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1)Produce a mini proposal following to the scenario.

(Introduction, Significance of the research, problem

Statements, Aims and Objectives, Hypothesis or
resarch Questions, research Methods = plan for data
Introduction: The sudden shift to remote work due to the
COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of
technology in enabling remote work to be successful.
However, technology problems such as slow file
download, poor quality video meetings, and long response
times when loading apps have impacted businesses and
employees. In order to continue the flexibility of the
workforce, it is necessary for organizations to build a
secure, effective, and integrated technology capability.
Significance of the research: The research aims to identify
the technology problems that are hindering the
effectiveness of remote work and propose solutions to
address these issues. This is significant as it will help
organizations to improve the productivity and satisfaction
of their remote workers, and ultimately, their overall
business performance.
Problem statements:
 Technology problems such as slow file download and
poor quality video meetings are negatively impacting the
productivity and satisfaction of remote workers.
 Long response times when loading apps can lead to
frustration and decreased efficiency for remote workers.
Aims and objectives:
 To identify the technology problems that are hindering the
effectiveness of remote work
 To propose solutions to address these technology
Hypothesis or research questions:
 What are the technology problems that are affecting the
effectiveness of remote work?
 How can these technology problems be addressed to
improve the productivity and satisfaction of remote
Research methods:
 Data collection will be conducted through a combination
of surveys and interviews with business leaders and
remote workers.
 The surveys will be administered online to a sample of
businesses and remote workers.
 The interviews will be conducted over the phone or
through video conferencing with a sample of business
leaders and remote workers.
2)Write a short note on reason for choosing this
research project(e.g. links to other subjects you are
studying, personal interest, future plans, and
knowledge/ skills you want to improve, why the topic
is important ). write your answer with example
relating it to explanations.

There are many reasons why someone might choose a

particular research project. Some possible reasons might
1. Links to other subjects: The research project might be
related to other subjects that the researcher is studying,
allowing them to build on their existing knowledge and
skills. For example, if the researcher is studying business
management, they might be interested in a research
project that investigates the impact of remote work on
business performance.
2. Personal interest: The researcher might be personally
interested in the topic of the research project, perhaps
because it is relevant to his or her own experiences or
because it relates to a hobby or passion of theirs. For
example, a researcher who is interested in technology
might be drawn to a research project that investigates the
technology problems that are hindering the effectiveness
of remote work.
3. Future plans: The research project might be related to the
researcher's future plans or career goals. For example, a
researcher who is interested in working in human
resources might choose a research project that
investigates the impact of remote work on employee well-
4. Knowledge/skills improvement: The researcher might be
interested in improving their knowledge and skills in a
particular area through the research project. For example,
a researcher who is interested in data analysis might
choose a research project that involves collecting and
analyzing numerical data in order to improve their skills
in this area.
5. Importance of the topic: The researcher might choose a
research project because they believe the topic is
important and has the potential to make a positive impact.
For example, a researcher might choose a research project
that investigates the technology problems facing remote
workers because they believe it is important to understand
these issues in order to improve the effectiveness of
remote work.
In the scenario provided, a researcher might choose a
research project that investigates the technology problems
facing remote workers for a variety of reasons. For
example, the researcher might be interested in improving
their knowledge and skills in data analysis and statistical
analysis by collecting and analyzing numerical data, or
they might be personally interested in technology and
want to explore the issues facing remote workers in this
area. They might also believe that the topic is important
because it has the potential to make a positive impact on
the productivity and satisfaction of remote workers.

3)What is literature review? Explain the importance of

conducting literature review with examples.

