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| READING Pari co 1) 12 eo 1, the sun shine / at the moment? 2. why /you/ study / English / this year? 3. how often / they / meet / their fiends? Now match questions 1-6 in 1a to answers a-f, a Yes, either atthe cinema or at home, b Yes! love Saturday and Sunday. © Because it's fun! Write questions. Use the present simple or present continuous. 4. you /look / forward /to / next weekenc? 5. she /tke / watching / fis? 6. where / your brother / ive? 4 No, its cold and wet Every weekend 1 InLondon Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Then answer the questions and read the results. awake buy clean 80 g0 have lat leave morning routine wake up weekend Are you a creature of habit? 1. Doyouneed an am clock 0 ep yOu een DO YOU wna ome athe the momng same time every dy for work or 2} No, fm usually nn. Before my alam goes of calege? b)_Yes. hou the alarm, | woul jst goon sleping. Yes Heit he Beng 1b} No, sometines meaty and 2. Do you aay nnsnn he seme thing for brekfase? Sometimes Im a te. 8} Yes, dortike making decisions inthe 1 ine) s. stopping on the same day each a) Yes, and usual te same things esch 3. Doyou evr forget towne yourteetharbrsh J 5 yout har inthe orig? Db) No, it depends what fm doing each wee, a) No they are part of my morning solver * »? forget 4 ae 6. Do you Usual noun to bed athe same tine very ri a) Yes, dng th week, but nt at the nan of by No, it depends what fm dong youtobe oanised ‘Mosty a: You are defintely a retire of habit You cou try eu ait and doing Something ferent for achange. ‘Most b: Your habits and routines arent completely ied, Its great to have varity, but remeber that rutin can he READING | PART 1 | 1 {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Camotage Assessment 2020 ——E= Or=Iz™ PEE ek se testi each question, wnat does it say? Choose the correct eter, A, B or ¢ 1 A The fitness class will only ast for half an hour ‘is ee les as willbe hala her, this week ab 20pm, and these bl othe gmt Next weds caswilbe bun thegymadthensadine jp B There wor'tbe a fitness class next week © The fitness class willbe somewhere different this week. Tara, we've run out of 2 fee! Can you get some What should Tara do? al the supermarket wien ‘youre coming back trom A buy coffee tomorrow college ths afternoon? B go shopoing on her way home pay you back tomorrow, 8 * ¥ Daisy © give Daisy some money to go to the supermarket 3 ‘A You cant go into the bank on Saturday BANK OPENING HOURS Youcant 8 Monday ~Friday 9 a7. 5pm Seno e B Ts xh meine can be sed wen te ‘The cash machine outside is 'S ope nusezaneae The bank closes at te same time every day. a | es 1A Someone is mending te shower atthe Theron wie shoe moment epee a eer j ETAL hisntpossletohave aot shone is ae orig am © Max vil have to take a cold shower tomorow. Why has Henry written the text? 1 to warn Mia that he may not be on tie Hi Mia, B to remind Mia about delays on the buses ig be aaa band rates M| © to-askowich bus he should get to band practice lots of delays this week. & See you later. Henry OxxI=e + Inthis part, you read fie short texts - for example, signs, notices and messages, + You have to choose the option (A, B or C) that means the same as the short text. ‘© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTI} 1 13 P READING PARTY?) Bee Choose the correct words to complete the phrasal verbs. 1. lusualy meet up / out / together with my friends at the weekend, 2. Iimtired, sol think Ml stay up /in /int tonight. 3. Do you want to come out / over / away to my house later? 4. My family sometimes eat out / up / away. We lke pizza restaurants. 5. Who does Max usually hang up /in / out with? 6. 7. 8. L was at a party last right and did't get back / out /to unti late. We often get in / out / together to watch a DVD. Do you fancy going in / out /up tonight, maybe to the cinema? Choose the best response. 1. Ive bought you a ticket for the concert on Saturday. SA. — (a Thank you, That's very kind of you. (1 Yes, please. That would be lovely.) (a Thank you. Thats very kind of you. ) (~b Yes, please, That would be lovely. ) 2. Shall meet you at the station? wt >) > > (a tts opposite the bus stop ((b Yes, good idea. ) 3. Do you fancy going ice skating on Friday? A (atm sony, Fean't tm doing something else.) (_b Yes, twas great.) 4. lim sony Im late (a thats 0K No proiem.) (We can watt abt onger.) 5. Why dort we go for a pizza ater? A : Ne (a. No, tdont ike. } ($b Great idea!) 6. Should linite Emma tothe party? c + <> ) (a Yes, td tove to, Thanks.) (No way No one gets on wt her.) 7. Isit OK if my sister comes to the cinema with us? A___. —_ (= cteasse Tats re) Go nesrtnater) 8 Shall we meet up at the weekend? wi — (Nose or wat) (Wes ets ao et) ‘© Cambridge University Press and 14 ReapinG | PART1 | 2 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 Ox 1s Reply Forward Thanks for inviting met your house net Saturday Timid cant come because Tn going camping this weckend. Maybe we can mee up when | et Hi Lucy, The football match stats at . Im geting the bus to the stadium. fl meet you there at 4.30. Don't forget to imite Sam to, Emma 4 ‘You are inated to a ete party on une 21 om 3 pm. Des up nan anil caste if you want to ize forthe best one! Food and ik rove. antigo pring t the cna is efternen with ome in at are what flo cong ts awe can didn we ge there ome ss BED) (22% ete etn ch question, Wat des sayt Choose the corect tar, A Br. Why has Sara sent an emai A to accept Lily’ invitation B to ask Lil to go camping © to make an apology to Lily A There wil only be two types of music at the festival B Some performances at the festival cost ‘more than others. € Tickets are cheaper if you buy them before the festival. What should Lucy do? ‘A get the bus to the football match with Emma B ask Sam if he wants to come to the football match © meet Emma and Sam atthe stadium at 5 o'clock ‘A Guests should bring some food and drink. B Guests must dress up as a type of animal. © Guests might win something if they wear a costume, Why has Jenna left a note for Marcus? AA to remind him about an arrangement B to invite him to the cinema to suggest afm which they could see OL ‘+ Read each short text and think about where and when you might see i + Read the options carefully. Don't think an option is correct just because you see the same words inthe text, + The correct answer has the same meaning as the text, but usually uses different words. (© Cambridge University Press and ‘Cambridge Assossmont 2020 READING | PART 1 | 2 Be OT ee Complete the speech bubbles with the words in the box. clio dancing festival galleres hobby magazine member photography sightseeing sunbathing Thana cf dined a chess (1)... ast year and Irealy enjoy itnow. ts @ great (2) -) “because you have to really tink about how to win. You also mest people. ) long Tlove (3) to great music, My ideal weekend is going to a music (4) +) "and seeing lots of new bands. ) gen Tove tv your cts 008) nd wsting mous ad) att (6) ) {Wy ideal elsure actiy is ‘on a Beach and reading a fashion ) Lettie WY eal iyis 7) beach and reading a fashion (8) ) \ So relaxing ) Karl {Tm quite a creative person. I bought a camera last year and took up (9) Tmnot = interested in being a (10)... Of @ club, though. Fm quite happy to spend time on my own.) Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box. do you agree that Boing back to lke I sad not sure, because on a completely diferent subject that's an interesting point what do you think about this what mean is Sam: (1) museums should be free for people to visit? Ellie: 'm (2) they cost alot of money to run. seems fair that people should pay something. ‘Sam: Yes, but museums shouldr't only be for rch people. (3) that everyone should be able to vist them, even i they don't have much money. Ellie: Yes, (4) . and | agree with you in some ways. But (5) before, museums are expensive, and we can't expect the government to gay the full cost. (6) ‘Ana? ‘Ana: I'm not sure. | agree that someone has to pay to keep museums open, but (7) winat Sam said, it doesn't seem fair that people who don't have much money cant see these wonderful objects. ‘Sam: Thank you, Ana. (8) do you fancy watching a movie later? {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 16 ReapnG | PaRT1 | 3 Cambiage Assessment 2020 a Or PEED 127% se ttn oseh question. wnat dows say? Choose the correct lta, A Bor C. 1 Why has Josh sent this message? AA to ask George to go camping with him next weekend Hi George, tm going camping next ‘weekend, so can | borrow your tet? You bought one lst summer, did't you? you've got a small cooker, that would be real, too, Thanks, Josh B to tell George about a new tent he's going to buy € to askif George will end him some camping equipment 2 REESRISEGEY) What should club members do? To: Photography club members: A come to the picnic with food to cook Subject: Picnic B net of hots at ec SOOmeamtatt |e er tenner watt go 3 (fe , >) A There will be five workshops each week. au oseep ° B You don't have to be talented to go to the Saturdays 10.30 - 12.30 worksh 8 From 15 September for 5 weeks PP Sent re wes | theft mishn ison Satay 13 seater ‘ Cal smb i you watt Iomprigna emtewdhomeardeatiy | olay music with others urea B kami gta eae € join a band [A The stamps are all very ol B Some of the stamps are very unusual You can buy just a few of the stamps. rota inddal tems Look at the sentence below. Then try to corract the ake. I write to you because la yeek | started a new English course in the same school {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTI] 3 17 READING Par 2_ ee ee Complete the statements with the words in the box. ambulance beats break dangerous doctors heart injury medicine rest rugby sick 1. your is healthy itusually around 70 times per minute 2. According to . you should exercise for an hour a day to keep 3. Horsexiding is a more sport than or football 4. Ifyou your arm, you should call an to take you to hospital immediately. 5. Ifyou fee! after eating something, you should go to a pharmacy to get some 6. an is painful, you should always the part of your body that's hurt. Choose the correct modal verbs to complete the health advice. Iim sorry, you cant see the doctor today. You have fo / mustn't make an apacintment ‘You don't have to / shouldn't eat if you have stomach ache, but it's important to drink You needh't/ should worry —it isn'ta very serious operation, important to rest. You don't have to / mustn't do anything for a few days. | think you've got a fever. You ought to / shouldn't see a doctor. You don't have to / should drink lots it you have a cold or a sore throat Ory The people below all want to join a sports class. On the next page there are descriptions of eight classes. Decide which class would be the most suitable for the following people. For 1.5 write the correct letter A-H. Chloe enjoys team sports but doesnt want to play in competitions. She needs @ ‘morning class. She doesr't have much money and can't afford to buy expensive equipment. Mike isnt very fit. He would lke to get fitter, but he finds exercise boring. He's looking for an evening class that is cifferent every week, He'd also lke to see how he is improving over time. Sofia loves sport but is recovering from a serious injury. She wants to trainin the afternoon with someone who understands her injury and can give her advice on exercises she can do at home, Jack is very fit and is planning a challenging 200 km run, He wants to train atleast twice a week and would ike some personal training too. He wants to train indoors ‘and outdoors. 5 BW) Tara takes sport seriously, She plays hockey and tennis and wants to improve her skils ‘and take part in competitions, She isnt free from Monday to Friday. {© Cambridge Universty Press and 18 ReapING | PaRT2 | 1 ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 Sports classes A. Sport for life Weekly sessions in seven differen sports, ineluding squash, tennis and baskelbal. Do your favourite sport or try new ones each ‘week. Classes take place on Thursdays 3-4 pim. and Sundays 2-3.30 p.m. in Green Prk and in the Park Gym. We don't believe in winners and losers, justin having fun! © Active plus! on Saturdays fom 9-1 am. We provide tall hockey sticks, ee. anda monthly report on how your finess is imoroving E Fitness for all It youire looking for a gentle, low-cost exercise class, Fitness for all offers exercises to improve your strength and confidence slowly. ur trainers are qualified to help with individual problems and can give you extra ideas to try outside the class. No equipment necessary. Classes: every Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m, G Rising stars We believe sports are for winners! We offer training from professional sports coaches to help you become a more successful player Choose from a range of team and racket sports. Players are encouraged to join local and national leagues. Classes: every Saturday and Sunday, or book an individual lesson with one of our trainers B Top training Our club offers individual training sessions in the gym, with a personal trainer. The class is ideal for people who ‘enjoy training alone and are keen to improve their fitness, or people who have particular difficulties with their fitness. Classes: every morning 9-1] a.m. Water-cise! Have fun and get fit at your local sports centre! Classes every Tuesday and ‘Thursday from 6-8 p.m. No two classes are the same! We organise regular competitions and also offer individual fitness checks every month, plus the ‘chance to gain progress certificates. Sport for all This class is for people who want to take up ‘a sport such as football or tennis for the first time. I's a great way to get fit in the fresh air. Classes start with taining exercises, followed by a game or small tournament. Classes: every Tuesclay and Thursday, 68 pm. All equipment provided. Go for itt Thisis a class for people who want to push themselves so they can compete against other people or themselves! Training takes place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Classes involve ‘a one-hour run inthe park, followed by weight training inthe gym. Individual coaching and advice on improving fitness at home are also available, —— OE + Inthis + You also read eight texts on the same topic. + You have to match what each person requires to one of the eight texts. jou read descriptions of five people. {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART 2 | 1 19 READING Par 2_ a2) Complete what the people say with the words in the box. rama herrer order sculptures stage videos iy tem really into (1) , 80 love being in plays. It feels great being up on the (2) in front of lots of people. | don't want to do it as a jab, but it's fun to do in your free time Jamie “I often organise a movie night at the weekend. | invite a few fiends and we (3) a takeaway. My favourite fms are (4) movies, especially really scary ones!” Rosie “Im quite creative, so do alot of art classes in my free time. | don't ike painting, but | love making (5) ‘out of wood. | also make my ov fiverminute (6) wich I put online for friends to watch, Write the questions and answers. Use the pre: nt perfect or past simple. 