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Feminism is a range of social movements,

political movements, and ideologies that aim

to define and establish the political,
economic, personal, and social equality of
both genders..

Women are still disadvantaged compared

with men where access to economic and
social opportunities is concerned. Some of
these so-called gender gaps, such as the
dearth of women in government, stem from
societal attitudes about gender and

Women generally are given less high

standing jobs as it is a common stereotype
that they would have to look after their
families being unable to focus on their job
even though all women are different and are
capable. Feminism goes against such acts.

Two main injustices women go through are:

- Harassment

- Inability attain high ranked jobs

- Uneven education slots

Even in today world, women still have less

access to quality education than men and in
some families it is believed that women were
made to stay at home for taking care of
households while women should be allowed
to achieve their dreams and prove their

Both genders go through gender equality but

it is proven that over 90% of gender
discrimination goes towards women.

Examples of feminine injustice

 Even though strong laws at the national
level today, many women and girls
across India continue to suffer routine
domestic violence, acid attacks, rape, and

Being a woman is not easy and that too

when you live in India. Because in India at
every 20 minutes a girl is raped. And if we
talked about the current scenario, India is
not safe for women not even in this 21st
century. This country has been ranked as the
world most dangerous place for women..

 Gulnaz Khatoon, 20, was burned after the

accused poured kerosene over her in
Rasoolpur village on October 30. She
succumbed to her burns on Sunday.
The woman's family alleges the police
delayed in taking action against the accused,
who were identified as Satish Kumar Rai,
Chandan, and Vinod Rai.
The 23-year-old paramedic student, referred
to as Nirbhaya, was gang harassed and
brutally assaulted on the intervening night of
December 16-17, 2012 inside a moving bus in
south Delhi by six people before being
thrown out on the road. She died on
December 29, 2012 at Mount Elizabeth
Hospital in Singapore

The feminist movement

Fourth-wave feminism is a major  feminist

movement that began around 2019 and is
characterized by a focus on the
empowerment of women, the use of internet
tools, and intersectionality. The fourth wave
seeks greater gender equality by focusing on
gendered norms and marginalization
of women in society.
Gender equality is a sustainable
development goal and Women's
empowerment is a key factor for
achieving sustainable economic growth,
social development and
environmental sustainability.

As an SDG goal, many goverments have

pledged and made contradicting laws to
protect and empower women’s rights.

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