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Write the questions and ask a partner. 1. What | your name? 2, How old | you? 3. Where | you ve? 4. Do |you |Englsh at colege? 5. Who | ve with? 84 (122413 Now complete the examiners questions in Phase 2 of Pat 1, Then i and check. ton 1 Who do you most time with? 2 What do you doing when you're at home? 3 What do you about your school or job? 4 What you lke to do inthe future? 5 When did you learning English? Do you enjoy it? Why? / Why not? 6 Where did you wp? 7 What do you lke about the town you... in? 8 Where would you tke to lve, if you the opportunity? 's, ask and answer the que: SPEAKING | PART 1 | 1 {© Cambridge Universty Press and Cambtage Assessment 2020 = Complete the family words. Use the descriptions to help you. 1. You _ is your aunt or uncle's son or daughter . Ifyou are 4, it means you have a husband or wife. - Two people, such as a boyfriend and girriend, are known as a __u in one family: younger people and older ones, 2 3 4, There are usually several g___r_t_ 5. An____v__s___ isthe day on which an important event happened in a previous year 6 _ is the son of your brother or sister. O=xI=y + Inthis part, the examiner asks you questions about yourset. + The questions are usually about your name, your daily rout study or work, etc. + You only speak to the examiner, You don't speak to the other student, 1e, your likes and dislikes, where you To watch videos of the complete B1 Preliminary and 81 Preliminary for Schools Speaking tests, go to bttps:// {© Cambridge Unversty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PARTI | 1 85. P SPEAKING __ PART_ 2) Work and education Match 1-8 to a-h to make questions about job skills. 1. Doyeu have good > 2 oransed peson? +) B.D you enay 5 © at mang decisions? 8. Are you fh positive attitude? > OrxIz™ @ 1:4:16 complet the examiners questions from Part 1 Then listen and check 1 Do you study or 7 What are you studying? / What do you do? 2 Do you tke your cr job? Why? / Wry not? 3 Whatis or was your subject at school? What do or did you ike most about it? 4 Which would you like to learn mare about? 5 What do you find about learning English? 6 How often do you use English of your English classes? 7 Ifyou could have any what would you do and why? 8 Whats your greatest study or work ? In pairs, ask and answer the questions. {© Cambridge Universty Press and 86 sPeaxine | PaRT1 | 2 Cambtage Assessment 2020 = Complete the sentences with the correct form of can or be able to. 1. My davghter say the whole alphabet by the time she was three, 2. Which foreign languages you speak? 3. Do you think you frish the project by tomorrow evering? 4. Jenna has always got work, despite not having many qualifications. 5. carry on working ~Im exhausted! 6. My brother count unl he was six, but he's an acountant now. Or * For the questions in Phase 1 of Part 1, you can give quite short answers (your name, whether you work or study, what job you do, where you live, etc.) but avoid answering with only one word. + InPhase 2 of Part 1, answer in more detal try to give examples or reasons for your answers. + Listen carefully to the examiner's questions. If you don't understand something, ask them to repeat it. To watch videos of the complete B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking tests, go to ‘© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PART1|2 87 P SPEAKING __ PARTY 3) Hobbies and leisure Match 1-6 to a-f to make sentences about hobbies, 2._doitmnd gong tothe gyn, hough) b is cheaper tan buy ther) 3._tTove making tings because becawse heyretun. {._efer eam sports onl nes Lifer as where ee 5. Alough Pvt very ood att | 2 fs ab bong 6. rater swim edoosthanin ake) ‘ite tke dancng 5 Now complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1. td rather 2. Iimnot keen on 3. Hove 4. I don't mind ‘© Cambridge University Press and 88 SPEAKING | PART1 | 3 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 Or=Im™ Qe 15 complete the exa 1's questions. Then listen and check. 1 What do you enjoy doing in your ? 2 Doyou enjoy playing. 2 Which ones? 3 Do you prefer to watch sports rather than in them? 4 Doyou enjoy things with other people? 5 What are the most popular sports or hobbies in your ? 6 What would you most fk to try? 7 Have you ever tried any... sports? Did you enjoy it? 8 How did you spend last ? In pairs, ask and answer the questions. = Complete the text with so, while, after, what’s more, at first and anyway. Last week, a frend of mine invited me to watch her doing her hobby. (1) « Iwas confuse: why would she want me to do that? (2) « Iwent along tothe local theatre, where a band was playing that night. |arrved early, (3) I sat down and waited. (4) was siting there, my friend appeared on stage with a huge piece of paper, which she stuck to a board. That was strange enough, but (5) «when the band came on, she took out some paints and brushes as well. As the band played, my friend painted to their music! (6 they finished playing, my friend showed the picture to the audience. It was amazing! {O) Get it right! ) Look at the sentence below. Then try to correct the mistake, But it would be better if you can take part too. To watch videos of the complete B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking tests, go to ‘© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PART1| 3 89 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition. Four people are cycling the road, They are in ofthe tratfe, The cyclist of the others is wearing jeans. J. The two cyclists behind him ae ring two tans The driver ofthe grey tax is looking ‘ahead. the taxis, there is a van. 1 2. 