1, Ar where / you go / on holiday / last year? B: | went to Spain 2. Als Martha stil here? B: No, she /just /leave 3. A: Don't forget to order the tickets online Its OK. 1/ already / do /it when / you / move / to this town? B: It was about two years ago. OE The people below all want to find a new free-time activity. On the next page ther descriptions of eight clubs. Decide which club would be the most suitable for the following People. For 1-5 write the correct letter A-H. Emma loves using her imagination in a creative way, She loves working on projects with other people, and she would lke to visit places and see creative people at work, Marco loves making things, and he enjoys meeting people from other cultures. He would lke to learn a skill tat he can use outside the class. ‘Amina is interested in serious issues. She enjoys listening to talks and learning about fein other countries, She would also like to discuss her ideas and opinions with other people, Niko enjoys going to different places and meeting people from different backgrounds. He's also keen to find out about the place where he lives. He's especially interested in history Erica is keen to help other people. She enjoys events where there are crowds sc ‘of people. She wants to learn skils she can use in a job when she finishes her studies. {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 20 READING | PART2 | 2 Cambiage Assessment 2020 Activity clubs A Think! B_ Games and chat De you want to know more about international We meet once a wee to play computer games events? We mest once a week for an informal We give our views on new games and ral about discussion. Each week we watch afin from game: pac and present. We alia ongaize tps to ‘around the world and/or invite speakers game shows to see how designers come up with to help us understand recent events. At our new ideas and create new games. Youll discover a nex! meeting we are showing a film about whole new world earthquake rescue teams. © Party Plus D_ Come dine with me APary Plus, wae looking forcewpeoplefoheus. We meet regal to vii restaurants and Weorganse see’ paris andconcesorase money enjoy eating delicious food from all over for cl caries, chalenging work andyeuhaeto the world, We also invite chefs from other workwith wide range of people, bly havea sto counties to tel us about how food is grown offer utre employers and youl make a fe ‘and prepared where they come from. There's Usually quite a large group of us, soits a ‘wonderful way to meet people E Nature lovers F Action! Are you interested in nature? Our group has We are a flm club, but we don't watch been exploring the wilde ofthe city for over films - we make them! We're always 100 years! We organise talks from experts on looking for new people with interesting the animals and plants around us, We also work ideas. You will do activities in small in small groups to think of ways to improve life ‘groups, so it’s @ great way to learn new for the animals and people in our city! skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things G Aworld of food H_ City explorers We can teach you to prepare delicious Get out and about with ity explorers! We dishes! Our trainers come from five explore our own city and produce information countries, and they love to share their guides so that visitors can enjoy ittoo. We also recipes and the history of their cultures. This __ produce maps ofthe city, past and present, class will teach you how to create wonderful showing how t's changed. We often get food in your own kitchen. You never know, ‘together with groups from other towns and you might decide to become a professional Cities to compare information and experiences. chef one day Or=rm™ + Read the descriptions ofthe five people quickly and underline the most important information + The same information is often writen using diferent words or phrases inthe descriptions and the texts + Make sure the text you choose matches al the requirements in the person's description. (© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Astessment 2020 READING | PART2|2 21 P READING spar 2_ a3) i MMe Complete the holiday advice with the words in the box. accommodation facilities reser {im going on holiday to Turkey in two weeks and staying at the Bright Sands holiday (1) I naven't been before, Any advice? + went last year and loved it ts got great (2) especially the swimming pools! + Iryoure expecting haxury (3) . you may be disappointed. But the rooms are all clea. ‘+ Ifyou booked online, check your (4) before you go. There was a problem with mine, Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous, past simple or present perfect. eon Reply Forward HiBeth, Joeand (1) (arrive) in New York three days ago, and we @ (have) a great time here. We (3) (already /do) quite alot. Yesterday we (4) (Go) up the Empire State Building - amazing! We (3) (not see) a show on Broadway yet, but ‘we've go tickets for tomorrow. Abbie ‘The people below all want to go on holiday. On the next page there are descriptions of ight holidays. Decide which holiday would be the most suitable for the following people, For 1-5 write the correct letter A-H. George wants a holiday with a big group of friends. They are into sports and want 1 to-do different things every day. He doesn't tke boats, and some in the group have young children, ‘Ana loves to be near the sea, She wants to vist different places, but she also wants 2 ta keep away from holiday resorts, She enjoys being active and learning new skils Harry just wants to relax and have fun by the sea, He loves going out and wants to meet ather people. He wants a cheao hotel and would prefer to pay for everything together. Jess wants to travel abroad and learn about a different way of lfe. She wants to stay with local people, not in hotels. She would also lke to see some performances. Greg doesn’ lke crowded beaches and wants a peaceful holiday where there aren't many people, He enjoys walking in the countryside and is happy to spend some time alone with a good book. {© Cambridge Universty Press and 22 READING | PART2 | 3 Cambiage Assessment 2020 The best holidays A Golden Sands Beach Club There’ lols fo do atthe Golden Sands Beach Ch in Mallorca. Is a heiday you ean afford Enjoy wonderful beaches and swimming in the ‘Mediterranean or take trips to nearby villages! Then enjoy shows and make friends atthe social ectvies in the evening. All meals and kinks ore included in he price! © Forest camp Getaway tom ital at Weldale Forest. Slay ona loca working farm rin cabin in the ores. Jin in lm lite or explore the many pats through the forest with ‘ur rionly ques, For those who | ax, you can just erjoy tim on your own listening tothe E Seaview Hotel Enjoy a week at this wonderful, small luxury hotel in Spain. The price includes all food and crinks, andthe facies include 22 swimming pool, tennis courts and @ restaurant. We organise trips to plays and concerts in the evenings. There's also a beach where you can sit quietly and relax or read! G Active fun Looking for an active holiday? This ‘wonderful busy holiday resort offers tennis, swimming, golf and lots more. There's something for everyone. Lessons are available, so you can learn something new, whether you're 5 years old or 551 Fun forall the family! Price includes accommodation and breakfast B Making waves oO the basis of ailing You'l be busy but wil stil have learn-to-sall holiday in Greece wil teach you all ‘ime to enjoy he silence ofthe open sea. We top iy local food in small eturants, before leping on aca small harbour every night where you ca your boat, rice includes accommodation but not food. D Culture shock Get away from the usual tourist destinations ‘and visit India. On this tour, you'l visit seven cities, see the famous Taj Mahal and enjoy time at a beach resort, Youll stay with families ‘and experience daily life with them. A full programme of cultural events includes some amazing dance shows! F Hotel on the sea Enjoy two weeks of luxury on this cruise around the Mediterranean visiting seven popullar destinations. Relax in the sunshine by the ship's swimming pool. You won't get bored, as there are cinemas, tennis courts and a theatre on board, plus plenty of social activities in the evening H_ On foot Do you love walking? Ty this walking tour in the ‘mountains of tay. Each day, you willwalk with an experienced guide as part ofa group of walkers, then spend the night as guests of ocal people. I's a great way to see some beautiful countryside and ‘make new friends. Ox” Look at the sentences below and choose the correct one. Yesterday Ive bought some clothes. Yesterday I bought some clothes. {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART 2 | 3 —— 23 24 READING Par 3_ C1) Places and buildings oitfee psorin hlostipa 1 2. a small hotel that isnot very expensive 3. 4, a building where people go if they are ill 5. 6 a small attractive house in the country Choose the correct words to complete the mi front of you (6) on / at your right. room or building where people work at desks Put the letters into the correct order to make words. Then match them to the definitions. featyor a building where people are sent if they have committed a crime a bulding were people make things, often using machines dialogues. 