The Extinction of Animals, JANETH

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Universidad de los Ángeles

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Janeth Carola Martin
“The extinction of
ING. en Sistemas
3ser semestre
The extinction of animals
The world is experiencing an increase in species extinction – the loss of fastest biodiversity in planetary history
likely to accelerate as the weather changes. The impact of climate change on wildlife It is evident locally,
regionally and globally. The direct impact on the species that we use or compete against, immediately impacts
communities human: the loss of biodiversity is our loss too. It could be said that we have an ethical
responsibility in the search for solutions against rapid global increase in the rate of extinction of species such as
consequence of our actions.
Climate change is supposed to be one of the main drivers of the extinction in this century, as a result of changes
in the development time of species and variations in distribution due to changes in the precipitation and
temperature regimes. It is estimated that between 20 and 30 percent of plant and animal species will face an
increased risk of extinction due to to global warming, and that a significant part of endemic species are they will
be extinct by 2050. Some taxa are more susceptible than others.
For example, 566 of the 799 coral species that make up the reefs in deep Waters warm temperatures are on their
way to becoming endangered due to to climate change; the same happens with 35 percent of the birds and 52
percent cent of the amphibians. The impact will be even more severe on species that are already Endangered: 70
to 80 percent of the birds, amphibians, and corals listed on the Red List are susceptible to the effects of climate

 Identify the existing animal wealth in their environment and from different regions of the world.
 Recognize the importance of biodiversity in the lives of human beings.
 Establish proposals that allow promoting actions for the care and preservation of animal wealth.
 Assume the commitment as part of the natural environment and as active members in its care.
 Promote the socialization of learning through the use of Information and Communication Technologies.

In biology and ecology, extinction is the disappearance of all members of a species or group of taxa. A species
is considered extinct from the moment the last individual of it dies. Because its potential biogeographic area
can be very large, determining that time can be difficult, so it is usually done in retrospect. These difficulties
can lead to phenomena such as the lazarus taxon, in which a species thought to be extinct abruptly reappears
after a period of apparent absence. In the case of species that reproduce sexually, extinction is generally
inevitable when only one individual of the species remains, or only individuals of the same sex.
Through biological evolution, new species arise through speciation, just as other species become extinct when
they are no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against other competitors. Typically, a species
becomes extinct within ten million years of its first appearance,1 although some species, called living fossils,
survive virtually unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. Extinction is historical and usually a natural
phenomenon. It is estimated that about 99.9% of all species that ever existed are now extinct.

A species becomes extinct when its last specimen dies. Therefore, extinction becomes a certainty when there is
no member capable of reproducing and giving rise to a new generation. A species can also become functionally
extinct when only a very small number of members survive, which are incapable of reproducing due to health
problems, age, geographical distance due to a very large range of distribution, due to lack of individuals of
both sexes (in species that reproduce sexually), or other reasons.

Why are animals in danger of extinction?

Let's start by knowing what this status means. Endangered animals are organisms whose existence and
reproduction are radically limited by the decrease in the number of animals in a species. This entails the
imminent risk of its disappearance —as its name indicates.
Endangered animals respond to two main causes: habitat loss and loss of genetic variation.
Habitat loss can be caused by natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, landslides. In addition, human
causes are also relevant in this regard. Industry, agriculture and urbanization lead to the progressive
disappearance of ecosystems.
Regarding genetic variation, this can lead to an increase in diseases, mutations and disorders that lead to the
extinction of species.

Causes of species extinction

The causes for which species can disappear are diverse, but in general, the most common is the disappearance
of the habitat where they live. There have also been many species extinct by humans; in fact, nowadays, the
human being is mainly responsible for these changes with various activities, for example, with the destruction
of the natural habitat (for example, climate change is affecting the ice sheets where the polar bear lives) ,
illegal hunting (to which the African rhinoceros is subjected for its ivory horns) or the introduction of invasive
species with which other endemic species cannot compete or alter their ecosystem (such as, for example, the
beaver in Argentina and Chile, which are one of the causes of forest destruction in Tierra del Fuego).

Consequences of species extinction

The doubts are not so much in the causes of the extinction of species, which most people know better, but in the
consequences of their disappearance. The most palpable is the loss of biodiversity in a habitat, that is, the lack
of members of that species. This, in turn, has consequences since, in an ecosystem, all its members are
interrelated to a greater or lesser extent. The disappearance of one of them causes changes that end up
affecting the rest and, in turn, making them more vulnerable to invasive species. This can be seen with the
following example:
The kelp forest is a system made up of otters, urchins and kelp (a type of giant kelp). Otters feed on sea urchins
and other crustaceans, which in turn feed on kelp. In turn, the kelp provides shelter for otters and food for other
species. Should the otters disappear, urchin populations would grow out of control, in turn causing the
disappearance of the kelp and the complete collapse of the entire system. Therefore, in this interrelation, all the
participants are necessary for the coexistence of the rest.

The biggest problem with the consequences of the disappearance of a species is the fact that we are not sure
how this will affect the system where it lives and there will be an ecological imbalance in the ecosystems that
nature will have to readjust, which takes a long time. Herein lies the need for biodiversity conservation.

Of all the factors that put some animal species at risk, there is one, which affects all equally, and that is, the
destruction of the natural habitat where these species live.
It is a big problem, from an economic as well as an environmental point of view, since as the quality of the land
decreases we are receiving less water (vegetation captures humidity), reducing the production of soils for
crops, and as a final consequence reducing large tracts of land on lands much less fertile than they were.
A serious consequence of the destruction of land is the deforestation that is taking place worldwide, for
agricultural uses (now with the rise of biofuels), as well as for logging and also for housing use.

This problem is becoming more serious every day, forests are being lost and as a consequence climate change
is increasing, the loss of biodiversity and increasing the extinction of species. At the same time, many animals
have major conflicts with farmers, making defense of the environment extremely difficult.
That is why we must become aware and try to make a change, better using our resources, wood, fuel and also
food, try to eat more vegetables, since they need less land


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