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Course Overview and Summary Lesson plans

Developing Games = 13 lessons

Learning objectives
1. To identify what makes a good game and identify areas of improvement
Lesson 1 2. To apply decomposition to game investigation
3. To create pseudocode for game aspects
A SIMPLE GAME Lesson overview
Students are introduced to a simple game in Construct 3 and investigate
the game using decomposition and the use of pseudocode in planning.

Lesson Duration Worksheet 1.1 - Video game analysis
45-60 mins Worksheet 1.2 - Construct 3 example game decomposition
Worksheet 1.3 - pseudocode creation

Learning objectives
1. To identify what is an input and output
Lesson 2
2. To create a sprite with a behavior to move by keyboard arrows
3. To demonstrate an effective testing table
Lesson overview
Students are introduced to the workspace and add a tiled background and
a sprite. Students add 2 behaviors to control the movement of the sprite
and learn about effective testing.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 2.1 - Input and outputs
45-60 mins
Worksheet 2.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify what is an event and action
2. To create an event and action within the game
Lesson 3 3. To demonstrate an effective testing table

EVENTS AND Lesson overview

ACTIONS Students are asked to look at the difference between events and actions
with an introduction to conditional statements. Students are then guided
through adding an event and action to the car game to allow it to collide
with a cone and the cone disappears.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 3.1 - Events and Actions
45-60 mins
Worksheet 3.2 - Testing table

Lesson 4 Learning objectives

©️Copyright Construct 3 2020 written by Pam Jones 1

1. To identify between data types
2. To create a global variable to be used within the game
3. To demonstrate an effective testing table
Lesson overview
Students are asked to look at variables and different data types. The student
will add a global variable to their game for the scoring and attach this to the
cone, as the cone is destroyed the score will increase by 1.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 3.1 -Data types
45-60 mins
Worksheet - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify between audience types
2. To create an instructions page with start button
Lesson 5 3. To demonstrate an effective testing table

USER NEEDS Lesson overview

Students are asked to look at how target audiences are defined and how a
user needs to be considered with how to play a game. The student will add
a new page to the game with instructions and a button to start the game.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 3.1 - Audience types
45-60 mins
Worksheet - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify stages in a project lifecycle
2. To create a game over page that is activated by an event
Lesson 6 3. To demonstrate an effective testing and evaluation stage

PROJECT Lesson overview

LIFECYCLE Students are asked to look at the project lifecycle and understand the
aspects that are included in the different stages. The students add a game
over screen and link the game with an event and action to activate the
game over.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 4.1 - Project lifecycle stages
45-60 mins
Worksheet - Testing table

Lesson 7 Learning objectives

©️Copyright Construct 3 2020 written by Pam Jones 2

1. To identify strands in computational thinking
2. To create an animated sprite and tilemap
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage
Lesson overview
Students are asked to look at computational thinking and the 4 strands.
The students look at the initial stages of the game creation by adding the
main sprite with animation and the tilemap background.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 7.1 - Computational thinking strands
45-60 mins
Worksheet 7.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify flowchart symbols
2. To create a moving sprite contained within maze walls
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage
Lesson 8
Lesson overview
Students are asked to look at flowcharts and how they are used to visualise
an algorithm. The students continue to build on their game creation by
adding the walls to the maze, movement to the sprite and additional
behaviors and sprites.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 8.1 - Follow the flowchart
45-60 mins
Worksheet 8.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify how a compound conditional statement is structured
2. To create a compound conditional event and action for a collision
Lesson 9
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage
Lesson overview
Students are asked to look at compound conditional statements and how
they are used in programming. The students continue to build on their
game creation by adding the events on the toast to ensure it fades when it
collides with the sprite.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 9.1 - Writing a compound conditional statement
45-60 mins
Worksheet 9.2 - Testing table

Lesson 10 Learning objectives

©️Copyright Construct 3 2020 written by Pam Jones 3

1. To identify the difference between functions and procedures
2. To create an enemy for the game with its own behaviors
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage

FUNCTIONS Lesson overview

Students are asked to look at functions and how they are used in
programming. The students continue to build on their game creation by
adding a water enemy.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 10.1 - Writing a compound conditional statement
45-60 mins
Worksheet 10.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify the difference between actions and libraries in Construct 3
2. To create a way to end the game when the enemy catches the sprite
Lesson 11
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage
Lesson overview
Students are asked to look at libraries and how they are used in
programming. The students continue to build on their game creation by
behaviors and game over functionality.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 11.1 - Matching actions to the library
45-60 mins
Worksheet 11.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify the difference between variable naming conventions
Lesson 12 2. To create a way to make the water move along a path
3. To demonstrate an effective testing stage
NAMING Lesson overview
CONVENTIONS Students are asked to look at different naming conventions for variables.
The students continue to build on their game creation by completing the
game with making the water sprite flow along a path.

Lesson Duration
Worksheet 12.1 - Sort variable names into naming conventions
45-60 mins
Worksheet 12.2 - Testing table

Learning objectives
1. To identify areas for improvement
Lesson 13 2. To gain feedback on changes made
3. To develop the final game
AND FEEDBACK Lesson overview
Students are asked to consider feedback from others and develop their
game further to improve the final game.

Lesson Duration Resources

45-60 mins Worksheet 13.1 - Gaining feedback

©️Copyright Construct 3 2020 written by Pam Jones 4

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