3. 4, 5. The taxi the lefts grey, 6, 7. 8. We can't see any passengers the tans Match the questions and sentences 1-6 to the functions a-f Te yor age? )— [arterapine poy > 2_What co you tink? B askng wether someone has the sare option 3 Soy, can say someting? dsagrecing 4 Tot sre about at asking for someone's ion B._Sorn, mot swe whatyounean. ) —[ agreeng S 6. Bact asking (orang obo ade cer 90 sPeaKine | paRT2 | 1 (© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 | GL Ep Work in pairs. One person is A and one person is B. Q) reek Listen to the examiner explaining the first part ofthe Part 2 task Avcomplete the fst part ofthe task. Photograph 1 PEED D417 now ston tothe examiner expaning the second par ofthe Part 2 task B, complete the second part ofthe task Photograph 2 O=xxI=y + InPart 2, the examiner gives each of you a large colour photo. + You have to describe what is happening in your photo and what else you can see. * You each need to talk for about ane minute © Cambridge Univers Press ang Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PART2|1 91. EU Ire © Yi MME Look at the pictures of items you take on holiday. What do you think they are? Tell your partner, Use the phrases in the box. ld / may / might be... Itlooks as if... Itlooks like... Its possible... It seems. a 6 Are you)? Did (your? Isee. Ishe / she? Is that right? Respond to the information in 1-8. Use the phrases in the box. No way! Oh, really? Oh, yeah? That's (amazing) Wow! My uncle's climbed Mount Everest. I travelled around Japan by train last year My family lvays goes to the beach in summer. [rm going on a camping trip to the jungle next month My friend goes on extreme sports holidays every winter My brothers planning to travel around the world in year. | couldn't ride a bike because I broke my le. My sister's won a prize for ane of her paintings. ‘© Cambridge Universty Press and 92 SPEAKING | PART 2 | 2 ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 ——E= OrxIz™ Ep Work in pairs, One person is A and one person is B. (QD track 18 Listen to the examiner explaining the first part of the Part 2 task. A, complete the first part ofthe task. Photograph 1 () vex19 Now stn tothe examiner explain the second par ofthe Pat task By complete the second part of the task Photograph 2 Orx=Im™ * InPart , describe who you can see, where they are and what they are doing. You can also describe the clothes they are wearing. This includes other people you can see in the background, Then describe other things in the background — for example, landscapes, buildings, vehicles, ete. + Make sure you know how to describe position - for example, on the let, on the right, at the top, at the bottom, above, below, ete + Ifyou don't know the word for something in the picture, don't worry. You can try to explain what i is using words you do know. You can also spend mare time describing other things in the photo that you find easier to tak about. {© Cambridge Universty Press and (Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PART2|2 93 P SPEAKING _PART2_@Y3) Pe aS Match the words in the box to items a+ in the house. What do you use them for? basin cooker balcony garage gate lamp bookcase stairs -_orthrow what > 1 a forte thing tat > 2._Lcant remember the word S what ean, it 5 3._What do you ¢ calit..? 4._Lcat find the word Im € its cated 5. not sure this iste right word, but 6. What! S ooking fo. Sy 7._What’s the & meanis 8. You know fname ofthe thing that 940 spevtnc | paRT2 | 3 © cane Unaty Ps and ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 ——E= OrxIz™ Ep Work in pairs. One person is A and one person is B. Q) reek20 Liston tothe examiner explaining the frst part ofthe Part 2 task Avcomplete the fst part ofthe task. E Photograph @ tack21 Now taten tothe examiner explaining the second part of the Part 2 task, B, complete the second part ofthe task t : Photograph 2 Omi Look at the sentences below, Then try to correct the mistake in each one, | didn't know that this ety would so interesting. It would be nice see The Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino, {© Cambridge Universty Press and ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PART2| 3 95 EU xo © Ca Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. There may be more than one correct answer for each space, as because ud ot would should = since. $0 Sam: Let's make a shopping list for our barbecue party on Saturday. Carly: OK. I think we (1) get sausages (2) everyone loves them! Sam: Mm, but (3) think we should buy too many burgers ~ there were a lt let ater our last party. Carly: True. We (4) ‘get some fish (5) not everyone eats meat. Sam: Yes, and how about getting some tasty vegetables? Carly: That (6) be a good idea. And the children lke chicken, (7) let's get some of that Sam: Great, and (8) your parents lke jacket potatoes, why don't we cook some of those as well” Carly: Perfect! Look at the words in bold in these sentences. Let's buy Dad some new boots. Walking inthe hills makes him feel relaxed Which word ... a shows that something / someone causes another thing to happen bis used to make a suggestion Now rewrite the sentences so they mean the same, using Let’ or the correct form of make. 1. Iwas late for the concert because there was a traffic jam. The traffic jam 2. Why dor t we go to that new bookshop in town this afternoon? 