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EOTC Risk Assessment Form - High Risk

Risk Assessment: Team Sailing Training/ Competitions Version: #4 Date: 16/8/22

Harm Hazard Risk Controls Check:

Rating? Controls
What could Why would this How serious is How can it be prevented? First try to e)liminate, then m)inimise the risk implemented?
go wrong? happen? this? By who?
m) Wear buoyancy aid at all times when on the water, hair must be in plaits, no
open jacket over the buoyancy aid, all students are confident swimmers and have
Water Extreme had practice capsizing and righting sailing dinghies.
Motorised support boat with competent and experienced driver & crew accompany
each training session.
e) --
Sun stroke, Sun and salt water
High m) Students wear sunblock, sunglasses, sun hats and appropriate clothing,
dehydrated exposure
students carry sufficient amount of water on change-over boat and drink regularly
e) ---
Intensive physical
Exhaustion m) upper wind limit of 23 knots, limited time on the water, regular practice in
exercise in strong Low
sailing dinghies, sound physical fitness of sailors, snacks and water in support
e) Avoid collisions at high speeds, sailors are alert, avoid distractions
Serious Boat collision High m) wear buoyancy aid at all times on the water, alert support crews to cuts asap
injury – to get appropriate treatment
strain, cut,
infections e) --
from cuts Tripping hazard High m) maintain boats to avoid sharp objects in boat, replace old ropes, train regularly
to improve sense of balance in sailors and build teamwork in boats

Slips on boat Slippery surface High e) --

ramp m) sailors are aware of slip hazard on boat ramps, clean ramps in regular
intervals, wear footwear to increase traction and reduce risks of cuts, report near
misses and incidents to sailing club and school
Accident e) --
with injury m) defensive driving of well-rested and responsible drivers, regular stops and
Travelling on NZ roads Extreme
or death experienced drives, avoid night driving where possible, rotate drivers, adhere to
school driving policy

e) --
Travel Long trip on NZ roads Low m) drive carefully with regular stops, medication for students who are prone to
sickness travel sickness, sit in front of van

Reviewed: August 2022 Date: 16.08.22 Approved: SLT Next Review: 2023

6. EOTC Risk Assessment form Napier Girls’ High School, 18.01..22.doc

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