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Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for

Pettimudi (India) Landslide Monitoring

using Sentinel-1A Images
Hari Shankar, Arijit Roy, and Prakash Chauhan

Abstract Catastrophic landslides have been reported in 2020, 2018,

The continuous monitoring of land surface movement over 2005, 1997, 1989, 1977, and 1958. Due to changing climatic
time is of paramount importance for assessing landslide patterns, the South Indian state of Kerala (a part of the WGR)
triggering factors and mitigating landslide hazards. This has experienced heavy monsoon rainfall in the past few
research focuses on measuring horizontal and vertical surface years, leading to multiple hazards including several cata-
displacement due to a devastating landslide event in the strophic landslides and flood events. The monsoon pattern in
west-facing slope of the Rajamala Hills, induced by intense Kerala used to arrive every year at a specific time in the first
rainfall. The landslide occurred in Pettimudi, a tea-plantation or second week of June, but now it shows significant varia-
village of the Idukki district in Kerala, India, on August tion—especially in the last two years—with a relatively drier
6–7, 2020. The persistent-scatterer synthetic aperture radar monsoon spell in the month of July and intense rainfall in
interferometry (PSInSAR) technique, along with the Stanford the month of August. Previously, the spatial and temporal
Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS), was applied to distribution of rainfall were uniform all through Kerala dur-
investigate the land surface movement over time. A stack ing rainy season. Now the spatial distribution of rainfall had
of 20 Sentinel-1A single-look complex images (19 interfero- also changed, and there are significant events of localized
grams) acquired in descending passes was used for PSInSAR high-intensity rainfall. In 2018, the rainfall distribution was
processing. The line-of-sight (LOS) displacement in long time clustered in the central and southern parts of Kerala (Hunt
series, and hence the average LOS velocity, was measured at and Menon 2020), and in 2019 it shifted to the northernmost
each measurement-point location. The mean LOS velocity parts of the state (Krishnan et al. 2020). This year (2020), it
was decomposed into horizontal east–west (EW) and verti- was in the eastern part of the state—that is, the Idukki and
cal up–down velocity components. The results show that Wayanad districts (Krishnan et al. 2020). A number of stud-
the mean LOS, EW, and up–down velocities in the study Delivered by Ingenta
ies have indicated the change in rain pattern over the entire
area, respectively, range from −18.76 IP:
to +11.88, −10.95On:
to Wed, 19
2023 05:09:42
et al. 2018; Hunt and Menon 2020; Krishnan et
+6.93, and −15.05 to +9.53Copyright:
mm/y, and American Society for Photogrammetry
the LOS displacement and Remote
al. 2020; Kulkarni Sensing
et al., 2020; Wadhawan et al. 2020). The
ranges from −19.60 to +19.59 mm. The displacement values Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment has predicted
clearly indicate the instability of the terrain. The time-series an increase in atmospheric temperature and extreme precipi-
LOS displacement trends derived from the applied PSInSAR tation events associated with floods in the WGR due to a rise in
technique are very useful for providing valuable inputs sea surface temperature (Sharma and Chauhan 2011).
for disaster management and the development of disaster Various anthropogenic activities have resulted in geo-
early-warning systems for the benefit of local residents. metric changes in the form of ground surface movement in
the vertical or horizontal directions. These movements can
be measured using various techniques such as terrestrial
Introduction (leveling, high-precision global position system, etc.), pho-
Landslides are the downslope displacement of a specific togrammetry, laser scanning, microgravity, and differential
mass characterized by debris, rock, or a mixture thereof due synthetic aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR) techniques.
to Earth’s gravity or instability of terrain structures. Non-flat In situ measurement techniques have limited measurement
terrain structures only exist when there is a balance between scope, because of small area coverage, very high costs of
restrictive (cohesive and friction) and gravitational forces that field surveying and instruments, and time consumption due
prevents the flattening of the terrain. Several researchers have to multiple point measurements with limited measurement
observed and analyzed various mechanisms for relating ter- frequency. Space-based techniques have various advantages
rain stability (slope) and pore pressure, especially in rainfall- over in situ ones, including low cost, fast measurement speed
induced landslide events (Iverson and Major 1986; Johnson and frequency, and large area coverage. Modern space-based
and Sitar 1990; Fannin and Jaakkola 1999). A continuously synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems are capable of acquir-
changing environment has a greater influence on the occur- ing images of a location of interest irrespective of weather
rence of rainfall-induced landslides in the short and long conditions and acquisition time, and have multi-frequency,
terms, both locally and regionally (Glade and Crozier 2010). multi-resolution, and multi-polarization capabilities. SAR
The Western Ghats Region (WGR) during the past six de- images give an opportunity to detect and characterize ground
cades has been frequently affected by large and catastrophic surface movement over time with significantly high accuracy
landslides due to reckless deforestation and urbanization.
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Hari Shankar, Arijit Roy, and Prakash Chauhan are with the Vol. 87, No. 11, November 2021, pp. 853–862.
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India, 248001 0099-1112/21/853–862
(, © 2021 American Society for Photogrammetry
Contributed by Zhenfeng Shao, April 14, 2021 (sent for review May 24, and Remote Sensing
2021; reviewed by Su Zhang, Xiaolian Li). doi: 10.14358/PERS.21-00020R3


