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Name Proofreading

Proofreading Practice
Circle the errors in the passage.

The Harried Harpers

There was always so much to do! Mrs. harper picked up her five-year-old from kindergarten.
She went to teh grocery story and ran some other errands. Then she picked up her ten-year-
old from school and took the girl’s straight to their music lessons. On thier way home, she
stopped to pick up her teenage son from football practice. By the time they got home, it
was already Six’o’clock Mr. Harper came in from a long day at work and asked about
dinner which Mrs. Harper was still cooking. While dinner was on the stove, she fed the dogs,
and fed the cats. She helped the kids with their homework and listened to Mr. Harper tell her
about his day. It was seven before they sat down to eat, and buy that time
everyone was starving, and a little but grumpy. After dinner it was bath time for
the youngest kid, and more homework for the older ones. By nine all the kids
were in bed, and Mrs. Harper was exhausted. It was just another typical day in
in the Harper household!


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