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write a ballad about a space cowboy


(Verse 1) In the depths of the cosmic night, Where stars all twinkle, gleam so bright, A lone space

cowboy rode the skies, With stardust dreams in his weary eyes.

He wore a hat of meteorite's grace, And a suit that matched the Milky Way's embrace, His boots

were touched by a comet's tail, A cosmic drifter, a daring trailblazer without fail.

(Chorus) Oh, the space cowboy, a celestial rover, Wandered 'midst galaxies, an eternal explorer,

With a heart forged from constellations above, He sought adventure in the cosmos, his love.

(Verse 2) Through asteroid fields and nebulas grand, He rode on a comet, a ship of his command,

He tamed the solar winds, swift and wild, A maverick spirit, like an untamed child.

He rescued lost planets from the dark abyss, Brought light to the void with a cosmic kiss, His

laser lasso wrangled moonlit herds, Guiding them home, his call seldom unheard.

(Chorus) Oh, the space cowboy, a celestial rover, Wandered 'midst galaxies, an eternal explorer,

With a heart forged from constellations above, He sought adventure in the cosmos, his love.

(Verse 3) In starlit saloons 'neath Saturn's rings, He'd share tales of nebulous things, Of duels

with asteroids and comets by his side, He'd recount the stories of his cosmic ride.

He'd raise a glass of meteor wine, To the mysteries of space and the stars that shine, With a wink

and a smile, he'd mount his steed, Off to new horizons, his heart would lead.

(Chorus) Oh, the space cowboy, a celestial rover, Wandered 'midst galaxies, an eternal explorer,

With a heart forged from constellations above, He sought adventure in the cosmos, his love.

(Bridge) But even space cowboys have moments of doubt, When the vastness around them

starts to shout, Yet he'd look to the heavens, find solace in the night, Keep riding through

darkness, chasing the light.

(Verse 4) And so the space cowboy roams on, Through cosmic dust and galaxies drawn, A

legend written in the stars so high, A celestial cowboy against the boundless sky.
He'll ride 'til the universe comes to an end, A spacefaring hero, a true cosmic friend, With stardust

dreams and a heart so free, The space cowboy lives on for all eternity.

(Chorus) Oh, the space cowboy, a celestial rover, Wandered 'midst galaxies, an eternal explorer,

With a heart forged from constellations above, He sought adventure in the cosmos, his love.

(Outro) So raise a glass to the space cowboy's tale, A saga of courage where stars never fail, May

his spirit inspire the dreamer in you, To explore the unknown, to dare and pursue.

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