(to a few millimeters). SAR technology is a mature technology, PSI software package, called the Stanford Method for Persistent
and recent advancements in the field of SAR interferometry Scatterers (StaMPS; Hooper et al. 2007; Hooper and Zebker 2007;
and polarimetry enable the estimation of land surface move- Hooper 2008). Post-event monitoring of the landslide in the
ments along the line of sight (LOS) of the SAR sensor or along Idukki district of Kerala, India, was also performed by Jennifer
the vertical and horizontal directions with high confidence. et al. (2020). Submillimeter estimation accuracy of InSAR
The availability of free and open-source SAR data has resulted time-series measurements has been assessed and validated
in extensive use of these data along with the development of experimentally using a set of four artificial reflectors (Ferretti
new algorithms and approaches for generating new products et al. 2007) in horizontal and vertical directions. The SBAS
from SAR, especially for disaster-management support. The approach has been exploited without significant modifications
assessment of various causative geo-factors of most landslide- to produce deformation time series over a multi-sensor (ERS,
and flood-prone areas in Kerala, along with rigorous field-data Envisat, and ALOS) SAR data set with temporal overlap of the SAR
collection by a team of experts, is described by Wadhawan acquisitions (Pepe et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2020).
et al. (2020). A complete event-based monsoon-induced An advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in a natural
landslide inventory of Kerala for the year 2018, with 4728 environment by considering distributed scatterers (DSs)—that is,
listings, was constructed by Hao et al. (2020) using two sub- pixels of moderate coherence and stable phase—was developed
inventories generated by object-based satellite image analysis by Goel and Adam (2012). The precise phase and coherence
and field survey. The data sets for this inventory are available were estimated using small baseline interferograms, adaptive
online ( differ- phase filtering, and a removal strategy for residual topography
ent statistical models with 12 landslide conditioning factors error. In 2009, two major team exercises were executed—in the
were applied by Achu et al. (2020) to model the landslide form of the European Space Agency’s PSIC4 project (Raucoules
susceptibility of the southern parts of the WGR. An inventory et al. 2009), and the Terrafirma validation project (Adam et al.
spatial database of 82 landslides was generated, and landslide 2009)—for product and process validation of the PSI technique.
conditioning factors were extracted from the database for The Terrafirma project achieved exciting results and meaning-
modeling and producing landslide susceptibility maps. The ful conclusions by comparing PSI results from different teams,
authors indicate that agricultural land falling on denuded derived from same stack of ERS and Envisat data.
hills with slopes between 10° and 40° are extremely suscepti- A major step forward in the traditional PSInSAR algorithm
ble to landslides, with extended influence from distance from was made possible by the SqueeSAR algorithm (Ferretti et al.
roads, distance from streams, and soil textures. 2011), combining PS and DS processing without significant
DInSAR techniques evolved from the analysis of a single change in the entire processing chain of the existing PSInSAR
interferogram (classical DInSAR) to interferogram stacking algorithm and phase unwrapping of multiple interferograms.
(summation of temporal interferograms), small baseline subset A general framework to exploit the polarimetric diversity
(SBAS) processing creating an interferogram network of small of dual-polarized data to optimize PSI results was presented
spatial baselines, and persistent-scatterer interferometry (PSI) by Navarro-Sanchez and Lopez-Sanchez (2012), and further
techniques. PSI, an advanced DInSAR technique, is effective extended for fully polarimetric data (Navarro-Sanchez et al.
in processing stable and coherent scatterers using multiple
Delivered 2014a).
by IngentaA new PSInSAR method (Cao et al. 2016) based on
interferograms and results in time-series deformation signals
On: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:09:42
phase decomposition was developed to improve the inter-
Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry
in the form of deformation maps.
and Remote Sensing
ferometric coherence, spatial density, and phase stability of
In 2000, the first PSI technique was developed; it was measurement points. Those authors performed eigen-value
termed the permanent-scatterer approach (Ferretti et al. 2000, decomposition on a coherency matrix (instead of a covari-
2001) and patented as the PSInSAR algorithm, with amplitude ance matrix) to estimate the stable phases corresponding
dispersion as a persistent-scatterer (PS) selection criterion. to the different scattering mechanisms. Higher-order phase
This PSInSAR algorithm represented the first complete solution unwrapping in the temporal and spatial dimensions of stacks
of time-series deformation analysis and was a crucial step of interferograms is one of the most challenging steps of the
forward from traditional DInSAR techniques. This revolution- PSI techniques, which has been addressed by several authors
ary work was followed by numerous other contributions in (Berardino et al. 2002; Colesanti et al. 2003; Kampes 2006;
the field of deformation measurement. The extended version Iglesias et al. 2014a). After a long, rigorous literature survey
of the PSInSAR algorithm (Colesanti et al. 2003) was proposed in the field of applied technique and applications of advanced
to monitor ground deformation based on seasonal varia- DInSAR techniques in the study area, we identified the follow-
tions over a subset of image pixels from natural and created ing gaps: most of the studies targeted measurement of LOS
environments. The PSInSAR application developed by Ferretti displacement, not horizontal and vertical displacements, and
et al. (2000, 2001) was for monitoring the vertical up-and- very few studies were found for monitoring rainfall-induced
down motion of land in the San Francisco Bay Area (Ferretti landslides using space-based SAR data in Kerala.
et al. 2004). The well-known lambda method used in global In this study, a powerful space-based DInSAR technique—
positioning systems was adapted by Kampes and Hanssen PSI—was applied for time-series measurement of a landslide
(2004) to resolve the ambiguity of PSI, and later it was used in event at Pettimudi village in the Idukki district of Kerala,
the STUN (spatiotemporal unwrapping network) algorithm India. The PSI analysis was carried out using the StaMPS/
(Kampes 2006). A new algorithm (Berardino et al. 2002) was MTI (multi-temporal InSAR) method, developed by Stanford
developed for SBAS-DInSAR, in which an optimal stack of University, the University of Iceland, Delft University of
differential interferograms with smaller orbital baselines was Technology, and the University of Leeds, and written in
used to minimize the decorrelation effect. The linear and non- MATLAB and C++. The main objective of this study was the
linear displacements were measured using an advanced tech- measurement of LOS, horizontal (east–west), and vertical (up–
nique described by Mora et al. (2003) based on a minimized down) displacements at the landslide location at Pettimudi
set of low-spatial-resolution interferometric SAR images. using pre- and post-event Sentinel-1A (C-band SAR) single-
A new PSI procedure (Hooper et al. 2004) with higher-order polarized (VV) images acquired in descending orbit. The main
phase unwrapping and a novel PS selection criterion based on research question was: How can LOS, horizontal, and vertical
phase characteristics rather than amplitude dispersion was displacements be measured using time-series SAR images
developed to measure discontinuous crustal deformation in acquired in similar orbit passes?
natural (non-urban) environments, using the most widely used


