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Raffles Christian School, Pondok Indah 

Topic Outline T3 - 2020-2021 

English Primary 2 

Week   Chapter (s)/Topics  Objectives 

1  Unit 6: Poems by famous poets  ● talk about specific words in a poem 

  ● read a poem with confidence 
18 - 22 January  ● recognise and talk about specific poetry 
● split compound words into parts 
● read, recite, and recognise repetition and 
rhythm in a poem 
● understand key elements of performance 
● write a new version of a rhyme 
● comment on and appreciate the 
importance of shape and layout in a poem 
● answer questions about the poem to 
demonstrate their understanding 
● use interesting words in their speaking 
and writing about a poem 
● read apostrophe ‘s and know what it can 
● extend those ideas with their own 
● identify general features of a poem and 
use these in their writing 
● use the structure of the poem to develop 
their own writing  

2  Unit 7: Stories by famous writers  ● show awareness of different types of books 

  and authors  
25 - 29 January  ● explain why they like/dislike reading 
particular book and author 
● listen carefully to each other and ask 
relevant questions 
● spell high frequency words correctly 
● use punctuation, including speech marks to 
guide them as they read aloud 
● answer WH question relating to the story 
● infer how a character is feeling 
● know about suffixes -ly add it to words 
● write well-constructed sentences 
beginning with a capital letter and ending 
with a full stop 
● choose the best word to join sentences 
● infer information about a character and a 
● use a growing vocabulary and mastery of 
different sentence types to share their 
● listen carefully and ask questions  
3 - 4   Unit 7: Stories by famous writers  ● select interesting words and explain why 
  they are interesting  
1 - 5 February  ● identify words that writers use to signal a 
8 - 12 February  change in time 
  ● generate their own questions using WH 
10 Feb - CNY  words 
Celebration  ● identify words they did not understand and 
  explain what they did to find the meaning 
11 - 12 CNY Holiday  ● read a part of a new story and decide 
(​based on the school calendar​)  whether they like it 
● find clues in the text to infer how it might 
● use their understanding of WH words to 
answer questions, giving the information 
● be aware of words and phrases that 
indicate the sequence of events 
● show awareness of how and why authors 
group ideas together 
● talk about what happen in the different 
parts of the story 
● predict an ending to the story 
● group ideas into sections or paragraphs 
● use a range of sentence structures 
● use and punctuate some dialogue in a 
● spell high frequency words correctly 
● plan a new story, based on one they know 

5  Writing Assessments:   ● use a fast, fluent and legible handwriting 

    style with some joined letters 
15 - 19 February  Writing a story with a happy  ● find ways in improving their writing and 
ending  identify some errors 
  ● demonstrate an understanding of full stops 
  and capital letters  
● group ideas into sections or paragraphs 
● use and punctuate some dialogue in a 
● use interesting words to describe the 
setting and characters 
● use sequencing words to show events take 
● recognise when their writing is not in the 
past tense 
● predict a happy ending of a story 

6  Unit 8: Things under the sea  ● recognise, read and respond to the 
  questions words 
22 - 26 February  ● punctuate a question accurately 
● sound out many unfamiliar words 
● read aloud, demonstrating their skills and 
using appropriate intonations 
● take information from diagrams as well as 
● read a text to find information 
● identify the title and heading in a report 
● refer to a glossary to find the meaning of a 
● use the first letter to put words in 
alphabetical order 
● select a relevant connective to join two 
● punctuate sentences appropriately 
● assess their own handwriting 
● identify the most important ideas in a text 
and summarise them 
● vary the speed, tone and pitch of their 
voices to hold their listeners’ attention 
● demonstrate an awareness of what their 
listener needs to know 
● listen carefully, asking questions of others

7  Unit 8: Things under the sea  ● find information from a chart 

  ● write a brief text, summarising information  
1 - 5 March  ● use capital letters and full stops correctly 
● use new, precise words appropriately 
● identify the present tense  
● express opinions about their preferred way 
of reading information 
● use the present tense in writing  
● find information on a webpage 
● identify the purpose of a text 
● answer questions based on a simple text 
● recognise a report text and identify some 
key features  
● show awareness that ideas are linked in 
sections using titles and headings 
● plan a report text based on a simple model 

8 - 9  Unit 8: Things under the sea  ● explain their plan and change it after 
    discussion if necessary  
8 - 12 March  Writing Assessments: Writing a  ● show understanding of speaking in 
  report text and Oral Presentation  different ways by making an oral 
11 March - Isra ​Mi'raj    presentation 
(Holiday)  Unit Review  ● demonstrate attentive listening to 
  encourage the speaker 
15 - 16 March  ● write a report text based on a simple model  
● write using sections and appropriate 
● use a range of sentence types in their 
● punctuate sentences properly  
● apply the spelling strategies and 
knowledge they have been taught 
● re-read their own writing to check that it 
makes sense 
● identify something to improve in their 
● celebrate the writing of others 


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