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Clin Chem Lab Med 2018; aop

Yuzhu Huang, Wei Wang, Haijian Zhao, Yuxuan Du, Jiali Liu, Falin He, Kun Zhong, Shuai Yuan
and Zhiguo Wang*

Quality assessment of interpretative commenting

and competency comparison of comment
providers in China were no significant differences (0.774). When grouped by
Received August 14, 2018; accepted September 14, 2018 professional title, we found that although no significant
Abstract variability existed among senior, intermediate, junior and
others (0.699), it existed between laboratory physicians
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the ability of and technicians, as the median final scores of the former
comment providers who were responsible for interpreting were higher than the latter.
results in clinical laboratories in China and to improve the Conclusions: Practice and quality of interpretative com-
quality of interpretative comments. ments are indeed different among different laboratories
Methods: Basic information and interpretative comments and participants in China. Laboratories should train and
for five cases of 1912 routine chemistry External Quality assess the interpretative ability of personnel. EQA organiz-
Assessment (EQA) participant laboratories were collected ers should also improve the scoring method and establish
by web-based EQA system in May 2018. EQA organizers peer assessors team through this survey.
assigned scores to each key phrase of comments based on
Keywords: continually professional development; Exter-
predetermined marking scale and calculated total scores
nal Quality Assessment; interpretative commenting;
for each participant’s answer. Final scores and ranking
quality assessment.
were calculated according to scores of cases. Finally, we
comprehensively analyzed the type of hospital and the
professional title of participants.
Results: In total, 772 clinical laboratories, 1472 partici- Introduction
pants, from different Chinese provinces submitted inter-
pretative comments. Median scores, interquartile ranges Interpretative commenting (IC), provided by laboratory
and score ranges of the five cases were 13 (11–15, 1–20), professionals, is the clinical interpretation of labora-
13 (10–16, 0–20), 15 (12–17, 0–21), 7 (5–9, −2 to 14) and tory results based on the clinical situation of a patient,
12 (10–13, −2 to 18). The final scores and ranking of partici- either verbally or in printed report [1]. With increasingly
pants that came from tertiary hospitals were higher than complex diagnosis and therapeutic options, as well as the
those from secondary and other hospitals; however, there expanding laboratory test menu, clinicians may not be
familiar with the tests they ordered and the correspond-
ing results, making it difficult for them to make medical
decisions [2, 3]. IC based on patients’ medical records can
*Corresponding author: Zhiguo Wang, National Center for Clinical help to integrate laboratory data to therapeutic options
Laboratories/Beijing Engineering Research Medicine, Beijing with medical appropriateness and economic benefits [4].
Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing, P.R. China; and In Section 5.8.3 (Report Content), the International Stand-
Graduate School of Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy
ard for the Accreditation of Medical Laboratories, ISO
of Medical Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China, E-mail:
Yuzhu Huang: National Center for Clinical Laboratories/Beijing 15189:2012, states that the report shall include, but not be
Engineering Research Medicine, Beijing Hospital, National Center limited to, interpretation of results, where appropriate [5].
of Gerontology, Beijing, P.R. China; and Graduate School of Peking In China, laboratory physicians should be responsi-
Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, ble for the interpretation of testing results because they
Beijing, P.R. China
have knowledge of clinical and laboratory medicine and
Wei Wang, Haijian Zhao, Yuxuan Du, Jiali Liu, Falin He, Kun Zhong
and Shuai Yuan: National Center for Clinical Laboratories/Beijing
clinical experience. However, there is no clear consen-
Engineering Research Medicine, Beijing Hospital, National Center of sus and requirement of their job responsibility in routine
Gerontology, Beijing, P.R. China work [6–8]. The main reason is the reform of the education