Materials and Methodology Over 30% of the Idukki district is prone to rainfall-induced
landslides; the district is in the top four landslide-prone dis-
Study Region tricts in Kerala. The topographical variability associated with
The study area chosen for this research (Figure 1) is on the
around 5 m of topsoil on the mountain slopes provides prime
western slopes of the WGR and lies between 9°59ʹ31.56″ N and
conditions for rainfall-induced landslides. The land instability
10°22ʹ38.64″ N latitude and 76°53ʹ30.12″ E and 77°14ʹ18.24″ E
is extremely critical in the northeastern part of the district, near
longitude. The total study area is 1143.48 km2, with eleva-
Munnar and surrounding areas. Of the 123 villages identified as
tion ranging between 297 and 2451.7 m above mean sea
the most vulnerable in the WGR, 48 are from the Idukki district
level. The exact location of the 2020 landslide event is at
(Kasturirangan et al. 2013). Mining activities, thermal power
10°09ʹ39.6″ N, 77°00ʹ39.6″ E (Google location: https://goo.
plants, and construction projects above a certain size are still
gl/maps/eeJ1AEEL5ZT9kJQcA). The majority of the Idukki
banned in the region. The main causes of frequent landslide
district is covered with forest patches, followed by narrow
hazards in the Idukki district are changing rainfall patterns and
valleys. Pettimudi village in the Rajamala Hills is just few
intense high rainfall in short spans of time due to the monsoon
kilometers from the hill station of Munnar in the northeast
rhythm, land fragmentation including mono-cropping in some
direction. The study region experiences a tropical monsoon
parts of the district, and unscientific road construction and wid-
climate with two different periods: southwest and northeast
ening, and allied activities, on hillslopes and adjoining areas.
monsoons. The southwest monsoon normally occurs every
year during June–September and alone contributes up to 80% Satellite Data
of total rainfall in the WGR. The contribution of the northeast The preparatory work for this study included pre- and post-
monsoon is comparatively small, and normally occurs during event acquisition of spaceborne SAR images from the Sentinel-
October–December. In 2020, as a result of the extreme pre- 1A (C-band) satellite. Twenty single-look complex SAR images
cipitation-induced landslide event on August 6–7, there was (level 1.0) with VV polarization captured in descending orbit
extensive loss of human life associated with infrastructural, and wide interferometric mode over the study region were
ecological, and economic losses. In a span of 24 h, parts of used for measuring the deformation due to the landslide
the Rajamala Hills near the Pettimudi tea estate received 616 event. To generate a single master interferogram, the coher-
mm of rainfall, leading to a large-scale landslide in the early ence was modeled for each master–slave combination and the
hours of August 7. The Pettimudi landslide buried hundreds master image was selected corresponding to the maximum
of families under mud and debris of their own houses. More sum of coherence. Table 1 presents the acquisition date, per-
than 50 residents lost their lives, and around 150 people were pendicular and temporal baselines, and modeled coherence of
directly affected. each image scene with respect to the master image.