A literature review is a summary and evaluation of the

research that has been published on a particular topic. It is
an important part of the research process, as it allows
researchers to identify what is already known about a
topic, identify gaps in the existing research, and determine
the direction for future research.
There are several reasons why conducting a literature
review is important:
1. To gain an understanding of the current state of
knowledge on a topic: A literature review allows
researchers to see what research has been done on a topic,
what findings have been reported, and what questions
remain unanswered. This helps researchers to understand
the current state of knowledge on the topic and to identify
any gaps in the research.
2. To identify trends and patterns in the research: By
examining a large number of studies on a topic,
researchers can identify trends and patterns in the
research, such as common themes, methods, or findings.
This can help researchers to see how their own research
fits into the bigger picture and to identify areas that need
further investigation.
3. To inform the research question or hypothesis: A
literature review helps researchers to refine their research
question or hypothesis by identifying what is already
known about a topic and what questions remain
unanswered. This helps researchers to focus their research
on a specific area and to ensure that their study adds to the
existing knowledge in a meaningful way.
4. To avoid duplicating previous research: By conducting a
literature review, researchers can ensure that they are not
duplicating previous research and can instead focus on
new and important contributions to the field.
For example, in the scenario provided, a researcher might
conduct a literature review on the technology problems
facing remote workers. This might involve reviewing
research on topics such as the impact of technology
problems on productivity, the effectiveness of different
solutions to these problems, and the factors that contribute
to technology problems in remote work settings. By
conducting this literature review, the researcher would be
able to gain an understanding of the current state of
knowledge on this topic, identify any gaps in the research,
and inform their own research question or hypothesis.

4) Research should be conducted ethically. What ethic

rules should be considered when conducting research?
Support your answer with examples and link your answer
to the scenario provided.

Ethics is an important aspect of research as it ensures that

the research is conducted in a responsible and respectful
manner, and that the rights of participants are protected.
There are several ethical principles that should be
considered when conducting research, including:
1. Informed consent: Participants should be fully informed
about the nature and purpose of the research and should
be given the opportunity to freely decide whether or not to
participate. In the scenario provided, this could involve
providing information about the research to business
leaders and remote workers and obtaining their consent
before conducting surveys or interviews with them.
2. Confidentiality: The personal information of participants
should be kept confidential and should not be shared
without their consent. In the scenario provided, this could
involve ensuring that the responses to the surveys and
interviews are kept private and not shared with anyone
outside of the research team.
3. Deception: Participants should not be deceived or misled
about the nature of the research. In the scenario provided,
this could involve being transparent about the purpose of
the research and not providing false information to
4. Risk of harm: Researchers should take steps to minimize
the risk of harm to participants, both physical and
psychological. In the scenario provided, this could
involve ensuring that the surveys and interviews are
designed in a way that does not cause undue stress or
discomfort to participants.
5. Right to withdraw: Participants should be given the right
to withdraw from the research at any time without any
negative consequences. In the scenario provided, this
could involve providing information to participants about
their right to withdraw and respecting their decision if
they choose to do so.
5) what do you understand by research method?
Write about qualitative and quantitative methods
including the advantages and limitations in
conducting the research for the scenario

Research methods refer to the strategies and techniques

that researchers use to collect and analyze data. There
are two main types of research methods: qualitative and
Qualitative research methods involve collecting and
analyzing data in the form of words, images, or sounds.
These methods are used to explore and understand
people's experiences, perspectives, and insights. Some
examples of qualitative research methods include
interviews, focus groups, and observations. Advantages
of qualitative research include the ability to explore
complex phenomena in depth and to understand the
context in which the research is taking place.
Limitations include the subjectivity of the data and the
difficulty in generalizing findings to a wider population.
Quantitative research methods involve collecting and
analyzing numerical data. These methods are used to
test hypotheses and to identify patterns and trends.
Some examples of quantitative research methods
include surveys, experiments, and statistical analysis.
Advantages of quantitative research include the ability
to generalize findings to a wider population and the use
of statistical analysis to increase the reliability of the
results. Limitations include the difficulty in exploring
complex phenomena in depth and the potential for bias
in the data collection process.
In the scenario provided, both qualitative and
quantitative research methods could be useful in
understanding the technology problems that are
hindering the effectiveness of remote work. For
example, qualitative methods such as interviews could
be used to explore the experiences and perspectives of
business leaders and remote workers in depth, while
quantitative methods such as surveys could be used to
identify patterns and trends in the data. It may be useful
to combine both types of methods in order to get a more
complete understanding of the issue.

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