Case Reaction

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The University of Mindanao

What we should do about climate change?

Cutting Down Trees
A Reaction Paper

Noi Mae V. Nebrea

GE 9 (9879) – Ethics
Miss Al Sheree Ann Eupena
May 16, 2022

Cutting down forests to create farms or pastures, or for other reasons, causes emissions,
since trees, when they are cut, release the carbon they have been storing. Since forests
absorb carbon dioxide, destroying them also limits nature’s ability to keep emissions out of
the atmosphere.


One of the global issues that every society is experiencing in this generation is
deforestation. All around the world, there has been a large amount of trees being cut
down. At the very beginning of the short paragraph, it has already laid out some of the
possible reasons why cutting down trees are rampant all around the world despite of its
catastrophic consequences. It is already known that trees when cut down emit carbon
dioxide which is very harmful to all living organisms but because of its beneficial effects to
the majority, it is still being uncontrollably performed.

Deforestation is one contributor to climate change. In fact, according to studies, cutting

down trees or deforestation is a key contributor to human-caused climate change. Aside
from the factors mentioned on the case study where it indirectly plays a part in putting the
earth at stake, there are much more than that by which humans undeniably contributed to
this issue. This issue, despite of numerous and various groups defending and
safeguarding the environment, there are still groups of organizations such as businesses,
factories and etc. who chose to violate environmental laws for the sake of their interest. It’s
just disappointing to know that these human activities as mentioned in the case have to
resort in deforestation due to the demand of human necessities. As an individual, the way
I see it, because of human necessities and greediness that people abuse what the forest
can give us to the point that we forgot the consequences. As a consequences, many
places around the world are experiencing the aftermath of deforestation by the
manifestation of floods, climate change, habitat destruction, and many more.

As a student and an individual with enough reasoning to know what is right and wrong to
defend the environment from deforestation, the best way to address this problem is to be
more aware of our surroundings and to acknowledge our limitations. Human as we are, we
are bound to imperfections and we can’t handle anything that we want for ourselves.
Deforestation is a timely and relevant issue not just to a single country but its effects can
be felt anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen scientists begging for
governments to not take this issue lightly but to address it seriously especially that we are
also advancing to a new era of technology where it also contributed to climate change.
Additionally, as a student and an ordinary citizen, to minimize the problem of deforestation
and climate change, we should take the initiative of planting more trees and forget being
dependent on environmental organizations who shouldered this issues more. In this way,
the outcome of our sacrifices today might be the treasure of the future generations.

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