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Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Figure 1. Extent of the study region.


Mathematical Formulation of PSI The simulated topographic phase ϕtopo_simu indirectly con-
The electric field vector of the electromagnetic signal—that is, tains a flat-earth phase component. Moreover, it is affected
the SAR signal—is a complex signal that contains amplitude by orbital inaccuracies, atmospheric delay (inhomogeneities),
and phase information. If two such complex electromagnetic and decorrelation noise. Therefore, the comprehensive form
signals interfere with each other, they form interference of Equation 3 is
fringes (an interferogram). In DInSAR measurements, the two
SAR echoes (backscatter signals) are being captured from two
∆ϕ D − int = ϕdisp + ϕ topo_res + ∆ϕorb + ∆ϕatm + ϕ noise + 2π a (4)
different satellite orbital locations in time or position. For
convenience, let a single point target P on the ground first
where the second and fifth terms on the right-hand side
be imaged from satellite position C, and then let the same
indicate phase components due to residual topography error,
point target be moved on the ground from position P to Q and
and decorrelation noise, respectively, and the third and fourth
imaged from satellite position D. Assume that ϕC and ϕD are
terms denote the phase differences due to orbital inaccura-
the estimated phases of the SAR signals when acquired from
cies and atmospheric variations during both acquisitions. The
satellite positions C and D, respectively. In this situation, the
last term on the right-hand side is due to the wrapped nature
interferometric phase Δϕint is given as
of interferometric phase, where a is a positive integer called
phase ambiguity. Moreover, differential interferometric phases

∆ϕint = ϕ D − ϕC = (DQ − CP) + ϕscatt − D − ϕscatt −C (1) are bound in the range [–π, π] —that is, 2π. In multi-temporal
λ SAR interferograms, all phase contributions in Equation 4 are
or present and mixed together. Atmospheric phase components
4π 4π are spatially correlated (and sometimes temporally correlat-
∆ϕint = (DP − CP) + (DQ − DP) + ϕscatt − D − ϕscatt −C (2)
ed), whereas decorrelation noise is spatially uncorrelated but
λ λ
temporally correlated.
The scattering vectors, scattering matrices, and coherency
where CP, DP, and DQ are the distances between satellite
matrices for single, dual, and fully polarimetric SAR data sets
orbital position C and point target P, satellite position D and
have been previously described (Iglesias et al. 2014b; Mullissa
point target P, and satellite position D and point target Q,
et al. 2018). Optimization of coherence increases the quality
respectively, and ϕscatt–C and ϕscatt–D are the scattering phase
of the differential phase and density of measurement points
components of SAR signals transmitted from satellite orbital
(PS and DS) during PSI processing (Neumann et al. 2008;
positions C and D. In Equation 2, the first and second terms
Iglesias et al. 2014b; Navarro-Sanchez et al. 2014b; Mullissa et
on the right-hand side represent the topographic phase ϕtopo
al. 2018). For a single baseline, both polarimetric and inter-
and displacement phase ϕdisp in the satellite LOS direction,
ferometric information can be combined by a metric called
respectively. The availability of an accurate digital elevation
the polarimetric interferometric coherency matrix:
model (DEM) for the images canceled out the last two terms
of Equation 2. The ϕtopo can be simulated, and thus ϕdisp can
be calculated by subtracting ϕtopo from Δϕint. Thus the DInSAR Delivered by Ingenta  Tii Ω ij  T
z = KK = †  , with K =  k i k j 
† T T
IP: On: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:09:42 (5)
phase ΔϕD–int can be obtained as Ω
 ij Tjj 

Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

∆ϕ D − int = ∆ϕ int − ϕtopo _ simu = ( DQ − DP ) = ϕdisp (3) where Tii and Tjj and ki and kj are the coherency matrices and
λ scattering vectors, respectively, of the ith and jth acquisitions;
Ωij(i≠j) is the baseline-dependent polarimetric interferomet-
ric correlation matrix between the ith and jth acquisitions

Table 1. Master–slave pair selection of Sentinel-1A images for interferogram generation.

Image Acquisition Orbit Perpendicular Temporal Modeled
No. Master/Slave Date No. Baseline (m) Baseline (d) Coherence
1 Slave 2 Dec 2019 30162 45.41 168 0.81
2 Slave 26 Dec 2019 30512 53.51 144 0.83
3 Slave 2020/01/07 30687 −11.04 132 0.87
4 Slave 31 Jan 2020 31037 11.78 108 0.89
5 Slave 12 Feb 2020 31212 44.76 96 0.88
6 Slave 24 Feb 2020 31387 26.78 84 0.90
7 Slave 7 Mar 2020 31562 57.24 72 0.89
8 Slave 31 Mar 2020 31912 −9.52 48 0.95
9 Slave 12 Apr 2020 32087 −5.95 36 0.96
10 Slave 24 Apr 2020 32262 65.04 24 0.92
11 Master 18 May 2020 32612 0.0 0.0 1.0
12 Slave 30 May 2020 32787 −40.28 −12 0.95
13 Slave 11 Jun 2020 32962 −20.83 −24 0.96
14 Slave 23 Jun 2020 33137 27.25 −36 0.94
15 Slave 5 Jul 2020 33312 −48.43 −48 0.92
16 Slave 29 Jul 2020 33662 88.76 −72 0.86
17 Slave 10 Aug 2020 33837 24.02 −84 0.90
18 Slave 22 Aug 2020 34012 −20.81 −96 0.90
19 Slave 3 Sep 2020 34187 −16.53 −108 0.89
20 Slave 15 Sep 2020 34362 32.19 −120 0.87


(Neumann et al. 2008); and † and T designate the transpose In both the single- and multi-baseline cases, the optimal
conjugate and transpose operator, respectively. value of ω can be obtained by numerical optimization—such
The complex interferometric coherence γij (which indicates as the conjugate gradient descent method (Fletcher and
the similarity or cross correlation between two signals) is Reeves 1964)—of the parameters of the radar target as de-
formulated for a pair of complex SAR images in any arbitrary scribed in Equations 9 and 10.
polarimetric basis ωi and ωj by projecting the scattering vec- After all other unwanted phase components of Equation
tors ki and kj (Neumann et al. 2008; Navarro-Sanchez et al. 4 are removed, the displacement phase component is ex-
2014b) onto the complex unitary vector ωi: tracted and converted into the LOS displacement vector. The
LOS displacement can further decomposed into east–west
λi λ *j ω+i Ω ij ω j (EW), north–south (NS), and vertical up–down displacements
( )
γ ij ω i , ω j = γ ij e iϕ =
λi λ *i λj λ *j
ω i Tii ωi ω j Tjj ω j
(6) (Fernandez et al. 2018; Fuhrmann and Garthwaite 2019;
Dumont et al. 2020; Ho Tong Minh et al. 2020):

where † and * indicate the averaging and complex conjugate  v EW 

operators, respectively, and ϕ and λi are the interferometric  
 v NS  = [ − sin θ sin µ − sin θ cos µ cos θ ] . [v LOS ] (11)
phase and complex scalar. In the multi-baseline approach, for
equal scattering (Neumann et al. 2008), ωi = ωj = ω, whereas v updown 
 
for multi-scattering, ωi ≠ ωj. In the latter case, an individual
optimal polarization is calculated for every acquisition which where θ is the incidence angle, μ is the look direction of the
correlates highly with the other tracks. Thus for the multi- satellite heading vector, and [vEW vNS  vupdown] are the EW, NS,
baseline case, the interferometric coherence Γ is expressed as and vertical up–down components of mean LOS velocity. For
right-looking radar, the value of μ is equal to αH – 3π/2 for
 1 γ 12 γ 1n  both ascending and descending passes (Dumont et al. 2020),
γ * 1 γ 
1 and that of αH (satellite heading) is around −15° for ascending
Γ= ∑SS = 
N w K ∈η
† 12 2 n 

