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Strelitizia reginae
Family – Musacae
Origin – South Africa

Strelitizia reginae, commonly known as bird of paradise is an evergreen
perennial herbaceous plant grown in the region having moderate climate, in
warmer areas, grows as specimen plant. In frost prone areas, grow in a warm
greenhouse. The brilliant colours and unusual appearance of the flowers have
made it exceptionally popular as a cut flower.

Therefore, the Bird of paradise cultivated in many parts of the world to

produce cut flowers for both domestic and international markets. The major
producing countries of a bird of paradise on a commercial scale are America,
Israel, and South Africa In temperate areas like Netherlands, Poland, China,
Japan etc. this plant is being grown in greenhouses with heating facilities.

In India, Bird of Paradise is grown in sub-temperate and sub-tropical regions

like Himachal Pradesh, Kalimpong and Darjeeling in West Bengal, Nilgiri hills
and the Western Ghats, Bangalore and adjoining areas in Karnataka etc.

Morphology of Bird of Paradise

Bird of paradise is native to South Africa. The name comes from the
remarkably shaped and coloured flower cluster, like the crested head of a bird.

Bird of paradise occupies a pride place in the garden and is an important

choice for landscaping.

It grows up to a height of 90 cm. The leaf stalk is about 45 cm long with the
same length of the leaf blade. The flowers are orange and purple coloured and
very brilliant, emerging from the purplish spathes on a stem of about 90cm

The genus Strelitzia belongs to the family Strelitziaceae. The plants are
rhizomatous, leaves are large and long-petioled and the scape is terminal or in
the upper axils, short, exerted from the sheaths of the leaves.
The bracts are large spathe like boat-shaped, acuminate, and solitary at the
end of the scape, slightly distant, perianth long exerted. The sepals are free,
long and carinate. The petals look dissimilar. The stamens are five in number
and the ovary is three-celled with many seeds.

The genus Strelitzia includes about five species. They are -

1. Sterlitzia augusta

2. Sterlitzia reginae

3. Sterlitzia kewensis

4. Sterlitzia Nicolai

5. Sterlitzia candida

Strelitzia reginae is a very popular orange flowered species and commonly

known as the bird of paradise.

Among the 5 species, Sterlitzia reginae is a very popular orange flowered

species mainly grown for cut flower production.

Bird of paradise can be grown in full sun or semi-shaded light, the more plants
are exposed to the light, the greater the blooming. Low light intensity may
cause flower abortion, while as too much exposure to too much sunlight,
especially summer may scorch leaves.

Bird of paradise flowers well in semi-cool temperature range of 17-27 °C. A
temperature of 10-13°C at night and 20-22° C during the day is ideal for early
and uniform flowering; while at a temperature higher than above 27° C tend to
promote leaf production and inhibit flowering.

Strelitizia is commonly propagated by seeds, division of clumps and separation
offsets. Vegetatively propagated plants establish and flower in shorter period
than those raised from seeds
Bird of paradise plant grows on various soil types but this plant grows well in
well-drained, fertile, humus-rich, slightly acidic, loamy soil.

For commercial Bird of paradise cultivation, planting may be done 60 x 60 cm
apart with a planting density of 4 Plants/m2

It also cultivated in Pits, with 60 x 60 x 60 cm are made and filled with soil,
sand and farmyard manure at the ratio of 1: 1: 1. Planting should be done
either during early spring or at the beginning of monsoon.

Bird of paradise plants produce tall flower stalks. To keep the flower stalks
erect, the plants should be provided with the proper supporting system. Two
or three rows of strings along the rows of plants supported by iron poles will
be sufficient to support to the plants.

During summer months, Plant requires abundant supplies of water. Watering
should be done twice a week to keep the soil moist and in the winter, a
thorough irrigation to the soil once in 7-10 days will be sufficient.

Due to rhizomatous nature and fleshy roots, the plants cannot withstand water
logging. High soil moisture is however desirable during the flowering season.

Use drip irrigation to overcome water logging and improve yield

For healthy growth of Bird of paradise, plants require phosphorus-rich
fertilizer. Fertilizers should be applied monthly during the flowering season.

Well-rotten farmyard manure at the rate of 4-5 kg/m2 and NPK 20g/ m2 about
a month before flower stalk initiation should be applied to get maximum
As the flower stalks of Bird of paradise are tall in nature, these are very prone
to lodging. To keep them erect, the plants are provided with the proper
supporting system.

