F2 - Center of Pressure

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MEC 294


1.0 Objective

To determine the center of pressure on both a submerged or partially submerged plane surface and
to compare the findings with the theoretical position.

2.0 Apparatus

Figure 1: Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Setup

MEC 294 Fluid Mechanics F2 :1

3.0 Theory

When a surface is submerged in a fluid, forces develop on the surface due to the fluid. For a fluid
at rest, the force must act perpendicular to the submerged surface. Pressure will also increase as the
depth increased. For water (liquid) the pressure will increase linearly with increasing depth. The
resultant force on the submerged surface will act through the center of pressure and not through the
centroid. Further explanations on this topic can be obtained from the Fluid Mechanics textbook.

For a partly submerged (below 100 mm) vertical plane surface, the hydrostatic thrust, F can be
defined as;

𝑩𝒅𝟐 (Newton)
𝑭 = 𝝆𝒈

and the experimental position of the center of pressure, h”:

𝒎𝒈𝑳 𝟐𝒎𝑳 (meter)

𝒉" = =
𝑭 𝝆𝑩𝒅𝟐

The theoretical position of Centre of Pressure, h” is given by:

𝒅 (meter)
𝒉" = 𝑯 −

For fully submerged (above 100 mm) vertical plane surface the hydrostatic thrust, F can be defined

𝑫 (Newton)
𝑭 = 𝝆𝒈𝑨𝒉 = 𝝆𝒈𝑩𝑫(𝒅 − )

Experimental position of Centre of Pressure, h”;

𝒎𝑳 (meter)
𝒉" =
𝝆𝑩𝑫 (𝒅 − 𝟐 )

MEC 294 Fluid Mechanics F2 :2

Theoretical position of Centre of Pressure, h”

𝑫𝟐 𝑫 𝟐 (meter)
+ (𝒅 − 𝟐) + 𝑯 − 𝒅
𝒉" = 𝟏𝟐
𝒅− 𝟐

4.0 Procedure

1. Measure the dimensions B and D of the quadrant end face and the distances H and L and
record the value.
2. Locate the weight hanger in the groove at the end of the balance arm and ensure that the
drain valve is closed.
3. Level the tank using the adjustable feet and integral spirit level. Move the counterbalance
weight until the balance arm is horizontal.
4. Add a small mass (50 g) to the weight hanger.
5. Fill the tank with water until the hydrostatic thrust on the end face of the quadrant causes
the balance arm to rise until the balance arm is horizontal.
6. Read the depth of the immersion from the scale on the side of the quadrant.
7. Repeat the above procedure for each increment in load produced by adding further weight
to the weight hanger. Continue until the water level reaches the top of the upper scale on
the quadrant face. Repeat the procedure in reverse, by progressively removing the weights.

MEC 294 Fluid Mechanics F2 :3

5.0 Results

a) Record the data obtained on the result data sheet below (Table 1 & Table 2)
b) Find hydrostatic thrust and depth of the center of pressure for experimental and
theoretical for both positions.
c) Plot a graph:
▪ thrust vs. depth of the center of pressure (Experimental data)
▪ thrust vs. depth of the center of pressure (Theoretical data)

Height of end face, D : ________________________(m)

Width of the end face, B : ________________________(m)

Length of an arm, L : ________________________(m)

Height of Pivot, H : ________________________(m)

Table 1: Forward Position Data Sheet

Depth of center of Depth of center of

Depth of Hydrostatic
Mass, m pressure, h” – pressure, h” –
immersion, d Thrust, F
(kg) Experiment Theoretical
(meter) (N)
(meter) (meter)

Table 2: Reverse Position Data Sheet

Depth of center of Depth of center of

Depth of Hydrostatic
Mass, m pressure, h” – pressure, h” –
immersion, d Thrust, F
(kg) Experiment Theoretical
(meter) (N)
(meter) (meter)

MEC 294 Fluid Mechanics F2 :4

6.0 Figures

Figure 1: Hydrostatic pressure apparatus setup

Figure 2: Important parameters

Partly submerged Partly Submerged
Fully submerged

Figure 2: Parameters involved in partly submerged and fully submerged calculation

MEC 294 Fluid Mechanics F2 :5

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