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FIRST TERM EVALUATION - Aug 2011 ZOOLOGY Maximum score : 30 Time : 1 Hour

1.The male drosophila and female chicken are heterogametic while the Drosophila female and male chicken arehomogametic. Comment based on the type of sex determination? (1 score) 2.If a double stranded DNA has 30% guanine calculate the % of adenine in the DNA. (1 score) 3.Complete the following, label A,B and C and name the process in molecular biology (1 score) 4.Corpus leuteum:progesterone::Ley dig cells:. (1 score) 3.Fill the blank column appropriately (2 Score) Transforming Principle A b.. Hershey & Chase Experimental Proof of semi conservative replication c ..d Alec Jeffrey 4.Using the following term prepare a flow chart showing the path of sperm movement to the site of fertilization. ( Seminiferous tubule, vas deferens, urethra, epididymis, oviduct, vagina, vaseferens, uterus) (2 Score) 5.An organism with genotype AaBb was crossed with aabb. Give phenotypic ratio of the progeny? Mention the term to denote this kind of cross. (2 Score) 6. With the advent of rDNA technology a powerful tool is available to identify a criminal or to the real parents. a)Name this technique. b) Steps in this technique is given below in an incorrect order.Arrange them in correct order and name the technique (2 Score) 1..Autoradiography,2.Digestion of DNA with restriction enzyme,3. Hybridisation with the probes,4.Electrophorosis,5.Transfer to nitrocellulose medium,6.Isolation of DNA (2 Score) 9.Write the role of following enzymes in DNA replication a.ligase b.DNA polymerase c. RNA primase d.Helicase (2 Score) 7.Match the following (2 Score) Column A Column B Turnors syndrome Autosomal recessive Metabolic error Klinefelters syndrome Phenylketonuria Downs syndrome Autosome 21 Trisomy Sex chromosome Trisomy XXY Monosomy of sex chromosome in female

8.Observe the diagram representing regulation of gene action in prokaryote and answer the following

a)Name this model of gene regulation b)Who proposed this model of gene regulation b)which is the inducer in this model c)Identify A B and C (3 Score) 10.Mention different stages in spermatogenesis and writebriefly the changes in each step (3Score) 11In Mirabilis.(4 O clock plant ) species when plants with red flowers are crossed with a plant with white flowers,the F1 hybrids are pink coloured. a) Name the genetic principle that explains this cross? (score) b)Work out the cross (2score) c)Write the phenotypic obtained in F2 generation? (score) 12.Observe the diagram A and B showing first seven aminoacids in beta chain of haemoglobin . a)Which chain is defective A or B (score) b)Name the defect c)Write the cause for this defect d) write any two symptoms of this disease

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