(7) passes and around −165° for descending passes (Fuhrmann
 *  and Garthwaite 2019). Equation 11 has two observational
 γ 1n γ 2 n
1  constraints from LOS measurements and are three unknowns

(velocity components). It is only possible to calculate three
where η represents a patch of homogeneous pixels containing velocity components if there is one more observational con-
Nw pixels and S = [s1 … sn]T is the normalized polarimetric straint present in Equation 11. Moreover, SAR satellites follow
scattering coefficient of a stack of n images, with a path along the NS (azimuth) direction in both ascending and
descending passes, and thus the NS component of LOS veloc-
λi ity is insensitive and assumed to be zero (Ho Tong Minh et al.
si = , with λ i = ω i k i (8) 2020). In this way, the EW and up–down velocity components
λi λ i
* Delivered by Ingenta

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be 2023
measured accurately using Equation 11. Thus the EW
Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry and vertical and
Remote components
Sensing of LOS velocity (Fernandez
It is important to note that Γ is distinctly different from the et al. 2018) can also be expressed as
polarimetric coherency matrix T and the polarimetric inter-
ferometric coherency matrix Z, as it contains only interfero- v EW = −sinθ sinµ v LOS and v updown = cosθ v LOS (12)

metric information. Each element of the Hermitian positive
semidefinite matrix Γ is a complex interferometric coherence
γij, which contains the interferometric coherence amplitude
(modulus) and the interferometric phase (argument). The
phase contributions due to flat earth and topography must be
Methodology Used
The methodology adopted in this study is shown in Figure
removed from the off-diagonal elements of Γ before spatial
2 in the form of a flowchart. All the Sentinel-1A (Level 1.0,
phase filtering is applied.
single-look complex) products were imported into SNAP 8.0
Optimizing interferometric coherence targets calculating
software for preprocessing. Two bursts over the study region
the best value of ω that maximizes the average coherence
were split from all the images and stacked together after
amplitudes of the interferograms. For fully polarimetric SAR
application of the respective precise Sentinel-1A orbit files
acquisitions, the complex unitary projection vector ω can be
and selection of a single master image. A back geo-coding
represented in terms of characteristic physical parameters of
algorithm was used for S1-TOPS co-registration, along with the
the radar target. Hence, it is parameterized as
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 1sec HGT DEM and
bisinc 21-point interpolation as a DEM resampling method
 cos α 
  (Table 2). The range and azimuth phase shifts were corrected
ω = e iδ sin α cosβ  (9) by enhancing spectral diversity before single master interfero-
 e iθ sin α sinβ  grams were generated, topographic phase was removed, and
Goldstein phase filtering was applied. The enhanced spectral
diversity and filtered interferogram products were de-bursted
where α∈[0,π/2] is the physical scattering mechanism, β∈[0,π] to interpolate the gap between the successive bursts, and a
is the target orientation angle with respect to the radar LOS, subset of de-bursted images around the landslide location
and δ∈[0,π] and θ∈[–π,π] are the co-polar and cross-polar were extracted for further processing. The subsets of images
phase angles, respectively. were used for the StaMPS export, in which files compatible
For dual- and single-polarized data, respectively, ω reduces with StaMPS processing were generated. In Figure 2, a single
to box represents sequential processing of the SAR images,
whereas multiple boxes represent parallel processing.
 cos α 
ω =  iδ
e sin α 
and ω = [ cos α ] (10) The PS processing was performed in StaMPS and MATLAB
R2020a, including initially selecting sufficient measurement

points (MPs)—both PS and DS candidates (PSs are pixels with
stable phase or high coherence, DSs are pixels with nearly


Figure 2. Methodological flowchart of the study.

