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From the Editor Connect

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Rivals and Friends

W H E N T H E WO R L D went into awkward partnerships:
lockdown last spring, my col- co-opetition. In “The Rules of
league Josh Macht and I decided Co-opetition” (page 48), they
to launch a series of live video offer principles for making deals
interviews with experts who with rivals.
could offer perspective on these Done right, co-opetition
strange days. We called it HBR works out well for both par-
Quarantined, and to distribute ties. Our first season of HBR
it we made an unusual choice to Quarantined attracted nearly
partner with LinkedIn. 800,000 viewers; in October we
LinkedIn is best known as a renamed it HBR Now; added a
professional networking site, cohost, Twenty Ten’s Octavia
but it also publishes articles on Goredema; and scheduled 11
management topics—competing more episodes. You can find
with us for readers. At the same them at
time, HBR has 11 million follow- This issue also marks a mile-
ers on LinkedIn, which drives stone: Two colleagues, executive
traffic to our site. Is LinkedIn our editor Sarah Cliffe and senior
friend, our rival, or both? editor Gardiner Morse, are
Clockwise from the top left: Adi Ignatius, guest Walter
We ask ourselves a similar leaving HBR after a combined
Isaacson, Octavia Goredema, and Josh Macht
question whenever we run arti- 40 years of service. If you’re a
cles by authors who write books longtime reader, you’ve prob-
for other business publishers, or ably profited from some of the
partner with competing media hundreds of articles they’ve
organizations on events. We bet brought to life. Please join us in
this question comes up in your expressing gratitude to them.
business, too. Under what cir-
cumstances does it make sense
to team up with a competitor?
More than 20 years ago,
Adam Brandenburger and
Barry Nalebuff coined a word ADI IGNATIUS
to describe these sometimes Editor in chief

10 Harvard Business Review

January–February 2021
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