The Witches of Dingerly Dell 7 Parts

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The Witches of Dingerly Dell

1. Reporter: .......................... 5. Rose................................

2. Shopkeeper: …………….
(The shopkeeper and reporter can be the Bad witches
same person)
6. Wanda ................................
Good witches
7. Brenda ................................
3. Emily .................................
8. Julie ................................
4. Sam ..................................

Dominic Streames © 2011 1

Scene 1 In the forest
Reporter: Hello everyone. My name is Robert. I am a reporter. I am a reporter for Witch
Magazine. I’m looking for witches
(Reporter shows the audience the big poster)

Witch Magasine

We are looking for Witch

of the Year

There are 3 competitions

1. A Cooking competition
2. A Flying competition
3. The final

(Reporter reads the poster)

Reporter: I’m looking for Witches.
Witches: (Offstage chanting) Witches, witches, witches and magic!
Reporter: What’s that?
Witches: Witches, witches, witches and magic!
Reporter: Witches!!!!!
(Reporter runs to the far end of the stage)
(Enter Witches chanting)
Witches: Witches, witches, witches and magic! Witches, witches, witches and magic!
(The witches sing)
We are witches of Dingerly Dell
Listen to our magic spell

We have got a big black cat

We have got a big black hat

We are witches of Dingerly Dell

Listen to our magic spell

Reporter: Hello
Witches: Hello
Reporter: How are you?
Witches: Fine thank you, and you?
Reporter: Fine thank you. What’s your name?
Wanda: Hello, my name is Wanda.
Reporter How old are you?
Wanda: I am ........ years old.
Reporter: Thank you. What’s your name?
Brenda: My name is Brenda.
Reporter: Can you fly?
Brenda: Yes, I can.
Reporter: Thank you. What’s your name?
Brenda: My name is Brenda.
(Reporter interviews all the other witches in turn)
Reporter: Thank you. Goodbye.
Witches: Goodbye
(Exit Reporter)
Wanda: I am the best witch.
Emily: I am the best witch.
Rose: I am the best witch.
Brenda: You! I am the best
Sam: You! I am the best
Julie: You! Ha, ha, ha, I am the best
(All shouting together)
Witches: I am the best, I am the best, I am the best etc
(Wanda steps forward)
Wanda: Witches!
(Brenda and Julie go to her)
Wanda, Brenda, Julie: We are the best!
Emily, Rose, Sam: We are the best! We will win the competition.
(Exit Emily, Rose and Sam)
Wanda, Brenda, Julie: We are the best! And we are bad, very bad!! We will cheat. Ha , ha, ha
(Exit Wanda, Brenda and Julie)

Scene 2 In the village

(Enter Emily Rose and Sam)
Rose, Sam: It’s the cooking competition.
Emily: We need some ingredients.
(They enter the shop)
Witches: Hello.
Shopkeeper: Hello, can I help you?
Emily: Can I have some potatoes?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Rose. Can I have some carrots?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Sam: Can I have some tomatoes?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Sam: No, thank you.
Witches: Goodbye
Shopkeeper: Goodbye.
(good witches move to the side of the stage and enter bad witches)
Witches: Hello.
Shopkeeper: Hello, can I help you.
Brenda: Can I have some underpants?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Wanda: Can I have a frog?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Julie: Can I have a rat?
Shopkeeper: Here you are. Anything else?
Witches: No, thank you.
Reporter: The cooking competition.
(Emily, Rose and Sam put their ingredients into the witches cauldron)
Emily: I’ve got some potatoes (She puts the potatoes in the cauldron)
Rose: I’ve got some carrots (She puts the carrots in the cauldron)
Sam. I’ve got some tomatoes (She puts the tomatoes in the cauldron)
(Reporter tastes the food and it is very good)
Reporter: Hmmme....very good. 10 points
(Now it is the bad witches turn)
Brenda: I’ve got some underpants. (She puts the underpants in the cauldron)
Wanda: I’ve got a frog (She puts the frog in the cauldron)
Julie: I’ve got a rat. (She puts the rat in the cauldron)
(Reporter tastes the food and it is very bad)
Reporter: Errr! Horrible! 0 points....
(Reporter falls over)
Good witches: We win, we win, we win.
(Reporter gets up)
Reporter: The flying competition.
(The bad witches start, and fly round the stage)
Reporter: 10 points
(Now it’s the turn of the good witches, who line up ready to fly, but the bad witches cast a spell on
them so when they try to fly they all crash)
Bad witches: We are the witches of Dingerly Dell
Listen to our magic spell

Good witches cannot fly

Good witches say goodbye!
Ha ha!

(The good witches try to fly but they all crash)

Reporter: 0 points.
Bad witches: We win, we win, we win!
Reporter: The final. The score is:

The score
The Good witches 10 points
The bad witches 10 points

Reporter: The final. General knowledge

Good witches: General knowledge. Fantastic!
Bad witches: General knowledge! Oh no!
Wanda: Did you study?
Julie: No, did you study?
Brenda: No, did you study?
Wanda: No!
Bad witches: Oh no!!!!
Reporter: Question 1 Witches fly on a ….?
Good witches: Broomstick!
Reporter: Correct! 10 points
Reporter: Question 2. Witches do spells with a magic …?
Bad witches: Banana.
Reporter: Incorrect.
Good witches: Wand! Wand!!
Reporter: Correct. 10 points. Final question.
Witches: Yes, yes!
Reporter: Where can you practice your English?
Bad witches: The toilet, the toilet!
Reporter: Incorrect.
Good witches: (name of your school)!
Reporter: Correct. You are the winners.
Good witches: Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Reporter: Witches of the year!
(Everyone sing)
We are witches, we are witches
This is our play
We are witches, we are witches
Have ……a……. nice…… daaaaaaaay!

Everyone: The End.

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