Table 2. Input parameters used during StaMPS processing of the Pettimudi landslide.
Processing Step Parameter Value
Orbit state vector Sentinel Precise
Apply orbit file
Polynomial degree 3
S-1 TOPS co-registration DEM SRTM 1sec HGT
(back geo-coding) DEM resampling methodDelivered by Ingenta Bisinc 21-point interpolation
Registration window width × height
IP: On: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:09:42 512 × 512
Copyright: American
Coherence thresholdSociety forremoval
for outlier Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 0.3
ESD estimator Periodogram
Weight function Inverse quadratic
Degree of flat-earth polynomial 5
Interferogram generation Number of flat-earth estimation points 501
Orbit interpolation degree 3
Maximum uncorrelated DEM error 20 m
CLAP filter grid cell size 50 m
CLAP filter window size 32
CLAP filter α 1
CLAP filter β 0.3
CLAP low-pass spatial wavelength 800 m
CLAP filter weighting scheme PS probability square
StaMPS processing PS selection method Density
(PS processing) Maximum acceptable spatial density of pixels with random phase 50 pixels/km2
Threshold standard deviation for pixel weeding 2
Weeding time window for estimating phase noise distribution 365 d
Unwrapping method Stepwise 3D
Unwrapping grid cell size for resampling 100 m
Unwrapping Gaussian width (α) 8σ
Unwrapping time window 365 d
Time window for spatially correlated filtering 180 d
Minimum wavelength for spatially correlated filtering 50 m
Satellite heading −167.98°
Look direction −77.98°
Mean incidence angle 36.62°
CLAP = combined low-pass and adaptive phase; DEM = digital elevation model; ESD = enhanced spectral diversity; S-1 TOPS = xxxx; SRTM
1sec HGT= Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 1-second “height” binary data file; StaMPS = Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers.


stable phase or moderate coherence throughout the data- The results were derived from StaMPS processing with the
acquisition period); dropping those measurement points (DS parameters shown in Table 2; stable MPs in terms of interfero-
candidates) that are not sufficiently stable and that contain metric phase and coherence were obtained. These MPs were
a signal contribution from adjacent pixels and are hence predominantly located in and around the landslide-affected
deemed too noisy (weeding), thus selecting relatively more area (Figure 3) and experienced measurable LOS displace-
stable pixels; and applying wrapped phase correction of se- ment throughout the measurement period. The time series of
lected pixels for spatially uncorrelated look angle to minimize LOS displacement, and hence the average LOS velocity, was
DEM error, higher-order (3D) phase unwrapping followed by measured at each MP location. A total of 182, 407, 962, 4089,
estimation of deformation and spatially correlated look angle and 7866 MPs were observed within radial distances of 200,
error or residual topography error or DEM error, and estima- 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 m, respectively, from the central
tion and removal of atmospheric phase screen and orbital location of the landslide event in Pettimudi village. Figure 3
error. The input parameters required for the SAR preprocess- shows the distribution of average LOS velocity (mm/y) in and
ing steps and StaMPS processing are shown in Table 2. The around the landslide-affected area, with ranges between −40
time-series land surface movement (displacement) in the and +40 mm/y.
radar LOS was estimated after all unwanted phase components Numerous landslides occurred in the region on August
were removed, and it was finally visualized in RStudio and 6–7, 2020; the major ones (LS1, LS2, LS3, and LS4) are de-
the StaMPS visualizer. The radar LOS time-series displacement marcated in Figure 4, along with the resultant MPs generated
and velocity were projected into EW and up–down displace- by StaMPS processing. The corresponding field photographs
ment and velocity components using Equation 12. of the major landslide locations (LS1, LS2, LS3, and LS4) in
The entire processing chain was performed with two stand- the study area are shown in Figure 5. A total of 138 MPs were
alone personal computers, one running Microsoft Windows found in the landslide area (red boundary in Figure 4), over
10 Pro (16 GB RAM, 2 TB hard drive, 8-core Intel64 central which average LOS velocity and its decomposition along the
processing unit) and one running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux (8 EW and up–down directions were measured. The average LOS
GB RAM, 1 TB hard drive, Intel Core i7-4790 central processing velocity (Figure 4a) was classified into five classes depending
unit). SNAP 8.0, RStudio, and the StaMPS visualizer were in- upon the distribution, ranging from −18.76 to +11.88 mm/y.
stalled on the Windows computer, and MATLAB R2020a, StaMPS Positive and negative values of average LOS velocity represent
4.1beta, Triangle, and Snaphu were installed on the Linux movement toward and away from the satellite, respectively.
computer. Only MATLAB R2020a
required a software license; all other
software packages mentioned are
freely available on the web, and thus
this is a cost-effective approach to
deformation analysis as compared to
approaches using other commercial
software tools such as Gamma and
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IP: On: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:09:42
Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Results and Discussion

In the first week of August 2020, the
major landslide event in Pettimudi
occurred due to heavy rainfall, which
was greatly influenced by terrain char-
acteristics, land cover/land use, and
streams. It occurred along major road
corridors with residential buildings
and public places. The vertical cut
and sharp turning were very suscep- Figure 3. Velocity measurement points in and around the Pettimudi landslide
tible to stability of earth and debris. location.

