Aquamarine Map 1 Rules - Exploratory Expedition - A4

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5 If a player chooses the higher value dice result then they must whether they needed to spend further air or not), or they
also cross off air in their current tank equal to the difference choose to end their dive early (see ‘Ending a Dive Early’). On
HOW TO PLAY between the two die values. their next turn, they will start a new dive, again enclosing a
space directly under one of the boats. The same boat can be
Aquamarine is played over a series of turns. Each turn, players
used for multiple dives but the shapes of each new dive can
draw a box on their own game sheet to show which part of the
never touch the shapes of any previous dives, even at corners
ocean their diver is exploring. Creatures and objects enclosed
(you don’t want to see the same things twice!).
within these boxes are considered 'discovered' and will score
points at the end of the game.The game ends after 24 turns
If the two dice are the same value, no air is crossed off
have been played.
and players draw a shape 2 squares larger than the number
rolled. Furthermore, the shape can be something other than a
TIME OF DAY rectangle. This is the only way players can draw a shape that is
The 24 turns of the game are split into 12 turns of 'day' and 12 not a square or rectangle.
turns of 'night'. Some creatures and objects can only be seen
or scored in the day or the night. At the start of the game, one
player rolls a die to determine which position on the turn track
all players will start from. Mark the corresponding number on If a player completes their third and final dive before
the turn track and then each turn progresses clockwise, the 24th turn, their game is over, and they skip any
marking off the turn until 24 turns have been played. further turns.

Some examples of non-standard shapes for double 5
1. ROLL One player rolls two D6.
Over the course of the game, players can go on three separate 2. MOVE All players simultaneously choose one of the die
dives, each with a tank of air. A dive starts by enclosing at least results to dive with and may draw a box equal to that size on
one of the spaces directly below one of the boats on the ocean their game sheet. Multiple players can choose the same result,
surface. From here, each turn a player will further their dive by and in rare cases a player may choose to not draw any box if
Each turn two dice are rolled and all players must use the
drawing a new shape orthogonally connected to the previously they wish.
results to move their diver. Players draw a box on their game
drawn one.
sheet of size equal to the die result chosen (i.e. enclosing that
If this is the first turn of your current dive, your shape must
number of grid squares). It must have a rectangular or square
enclose at least one or more of the 4 grid squares directly
shape and follow placement rules (see ‘The Dives’).
below one of the three boats on the ocean surface. Otherwise,
the shape you draw must have at least one space that is
orthogonally adjacent to at least one space of the shape you
drew last turn. In either case, the shape you draw cannot
overlap with any other previously drawn shapes, nor can it
Starting dive positions overlap with any rocks. It also cannot touch (even at a
corner) any shapes from a previous dive.
A dive ends once a player completes a turn where they crossed
off the final air space in their current air tank (regardless of
3. DISCOVER Once you have drawn your shape, check to see 4. CHECK AIR If you chose the higher value die, mark off
if you need to mark anything on your sheet based on what you spaces in your current air tank equal to the difference between GAME END
enclosed. the two values. Regardless of whether you chose the higher or The game ends after 24 turns have been played, or if all
lower value, each turn mark off one additional space on your players have completed their third dive. Players then tally up
current air tank if you are below the -1 AIR depth level, or two their points, and the player with the most is the winner. If there
additional spaces on your current air tank if you are below the is a tie, all tied players share the victory.
Stingrays and Cuttlefish: If you just enclosed a Stingray at the -2 AIR depth level (you still spend this air if doubles were rolled
wrong time of day, i.e. during the Night, it will not be scored. this turn). WHEN PLAYING SOLO
Cross it out to remind you of this. Similarly, if you just enclosed
a Cuttlefish during the Day, you must cross it out. You are You may use air on a turn beyond what is remaining in your
reminded of when each of these two animals can be scored on tank. If you do this, simply mark off as many spaces as
the turn track possible, and take your turn as usual. The next turn, you must The solo game functions exactly the same as the multiplayer
start a new dive back at the surface. game, except with an additional requirement: Each of your
three dives must reach at least one space below the first dive
mark line located on the right of the sheet. If any dive fails to
Coral: If you enclosed two or more Coral, check to see whether reach this depth, you have lost the game. Otherwise, you tally
you enclosed both types in the same shape. If you did, you your score as per the standard scoring. Additionally you can
must cross out all the Coral enclosed, and it will not score. achieve a silver or gold victory by having each of your three
Coral only scores if only a single type is found in the shape (no If you enclose an Air Bubble in your shape this turn, you do dives pass the second or third mark lines respectively.
matter how much there is). not cross off any air this turn, for any reason.
5. ADVANCE TIME Mark off the next space on the turn
track (going clockwise). If you mark off the final space on the es-official-faq
Beacons: If you just enclosed a Beacon, immediately circle a track, the game is now over. Otherwise, roll the dice again and
matching symbol in the scoring area matching the time, i.e. start the next turn.
Day or Night. Beacons only score as pairs, one explored in the
Day, and one in the Night. If you have marked off the final space of your current air tank
this turn, you start a new dive on the next turn.
Shipwrecks: If you have now enclosed all spaces of a
Shipwreck (they can be enclosed by multiple different shapes
over different turns), circle a bonus of your choice at the ENDING A DIVE EARLY
bottom of the sheet. You will score points for this bonus at the
end of the game. After the dice are rolled each turn, you may choose to end your
current dive prematurely. If you choose to do so, cross off all
remaining air in your current tank. Then use the dice as if you
were just starting a new dive, enclosing at least one space
below a boat on the ocean surface. Any air you would need to
spend, such as for choosing the higher valued die result, is
crossed off from your new air tank.
Bonuses count discovered elements from all of
your dives.

STINGRAYS and CUTTLEFISH Score 5 points for each of FLAGS Players score the written points if they enclosed the
Score an additional 5 points for each discovered Cuttlefish these two animals you discovered, as long as it was at the matching flag. However, players can only gain the points from
right time (Day for Stingrays, Night for Cuttlefish). a maximum of one flag for each dive. If they enclosed more,
they only score the flag with the highest value.

Score an additional 1 point for each discovered Coral

JELLYFISH Lose 2 points for each Jellyfish you enclosed.

BEACONS Players score 15 points for each pair of Beacons
they enclosed, as long as within each pair one Beacon was
Score an additional 5 points for each scored flag (max 1 Flag
enclosed during the Day, and one was enclosed during the
per dive)
CORAL Score 2 points for each Coral you discovered (as long
as only 1 type is present in the shape). Author: Matthew Dunstan | Translation: N/A

Score 5 points for each Wreck you fully explored

BONUSES Total the points scored from your circled

Score an additional 8 points for each pair of Beacons you shipwreck bonuses.
discovered, one in the Day and one in the Night


Score an additional 5 points for each discovered Stingray.
scores 1/3/6/10/15 points if it enclosed 1/2/3/4/5 Butterfly

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