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Common Positions of Entrepreneurs

Position Description Est. Value

Founder Provides vision, inspiration, creation of entire businesses High

President Acts as figurehead, motivation or company as a whole High

CEO or COO Provides overall operations management, execution of vision High-Med

Marketing Manager Develops, manages, and oversees marketing campaigns Medium

Sales Executive Creates big-ticket lead generation and sales conversion High-Med

Sales Representative Provides one-on-one low-level generation and sales conversion Medium

Mid-level Manager (Titles Oversees success (may manage multiple groups) Med-Low
Copywriter Delivers sales material, including emails, brochures, ads Medium

Editor or Beta Tester Tests materials, products, websites for flaws and submits Med-Low
recommendations for improvement
Office Manager Manages the behind-the-scenes office details Med-Low

Graphic Designer Creates the visual materials of the business Med-Low

R&D Manager Develops and tests new products and services High-Med

Legal Counsel Deals with minor, day-to-day legal issues and questions High-Med

Project Manager Coordinates the calendar and work of several people on a per-project Medium
basis (including events)
Customer Support Answers the most basic question of customers Low

Customer Loyalty Provides higher-end customer support and develops strategies for Medium
Manager customer retention
Public Relations Responds to media inquires, coordinates appearance for president Medium
Technician (Titles vary) The person who delivers or creates the core product or service of the Med-Low
Receptionist Frontline answering of phones with no sales role Low

Webmaster Develops website and back-end programming; executes vision of Med-Low

graphic designer
Administrative Assistant Clerical work, errand running Low

Janitor Everyday cleaning Low

Maintenance Specialist Repairing everyday equipment Med-Low

Bookkeeper Enters financial data and may provide low-level reporting Med-Low

A/R or Collections Follows up on past due accounts and collects money Med-Low
Accountant or Controller Files returns, generates reports, pay bills, and provides occasional Medium
financial feedback
IT Manager Sets up company information-technology strategy and troubleshoots Medium
computer or network issues
“Create Your Own Title” This list is by no means exhaustive. Creates titles for any other mini- Varies
positions you fill and estimate their value.

Small Business Secrets with Dave Crenshaw

© 2014 Dave Crenshaw. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be adapted, reproduced, or distributed without permission.
Most Valuable Position (MVP) Worksheet

(Low, Med, High)

Est. Value
Your Ability
(Yes, No, Maybe)


Small Business Secrets with Dave Crenshaw

© 2014 Dave Crenshaw. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be adapted, reproduced, or distributed without permission.

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