Galvanized wires or nylon strings supported by iron poles/bamboo poles are

used to provide support.

The dried leaves and flower stalks are removed by cutting with sharp secateurs
when flowering season is over.

Control of Pest and Diseases

Bird of paradise is susceptible to mealy bugs, scale insects. Regularly inspect
plants for these insects. For repellant purposes, apply dilute solution of Soapy
water into the plants to discourage insects.

For severe insect infestations, apply recommended dosage rate of Parathion or

Malathion insecticide.

Root rot is usually caused by a fungus, Thielaviopsis basicola, and Rhizoctonia.

To prevent this, provide ample drainage in soil or in a pot and do not over-
water. Apply a dilute fungicide drench using Dithane or Captan.

Botrytis cinerea is a major postharvest problem of a bird of paradise flowers.

Slime production in flowers that provides a substrate for saprophytic mould
growth. Dipping the inflorescence in benomyl or thiabendazole at 200 mg/l
was found effective in controlling the mould growth.

The number of flower spikes per plant per year depends upon the number of
leaves, age of the plant and mode of propagation. A healthy and established
clump can produce 10-15 flowers in a year.

Bird of paradise flowers is generally harvested for local and nearby markets
when the first floret has just opened. For the distant markets, the flowers
harvested when they are showing orange yellow colouration but have not yet
emerged from the sheath as the open florets are very likely to break during

The flower stalk is harvested near ground early in the morning while still
turgid. After harvesting the stems are kept in the bucket full of water.

The cut stems of Bird of paradise are trimmed 60-80 cm length. Stem length
has a significant role in postharvest life; the longer stems have a greater
postharvest life.

Dip the cut flowers in the solution of 10 % sucrose + 250 ppm 8-HQC + 150
ppm citric acid for 48 hours greatly enhanced the longevity and floret opening
both unstored and stored flowers.

Packaging and storage

The flower stem of Bird of paradise is separately wrapped each stem with
polyethylene sheet or butter paper and stems are packed in 120X30 cm
cardboard box and stored at an 8°C temperature.
Heliconia rostrata
Family – Heliconiaceae
Origin – Central and South America
STATICE (Sea lavender)
Limonium spp
Family – Plumbaginaceae
Origin – Europe

Statice Flower is a perennial Exotic Flower, which belongs to the family
Plumbaginaceae. Statice flowers are popularly used in dried flower
arrangements, indeed Statice are one of the most widely used dried flowers.
Statice is also commonly known by various different names like Limonium,
English Statice, German Statice, Seafoam Statice, Latifolia, and Sea Lavender.
While the genus is distributed across Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and
Australia, it is widely found in southeast and central Europe. The genus name is
derived from the Greek word leimon, which means meadow. It refers to the
natural meadow habitat of the plant.

German statice and other Limonium species are known as ‘everlasting flowers

this is because the calyx of the flowers remains on the flower stalk even after
the petals have fallen.

Sea lavender plants need soil moisture and do their best in well-drained
garden soils. The plants also grow well in sandy loams and tolerate heavy clay
soils. Poor drainage may lead to root and crown rot.


Sea lavender generally prefers warm and dry conditions. Most species are

relatively hard against cold. They can withstand light but not heavy frost and
are wind resistant in coastal areas.

Plants can be grown at a temperature of 12 to 15 °C. A chilling period for

flower initiation which takes place for 4 to 6 weeks requires a temperature of 5
to 10 °C. Temperatures above 25 °C will inhibit the flower development and
will increase the risk of diseases.


Metriosa incana
Family – Cruciferae
Chromosome no –

Stock is an annual or biennial plant producing flower in terminal cluster. Both
single and double forms exist. In Europe and USA, it is cultivated for the
production of cut flowers. In India, its cultivation is very limited and grown in
open field or pots

Stock is successfully grown in moderate fertile, moist but well-drained soil. It
prefers soil having pH between 6.5 and 7.0 and does not like acidic soil.

Stock prefers full sun in a sheltered position. Temperature plays an important
role on growth and flowering of stock. The crop should be grown at the night
temperature of 16oC until ten fully developed leaves are produced and then
maintained at 10oC for at least three weeks.

Stock plant needs adequate moisture throughout its growth period. It has been
experienced that stocks need frequent irrigation at the interval of 6-7 days.
Frequency of irrigation will also depend upon other factors like soil type and
prevailing weather conditions. In lighter soil frequent irrigation is required.

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