Loukili 2019

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2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO)

Numerical Analysis of an Absorbing Boundary

Condition Applied to the Free Surface Water
Waves Using the Method of Fundamental


Polymer Physics and Critical Phenomena Laboratory Polymer Physics and Critical Phenomena Laboratory
Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik, P.O.BOX 7955 Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik, P.O.BOX 7955
University Hassan II University Hassan II
Casablanca, Morocco. Casablanca, Morocco.
md.loukili@gmail.com soumiamordane@yahoo.fr

Abstract--- In this paper, a meshfree numerical After the literature reviews presented above,
wave tank (NWT) was proposed with: absorbing our objective in this work is not to investigate on the
boundary, partial reflection, and full reflection absorption conditions. Our interest is to establish a
boundary condition. The numerical analysis and numerical boundary condition that can be used to
the problem studied are treated by the method of study the waves field for harbours with an arbitrary
fundamental solutions (MFS). Our basic interest geometry. This condition is called partial reflection
in this work is to extend a new partial reflection boundary condition, which is extended from the
from the absorbing boundary condition, based on absorbing boundary condition. That is may required
actual present-day meshfree numerical method. to predict some hydrodynamics phenomena, like:
wave diffraction, reflection, amplification and
Keywords: Numerical wave tank, absorbing boundary, resonance of the incident waves.
Partial reflection, full reflection, MFS. .
II. Mathematical Model of the Physical Problem
I. Introduction
We consider a system of equations governing
The numerical analysis of the boundary
the problem of the NWT that is written as [8]:
conditions applied to the NWT, is one of the most
attractive, stimulating topics in coastal engineering.
∆ ( , )=0 on Ω (1)
Though there are many papers dealing with suitable
and feasible boundary conditions. When the waves, ( , ). = 0 on Γ (2)
( , )
flow from a region to other through a limit without − ( , )+ =0 on Γ (3)
returning, this condition is called: absorbing boundary ( ( ))
condition (ABC), were developed by the authors cited ( , )= on Γ (4)
( )
in the references [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. Clement [6], = ( = 0) on Γ (5)
further showed that Sommerfeld and Orlanski
radiation conditions are local in both space and time This problem is studied in the NWT, which
and, hence, cannot provide good results for unsteady is sketched as shown in the Fig.1.
incident waves. Based on his experimental work, this
condition is not useful in some cases: waves with
multiple components, unknown incident angle... .
Clement was proposed a boundary condition for
unsteady finite amplitude waves, this condition
becomes the best choice in terms of accuracy. Liu and
Sen [7] were proposed hybrid ABC, this condition
performs better than either pure sponge boundary or
the pure ABC.
Fig.1. Design of the domain of study


978-1-5386-7684-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO)

A. Downstream Boundary Conditions III. Numerical Formulation

In this part, boundary conditions will be discussed. The equations of motion presented above are
Exactly, the absorbing boundary condition which has rewritten in reduced form as [10], [11]:
been used to extended full reflection boundary and
partial reflection boundary conditions [9]. ∆ ( , ) = 0 In Ω (14)
( , )
A.1. Absorbing Boundary and Reflected Boundary = g(x. y) Ω (15)

Starting by the full reflection boundary, when a The fundamental solution used is expressed as:
boundary reflects the totality of the waves, this
boundary is identified with = 0 in the equation (6). ( , )= G (16)
( , )
+ ik ( , ) = 0 (6) Where: G = ln

When the waves flow from a region to other region = x -β + y – δ +c : represents the
through a limit, and without returning to this limit. distance between the domain points and boundaries
This limit is identified as absorbing boundary, points, as denoted in the Fig. 2.
where = 1. =( , ) : is the location of domain points
A.2. Partial Reflection Boundary - = , : is the boundary points position
- N : is the number of points in the boundaries
The partial reflection boundary is formulated by - c : is a parameter implemented to be free
decomposing the velocity potential into two parts, the from the ill-conditioning effect
incident wave and that of the reflected waves
as: - : represent the unknowns of the problem
= + (7) To find , the collocation method is used in order to
find the potential (x,y) by the linear combination of
= + (8) the fundamental solutions. Thereafter we find:
( , , ) by using the time descretization
The velocity potential of the partial reflection expression = + ∆ , Where ∆ ≈ Δ
boundary is expressed as: and Δ = , is the period, the wavelength and
is the length of the NWT, and thereafter the
= (9)
elevation of the free surface = ( = 0) is
=− (10)
From the equations (7-8) and (9-10) we obtain that:
= (11)

= (12)

We inject the equations (11) and (12) in the equation

(6) taken account the assumption of the open
boundary, we obtain the partial reflection boundary
condition as:

( , )
+ ik ( , ) = 0 (13)

Fig.2. Field points (black symbols) and boundary points (green



2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO)

IV. Numerical Simulations and Discussions parameters of the NWT and incident waves are
demonstrated in the Table 1. Two tests are exhibited
In order to evaluate the efficiency of the in the Figs. 3, and 4, along the NWT and along the
numerical model presented, the wave maker is time series.
imposed at the left of the boundary of the NWT as
shown in the Fig. 1. And the hydrodynamics

Table 1. The parameters of the NWT and incident waves

Example The The length of NWT The water depth Periods of the wave Total interpolation
1 wavelength. L(m) H(m) T(s) node numbers Nb
( )
Test 1 12 30 2.5 2.984 = 7725
Test 2 10 30 2.5 2.6440 = 8100

Fig.3. Numerical and analytical solutions along the NWT at t=2.5T (left), along with time series at x/L=0.75 (right), for the case of T=2.984s

Fig.4. Numerical and analytical solutions along the NWT at t=3T (left), along with time series at x/L=0.75 (right), for the case of T=2.644s

The numerical solutions proposed are evaluated by A. Partial Reflection Boundary Analysis
comparing the analytical and numerical solution as
illustrated in the Fig.3 and 4. The objective of this part is to examine the
The results show a good accord between the validity of the partial reflection boundary condition
analytical solution and the numerical solution (see the presented in this work. For that, we present in the
Figs.3 and 4) when the parameter c is between [0.03 Fig.5 (a to d) the results with various reflection
m -0.1 m]. coefficients R using parameters of the NWT and
incident wave, which are depicted in the Table 1 (test
2). The accuracy of the boundary condition presented


2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO)

is affirmed by our numerical experiments as shown in When R = ~1, the elevation of the free surface takes
Fig 5. The results illustrated in the Fig 5 with various the same value of that of the full reflection.
reflection coefficients R, show that when R = 0, the These results seem to be perfectly logical
elevation of the free surface takes the same profile of regarding the dynamics of the partial reflection of
the incident waves. As the reflection coefficient waves, this results are proved in the reference [9]
increases the elevation of the free surface decreases. using the boundary element method.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.5. Elevation of the free surface along the NWT at t=3T, for different cases of reflection coefficients, R (a) R=0.0, (b) R=0.4, (c) R=0.6, (d)

V. Conclusion

In this present work, boundary conditions are condition, it can be used to study the harbours with
discussed for wave analysis using the MFS method. arbitrary geometry, our interest in the future work is
The problem of the gravity waves propagation is to use the successful development of the numerical
accurately verified and examined by comparing the wave tank proposed using the partial reflection
analytical and the numerical solutions, the results are boundary condition to measure the reflection of an
stably acquired. The partial reflection boundary which arbitrary geometry.
is extended from the open boundary condition is
validated by our numerical experiments. This


2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO)

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