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2      Huang et al.: Interpretative commenting

system of laboratory medicine in China; fewer and fewer Laboratories physicians – part of laboratory personnel who
students can be laboratory physicians after graduation obtain the qualification certification for practicing physician and
work in laboratory.
[9]. Moreover, technicians dominate clinical laboratory,
Laboratory technicians – part of laboratory personnel who
and there are few physicians. As a result, technicians with obtain the qualification certification for laboratory medicine and
high qualification and rich clinical experience provide IC work in laboratory.
in China. However, the big difference between comment Intermediate personnel – in China, once laboratory personnel
providers due to different abilities and even part of inter- pass the exam for intermediate qualification of technicians or physi-
cians and get corresponding certification, they can be intermediate
pretation comments is incorrect and misleading [10]. The
diversity of IC and the lack of personnel ability are the Senior personnel – developed from intermediate personnel;
main obstacles in developing this activity of postanalyti- once they pass the exam for senior qualification of technicians or
cal phase in full scale. physicians and comprehensive assessment for capability, papers and
There are no golden standards and quality require- so on, after getting corresponding certification, they can be senior
ments to assess the quality of IC, and no consensus about personnel.

whether, when and how the results of common tests

should be interpreted, although several recommendations
on IC have been published in recent years [4, 11]. External
Quality Assessment (EQA) scheme evaluates the ability of
Five cases (numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) that came from the UK National
participants via interlaboratory comparison, which can
External Quality Assessment Scheme (NEQAS) [15] and the Interpre-
determine the expertise and qualification of comment pro- tative Comments Educational Programme 2011 of Asian and Pacific
viders, ensure the quality of IC and reduce the risk of error Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB) [16] translated into
[12]. The EQA scheme of IC plays a part in assessing the Chinese were sent to laboratories via Internet. The following details
competence of laboratory personnel and has a vital effect were provided: patient location, age and sex, brief clinical notes and
a set of biochemistry results and reference range. Key phrase options
on their education and continuing professional develop-
and textbox were provided for the comment to simplify the report
ment, which is different from the analytical EQA scheme
form for the first investigation. Participants were required to inter-
[9]. In the past two decades, UK, Australia and other coun- pret the results according to case information and submit IC by the
tries have already conducted the EQA scheme of IC, but Clinet ( EQA reporting system version 1.5. Apart
they only open to native English speakers [4, 13, 14]. At from IC, participants also need to provide professional title, working
present, there are no relevant investigation and study of years, educational background, clinical experience and laboratory
it in China.
Reference comments, similar to the targeted value of the quan-
To compare the capability of laboratory comment titative EQA scheme, came from expert opinions of UK and Australia
providers all over China and to evaluate the quality of experts with medical and scientific background. Each reference com-
IC, as well as to explore the best practices for the formal ment was broken up into components that were then translated into
IC EQA scheme, the National Center for Clinical Labo- common key phrases. As there was no peer assessor panel for IC in
China at present, EQA organizers used reference comments from the
ratories (NCCL) conducted relevant investigation from
UK NEQAS and the APFCB quality assurance program and scored key
May 2018.
phrases through discussion. The EQA scheme organizers discussed
cases and assigned a numerical score (+2 to −2) to each key phrase
based on the degree of coincidence. The final score provided to par-

Materials and methods

ticipants for each case was the sum of scores for each component,
which help rank all comments of each case.

Marking scale
In total, 1912 laboratories in China were included in this investiga-
tion for IC, which enrolled an EQA program of routine chemistry in The EQA scheme of IC was originated from the “Case for Comment”
2018. program developed by Dr. Gordon Challand on October 1997 [17]. In
2001, this was integrated into a formal EQA scheme for IC in Clini-
cal Biochemistry by the UK NEQAS [18, 19]. About 10 peer assessors
with scientific and medical backgrounds assess whole comments
Definitions according to added value, and numerical scores are from −1 to +3
(−1 represents incorrect or misleading comments). EQA organizers
Laboratory personnel – in China, laboratory personnel include labo- calculate the mean score of each participant, which enables the
ratory managers, physicians, technicians and part of nurses who ranking of all comments [1]. Furthermore, Australia carried out the
work in laboratory. EQA scheme of IC formally in the same year as well [20, 21]. In the

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Huang et al.: Interpretative commenting      3