1. A: Excuse me, can you tell me (1) the way to / how fer for the station? B: Yes, sure. (2) Take / Turnleft atthe traffic lights and youl see t station (3) in front / by 2. A: Excuse me, (4) isi far / can you direct to the museum? B: No, Just go (5) straight off / straight on for about hal a kilometre and the museum is tant to sleep under the sea? The company Planet Ocean has plans for an exciting underwater hotel, which they hope to buildin locations all over the worl The hotel wont be large, with only 12 guestrooms, ls a restaurant. Guests wil get to the hotelin a lt so no diving or getting wet! The hotel wl fla 10 metres under the ocean, although it willbe attaches to the sea bed to prevent it from moving too far. Because t won't be very deep under the water, the sun will shine down and provide light. Guests wil get great closeup views of the fish and other sea creatures, which wont be bothered by the hotel anc so won't make any effort to avoid it he hotes design with clear plastic walls, means guests willbe able to see the sea and all the creatures that ve there around, above and below them inthe rooms. ‘They wil almost get the feeling tal they are swimming inthe ocean. The haxury rooms wil have a shower, TV and even the internet. The restaurant wll serve high- Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer, A hotel under the sea ‘quality meals. As you might expect, Planet Ocean want to encourage people to eat ess fsh, so guests won't find any on the menu. What's more surprising is that the atmosphere wil be silent, so guests wil have to imagine ‘he sound of the ocean around them. The hotel wont be cheap to build an it won't be cheap ta stayin, But the designers are especially oroud af the fact that ll be environmental friendly wil use lectriity, ofcourse, butt il produce its own, and won't cisturd ecean Ie at al fac, the designers ope some sea creatures wil bil their homes on pats of the bulng, which wil ring real benefits tothe ferwater word Planet Oceans future designs include a moving hotel t perhaps sounds like this wil workin the same way as 2 cruise ship, but ths isnot the case. Infact, rather than moving between continents and countries, ie wl stay within a single county's waters, but only occasionally ‘change positons around its coast READING | PART 3 | 1 {© Cambridge Universty Press and Cambtage Assessment 2020 —— 1 What do we learn about the hotel? A Guests will have to swim down to get to it. B ts lights wil shine into the sea so guests can see the fish It wil only have a small numiver of rooms. Fish and other sea creatures wil be scared oft. 2 What might guests find strange about staying atthe hotel? ‘A swimming from their rooms into the ocean B having ocean ie in € enjoying a meal of f D being unable to hear the ocean 3 What isthe best thing about the hotel, according to the designers? A It won't cost much to build B twor't use much electricity € It wor't cause any damage to the environment. D Fish and other sea creatures won't come very close toi. 4 Planet Ocean’s moving hotel wil A rarely move from one site to another, B travel between various countries. € be similar to a type of cruise sto, D remain close to the coast of each continent 5 What might a guest inthis hotel say? A B I's very expensive, but the I's great to stayin such a beautiful facilities are quite basic and the hotel that is also good forthe planet. windows are too small to see outside. c D Seeing the fish up close is Its a great idea, and I love the fact amazing, but its a shame that that it can move around and travel to the hotel disturbs sea Ie. sitferent locations. OE + Inthis part, you read a text that includes feelings, attudes and opinions + You have to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D for five questions. {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART3|1 25 READING Par 3_ C2) bottle bank © pollution 1. think that prevent it 2. Luse 3. I dont throw paper into the that are cut down, 4. | always take glass bottles to the Complete the sentences with the words in the box. bin. laWays public transp recycle rubbish change is a really serious problem and everyone needs to do more to such as buses and trains. | try to avoid driving because it causes air it, to reduce the number of trees Its important to use glass again, ‘+ The writer may be writing about their own experiences, or about someone or something else. ‘+ The questions ask about the writer's feelings and opinions, not what you think. ‘+ To find the answer to the last question, you need to read in more than one place in the text Cuises ae becoming more and more popular, with around 20 millon passengers per year now enjoying holidays on board hnury ships. Many people see 3 cruise as the perfect way to sit back and do nothin, and enjoy time off work. Everything you could possibly need is within easy reach, On board, thre are shops, theatres, cinemas, swimming pools and leisure cere, There are more facies, infact, than most towns cer their residents. I's therefore easy to see why they are 0 popular. But what is the effect on the environment of this wend? ‘Although it usually takes less energy for a vehicle te move through water than overland, cruise ships ae often huge, withthe biggest ones carrying up 0 6,000 passengers. Moving such large vehicles requires enormous engines, which burn as much as 300,000 litres of fuel a day, One scientist has calculated ate as much poluton as 5 millon cars going over the same distance. Because they are ut at sea, they also burn dirtier fel that isnt alowed Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer, The price of a perfect holiday? on land. Unfortunately, no government has contol over the amount of air pollution out at sea, Crises also produce huge amounts of rubbish and crise ships arent usually ood at recycling, Waste water fom showers and tole is usualy poured dretlinto the sea = as much per day as from a small toun. Waste food trom restaurants iit put into the sea, but sil causes problems hen brought back to the and Cruse ships also cause difculis inthe cies where they stop. Popular destinations can get five or si ships per day, wth thousands of tourists at atime. Good for restaurants? No, Restaurant onners camplai thatthe vistors look around fra few hows and then return to thet shin to eat. What's more, the crowds can put athertowists, who complain that the streets ae to busy ‘Some touns have banned crise ships or put amit onthe umber that can stop atthe same time. People who care ‘bout the envionment worry that asthe cruse industry Continues to grow, so too wil the issues for ow planet. READING | PART 3 | 2 {© Cambridge Universty Press and Cambtage Assessment 2020 1 Whats the writer trying to do in paragraph 1? AA persuade people to go on cruise ships B explain why cruise ships have become so popular © compare cruise ships with atypical holiday resort D describe how the services cruise ships offer have changed 2. One reason cruise ships cause alot of air polistion is because A they carry large numbers of cars as well as passengers. B their engines are not as efficient as those of other ships. it takes more energy to move through water than over land D they use types of fuel that are not permitted onland, ‘3 What do we learn about the waste products on cruise ships? AA Althe waste products are carried back to shore. B Waste food is often thrown away at sea, Most cruise ships recycle their waste products. D An enormous amount ofthe waste water isnt recycled —— How do some people feel about the cruise shio passengers who vsit ther cities? [A surprised that they are rude to other toursts B annoyed that they don't spend money on meals happy that they fil up all the restaurants D pleased to see so many visitors tothe city Which best describes large cruise ships? A They seem to offer ideal relaxing holidays, but they aren't environmentally friendly, ‘They are becoming very popular and they bring a lot of benefits, in spite of their problems. They used to cause alot of pollution, but things are improving now. They cause pollution in the sea and on land, so cities are planning to ban them in the future Complete the sontonces with the correct form of will or be going to and the verb in brackets. Look at those dark clouds. It | hope the concert | haven't done any revision, | just know that | ‘Are you going into town now? | oe pene {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 Why don't you borrow Jack's camera? tm sure he (rain) (be) good tonight That ladder doesnt look very safe, 'm sure she (at {not mind (fai my exam! (come) with you, if that's OK. READING | PART 3 | 2 READING Par 3_ 3) Netballis similar with / of /to basketball cheating in the game! {football teams. ‘Ave you interested for / in / with keeping ft? Im nat very keen of / on / for sport. Choose the correct preposition to follow each adjective. 