3. How about going to see the new James Bond film? 4. We were told we had to run 5 km by our basketball coach, Our basketball coach {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 96 SPEAKING | PARTS 3 AND 4 | 1 ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 OL PEED Dre 22 user tote examine exaing he tas for Pat 2 Then alt a partes or about two minutes. Presents for a 16-year-old friend [HED D202 22 now ston tothe oxaminer asking te questions forthe Part task, Pause the recording after each question. Work in pairs and discuss your answers to each ofthe examiner's questions together. Try to say as much as you can in answer to each question. OE + InPart , the examiner describes a situation to you and shows you some pictures. * You have to discuss your views and opinions with the other student, + You will need to make suggestions and reply to the suggestions thatthe other student makes. + InPart 4, the examiner will ask you questions abo Part 3 + These questions are mainly about your opinions and experience related to the Part 3 topic. + The examiner may ask you the questions individually or encourage you to discuss the answers together. similar topic © Cambridge Unversty Press ana Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PARTS 3AND4|1 97 EU xo O Food and drink about da fancy have shal 1. A: What we have for hnch? 4, A: Why B: | think we friends on Saturday? 2 At How setting a takeaway later? B: Thats B: No, 5. AsLets 3. A: Which traditional dish from your country Bi Te rather you recommend trying? 6. A:Do you B: You should restaurant this evening? B: Why don't we ..? 98 sPeaKine | PARTS 3 AND 4 | 2 Customer: Hello. (1) (Ask for a table.) Waiter: Of course, Fallow me, Here you are, Customer: Thank you. (2) VAsk to see the menu.) Waiter: Here itis. Can I get you anything to drink while you decide? Customer: (3) (Ask for two drinks, one for you and one for your friend!) Waiter: ‘ve you ready to order? Customer: Yes. (4) (Ask for two dishes, one for you and one for your friend!) Waiter: Is everything OK with your meal? Customer: (5) (Say one dish is fine, but make a complaint about the other) Waiter. Would you ike any desserts or coffee? Customer: (6) (Say no and ask forthe bil) Waiter: Certainly. How would you lke to pay? Customer: (7) (Tell the waiter how you would like to pay.) Complete the dialogues with words from the box. Then, in pairs, ask and answer. we cook dinner for our a barbecue tonight! going to that new pizza Complete the dialogue. Then, in pairs, take turns to be the waiter and the customer. {© Cambridge Universty Press anc ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 OrxIz™ PEED D201 24 user tone examine esaning he tas for Pat 3 Then al with a partner or about two minutes. ‘Types of food for a student party ’iner asking the questions for the Part 4 task. Pause the recording after each question. Work in pairs and discuss your answers to each of the ‘examiner's questions together. Try to say as much as you can in answer to each question. Ox + InPart 3, show interest in what the other student is saying and respond to what they say, + Look at the other student during the ciscussion, not the examiner. ‘+ Atthe end ofthe discussion for Part 3, you should agree on a final decision withthe other student, + InPart 4, try not to give very short answers to the examiner's questions. + Discuss the answers to the Part 4 questions with your partner, if possible. + Ifyou dontt understand one of the questions, ask the examiner to repeat it. {© Cambridge Univesty Press ana ‘Cambridge Assessment 2020 SPEAKING | PARTS3AND4|2 99 EU O Respond to statements 1-7. Use the phrases in the box. | agree that I believe [eel that nave no doubt that... fm absolutely certain that Im (not) sure that In my opinion Personally | (don't think that ... To be honest | guess 1. Doing dangerous activites like motor~acing isnt very responsible. 2. Dancing’s one of the most sociable activities there is. 3. Ifyou keep your body fit, your mind will be heathy too. 4. It's realy important to do activities apart from work or study. 5. Hanging out with friends is as important as having hobbies. 6. It’s important to spend some time each week just doing not 7. Playing computer games or watching TV is a waste of time. Choose the correct alternative. | don't want to swim outdoors today because its too / enough cold. . Wow That was 30 / such a good fim! Jenny collects action figures ~ she's got so / such many now that she's got nowhere to put them 1 2, 3 4. never seem to have too / enough fre time. 5. Adam pleys the guitar so / such well -he should be a professional musician, 6 Iim too / enough busy to go out tonight. {© Cambridge Universty Press anc 100 sPeaKina | PARTS 3AND 4 | 3 ‘Cambiage Assessment 2020 ——E= OrxIm™ PEED Dre 25 user tote examine esaing he tas for Par 3 Then tal wit a parte or about two minutes Activites for a weekend away PEED D201 27 now ston tothe oxaminer asking the questions forthe Part task, Pause the recording after each question. Work in pairs and diecuss your answers to each ofthe examiner's questions together. Try to say as much as you can in answer to each question Orem Look at the sentences below and choose the correct one. They are such pleasant people. They are so pleasant people. {© Came Unirray Pros and Cambrge seen 2020 SPEAKING | PARTS 3 ND 4 | 3 101

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