EQA program of Australia, comments are broken up into components Key phrase scores
that are translated into common key phrases, which will be classified
into four grades: preferred, less relevant, not supported and mislead-
ing, according to the degree of appropriateness [1]. In 2016, the Inter- The supplementary material provides the cases and rel-
national Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine evant key phrases of our survey (Supplementary Table
(IFCC) WG Harmonization of Quality Assessment of Interpretative
1–5). More than 85% of participants could give “optimal”
Comments (ICQA) proposed a more comprehensive marking scale,
assessing the whole comments rather than key phrases based on the
components of diagnosis and recommendations for all
degree of coincidence; the numerical scores were from 1 to 5 [9]. cases except case 4, which was the most difficult case in
To avoid subjectivity, this survey combined the above-mentioned this investigation. Participants were generally aware of
four evaluation criteria and proposed the marking scale (see Table 1) the importance of communicating with clinicians as the
to assess each key phrase. key phrase of communicative category made up a large
proportion. In addition, Section 5.4.3 (Request Form Infor-
mation) of ISO 15189:2012 points out that the request form
Statistical analysis
or an electronic equivalent shall allow space for the inclu-
sion of, but not be limited to, clinically relevant informa-
The score of interpretative comment for each case and each partici-
tion about the patient and the request, for examination
pant was equal to the sum of scores for key phrases, and the final
scores of this investigation for each participant were equal to the performance and result interpretation purposes.
sum of scores for submitted cases divided by the number of cases. As for case 1, the key point was to distinguish between
Ranking was based on final scores. The distribution of scores and a new pregnancy and the retained products of conception.
the ranking were abnormal distribution after Kolmogorov-Smirnov However, although majority of participants (97%) consid-
testing; therefore, scores and ranking were presented as median and
ered “incomplete miscarriage”, only 34% of participants
percentiles. Participants were grouped by hospital and individual
information. The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was applied to compare at
realized that positive urine pregnancy test might suggest
least three groups, and the Mann-Whitney U-test was used to test the new pregnancy. In terms of case 2, menstrual cycle is
statistical significance of two groups. Statistical analysis was per- the key; that is, if all were tested in the period of folli-
formed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) cle maturity, then the result of luteinizing hormone (LH)
(IBM SPSS Statistical for Windows, Version 20.0; IBM Corp, Armonk, was normal. If not, it is considered as “primary ovarian
NY, USA) and Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) (2016 version). A
failure”, and 87% of participants provided this key phrase.
value of p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
In addition, drug would cause increased LH, and 78% of
participants had considered it. In case 3, as alanine ami-
notransferase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST)
Results increased and the increased extent of the former was
higher than the latter, the most likely diagnosis of this
In total, 772 clinical laboratories (40%), 1472 participants, patient was acute hepatocellular injury, and 1378 of 1455
from different Chinese provinces submitted interpretative participants considered it. As for case 4, although 83% of
comments through the Clinet EQA reporting system. A total participants considered “does not suggest gout” based on
of 1443 (98%), 1355 (92%), 1455 (99%), 1413 (96%) and 1425 limited information, only about 40% of participants real-
(97%) provided comments for cases 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Partici- ized that this patient’s kidney function was mildly lost and
pants were required to submit at least three of five cases in suggested microscopy of fluid from affected joint and rec-
our survey to ensure the validity of the EQA scheme for IC. ognition of typical crystals. Worse still, even 46% of par-
Six percent of participants only provided IC for three cases, ticipants considered primary hyperparathyroidism. After
whereas 88% of participants interpreted five cases. analyzing the submitted results of case 4, we found that

Table 1: A proposed marking scale developed by NCCL.a

Score Grade Definition

+2 Optimal Identical interpretation as the panel leading to optimal diagnosis and/or follow-up
+1 Good A similar interpretation that would lead to the optimal or acceptable diagnosis and/or follow-up
0 Neutral A different interpretation that may not contribute to diagnosis or follow-up, but no harm either
−1 Unsatisfactory A different interpretation that will lead to an inadequate diagnosis and/or follow-up
−2 Poor A different interpretation that will lead to a major diagnostic error and/or inappropriate follow-up

Revised from evaluation criteria of “Case for Comment” program and IFCC WG ICQA.