2. You should be ashamed for / from / of yourself for 3, The city of Manchester is famous of / for / from its We were very surprised at / from / forthe resut. Hurry up — tm tired of / from / with waiting for you! Who is responsible for / with / about organising the event? @E=I=m> Athletics in Jamaica Jamaica has produced some ofthe word's best athletes, inclucing stars such as Usain Blt and Veronica CampaeltBrown is ths success partly de to one event -the Jamaica Schools Championshios? ‘The four-day Championships have taken place every year since 1910. Neatly 200 schoo! students take pat infront ofan audience of ‘ver 30,000 people. The event is also shown con lve TY, and the whole country watches what is sometimes called Jamaica's miniOlymoies ‘The competitors take it very seriously, and they all want to win. Classmates and former students also come to support and encourage their schools. School coach Dwayne Simpson has trained many ‘young stars. He believes the Championships have ‘an important oe inthe development of young athletes. They are the biggest schools’ competion inthe world, ne says, and other counties are now looking to copy them. He also believes thatthe Championships give young athletes a reason to practise. They want to do well for their schoo, so Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer. they work and train together asa team, so they produce better rests. ‘The Championships have turned many young students into stars, but those who are most talented as adults con't abvays win as young teenagers. mic gold ‘medalist Usain Bol, for example, fled to win a single race atthe Championships 2s an under-15, runner. Ompic champion Veronica Campbeltrown was always easly beaten in the loner-age groups before finaly winning as an older student Nathaniel Day, young runner from Britain, has studied and trained in Jamaice forthe last two years. "Young athletes here get experience of being on TV ‘nom the age of 12, he says, so when theyre older, they arent scared of big occasions and they perform well Inthe UK, athletes don't perform in font ofthe cameras unl theyre adults, and sometimes they find it hard to deal with’ According to Nathaie the Championshins also gwve young athletes 2 goal Because it's such a big event, it gives them an [ides of how exctng its to perform in an Olympic stadium. Ithelps them develop the ambit to become champions. 28 reson | pants | 3 (© Cambridge University Press and ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 1 What does the text say about the Championships? 4 According to Nathaniel Day, the event [AThiry thousand people watch them on TV. __Abelps young athletes get used to beng fed. B Young athletes take part just to have fun B ismore excing than the Olmpies. They started over 100 years ago. {© makes some young athletes feel nervous of D Some former students take part. big occasions. 2 What does Dwayne Si south Dis hard for some young competitors to What does Onayne Simpson sy abou the veut Championships? [A other countries shoul try to hold a similar 5 Which best describes the Jamaica Schools! competition. ‘Championships? oun too big in recent year A B They have grown too big in recent years. It’s an international competition which They encourage young athletes to do prepares young athletes for the thei best Ovnnies D Schools are ahvays keen to do wel . 3 Inparagraph 4, what does the writer say about Kes an aie ‘event which helps Jamaica's Olympic champions? young athletes to improve, AA They could beat even the oldest students It's a huge social event which brings some races. people together to have fun. B They occasional lot races, but ony to much older students, > It's @ local event which gives young They tree much harder after losing al their athletes the chance to perform in a races as teenagers. relaxed atmosphere. D They took time to develop into workdclass athletes. definitions [Eo Pe srdertnna wort inthe tattoo 1 2 group of people who work, train oF 5. perform together ‘someone who teaches sports skills 6. ‘an event where people compete against 7. each other join in with an event be the best or get the best score in a game or contest large building where sports events take place people wha compete in a game or event ight sports skills to people OLIzzD> Look at the sentences below and choose the correct one. Im sure that you will have a great holiday here. Im sure that you have a great holiday here, {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART 3 | 3 29 Co uc > © Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1. favourite / maths / my / subject /is Maths 2. often / Sam / for / appointments /late /is sam 3. hobby / photography / popular /is / very /a Photography 4, Mrs / usually /us / teaches / Edwards Mrs 5. work / this / enough / isn't / good This 6. Mr Brown / strict /as / Miss Jones / as /isr't Miss Jones. 7. t00/ test / the / for / was / dificuk /me The 8. work / checked / my / by /1/2 friend / hac 1 9. finished / we / eating / just / have We 10. fim /1/ that / yet / seen / haven't Hl Five sentences have been removed from the text on the next page. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. So atleast they can enjoy some parts of typical teenage lite there. That means the school has become a tourist attraction too! ‘These young players come here to train, of course, During the school day, therefore, they don't go to some of these sessions. This has helped it to provide a better education for allits students. ‘They are also expected to set a good example to younger students. Which is why there are far more of these students than ever before, all, only the best ones go on to join the main team, re™mooe> {© Cambridge Universty Press and 30 READING | PART 4 | 1 Cambiage Assessment 2020 melo tey-) Ric ece-lmereulole)| Can you imagine being a famous football star but stil attending school Thats what some students at Ashton- ‘onMersey School England do! The school is about 7 km from Old Trafford, the famous sports stadium that is home to Manchester United Football Cub. The club takes tlented teenagers from all over the world. (1)... But even though ‘hey are following their dreams of becoming sports stars, football clubs recognise that ed sti bean important part of ther fives. (2), ‘though footballers can play professionally frm the age of 16, most dort join professional teams wnt ‘hey are older. jon should A football clubs have to make sure that players who are Under 18 are gelling an education, but many choose to o this by organising classes atthe club. At Manchester Unite, however, young players go to a normal schoo (Bln Thats why at Ashlor-onMersey School you an see people who played against Arsenal or Liverpool ‘on Saturday sitting down to classes with al the athor students on Menday morning. ‘The Manchester United students have classes two days week and study a range of subjects. While attening, they are encouraged to fee ke they are pat of the school. They stil fllw the rues like al the other pupils there. (4) There are many benefits to the School rm thei arrangement wih Manchester United, The footall cb has given money to the schoo. (5)... Perhaps more importantly, seeing successful young players inthe school rage younger students to ty hard to do wel and achieve ther ov creams. Success layers often return to vist the school When one French-speaking aa back, the students were al keen to ask him questons inFrencl Chatting to an nternaional football star realy heed them improve ther anguage sil. Find the words in the text to complete the collocation for each definiti going to school do what they really want to do continue to have good football careers L 2 3 4, 5. do what is required by the rules 6 7 8 school follow their to have successful football careers [eam aout ts of aeent subjects studya of diferent subjects theres bebve that they belong tothe school pat ofthe schoo show other people howto behave 2 good exarple te students better essons and ecuipment a etter education QE + nts part ofthe tes, you rad a text wich had ve gaps in * Five sentences have been removed from the text + You have to read eight sentences and choose the correct sentence for each gap. + There are alvays three extra sentences which you don't need to use. (© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART 4 | 1 31 Co Tce > © ie Match the descriptions to the places. 