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A) Underline the correct one.

1) My mother made so much – many cake that we couldn’t finish it.

2) Sarah has much – many books in her bookcase.
3) How much – how many people are there in the library? I don’t know
exactly but there are so much – many people that there is nowhere to sit.
4) How much – how many money do we need to buy that house?
5) There aren’t much – many eggs in the fridge to make a cake.
6) There isn’t much – many time to finish the project.
7) How much – how many water do you need to water the flowers?
8) Are there much – many papers to type?
9) April didn’t buy much – many clothes yesterday.

C) Fill in the blanks with “much – many – how B) How much or How many”.
much – how many”. 1) ---------- 1) ----------
people tea
1) I made so ---------- mistakes that I failed 2) ---------- 2) ----------
sugar time bag
the test. 3) ---------- 3) ----------
2) “------------- money did you save last year?” apple baby
4) ---------- 4) ----------
“I didn’t save so --------- money last year.” coffee milk
5) ---------- 5) ----------
3) There are ------------- papers to type but I rice work art
don’t have ------------- time to type them. 6) ---------- 6) ----------
bottle cat eye
7) ---------- 7) ----------
4) “I want to make a cake but I don’t have ------ mouse news
8) ---------- 8) ----------
sugar.” “------------ sugar do you have?” furniture love
9) ---------- 9) ----------
5) I don’t have ------------- butter to make an table butter
10) ---------- 10) ----------
omelet. But I have ------------- eggs.
11) ---------- pen water man 11) ----------
6) ------------- cars are there at the garage?
12) ---------- music plate 12) ----------
7) Sam didn’t spend ---------- time to build
13) ---------- fork fridge cup 13) ----------
that house.
14) ---------- advice book 14) ----------
8) ------------- time do you need to get ready?
15) ---------- hand room
15) ----------
9) My English teacher doesn’t give ------------
16) ---------- 16) ----------
homework. information
17) ---------- 17) ----------
10) Lawrence didn’t find ------------- evidence power paper
18) ---------- 18) ----------
to find the robbers. luggage garage
19) ---------- 19) ----------
11) ------------ trees are there to be cut down? electricity TV
20) ---------- 20) ----------

D) Answer the questions.

1) How many people are there in the garden? ( a dozen of people )
2) How much money do you need to buy that car? ( not – so much )
3) Are there many buildings in your neighborhood? ( - )
4) How many tables are there in your restaurant? ( twenty )
5) Do you need much time to plan your birthday party? ( + )
6) Are there many cups on the shelves? ( - )
7) Is there much rice in the bottle? ( + )
8) How many books have you read so far? (eleven )
A) Underline the correct one.
1) My mother made so much – many cake that we couldn’t finish it.
2) Sarah has much – many books in her bookcase.
3) How much – how many people are there in the library? I don’t know
exactly but there are so much – many people that there is nowhere to sit.
4) How much – how many money do we need to buy that house?
5) There aren’t much – many eggs in the fridge to make a cake.
6) There isn’t much – many time to finish the project.
7) How much – how many water do you need to water the flowers?
8) Are there much – many papers to type?
9) April didn’t buy much – many clothes yesterday.

E) Fill in the blanks with “much – many – how D) How much or How many”.
much – how many”. 21) ---------- 21) ----------
people tea
12) I made so ---------- mistakes that I failed 22) ---------- 22) ----------
sugar time bag
the test. 23) ---------- 23) ----------
13) “------------- money did you save last year?” apple baby
24) ---------- 24) ----------
“I didn’t save so --------- money last year.” coffee milk
25) ---------- 25) ----------
14) There are ------------- papers to type but I rice work art
don’t have ------------- time to type them. 26) ---------- 26) ----------
bottle cat eye
27) ---------- 27) ----------
15) “I want to make a cake but I don’t have ------ mouse news
28) ---------- 28) ----------
sugar.” “------------ sugar do you have?” furniture love
29) ---------- 29) ----------
16) I don’t have ------------- butter to make an table butter
30) ---------- 30) ----------
omelet. But I have ------------- eggs.
31) ---------- pen water man 31) ----------
17) ------------- cars are there at the garage?
32) ---------- music plate 32) ----------
18) Sam didn’t spend ---------- time to build
33) ---------- fork fridge cup 33) ----------
that house.
34) ---------- advice book 34) ----------
19) ------------- time do you need to get ready?
35) ---------- hand room
35) ----------
20) My English teacher doesn’t give ------------
36) ---------- 36) ----------
homework. information
37) ---------- 37) ----------
21) Lawrence didn’t find ------------- evidence power paper
38) ---------- 38) ----------
to find the robbers. luggage garage
39) ---------- 39) ----------
22) ------------ trees are there to be cut down?
electricity TV
40) ---------- 40) ----------

E) Answer the questions.

9) How many people are there in the garden? ( a dozen of people )
10) How much money do you need to buy that car? ( not – so much )
11) Are there many buildings in your neighborhood? ( - )
12) How many tables are there in your restaurant? ( twenty )
13) Do you need much time to plan your birthday party? ( + )
14) Are there many cups on the shelves? ( - )
15) Is there much rice in the bottle? ( + )
16) How many books have you read so far? (eleven )

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