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4      Huang et al.: Interpretative commenting

they had not combined clinical information when partici- despite higher median final scores and ranking of par-
pants provided IC, only diagnosed by low serum phos- ticipants in tertiary hospital, there was no significant dif-
phate. As far as we could see, although case 5 obtained a ference between every two groups, that is, for groups of
consistent diagnosis for statin-induced myopathy (88%), laboratories that passed and did not pass ISO 15189.
over 50% of participants went deeply into a matter of why Statistical analysis also found that significant differ-
this patient was on simvastatin. Participants only need to ences existed in the final scores and ranking between labo-
provide result interpretation by the given case information ratory technicians and physicians. Laboratory physicians
in the EQA scheme of IC, and they do not have to explore were mainly from 264 tertiary hospitals; meanwhile, the
the detailed courses of diseases. number of laboratory physicians in each hospital was less
than 10%. Analyzing the final scores and ranking accord-
ing to professional title (Table 3), we found that senior per-
Comment scores and ranking sonnel provided interpretative comments for more cases
with higher final scores and ranking than intermediate
The median scores of each case were 13, 13, 15, 7 and 12, and junior personnel, and there were no significant dif-
in which the interquartile ranges were 11–15, 10–16, 12–17, ferences between them. Moreover, 508 laboratories (66%)
5–9 and 10–13. The range of scores for each case were give responsibility to senior and intermediate technicians
1–20, 0–20, 0–21, −2 to 14 and −2 to 18. Table 2 shows the to interpret laboratory results. They considered that com-
detailed final scores and ranking of all participants by pared with physicians who had just worked and had not
type and category of hospitals. The results indicated that been clinically trained, laboratory technicians with high

Table 2: Detailed final scores and ranking of all participants by type and category of hospitals.

  Number of  Number of  Final score  Final ranking

laboratories participants   
Median  IQR (Q1, Q3)a  p-Valueb Median  IQR (Q1, Q3)a  p-Valueb

Grade of hospitals
 Tertiary hospital   584  1120  12.1  2.8 (10.4, 13.2)  0.774  700  738 (363, 1101)  0.774
 Secondary hospital  127  200  12.0  3.4 (10.2, 13.6)    700  857 (263, 1120) 
 Others   61  152  12.0  2.4 (10.8, 13.2)    674  658 (363, 1021) 
Whether passed ISO 15189
 Yes   82  183  11.8  2.8 (10.6, 13.4)  0.665  770  753 (311–1064)  0.665
 No   690  1289  12.0  2.8 (10.4, 13.2)    700  738 (363–1101) 
IQR, interquartile range, is equal to the difference between the upper and the lower quartiles, IQR = Q3–Q1. bDifference in “Grade of
hospital” was tested by the Kruskal-Wallis H-test, and difference in “Whether passed ISO 15189” was tested by the Mann-Whitney U-test.

Table 3: Detailed final scores of all participants by professional title.

Number of participants Number of cases Final scores p-Valueb

3 4 5 Median IQR (Q1, Q3)a

Whether physicians or not?

 Laboratory physicians 264 20 15 229 12.5 2.9 (10.8, 13.7) 0.000
 Laboratory technicians 1208 72 68 1208 12.0 3.0 (10.2, 13.2)
Professional title
 Senior 544 39 43 462 12.0 3.2 (10.2, 13.4) 0.699
 Intermediate 624 35 27 562 12.0 2.6 (10.6, 13.2)
 Junior 248 15 9 224 12.2 2.6 (10.6, 13.2)
 Othersc 56 3 4 48 12.3 2.8 (10.8, 13.6)
Interquartile range (IQR) is equal to the difference between the upper and the lower quartiles, IQR = Q3–Q1. bDifference in “Professional
title” was tested by the Kruskal-Wallis H-test, and difference in “Whether physicians or not” was tested by the Mann-Whitney U-test.
“Others” included laboratory personnel who had just worked and had working years too short to obtain the corresponding qualification

