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The Intemally
Trader Part 2

s o, you have come to the condusion that you are an externally motI-
vated trader. I nst~ad of actin~ from your own needs and desi,"", you
r,.,;poml to the neros of oth,·", and the demands of ci' CUll'SUl"""".
Yuu have alw "ome 10 the decision thai yo" no lo"ger waut to bt- dli"ell
l>~' .. xt.en ,al "'oli,'alio"s. You wanl to reach (lw higl'esl level of lrading 8'K'
"""~ thaI you are capable of Il'afhin& without toeing helrl bafk by th .. wro"g
kind of " "'tivatio'L'.
Excellent! ElUl, what ca" you do 10 change these dffp-«eated motiva-
tional issu",,? Time tFJwl is nol possible yet. It IS 1fl11""",ible to go back in
time to reve"", the m""""Il"" that you were gi"cn or to c'"""'" the ex""ri·
CIIC ~"S 11'31 creWed your sourees of ,nolivalioll, which in lunl, arr~"<:t.s yu ur
sense of self·worth. Or, is it'

"",, 'I"I'l\:'f; 1' 1"'~ 1'H ,U'

In my "pinio", on" of th .. gll' advances In the study uf the huma" con-

dition is the development of our understanding of how we form our .... If-
image, \'1,y is our self-image so important? That deep, u"eonscious, and
imleliblc picture Ihat we have of o""",I ' -es is such a powerful foree in our
liv"" thm it bc<xJml'S the templme for our future anilud"", actioll.'l, and out·
Cun'..s. And, IIml holds a 101 of ],,-,Wer u"er yuur trading future.
Nuw, we \mow that lI' e process uf creating thai ""If.image bt-gins with
a highly eharg",1 exPf'rience or "erhal ~x~hange. TIl .. mure negativl' {hI'

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