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AQUAMARINE MAP 3 RULES V1.1 equal to the sum of the two dice.

equal to the sum of the two dice. If you do so, you pay energy heat your submersible must endure. However, the more Vents
equal to the value of the higher die. you explore during the game, the more points you will score.
The same rules apply for the shape you draw - it must still be
HOW TO PLAY square or rectangular, and exactly the size of the value chosen.
This rule sheet contains additional rules for Aquamarine Map 3 For example, if you roll a 6 and a 3, you can use a value equal
- 1000 Fathoms Deep. Please see the Map 1 rules for full to their sum = 9, paying 6 energy and drawing a shape that is a
instruction on how to play Aquamarine. If you haven’t played 3x3 square enclosing 9 spaces (or you could draw a 1x9
Aquamarine before, we recommend you start with Map 1 shape).
before playing this map. RESEARCH OUTPOSTS
There are a number of undersea research outposts on both
SUBMERSIBLE maps, consisting of 8 spaces. Once you completely enclose all
This map has two sheets - the upper half, and then the lower spaces of an outpost (which can happen over multiple turns),
half representing a very deep trench that you are able to you immediately choose a bonus. There are 12 bonuses in all,
explore. Seeing as you are diving so deep in this map, your arranged in 2 columns. You can select any bonus you wish,
diver is instead traveling in their trusty submersible. Set the and once you do, you cross out the other bonus in the same
sheets up so that the sheet with the boats is directly above the If you roll doubles, you use them exactly as in Map 1 - you row - you will not be able to choose it this game.
other sheet. You can also play digitally using the FULLSCREEN draw a shape of value 2 higher than the value rolled, without
file which includes both map halves joined together. spending any energy, and can draw any shape. If you roll The bonuses in the first column all score you extra points at
doubles, you cannot use the sum of the dice. the end of the game:

The submersible needs energy to run, which works mostly like You cannot directly reach the trench (the lower map) from the
air - you pay the same costs in energy that you would when upper map. Instead, you must enclose one of the tunnels on
choosing dice and when you explore certain depths. the upper map. 5 points for each flag discovered

However, there are some new aspects. Firstly, on the upper

half, there are power cables that run down through the map. If
you enclose any part of a power cable in your shape for the When you enclose a tunnel, on your next turn you may 5 points for each squid discovered
turn, you don’t have to pay any energy that turn for any reason continue your dive from any space in the top row of the
(much like Bubbles in previous maps). Trench. When you start a new dive, you always start from one
of the three boats in the upper map as usual. There are two
regions in the Trench, which cost 2 or 3 energy when you finish 5 points for each outpost discovered
your turn there.

Secondly, you have a new choice that you may make when In the Trench there are hydrothermal vents, which consist of 5 points for each angler fish discovered
choosing which dice to use on a turn. Instead of choosing the one square (the vent itself), and then steam in a line upwards
lower or higher die, you may instead choose to use a value from that point. Each square you enclose that contains steam
(including the vent) costs 1 additional energy from the excess
5 points for each vent discovered

Whenever you choose to use the lower die value (not the sum),
You score each fIsh shoal as if it had one extra fish in it. If this you may draw a non-standard shape, i.e. you don’t have to GLASS SQUID Score 5 points for each of these animals you
causes a shoal to now have 6 fish, it is worth 21 points. draw a square or rectangle. discovered, as long as it was at the right time (Day for Glass
Squid in the upper half,, Night for Glass Squid in the Trench).
The bonuses in the second column grant you abilities for the
rest of the game:

JELLYFISH Lose 2 points for each Jellyfish you enclose.

- Glass squid migrate either to higher or lower depths

For future dives, you may choose to begin directly from the depending on the time of day. During the day, you can only
first row of the trench (lower map) score glass squid discovered in the upper half of the map.
During the night, you can only score glass squid discovered in ANGLER FISH Score 2 points for each Prey you enclosed
the Trench (lower half of the map). If you discover squid at the with an Angler FIsh.
wrong time, cross them out; they will not score. Each squid
discovered at the correct time is worth 5 points.
You only need to enclose 4 spaces to gain the bonus from
future Outposts VENTS Score 1/4/9/16/25/36/49 points for enclosing
1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Vents.

- Angler fish need prey. Each prey enclosed in the same shape
You pay 1 fewer energy due to the depth of your submersible as an angler fish scores 2 points.
each turn RESEARCH BONUSES Score points based on the research
bonuses you chose.

You don’t pay any energy due to Vents or Steam Surgeonfish score exactly the same as Butterfly fish in Map 1.
Enclosing a shoal of 1/2/3/4/5 fish in a single shape earns you
1/3/6/10/15 points.
scores 1/3/6/10/15 points if it enclosed 1/2/3/4/5 X Fish.

Whenever you choose to use the higher die value (not the - You can score 2 flags per dive (for a maximum of 6) - one flag
sum), you may add 1 to this value. The amount of energy spent in the upper half, and one in the lower.
is based on the actual die rolls, and this added 1 does not
affect it. FLAGS Players score the written points under the flag if they
enclosed it. However, players can only gain the points from a
maximum of two flags for each dive - one in the upper half,
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and one in the lower half. Author: Matthew Dunstan | Translation: N/A

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