Figure 4. Mean velocity estimation (mm/y) at the Pettimudi landslide location in the Idukki district, Kerala, India: (a) mean
LOS velocity, (b) mean EW velocity, and (c) mean vertical up–down velocity. EW = east–west; LOS = line of sight.


The spatial-distribution pattern and
classification of average LOS velocity
and its EW and vertical components
are shown in Figure 4a, 4b, and 4c, re-
spectively. The majority of the points
of the EW velocity component show
landslide movement toward the west
(negative EW velocity)—that is, from
high altitude to low altitude, which
supports the study. Similar results
for the vertical component of LOS
velocity show landslide movement
in the downward direction (negative
values). The time-series LOS displace-
ment was calculated simultaneously
for each MP in the study region. The
time series of LOS displacement at the
central location (time-series dot in
Figure 4 and LS2 image in Figure 5)
of the landslide in Pettimudi village
is shown in Figure 6. The trend line
of LOS displacement clearly depicts
the movement of the landslide away
from the satellite—that is, toward the
downpour in the study area at the Figure 5. Field photographs of landslide locations (locations LS1, LS2, LS3, and LS4
time of the landslide event. This type in Figure 4).
of time-series trend pattern can possi-
bly be used to assess critical landslide
situations in an area and establish an early-warning mecha-
nism, which could help with timely migration of the public
and necessary preparation for disaster management.
It is important to mention that the inclusive potential of
Sentinel-1 satellites has not been used here, because all the
SAR acquisitions in the study region come from the Sentinel-
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1A satellite, in descending passes only. However, it is quite
feasible to continuously monitor ground deformation at a
On: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:09:42
Copyright: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
local scale from spaceborne SAR images along with carrying
out historical investigations. The accuracy of time-series mea-
surement can be further enhanced by increasing the temporal
resolution of SAR acquisition and combining processing of SAR
acquisitions in descending and ascending passes. Figure 6. Time-series LOS displacement at the Pettimudi
Pettimudi village lies in the southern WGR and is prone to landslide location (the red curve represents the trend). LOS
shallow landslides. The steep scarps in the study area consist = line of sight.
of frictional soil with marginal cohesion and remain more
stable in a dry environment, trailing their shear strength in include less opportunity to monitor north–south displace-
wet conditions (Mishra et al. 2018). The high intensity of ment, because the movement of the landslide occurred along
precipitation in the region contributes to rock weathering and the azimuth direction of the satellite; the requirement of a
increases the pore water pressure in the soils, resulting in fast large number of image scenes and more data-processing time;
declines in soil shear strength. The region also underwent and technical limitations such as the accessibility of required
rapid infrastructural development without lateral support, hardware and software and expertise in data interpretation.
and with increased migrated population from the midland
to the hilly estate, resulting in landslides due to substantial
changes in land use. Conclusion and Recommendation
The PSI technique facilitates and is in good agreement The devastating 2020 Pettimudi landslide was a unique event
with the Pettimudi landslide for mapping displacement and that took several human lives and damaged infrastructure and
velocity in long time series and understanding the instability properties. It is the responsibility of researchers and gov-
of terrain. More accurate results with a well-defined trend can ernment departments to come out with a suitable, efficient,
be obtained with a large number of SAR satellite images from and effective technique for monitoring landslide events to
ascending and descending passes and with high temporal diminish their harmful effects in the future. Freely available
resolution. Moreover, specific landslides with extraordinary spaceborne SAR data sets of Sentinel-1 sensors, and free and
vulnerability over smaller areas can be analyzed exclusively, open-source SAR processing software tools like ESA-SNAP,
StaMPS, and the StaMPS visualizer, along with the advanced
as the reduced size of the SAR image would significantly
PSI technique, eased our research. Traditional techniques of
reduce the PSI processing time. This research investigated
the landslide at Pettimudi village using PSI processing. The measuring land surface, such as terrestrial leveling, photo-
results were validated quantitatively using field pictures ob- grammetry, laser scanning, and microgravity, have been easily
tained from authentic sources, where the occurrence of land- replaced with contemporary SAR remote sensing techniques.
slides is suitably matched with MPs of high velocity compared These are comparable with traditional methods in terms of
to their surrounding pixels. A few limitations of the study accuracy in measuring surface displacement in the horizontal
and vertical directions, as well as having advantages such as


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