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Week 16---Lesson#1--Subject/ Class: Science/V MTL Girls Campus 1st Term--Grade V November 29, 2021, to December 3, 2021. carried forward
Learning Activity Delivery What is the student doing online/offline? What are the Time Formative
Outcome(s) Mode students Assessme
(Online / doing nt
Offline) F2F/Online?

At the end of Resourc Introduction(Pre-Technology) I’ll ask students to share their With the help
the lesson es: Asynchron knowledge about Covid 19, dengue and about why the school has of the online
students will be ous resources
able to 4
arranged a measles vaccine for the students in schools. and the stds will
beakers word microorganism will be introduced to the students. What do complete 20mins
Define and equal you know about these diseases? etc. their task
describe the ● Next I’ll ask students to tell if any of them are aware of this
microorganisms. amount Asynchron
of hot
word, “micro organism’?
2. Identify the Development: Whole class discussion on what microorganisms are ous .
and cold
main groups of water. and how they can be harmful and useful.
microorganisms 4 watch With the help of the PCTB textbook 5 pg# 18-31. Students will
and give glasses solve the given Qs in their copies.
examples of cubes Group
What are microorganisms? Give three examples. Activity
Write the difference between infectious diseases/contagious 15 mins
3. Highlight the
diseases and the non infectious diseases/non contagious diseases.
role of
Identify the following diseases as infectious diseases and non
infectious diseases.
decomposition H.W: I’ll ask students to Activity 2.4 from PCTB textbook 5 pg# written task
and discuss its 24 in the copy.
harmful and Do Fill in the blanks on Science copy from PCTB textbook 5 pg# 35mins
beneficial effect. 29.
4. Recognize Do Ex 2.3--Qs 2-6 on Science copy from PCTB textbook 5 pg# 29.
some common Wrap up: I’ll discuss H.W Qs with students..
diseases of each
group caused by
December CAT Reinforcement
Week 16---Lesson#2--Subject/ Class: Science/V MTL Girls Campus 1st Term--Grade V November 29, 2021, to December 3, 2021.
Learning Activity Delivery What is the student doing online/offline? What are the Time Formative
Outcome(s) Mode students Assessme
(Online / doing nt
Offline) F2F/Online?

At the end of Resourc Introduction(Pre-Technology) Whole class discussion on what With the help
the lesson es: Asynchron microorganisms are and how they can be harmful and useful. of the online
students will be w.sheets ous resources
able to ● Next I’ll ask students to share some examples from the daily stds will
life. complete 20mins
apply the Development: their task
attained With the help of the PCTB textbook 5 pg# 18-31. Students will
knowledge in solve the given Qs in their copies. Asynchron
day-to-day life. What are microorganisms? Give three examples. ous .
Write what kind of microorganisms are useful and name the ones
understand that that are harmful. Explain your answer.
all 25mins
Reinforcement W.sheet:: I’ll ask students to complete the
attached w.sheet individually.
are not harmful.
Revise the work done in the class. 15mins
Peer checking: I’ll ask students to exchange their copies with the
child sitting next to them and check each other's work. Highlight 15mins
the work with the coloured pencils.
Corrections: Students will be given a chance to do the corrections
of the previous work and complete the missing work, if they have
any. 5mins
Wrap up: I’ll discuss students’ concerns, if they have any.

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