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Class Observation Task – Evaluation Guidelines

Dear future colleagues,

Please bear in mind that the nature of task is merely reflective and therefore
should focus on the pedagogical procedures listed on the form and whether or
not they were observed by you.
After you are done with the observation, you will have to hand in your class
observation form based on your observation. Your score with be based on the
academic quality of your report.
Your report should be at least 1 full page (typed, 1.4 line space, Arial or Romans
font 13). Make sure to include this item in your portfolio along with a copy of the
observation form you used. (Although included in your portfolio, your report and
portfolio are two different grades).
Keep in mind that the lesson to be observed this month is grammar, pay attention
on the techniques used in the lesson in relation to the topics covered in class.
Some questions you may want to use in order to aid you during your reflective
process prior to the drafting of your report can be:
“What are two aspects of this lesson that were effective to help students achieve
the activity’s learning objective?”
“From an academic standpoint, as far as the pre-task, development of the task
(grammar) and post-task, what would you have done differently if you had been
the observed teacher? “Was the learning objective met (the aim)? “

1. Clear learning objective(s). ✖

2. Effective use of appropriate materials (organization). ✖

3. Language used according to students’ level. ✔

4. Adequate voice projection (clear and ✔

5. Appropriate classroom arrangement (Ss dynamics). ✔

6. Effective lead in (introduction of topic / Ss interest ✔

7. Effective set up (concise instructions + checking for ✔
8. Effective running of task / monitoring (circulates ✖
around classroom actively / passively).

9. Appropriate closing (task is not ended abruptly / ✖

10.Appropriate post – activity (connected to the topic ✔
and language level).
11.TTT / STT ✔

12.Teacher’s enthusiasm level during lesson. ✔

During the video I could notice different steps of running a lesson and all of them
are very important. It depends on how each teacher manage to make every step
be useful and engaging in order to give SS the opportunity to interact and
obviously to learn by practicing and making use of the target language. In the
following paragraph I will be talking about my perception of the lesson the
teacher gave to the SS on the video.

First. presenting the objectives during a lesson is very important, something I did
not see on the video. Furthermore, the teacher started showing a picture, actually
a Picasso’s painting, which made SS have a communicative activity in order to
find the target sentences in the text they were given after, so this was the Lead-in
part. The teacher introduced the topic by eliciting the target sentences from the
SS and I think this was a very good idea; SS noticed the structure; in this part we
can notice the explanation but although SS got the idea and understood, it would
have been better if the teacher had shown a substitution table and some pictures
as well

Second, in order to test their SS, as a first activity the teacher gave SS the
opportunity to work individually and make use of their accuracy; then they
compared answers, after that they worked in an activity where restricted output
was involved; in this part we can see SS doing the activities according to the
instructions that the teacher gave. For me they were clear and concise besides
that a proper English level was used all the time. But monitoring the activity is a
key point because we see if SS are working and some mistakes to correct at the
end of the activity in order to get some feedback. So, at the end of this I could not
notice the feedback.

Finally, the teacher gave SS the opportunity to work on an authentic output

activity in order to practice the target language and run speaking and listening
skills. For all of this the sitting arrangement was the best for me for all SS are
involved in class, they were participating constantly, so STT and TTT were in

To sum up, this was a very interesting and dynamic lesson but there were some
things to polish and add to make it better, but SS learned and by the end of the
they were able to talked about the past using the past simple.

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