PT 1 CHAPTER 1 Wrtiting Research Introduction

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1. This activity is done BY GROUP.

2. All members of the group MUST submit the same link when submitting the task.
3. You are only given a maximum of 3 attempts and the highest score attempt will be
recorded. Please utilize your attempts properly. Any requests regarding additional
attempt due to wrong file submission shall NOT be granted.
4. Submit your output in a link format. This means that you have to save your work in
your OneDrive account and attach the link in the submission page.
5. Read and understand the given rubrics before starting anything. Contact your
teacher if there are clarifications.
6. After reading the rubrics portion, the format in writing your Chapter 1 is provided.
10 pts 7pts 5pts 2pts
(Very Good) (Good) (Satisfactory) (Poor)
- Clear research problem
- Supported with global,
At least 1 of the
national, and local All specifics are 2-3 specifics are All specifics are
specifics is not
articles/studies observed not observed not observed.
- Followed the CARS
- Citations in APA format
All guidelines in At least 1 of the
HYPOTHESIS 2-3 guidelines are All guidelines are
writing this guidelines is not
- 3-4 Descriptive/ not followed. not followed.
competent are followed.
inferential questions for
strictly followed.
- Three (3) theories with
authors and year;
- with bearing on the At least 1 of the
All specifics are 2-3 specifics are All specifics are
study; specifics is not
observed not observed not observed.
- a theory has a name, observed
- if none, it is a
proposition, model, etc.
- APA cited
- the framework shows the
Either one of the
interaction of the Boxes for IV and Boxes for IV and
boxes (IV and DV) All boxes, as well
variables DV are correctly DV are correctly
is correctly placed, as the explanation,
- variables are in the right placed and placed and yet not
yet correctly are incorrect
boxes explained. clearly explained.
- 1 paragraph discussion
after the framework is
SIGNIFICANCE OF 3-4 various 3-4 various 1-2 various 1-2 various
THE STUDY sections are sections are sections are sections are
- 3-4 various sectors are mentioned and the
mentioned and the mentioned and the mentioned and the
mentioned and how benefits they
benefits they benefits they benefits would
would they benefit from would gain are
would gain are would gain are they gain are not
the study quite reasonable
reasonable and reasonable and reasonable and
and helpful for
helpful for them. helpful for them. helpful for them.
- The scope and
delimitation have been
clearly discussed,
At least 1 of the
- Specifically, the All specifics are 2-3 specifics are All specifics are
specifics is not
variables, observed not observed not observed.
- respondents,
- the location,
- and time frame of the
- All variables are At least 1 of the At least 2 of the
Guidelines in The guidelines in
operationally defined guidelines in guidelines in
defining the terms defining the terms
which also includes the defining the terms defining the terms
are observed are not observed
dimensions (esp, for is not observed are not observed
- Alphabetically arranged
- 10-15 references related
to the topic
- Must not be later than
10yrs from the present
year (except for the At least 1 of the
All specifics are 2-3 specifics are All specifics are
theory) specifics is not
observed not observed not observed.
- APA format observed
- All citations from the
previous sections must
appear on the reference


A Quantitative Research Paper

Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
General Douglas MacArthur Highway,
Matina, Davao City


Chapter 1

Background of the Study

In writing your background of the study, there should only be 2 paragraphs

containing these elements:

Research Territory. This term is borrowed from Swales (1990) in his CARS

(Creating a Research Space) Model in Writing Research Introductions. The “territory”

refers to the situation or the extent of the problem years ago, current state of the

problem, previous researches about the same topic as yours. Establish your territory in

the first paragraph of your introduction, with supporting citation of the existence of the

problem in global, national, and local setting. At least, 5-6 sentences.

Research Gap. This is the last part of the background in which you will state

what lacks in the previous researches of the same topic (as yours) that has not yet been

explored or under-explored, that your research paper attempts to resolve.

Statement of the Problem

This is the part of your introduction in which you will state your main goal or

intention in conducting this study. Include at least 2-3 descriptive questions and 1-2

inferential questions related to your research problem.

Your hypothesis is the prediction you are assuming in the study. The number of

hypotheses you will formulate depends on the number of your inferential questions in

the Statement of the Problem. If you only have 1 inferential question, then, you have to

write 2 hypotheses: 1 null and 1 alternative hypotheses. If you have 2 inferential

questions, then, you have to write 4 hypotheses: 2 null and 2 alternative hypotheses. In

writing your hypotheses, please make sure to follow the sample given.

Theoretical Framework

This cites the theory/theories on which the study is premised based on theories

of authors in order to establish the relationship among the variable/s in the study. It is

the researcher`s task to operationalize the concepts and usually a scheme can make

the theory easier to understand. In addition, this is crafted from existing theories that

serves as a foundation of the study. The study can adopt the original model used by

the cited theory proponent however the researcher can modify or adjust the variables

of the original framework to better suit the study provided that the whole theory is


Usually, researchers use 2-3 theories for their study. To construct the theoretical

framework, there is little to no need to create a schematic diagram of the arrangement

of the theories in as much as the study is concerned.  Instead, there are four (4)

important components to include in the discussion:

1. The introduction of the theories

2. The definition/nature of the theory (include the theory’s author and date of

3. The explanation of the theory

4. The relevance of the theory to your study

Each theory shall be discussed separately, observing components 3 and 4.

Conceptual Framework

In this section, present the framework first, followed by a 1-paragraph

explanation of what the conceptual framework is.

Scope and Delimitations

In writing your scope and delimitations, the following items should be present in

one paragraph:

 Respondents. Refers to the characteristics of participants who are qualified

to participate in the study

 Location. Refers to the place where the study will be conducted

 Phenomenon. Refers to the problem in focus

 Time frame of the study. Refers to the period of days, weeks, months, etc.

within which the research is conducted.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study indicates the beneficiaries of the study. You have to

cite who are the target beneficiaries and in what way the study would be able to help

and benefit them. These could be the group of people, individuals or organization as a

whole. By mentioning the benefits that may be derive from the completion of your study,

it would help in convincing your panel, funding agencies, organizations and individuals
to approve your study. In this section, cite at least 3-4 individuals/organizations/groups

that would significantly benefit from your study.

Definition of Terms

Define OPERATIONALLY the terms are present in your research title (the main

variables, etc.).

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