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Huang et al.: Interpretative commenting      5

qualifications, professional knowledge and clinical expe- [5]. As a result, more than three of five cases should be
rience could better transfer laboratory data to clinical provided IC for each participant, i.e. return rate >50%;
information. however, we did not set a regulation on the number of par-
ticipants who were from the same laboratory. As we were
the first study to investigate the ability of comment pro-
viders in clinical laboratories in China, lacking experience
Discussion and clinical cases, we chose cases from the UK NEQAS and
the APFCB, which were well studied and educational and
The purpose of interpretative comments on laboratory have less difference in options. Before the formal survey,
reports is to help clinicians interpret complex data, par- we sent these five cases to some laboratory experts to give
ticularly when dynamic or uncommon test results are suggestion, combined them with reference comments of
reported, which is the added value of laboratory reports cases and set options of key phrases, involving preana-
[22]. Although majority of comments provided in labo- lytical and analytical phrase. Certainly, participants could
ratory reports are acceptable and favored by clinicians, also provide supplemental comments in the textbox. The
there are many problems that need solving: In which field setting options not only simplify the comments reporting
of laboratory medicine do individual laboratories apply process but also make participants familiar quickly with
IC? How to deal with the difference of IC present practice? this activity.
What kind of test item is mainly involved in IC service? [10] The scoring components of comments have two
The IFCC Working Group “Laboratory Errors and major advantages. To some extent, it decreases the sub-
Patient Safety” (WG-LEPS) updated the Model of Quality jectivity of evaluation and it is easy to carry out [25].
Indicators in October 2016 and put forward interpretative However, there are some shortcomings in this investiga-
comments as postanalytical quality indicators. Interpreta- tion. As there was no peer assessor panel for IC in China
tive comment is the percentages of the number of reports at present, EQA organizers were responsible for break-
with interpretative comments affecting positively on ing down key phrases and scoring through discussion.
patient’s outcome/total number of reports with interpre- EQA organizers had certain specialized knowledge and
tative comments. However, this quality indicator is only at clinical experience, which were far less than experts with
the level of priority 4, and clinicians usually do not record medical and scientific backgrounds. Therefore, marking
measures after receiving laboratory reports. Therefore, it scale should be improved, and a panel of experts should
is hard to assess the effect of interpretative comments on be established after this survey. Moreover, if our survey
patients’ outcome [23]. In addition, the factors that influ- would be developed in the formal EQA scheme, EQA
ence the quality of interpretative comment are mainly organizers should restrict the number of peer expert
insufficient clinical information and inadequate expertise panel and ensure that decisions would not be dictated
in the subspecialty area of laboratory medicine and clini- by personal option. If there will be more than one panel,
cal knowledge. Our survey showed that the proportion organizers should also set evaluation criteria for experts
of participants that approved it was 90% (1319/1472) and to reduce bias. Moreover, as most clinical laboratories
89% (1305/1472). Above all, quality assurance programs were not familiar with interpretative comment and there
and appropriate clinical audit are required to evaluate and were no criteria for case choosing in China, we quoted
improve on this activity [3]. cases from the UK NEQAS and the APFCB quality assur-
The distribution of the hospital in this study was ance program for investigation. EQA organizers should
exactly the same as that of the participants in the EQA establish case choosing criteria and use Chinese cases
programs organized by the NCCL, and routine chemistry when IC is well studied and developed into formal EQA
is the essential EQA item, with more tertiary and fewer scheme.
secondary or other hospitals. In some terms, these partici- An important finding was that the final score and
pant hospitals represented good performance of interpre- ranking of laboratory physicians were higher than those
tative practice in China. of technicians. Although there were few physicians in the
The UK NEQAS for interpretative comments sets laboratory and they did not have clear job responsibilities,
acceptable performance as a rolling time window score they could be members of a panel of experts.
≥+0.5 in addition to a 50% participation [24]. IFCC WG Clinical laboratories shall strengthen the communica-
ICQA also suggested that minimum standards of perfor- tion with clinicians, train and evaluate the competency of
mance would need establishing at the outset, including laboratory personnel regularly. Apart from that, clear job
a minimum return rate and a mean score for each cycle responsibilities not only can strengthen the management

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6      Huang et al.: Interpretative commenting

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