Tareaso 2ND Ed Sta Read Extra U6

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STARTER UNIT 6 3 What services are there in the village?
1 Think about a place you know well that is not your hometown.
a shop and a cafeteria.
And in the next town? a bus, a
Answer these questions. supermarket, an Indian restaurant
1 Where is it? in Colombia. and a cinema
2 Is it big or small? It’s a little small.
What do you like about it? the beaches. 4 Would you like to visit Damon’s
grandmother’s village? no, I
3 Is it different from your hometown? Yes, it is would not like to.
2 Read Damon’s description of his grandmother’s village. Why/Why not? there's not
What does he like about it? that there is a cafeteria a river much I can do
is it different from his home? Yes, it is.
5 6.1 Listen to a conversation
with a visitor in the village.
1 What does the visitor want?
wants to go to a cafe
2 Can she get it in the village?
yes, yes you can

Forum: Write about a place you know well 6 Listen again. Complete the questions.
jbI 1 Do you live in the village?
2 Is there a café in thevillage?
Today 09:22 3 Does it have Wi-Fi?
4 Where’s the next village?
My grandmother lives in a very small village. There’s
one shop and a small café. And nothing else! The next
7 Match the answers a)–d) to the
questions in Exercise 6.
town is two miles away. Sometimes when we visit my
grandmother in the summer, we walk to the town. a) No, but there’s an internet café in
There’s a nice walk along the river. There’s a bus too the next town. 3
but we like to walk. The town is small, too, but there’s a b) Not far. Follow the road. It’s only five
supermarket, an Indian restaurant and a cinema! It’s a minutes by car. 4
very small cinema. There are only thirty seats. It’s great!
c) Yes, there is. There’s a small café in
I love visiting my grandmother. Her life is very different
the main street. 2
from our life in London!
d) Yes, well, my grandmother lives here.
Damon03 Likes (2)

8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the

REPLY  questions in Exercise 1. Use questions
with Is there … /Are there … to ask for
more information.
A: Is there an internet café in your
B: No, there isn’t, but there’s a …

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