggage and customs areas. also like to express their gratitude to Dr. Essam Khan for his advice
Finally, the findings indicate that the shortest amount of and support in the early stages of this work.
time was spent waiting to enter the gate halls.
Funding This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific
Research at Umm Al-Qura University, Grant Code:22UQU4361183
6 Conclusion and future work
Data availability Enquiries about data availability should be directed
to the authors.
The objective of this study is to optimize the flight
scheduling procedure at the KAIA’s Hajj terminal, begin-
ning with selecting the flight gate, passing through the
airport interior stages, and concluding with the open Plaza Conflict of interest The authors have not disclosed any conflict of
area. Five optimization methods, including DEA, HSA, interest.
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