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Lesson 2



Lesson Objective:
At the end of this learning journey, you will be able to:

Knowledge express ideas, beliefs, opinions using the different types of

Values grasp the intended meaning, including the implications and
possibilities embedded in statements with conditional sentences
Skills write logical inferences about the potential outcomes or implications
of certain conditions being met or not met.

What are the benefits of learning conditional sentences?

1. If 3.Tense 5. Result
2. Condition 4. Real vs. Unreal
In this lesson, you will find out why learning conditional sentences is of paramount
importance and what crucial role do they play in communication and critical thinking.
You will also encounter how mastery of conditional sentences enhances language
proficiency thus enables individuals to convey their ideas with precision and accuracy.
Moreover, in this learning journey you will understand that conditional sentences
empowers you learners to make logical deductions, solve problems, and analyze cause-
and-effect relationships, fostering effective decision-making and critical thought
processes in various aspects of life.


Conditional sentences can be understood simply by breaking them down into two parts:
the "if" clause (condition) and the "result" clause (outcome). The "if" clause introduces the
condition, which is something that must happen or be true for the result to occur. The
"result" clause shows what will happen as a consequence of the condition being met.

There are four (4) main types of conditional sentences under each with its own structure
and meaning:


1. Zero Conditional: Used for general truths or facts, where the condition and result always
happen. The structure is: "If + present simple, present simple."

Example: "If you heat ice, it melts."

2. First Conditional: Used for real possibilities or likely future events. The structure is: "If +
present simple, will + base verb."

Example: "If it rains, I will take an umbrella."

NOTE: “When” is also used for stating conditional sentences that suggests frequency of
something happening.

Both “if” and “when” are used in the Present Real Conditional. Using “if” suggest that
something happens less frequently. Using “when” suggest that something happens

➢ When I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach. (I REGULARLY HAVE DAYS

➢ If I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach.


3. Second Conditional: The present unreal conditional, also known as the second
conditional, is a type of conditional sentence used to express hypothetical or unlikely
situations in the present or future. It deals with situations that are contrary to reality or
unlikely to occur. The present unreal conditional is typically structured as follows:

If + Past Simple, Would + Base Verb

Example Sentences:

1. If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.

2. If she had more time, she would learn to play the guitar.

3. If they knew the answer, they would tell us.

In the present unreal conditional, the "if" clause (condition) uses the past simple tense,
even though the situation is being discussed in the present or future. The "result" clause
(outcome) uses "would" followed by the base form of the verb to indicate the
hypothetical consequence of the unreal condition.

The present unreal conditional is often used to express wishes, dreams, suggestions, or
imaginary scenarios. It helps create a contrast between the current reality and a
hypothetical or desired situation.

EXCEPTION If I were…In the Present Unreal Conditional, the form “was” is not
considered grammatically correct. In written English or in a testing situation, you should
always use “were”. However, in everyday conversation, “was” is often used.

➢ If he were French, he would live in Paris.
➢ If she were rich, she would buy a yacht.
➢ I would play basketball if I were taller.
➢ I would buy that computer if it were cheaper.
➢ I would buy that computer if it was cheaper. Not Correct (but often said in

IMPORTANT only use “IF”

Only the word “if” is used with Present Unreal Conditional because you are discussing
imaginary situations. “When” cannot be used.

➢ I would buy that computer when it were cheaper. (not correct)

➢ I would buy that computer if it were cheaper. (correct)

4. Third Conditional: Used for unreal or regretful situations in the past. The structure is: "If +
past perfect, would have + past participle." Unlike the present unreal conditional (second
conditional), which deals with hypothetical or unlikely situations in the present or future,
the third conditional specifically addresses unreal situations in the past and the imagined
outcomes that could have resulted from different actions or decisions.


1. If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
2. If we had taken an earlier flight, we would have arrived on time.
3. If they had listened to the advice, they wouldn't have gotten lost.



Direction: Read and understand the questions below, choose and circle the correct

1. Identify the type of conditional sentence: “If I study hard, I will pass the exam.”
A) First conditional C) Third conditional
B) Second conditional D) Zero conditional

2. Which of the following is an example of the zero conditional?

A) If she had studied, she would have passed.
B) If it rains, I will take an umbrella.
C) If you mix red and blue, you get purple.
D) If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.

3. Complete the sentence with the appropriate conditional form:

If I ___ enough money, I would buy that car.
A) have C) will have
B) had D) would have

4. Choose the correct second conditional sentence:

A) If I go to the party, I will meet my friends.
B) If I went to the party, I would meet my friends.
C) If I would go to the party, I will meet my friends.
D) If I go to the party, I would meet my friends.

5. Which of the following is an example of the third conditional?

A) If I had enough money, I will buy that car.
B) If I had enough money, I would buy that car.
C) If I have enough money, I will buy that car.
D) If I have enough money, I would buy that car.

Complete each sentence with Zero Conditionals. Circle the correct answer.

1. If you add salt to the water, ___________________.

a. it will taste sweet b. it would taste salty
c. it tastes salty d. it becomes solid

2. If it continuously rains hard for a month, _________.

a. the plants grow fast b. farmers would feel happy
c. many can’t go out d. sickness would be experienced

3. If you place a plastic bag of water inside the freezer, _______.

a. you will get rich b. it becomes ice
c. it will destroy the freezer d. it would remain liquid

4. If trees are gone, ___________________________.

a. we all die b. enough oxygen is produced
c. we could smell fresh air d. politicians would feel sad

5. If kids are fond of sweets, ____________________.

a. they would smile everyday b. their teeth are easily affected
c. mothers would take some d. they would crave for more

6. If you boil water for a long time, ________________.

a. water evaporates b. the bacteria would die
c. it would be safe for drinking d. it should be a healthy drink

7. If you place a block of ice under the sun, __________.

a. it melts b. it will remain as it is
c. the ice would turn into cubes d. it dries up the area

8. If you water a cactus every day, _________________.

a. it grows fast b. it dies in a few days
c. it bears flowers easily d. it would be eaten by snails

9. If you rub two dry sticks for a long time, ____________

a. it flames b. it becomes wet
c. it will burns your hands d. your hands would numb

10. If a person grows old, _________________________

a. the skin wrinkles b. all teeth would have gone
c. he might get sick d. he/she could still run an hour

Directions: Complete the 1st conditional sentences by writing the correct forms of the
verbs in parenthesis. Write your answers on the blank.

I. I ___________ (not come) with you if you _____________ (not bring) your dog!
2. If he__________ (save) all his money, he__________ (be able to go) on holiday to
3. You________ (be) safe in an accident if you_________ (wear) your seatbelt.
4. If you_________ (eat) your food now, you_________ (not have) anything for dinner!
5. If there ________ (be) no oil in the engine, the tricycle __________ (break) down.
6. If you _________ (not study), you_________ (fail) the test.
7. If you_________ (not want) to go out, I ______ (cook) lunch at home.
8. He__________ (stay) in Korea if he___________ (get) a job.
9. She ______________ (buy) a new car if she____________ (have) enough money.
10. They ____________ (take) a bus if it___________ (rain)


Directions: Construct 3 conditional sentences using the First Conditionals about the
following picture:



Directions: Write a conditional sentence (Zero, First, Second and Third conditionals)
depending on the given context expressing your beliefs, opinions, ideas about the given

If you become a teenage mother/ teenage father (Zero Conditional)

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

If you got a “fail” in English Subject (First Conditional)

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

If you become a parent at an early age (Second Conditional)


If you spent time with group of people that had bad influence to you. (Third

4 _________________________________________________________________________________
If your exams were all aced.


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