1,_ You can open an account here » a charity shop > 2._ It's often outdoors and you can often find bargains here. » bb post office » [3._Themeney you spendhereebscierpeopl. «=e bk 4_You go hereto by medcnes and ngs fr your wath.) departments 5,_Itmight be seltservice, or there might be a waiter. > [le market » 6._You go here to keep fit » f chemist » 7. You go here to send a parcel [ig sports centre > You can byeates ad ter tings nhs i he. S Fesawant > Match a sentence from Column A with a sentence from Column B. Column A Column B 1. The shop onl opened tree weeks ago, \ [a They'e comfortable and ute reasonably ) | priced / 2. Customers had aways complained about —\\ |b Anotier is that thas new fems onsale), the lack of staf. ) | __ every week. / 3. Many branches have closedin recent months.\, | ¢ Or maybe you prefer the popular stores / |__you see on most igh streets. / 4. Ive always iked the clothes they sel \\ [a So the company recently employed an / |__ extra 20 people to deal with this problem, '5. One advantage is that the shop often opens \\ [e She said lcould only try on a maximum of unt ate. / |__ four things at atime 6. Perhaps you only ke shopping in smal [Thats why stl looks so new. independent shops. } 7. A sales assistant stopped me going into the \, [ g But it wes worth it and looked good at the changing room. / |__wedding |went to last month 8. Toouit oss re wchwsrealy [fh These hangs re ban doh se expensive. / |__ofinternet shopping / om Read the wiole text quickly before you choose sentences to fill the gaps. ‘+ Use what comes before and after each gap to help you choose the correct se! + Underine the words and phrases that tell you that your answer is right. ‘© Cambridge University Press and 32 READING | PART 4 | 2 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 | GL EZ» Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer, There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Could a personal shopper help you Do you love shopping but can never find clothes that fit you o look nice? Or maybe you hate shopping and just want to gett done quick? (2). They have helped hundreds of customers, oth ‘men and women, People ofall ages have enjoyed the benefits of ther service, and it doesn't have to be expensive, We charge a small amount for your persona shopsing appointment (2)... 0 you will probably end up spending no more than i you were shopping alone Before you look at any cloths, our personal shopper will cuss wit you what you are looking for. ts 3 {200d idea to think about money in advance and st alm onthe amount you want to spend. (3) Al ou personal shoppers are trained to know what siyles and colours vl suit you best, Then comes the enjoyable pat You sit back and relax while your personal shopper locks atthe huge choice of clothes in our store and selects tems for you to try on, One advantage of having @ personal shopper i that you get your om private changing room. (4), Ir youre interested in tying our personal shopping experience, wy nat come along to one of our stores and tak to us? On days when the store is ‘uit, one of cur personal shoppers mgt be free to help you there and then, (5)... That way, youll be sure you wont be ésappointed For this month ony, if you book an appointment with a personal shopper, we're offering 2 10% cliscount on goods in al our store's departments, including electronic items such as computers and tablets So what are you wating for? Get yourself anew Took, and make shopping fun! But its always best to book in advance. ranmooa> {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 However, you will get this back it you buy any of the So the prices are the same whether you use the service or not This means you can take your time, even i the rest ofthe store is crowded, Exchanging your unwanted items inthis way makes shopping so much simpler. Then pethans one of our personal shoppers is what youre looking for Because ofthis, people generally find shopaing less enjoyable than before. This allows our shopping expert to find clothes within your price range. you ty on. READING | PART 4 | 2 33 Lo Luce > © ae Write the correct animal name for each definition. bee camel cat cow dinosaur dolphin giraffe lion parrat_—_ shark. 1. 2 colourful bird that you can teach to talk 2, an African animal that hunts and kills other animals ‘3, a big fish with very large teet 4, a trendy, iteligent animal that lives in the sea 5. a large animal that lived a long time ago 6. an insect that lives in large groups and makes honey 7. an animal with a very long neck 8. farm animal that people keep for its mile 9. a small animal with soft fur that people keep as a pet 10, an animal used in the desert that doesa't have to drink very often Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. 1. Lambs are animals. farm, small, white) 2. Their dog is brown with spots. (black, round, small) 3. We saw some birds. (Atican, tiny, colourful) 4, Bears are animals. (shy, large, wild) 5. The puppy had fur. (brown, lovely, soft) 6. We saw a butterfly with wings. (shiny, smal, blue) Look at the sentence below, then try to correct the mistake. | have just bought a new, big lamp for my bedroom. {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 34 READING | PART 4 | 3 Cambiage Assessment 2020 OE Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not n 1311 SoH O]c1 SoH Octo Most people enjoy seeing bees in gardens and parks, but can be scary when theyre Thing together in large numbers, and it can be even more frightening if they come a bt too close! ‘few years ago, Lisa Turnbull was in ber home in Yetk. She hag made a cake, which she had let on But, as she opened the kitchen table. (1), the window to help the cake cool more quickly, she unfortunately did't notice the large number cof bees fing around inher back garden. Lisa left the cake inthe kitchen and went upstairs. A few minutes later, she heard aloud noise coming from her btchen, so she went back downstairs. (2) They had lef thee old home and were looking for a new one. It seems thatthe queen bee, which coniyls allthe others, had fancied a bit of cake and landed oni. She was fllowed by 15,000 ethers! He arrived just half an hour later. zo mmcom> 3d to use. Lisa calmly closed the kitchen door and callod a local beekeeper, who removed the bees from her ake. (Bonn Last summer, Jane Norton from Manchester had a similar experience. She w driving hore trom work when she naticed thousands af insects following her ca. (4)... She stoppes the car, hoping that they would continue and leave her in peace. However, thay landed on t and stayed there. Feeling rather nervous, Jane used her phone tolook online and find the phone number ofa local beekeeper. (5)... lt turned out thatthe queen bee had flow into the boot of the ear while Jane was putting shopping int it. When she closed the boot, the queen was stuck inside, so when she drove off the rest af the bees folowed, Jane stayed in er car until the beckeeper had safely removed all the bees — which took over thee hours! Tha’s a 0d excuse for being late home! She realised after a while that they were bees flying after her. There were stil a few bees in the room, but the cake had disappeared! ‘She opened the door and saw a huge number of bees. The beekeeper told her that he couldnt remove such a large swarm, ‘She was very much looking forward to having a slice, Atrough it wasn't damaged, Lisa lt feel very hungry any more! The bees seemed to be attracted by the cake and followed her. {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PART 4 | 3 35 READING PARTS CY) DL RL Lcd Complete the reviews with the words in the box. admission audience classical comedy exhibition museum otchestra performed plays What's on this month? Music in the Park Aconcert of (1) music by Beethoven and Bach. Itis (2) in Central Park by the Berlin National (3) Briliant! ‘Two's a Crowd ‘A.wonderfuly funny (4) at the Royal Theatre. | saw it lastnight, andthe (5) loved it's written by James Garland, who has also written several very good, serious (6) Animals in Art Anew (7) of animal paintings, which opens at the Victoria (8) Friday. Well worth a vist. (9) costs £3, but is free after 4 p.m. Ori For each question, choose the correct answer. Emma Watson The actress Emma Watson grew up near Oxford in the south of England and trained as an actress at the Stagecoach School in Oxford Although she had only acted in a few school plays, in 2001, she was lucky ‘enough to get the (1) ‘of Hermione in the Harry Potter film (2) This was the part which frst (3) her famous. She appeared in all eight of the Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011. After the Hary Potter films, Emma (4) ta workin fims, but aso (5) «a few years studying English Literature at university. She acted while she studied, and since 2012 she has continued to develop her career and has appeared in 6) very successful fms. 36 READING | PARTS | 1 © cantedge Unraty Press nd Cambiage Assessment 2020 1 Aittle 2 Aset 3. Aproduced 4 Acontined 5 Apassed 6 Aseveral B person B series B created Bet B spent B plenty Crole C group C caused C stayed Ceave Clots Dhero D colection D mace D remained D allowed Diew = Write a short profile of a celebrity. Use the text in Exercise 2 as a model. Include: + where the person was born or grew up + how their career started + how they became famous + their main achievements + what they are doing now O=xI=y + Inthis p *, you read a short text with si spaces init + You have to choose the correct word (A, B, C or D} for each space, (© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTS | 1 37 READING PARTS CY) Match the sentences to the transport words. 1._You sleep here when you travel on a cruise ship. > [a return ticket > 2._ This big vehicle carries goods on roads. > |b petrol station > 3._ You look through this when you are driving a car. > — [e cabin » 4,_ This allows you to go to a place and back home again. > [a hitehiike » [4, Ths alowsyoue golpa pe anask tone agen > 5._Youpay is hen ou wae on abs ar wan [ewndsren 5 You can rave Bi you drt wart oa. S Frmtonay 9 7. Yb fr arate Sle bw 5 ‘8. You can drive very fast on this. Th fare Choose the correct future verb forms in the speech bubbles. Hurry up ~ our train leaves / wil leave at 4.30, and we need to get to the station! Ive found 2 great hotel online. | book / ‘m going to book it later today, | travel /‘m traveling to New York tomorrow — | cant wait Is your bag heayy?| "carry / cany it for you ‘The prices are probably going / will probably go up, so | think its better to book now. The brochure looks amazing - I'm sure you have / re going to have a wonderful holiday! Boarding stats / is starting 45 minutes before the fight I must go and pack my suitcase —|‘m leaving / 1Nleave forthe airport in two hours! ‘© Cambridge University Press and 38 READING | PARTS | 2 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 ——E= Or=Im™ PED 5c weston, choose the correct answer Travelling in the Glasgow area The city of Glasgow has a modern underground rail network and plenty of buses and trains. I also has a few other forms of transport. The ferry (1) across the river Clyde between Yoker and Renfrew is popular with ursts, There has been a ferry here for around 500 years. The (2) takes about half an hour and it's an interesting way to see this part of the city For a longer boat ride, you could try one of the cruises on the Clyde. The cruises (3) at the Riverside Museum and sail down the river past some interesting historical parts of the city. Ifyou (4) trying something more adventurous, you could travel to the island of Mull on a seaplane. The (5) are quite expensive, but it's an experience ‘you won't forget. Or why not try @helicoater flight? Is not cheap, but you get an amazing (6) of the city, 1 Aservice B delivery € support D approach 2 Atrio B travel transport D route 3 Aleave B depart C start D open 4 Afancy B want C hope D plan 5 Acosts Biees C fares D charges 6 Ascene B scenery C landscape Diiew Or=rm™ + Read through the whole text fist. * Look at the words before and after each space, + Try each option (A,B, C and D) in the space and decide which is correct. f you are nat sure, choose the ane that sounds the best ‘© Cambridge Univershy Press anc ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTS | 2 39 READING PARTS CY) Complete the texts with the words in the box. dry freezing heat’ ~=—humid-«=sice~—ilightning = showers thunder Extreme weather facts Antarctica is one ofthe coldest places on earth, with ‘emperatures bel0W (1) ..on.n.uneu all ear round, The ground is covered in thick (2) sonny but there is actually very itle new snowall each year Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is known as one of the storm capitals of the world. You can see ie eterna eng j ‘The Amazonian rainforest is one of the {4) nnn ‘on up to 250 days each year! ) ‘wettest places on earth. Itis hot and (7) senenesnnse fOF Most of the Year, The Lut Desert in ans one of the hotest with frequent (8) or longer places on earth. Very tle grows inthe periods of rain creme (5) =I also vey @ + wth ary any rin Or For each question, choose the correct answer. Weather forecasts People have always tried to predict the weather. Inthe past, people often watched the shy for ().. .» ofhow the weather was changing. Ared sky at right, for example, suggested that the (2) snus day WOuld be fine, Animals’ betaviour also provided information for forecasting the weather For example, if cows were bing down it meant it was (3) to rain. Nowadays, however, scientists use complicated computer models to produce weather forecasts that are much more (4) ‘They can say, for example, i there is a 20% or 30% chance of rain on 2 particular day. They can also warn people i a stormis (5) This is important for farmers and other peoale who work outside. It also helps ordinary people know whether they need to (6) ‘an umbrella with therm when they go out ‘© Cambridge University Press and 40 READING | PARTS | 3 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 1 Amatks Brotices C signs, D alarms 2 Alast B folowing Clater D other 3 Apossible Bikely C accented D able 4 Raccurate Belose cine Drnear 5. Areacting Beettng C going D approaching 6 Abring Bietch wear D take ‘Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Then decide whether ‘each sentence is a zero, first or second conditional. Write zero, first or second. 8 1. ifwe {not have) a lot of rain here, the fields wouldnt be so green 2. Hlightning (hil a building, it doesn't always damage it 3. They willbe OX on the mountain i the weather (stay) fine 4. Ifyou see lightning, you usually ‘hear) thunder soon after 5. I (be) really scared i! found myselt inthe midale of a big storm 6. Ifyou don't get too clase to the storm, you (not be) in danger. 7. We (go) to the beach if i's sunny, 8 | would love to take photos of a storm if! (have) a good camera. ORD Look at the sentence below. Then try to correct any mistakes. If |were you I will go to the countryside because itis 2 lovely place and itis very peaceful © Cambridge Unvesty Press ang ‘Cambridge Astessment 2020 READING | PARTS | 3 41. es Match the words tothe defitons. 