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The monkey and the Bird

Once upon a time in the jungle was a monkey jumping and dancing, then he saw a bird flying and
he asked -How does it feel to fly?- The bird saw how the monkey was hoping to fly so the bird
arrived where de monkey was and told him -Do you want to fly? – I will show you how – The bird
say, but when the bird was trying to help the monkey fly a big storm came, and the wind sended
fast the little bird far far away. The monkey was very sad but a puma told him that the litlle bird
was taken by the storm and the wind told him that the little bird was taken to the sea -I must have
faith- the monkey said.

The monkey started to walk and jump a lot so he could find his litlle bird friend, far away from the
jungle the monkey saw a bonfire and there where humans having a party the monkey feeling sad
sat in the sand, while he was hearing the music near a dog came and told him – dont be worry,
you are close to your friend, the door to the goal is near, you need to rest a little. The next day the
monkey went to the beach an saw the little bird- ‘’I was sleeping’’- the little bird say. But it didn’t
matter now he knew where his friend was – Now I know that jumping and wallking is cool.

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