1 coleage > [a the snot your brother or sister y 2 caus) _[b someone who you study witha school or colege S 3._besttriend > |e your manager at work » 4. classmate > —_[/d_your aunt and uncle's cil » 5._grandparent > —_| e someone who gives the lessons at school or college » 6. nephew) _[fyourmumor dads mum or das s 7. boss > [someone who you work with » teacher > —_[ hn the person you're closest to, who's usually notin your family > Use prepositions to fill in the gaps in these sentences. Use only ONE word in each gap. 1, The company | work employs about 50 people. 2. Stella usually walks school, but sometimes she gets the bus there 3. My older sister is studying medicine university 4. Tony has lots of homework to do school this evening, so he can't go out 5, There's a new student in my class who comes Spain 6. The bus stop is just front of the cinerna 7. [fea il, so fm staying at home today instead going to school 8. Fiona’s often late for school, but she's time today. Ori ‘+ In this part of the test, you read a short text which has six gaps init + You have to put ONE word into each of the six gaps. ‘+The words you putin the gaps are usually grammatical words, not vocabulary. They may test your knowledge of phrasal verbs or common phrases, {© Cambridge Universty Press and 42 READING | PARTS | 1 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 Or=I™ For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap. UAT ee In my blog post today, l want to tell you about my ended (6)... watching someting that wasn't big brother, Steve. He's four years older (1) very good. But we had fun together anyway, Ike we ime and he's my only brother. I don't have any always do. sisters. We get on wel (2)... €ach other, espite the difference in our ages. He's in his final Year (3) high school and he wants to study languages when he goes to university next year, He's really good at learning new languages, (4) ns already learned to speak three English, French and German) and wants to learn Russian and Japanese to. HB). miss him whea he goes away next year, We often do things together. Last week, for ‘example, we went tothe cinema together. The fim we both wanted ta see wasn't on any mare, so we Write a short profile of someone in your family, Use the text in Exercise 2 as a model, Include: B + who the person is anc their relationship to you + what your relationship with them is lke + what they do (school, work, etc.) and what they are good at + what you do with them when you're together {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTS | 1 43 READING Pants 2) ee ee Complete the short conversations using the correct auxiliary verb. 1. A: When you start going running regularly? B: About two years ago. 2 A: What these machines used for? B: They measure how fast your heart is beating. 3. A: How often Helen go swimming these days? B: Three or four times a week, 4. Bz How long you had that bike? B: About three months. 5. A: Where football first played? B: Some people think it was in the UK, others think it was in China 6 A: When ‘you usually have lunch? At about 1 o'clock 7. A: Unfortunately, two players injured curing the match B: Ohno! 8 A: Keith lost alot of weight recently, B: Yes, about 10k. Use a word from the box to complete the sentences below. diet blood patient temperature prescription ym rest stress 1 goto the three times a week to do some exercise if important to avoid having lots of in your Ife if you can, My doctor gave me and the medicine's making me feel better already Its amazing how much doctors can find out just by testing a bit of your Ive improved my and now eat things which are much healthier. In my country, doctors only spend about ten minutes with each I dont feel well~ I've got a high and a headache, The doctor told me to get plenty of and to drink lots of water. 7% 6s {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 44 READING | PART | 2 Cambiage Assessment 2020 Or=I™ For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap. Cera races nave quite a healthy Ife these days, but! wasnt because of staying up late surfing the internet 've always so good! A few months (1)... !ealsed also decid to mit my time online. Al this goes to that needed to change my habit. | (2) show ~ anyone can change! spending too much tie online and not eating wel | decided to do something (8) nest Th est thing I changed was my cet. My parents have alas oovided me wth heathy meds, but often ate unhealthy snacks like crisps and sweets - in (4) oon meals. |stoppee dong this and immediatly lst some weight. Then | started todo me eer (8)... of sting atm last al evening went ou for a short ran ran tle further each week and fel so much better no also eased that was geting (6)... lop What advice would you give someone about e: giving your ideas. Or=Im™ + Read the whole text quickly before you start writing words in the gaps. * Then read the text more carefully and decide what kind of word (conjunction, preposition, ete.) oes in each gap. * Flin the gaps and then read the text again to chect tit makes sense, {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 READING | PARTS | 2 45 READING Pants 3) Clothes and accessories FR, Choose the correct ward to complete the sentences about clothes and accessories. Many women carry their purses and othe 1 ms in a backpack / handbag. 2. Iprefer Tshirts with long sleeves / buttons that cover up my arms 3. Sally alvays carries an umbrella / uniform because it rains @ lot where she lives. 4, That dress really suits /matches you! 5. Bill shirt suits / matches his trousers — they look great together 6. Why don't you try on /try out that dress if you ke it so much? 7. Janet would love those shoes ~ can you remember what length / size she is? 8. . That shirt holds / fits you really well. FI, Use ONE word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1. What you wear for a party depends what kind of party itis, 2. I didnt see anything | wanted to buy first, but then | found a really nice top 3. usualy iron my clothes at same time as watching TV. 4. tore a hole in my new Tshirt accident 5. The clothes shop is closed today to a lack of staff 6. My older brother loves fashion and spends at £100 a month on clots. 7. Imeally looking to watching the fastion show. 8. My sister doesnt lke wearing skirts or dresses and ol Look at the sentences below and choose the correct one. | prefer going shopping with friends to going at my own. | prefer going shopping with frends to going on my own ‘© Cambridge University Press and 46 READING | PARTS | 3 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 Or=Iz™ For each question, write the correct answer. ELC UL I started making some of my own clothes last year and Im really enjoying it. was my mum (1) cn fist got me interested in learning to sew because she makes a lot of her own things. | starteé off by designing something quite simole thought it would be, and it took me quite a longtime, | was pleased (3) ..... the fhished product, ough, and enjoyed sewing it |iked it so much, (4) fact, that I decided to study how to make clothes at college. | signed (8)... for a course earlier this year and started in Ju. So far on the course, Ive learned all about making trousers and skirts and were going to start lookin =a Tshirt It wast as easy (2) Write ONE word for each gap. at shirts quite soon. It's great, and Ive saved loads (6)... money, as Ive bought fewer clothes. Use a linking word from the box to complete the sentences. 8 but and because 30 despite or The two friends went out without their coats | could either wear my sandals They had some really nice trousers, 1 2, 3 4, I couldn't get the jumper | wanted 5. The weather was really warm, 6 ve bought Mum a necklace for her birthday {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 the fact it was raining these trainers, Which would be best? I couldnt find any nice shirts | didnt have enough money Anna decided to wear shorts and a Tshirt Ive also got her a bracelet. READING | PART 6 | 3 47

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